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HandOnLabs_Portlet_Simple Login Portlet App with MySQL_v1.

RAI Dept, FPT Software HCM

Hands-On Lab
Lab Manual
Build a simple Login Portlet App with MySQL.

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HandOnLabs_Portlet_Simple Login Portlet App with MySQL_v1.1

RAI Dept, FPT Software HCM

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HandOnLabs_Portlet_Simple Login Portlet App with MySQL_v1.1

RAI Dept, FPT Software HCM

Build a simple Login Portlet App with MySQL...............................................................................................i
LAB: BUILDING A SIMPLE LOGIN PORTLET APP WITH MYSQL...................................................................5
Lab Objectives...............................................................................................................................................5
Exercise 1 Create a simple portlet application SimpleLoginPortlet...............................................................6
1. Create a new Dynamic Web Project............................................................................................................6
1. In the next dialog, click Next button.............................................................................................................6
2. In this dialog, let modify the value of Context root: change from SimpleLoginPortlet to portletdriver/dt.
4. Create new portlet object: SimpleLoginPortlet.............................................................................................8
3. Input information for SimpleLoginPortlet portlet as following:.......................................................................8
6. Modify the JSPs..........................................................................................................................................9
Open the SimpleLoginPortlet\WebContent\WEB-INF\jsp\SimpleLoginPortlet_view.jsp file. You can use the
hot key Ctrl + Shift + R to open one file/resource quickly.................................................................................9
4. Refresh and then, run the project..............................................................................................................10
Exercise 2 Implement coding for SimpleLoginPortlet project......................................................................12
1. Create database query..............................................................................................................................12
In MySQL, create new database with name is simplelogin and run the script as following:...........................12
2. Import the necessary libraries into SimpleLoginPortlet project...................................................................12
There are two libraries needed to import, they are:.......................................................................................12
log4j-1.2.15.jar: this is used for log4j............................................................................................................12
mysql-connector-java-5.1.8-bin.jar: this is MySQL driver..............................................................................12
standard.jar: this is used for JSTL................................................................................................................12
jstl.jar: this is used for JSTL..........................................................................................................................12
Download these *.jar file and copy them to \WEB-INF\lib folder of SimpleLoginPortlet project, then refresh
project again.................................................................................................................................................12
Add these libraries into the classpath of project............................................................................................13
Right click on project name, choose Build Path/Configure Build Path...........................................................13
3. Create *.properties files............................................................................................................................14
Create db.properties file:.............................................................................................................................14
Right click on project name, choose New/File and input as following figure:.................................................14
The content of db.properties file:.................................................................................................................14
Create log4j.properties file:...........................................................................................................................14
Get the log4j.properties standard file from rai-server and copy it to the same location with db.properties file.
Search this line ...........................................................................................................................................14
and changed to............................................................................................................................................14
4. Create utility class(s).................................................................................................................................15
Create Connection class as following:..........................................................................................................15
Create a new class with name Constants to contain all project constants and the content of this class as
following (until now):......................................................................................................................................16
And now the getConnection() method is changed as following:....................................................................17
5. Create DTO class(s)..................................................................................................................................17
Create new class as following:.....................................................................................................................17
6. Create DAO class(s).................................................................................................................................19
Create new class as following:.....................................................................................................................19


HandOnLabs_Portlet_Simple Login Portlet App with MySQL_v1.1

RAI Dept, FPT Software HCM

7. Create BLO class(s)..................................................................................................................................21

Create new class as following:.....................................................................................................................21
8. Create form/bean class(s).........................................................................................................................23
Create new class as following:.....................................................................................................................23
9. Modify the JSP page.................................................................................................................................25
10. Modify SimpleLoginPortlet class.............................................................................................................26
Add new properties as following:..................................................................................................................26
Modify processAction() method as following:................................................................................................26
Now, add these new constants to Constants class:......................................................................................26
Modify doView() method as following:..........................................................................................................27
11. Deploy and run SimpleLoginPortlet project..............................................................................................27
Build entire project: right click on project name, choose Refresh, then choose Project menu/Clean submenu.
Export to *.war file and deploy again into uPortal (you dont need to publish a new channel, the changes in
new *.war file will be updated automatically into the created channel)...........................................................28
Start server and browse to SimpleLoginPortlet in uPortal.............................................................................28
12. View log file.............................................................................................................................................28
Log file SimpleLoginPortlet.log is located at ${UPORTAL_TOMCAT_HOME}\ SimpleLoginPortlet.log..........28
Exercise 3 Implement a simple validation for SimpleLoginPortlet...............................................................29
1. With a web application, there is two way to validate the input data............................................................29
Validate at client-side: using Javascript, now a good choice is jQuery..........................................................29
Validate at server-side: execute validation at server-side.............................................................................29
This lab will execute follow the second way, validate at server-side..............................................................29
2. Modify SimpleLoginForm class to validate the input data...........................................................................29
For validation at server-side, we can put the validation code at any place, but, for clearly and exactly (about
meaning), we will implement validation in bean/form class............................................................................29
Add the validate() method with the content as following:...............................................................................29
3. Modify a little in doView() method of SimpleLoginPortlet class...................................................................29
4. Deploy again into uPortal and rerun..........................................................................................................30


Lab: Building a simple Login Portlet App with MySQL

Estimated time to complete this lab: 45 minutes.
Lab Objective s
This lab will guide you to building a simple login application using:

Portlet .

3-layers model.

Log4j library to tracking your projects flow.


Using *.properties file in Java with Properties object and ResourceBundle object.

Log4j: http://www.vipan.com/htdocs/log4jhelp.html

Exercise 1 Create a simple portlet application

1. Create a new Dynamic Web Project.

Goining to menu File > New > Dynamic Web Project . Input the values as following

1. In the next dialog, click Next button.

2. In this dialog, let modify the value of Context root : change from SimpleLoginPortlet to
portletdriver/dt .

Click on Finish button. The structure of the project is:

4. Create new portlet object: SimpleLoginPortlet .

Going menu New > Other , select node Porlet\Java Porlet .

Click on Next button.

3. Input information for SimpleLoginPortlet portlet as following:

Click on Finish button. The structure of the project is:

6. Modify the JSPs.

Open the SimpleLoginPortlet\WebContent\WEB-INF\jsp\SimpleLoginPortlet_view.jsp file.

You can use the hot key Ctrl + Shift + R to open one file/resource quickly.

Modify the content of this file as following:

<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet"%>
<portlet:defineObjects />


4. Refresh and then, run the project.

Righ-click on the project, select Run As > Run on Server .

If no available server exists, you will add a new server to run project.

3. Open the portlet in the browser.

Open the browser with the url: http://localhost:8080/portletdriver/dt

Then, deploy into uPortal, after you deploy it successfully in uPortal 1, browse to it:

How to publish one portlet into uPortal, please refer to HandOnLabs_Portlet_Create Hello Portlet App with
Eclipse_v2.0 lab.

Exercise 2 Implement coding for SimpleLoginPortlet project.

1. Create database query.

In MySQL, create new database with name is simplelogin and run the script as

-- ----------------------------- Table structure for simpleuser

-- ---------------------------DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `simpleuser`;
CREATE TABLE `simpleuser` (
`sname` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`spass` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
-- ----------------------------- Records
-- ---------------------------INSERT INTO `simpleuser` VALUES ('1', 'joanie', 'joanie');
2. Import the necessary libraries into SimpleLoginPortlet project.

There are two libraries needed to import, they are:


log4j-1.2.15.jar : this is used for log4j.

mysql-connector-java-5.1.8-bin.jar : this is MySQL driver.

standard.jar : this is used for JSTL.

jstl.jar : this is used for JSTL.

Download these *.jar file and copy them to \WEB-INF\lib folder of SimpleLoginPortlet
project, then refresh project again.

Add these libraries into the classpath of project.


Right click on project name, choose Build Path/Configure Build Path .

3. Create *.properties files.

Create db.properties file:


Right click on project name, choose New/File and input as following figure:

The content of db.properties file:

### For MySQL

Create log4j.properties file:


Get the log4j.properties standard file from rai-server and copy it to the
same location with db.properties file.

Search this line


and changed to

4. Create utility class(s).

Create Connection class as following:

Content of this class:

package rai.util;
import java.io.InputStream;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.ResourceBundle;
* This class uses to get database connection.
* @author joanie
public class Connection {
* props property.
private static Properties props = new Properties();
* log property.
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Connection");


// load the content of db.properties file.

// first way: read db.properties file as input stream and load into Properties obstatic {
try {
InputStream is = Connection.class
} catch (Exception ex) {
// in case occur exception, log it.
log.error("Load db.properties", ex);

// second way: using ResourceBundle class: fast and easy.
private static ResourceBundle dbResource = ResourceBundle.getBundle("db");
public static java.sql.Connection getConnection() {
// load the driver and establish a connection.
try {
// using resource bundle to get jdbcDriver
String jdbcDriver = dbResource.getString(Constants.JDBD_DRIVER);
String jdbcUrl = dbResource.getString(Constants.JDBD_URL);
// using properties object.
String jdbcUser = props.getProperty(Constants.JDBD_USER);
String jdbcPassword = props.getProperty(Constants.JDBD_PASS);
return (java.sql.Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,
jdbcUser, jdbcPassword);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// in case occur exception, log it.
log.error("getConnection", ex);
return null;

Create a new class with name Constants to contain all project constants and the
content of this class as following (until now):
package rai.util;
* Constants of project.
* @author joanie
public class Constants {
public static String
public static String
public static String
public static String

JDBD_DRIVER = "jdbcDriver";
JDBD_URL = "jdbcUrl";
JDBD_USER = "jdbcUser";
JDBD_PASS = "jdbcPassword";

And now the getConnection() method is changed as following:

public static java.sql.Connection getConnection() {

// load the driver and establish a connection.
try {
String jdbcDriver = props.getProperty(Constants.JDBD_DRIVER);
String jdbcUrl = props.getProperty(Constants.JDBD_URL);
String jdbcUser = props.getProperty(Constants.JDBD_USER);
String jdbcPassword = props.getProperty(Constants.JDBD_PASS);

return (java.sql.Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl,
jdbcUser, jdbcPassword);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// in case occur exception, log it.
log.error("getConnection", ex);
return null;

5. Create DTO class(s).

Create new class as following:

Content of this class:

package rai.dto;
* This object uses to contain the data of 'simpleuser' table.
* @author joanie
public class SimpleUserDTO {
private int id;
private String sname;
private String spass;
* @return the id
public int getId() {
return id;
* @param id the id to set
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
* @return the sname
public String getSname() {
return sname;
* @param sname the sname to set
public void setSname(String sname) {
this.sname = sname;
* @return the spass
public String getSpass() {
return spass;
* @param spass the spass to set
public void setSpass(String spass) {
this.spass = spass;

6. Create DAO class(s).

Create new class as following:

Content of this class:

package rai.dao;


import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import rai.dto.SimpleUserDTO;
import rai.util.Constants;
* DAO class for SimpleLoginPortlet.
* @author joanie
public class SimpleLoginDAO {
* log property.
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("SimpleLoginDAO");
* Get the information of one specify user.
* @param name
* @param pass
* @return
public List<SimpleUserDTO> getUser(String name, String pass) {
SimpleUserDTO dto;
List<SimpleUserDTO> result = new ArrayList<SimpleUserDTO>();
Connection conn = null;
String query = Constants.BLANK_VALUE;
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement pStat = null;
try {

// query command
query = "select * from simpleuser where sname=? and spass=?";
// get connection
conn = rai.util.Connection.getConnection();
// prepare statement
pStat = conn.prepareStatement(query);
pStat.setString(1, name);
pStat.setString(2, pass);
// execute query
rs = pStat.executeQuery();
// get result
while (rs.next()) {
dto = new SimpleUserDTO();
} catch (Exception sqlEx) {
log.error("SimpleLoginDAO.getUser " + sqlEx);
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
log.error("SimpleLoginDAO.getUser " + sqlEx);
return result;

7. Create BLO class(s).

Create new class as following:

Content of this class:

package rai.blo;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import rai.dao.SimpleLoginDAO;
import rai.dto.SimpleUserDTO;
* Process business logic for SimpleLoginPortlet.
* @author joanie
public class SimpleLoginBLO {
* log property.
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("SimpleLoginBLO");
* DAO property.
private SimpleLoginDAO dao = new SimpleLoginDAO();
* Check whether user is valid.
* @param name
* @param pass
* @return
public boolean isValidUser(String name, String pass) {
boolean res = true;
SimpleUserDTO dto = dao.getUser(name, pass);
if (dto == null) {
res = false;

return res;

Now, the structure of src folder like as following:

8. Create form/bean class(s).

Create new class as following:

Content of this class:

package rai.form;
* This object uses to contain the value of JSP form.
* @author joanie
public class SimpleLoginForm {
* txtName property.
private String txtName;
* txtPass property.
private String txtPass;
* @return the txtName
public String getSname() {
return txtName;
* @param txtName the txtName to set
public void setSname(String txtName) {
this.txtName = txtName;
* @return the txtPass
public String getSpass() {
return txtPass;
* @param txtPass the txtPass to set
public void setSpass(String txtPass) {
this.txtPass = txtPass;

Now, the structure of src folder like as following:

9. Modify the JSP page.

Modify the content of SimpleLoginPortlet_view.jsp file as following:

<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet"%>
<portlet:defineObjects />
<script type="text/javascript">
function getForm(namespace, name) {
return document.forms[namespace + name];
function submitForm(namespace, name) {
var frm = getForm(namespace, name);
frm.txtAction.value = "login";
<p style="">${sessionScope.errorMess}</p>
<form name="<portlet:namespace/>loginForm" action="<portlet:actionURL/>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="txtAction" />





<td><input type="text" name="txtName"
value='${sessionScope.name}' /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtPass" /></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="button" value="submit"
onclick="submitForm('<portlet:namespace/>','loginForm')" /></td>

Create new JSP page named Welcome.jsp in jsp folder and the content as following:
<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet"%>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getForm(namespace, name) {
return document.forms[namespace + name];
function submitForm(namespace, name) {
var frm = getForm(namespace, name);
frm.txtAction.value = "back";
<portlet:defineObjects />
<h2>Hello ${sessionScope.name}!</h2>
<br />
<form name="<portlet:namespace/>backForm" action="<portlet:actionURL/>"
<input type="hidden" name="txtAction" />
<input type="button" value="Back"
onclick="submitForm('<portlet:namespace/>', 'backForm')" />

10. Modify SimpleLoginPortlet class.

Add new properties as following:

* SimpleLoginForm.
private SimpleLoginForm form;
* SimpleLoginBLO property.
private SimpleLoginBLO blo;
* firstFlag.
private boolean firstFlag = true;
* action.
private String action = Constants.BLANK_VALUE;
* log property.
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("SimpleLoginPortlet");

Modify processAction() method as following:

public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
firstFlag = false;
form = new SimpleLoginForm();
if (request.getParameter("txtName") != null) {
log.info("processAction.name=" + form.getSname());
if (request.getParameter("txtPass") != null) {
log.info("processAction.pass=" + form.getSpass());
if (request.getParameter("txtAction") != null) {
action = request.getParameter("txtAction").toString();
log.info("processAction.action=" + action);

Now, add these new constants to Constants class:

public static String LOGIN_ACTION = "login";

public static String BACK_ACTION = "back";
public static String LOGIN_VIEW_PATH = "/WEB-INF/jsp/SimpleLoginPortlet_view.jsp";
public static String WELCOME_VIEW_PATH = "/WEB-INF/jsp/Welcome.jsp";

public static String NAME_PORT_SESS_ATT = "name";

public static String PASS_PORT_SESS_ATT = "pass";
public static String ERR_MESS_PORT_SESS_ATT = "errorMess";

Modify doView() method as following:

public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher;

// if user enters this page the first time

if (firstFlag) {
log.debug("doView.firstFlag = true");
dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
dispatcher.include(request, response);
} else {
log.debug("doView.firstFlag = false");
if (action.equals(Constants.LOGIN_ACTION)) {
log.debug("doView.action = login");
blo = new SimpleLoginBLO();
// check whether isValidUser
if (blo.isValidUser(form.getSname(), form.getSpass())) {
// set user name
Constants.NAME_PORT_SESS_ATT, form.getSname(),
dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
dispatcher.include(request, response);
} else {
// show error message in case user info is invalid
"User info is invalid!",
// remove user name if any
dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
dispatcher.include(request, response);
} else if (action.equals(Constants.BACK_ACTION)) {
// remove error message if any
log.debug("doView.action = back");
dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
dispatcher.include(request, response);

11. Deploy and run SimpleLoginPortlet project.

Build entire project: right click on project name, choose Refresh , then choose
Project menu/Clean submenu .

Export to *.war file and deploy again into uPortal (you dont need to publish a new
channel, the changes in new *.war file will be updated automatically into the created

Start server and browse to SimpleLoginPortlet in uPortal .

12. View log file.

Log file SimpleLoginPortlet.log is located at ${UPORTAL_TOMCAT_HOME}\

SimpleLoginPortlet.log .

Exercise 3 Implement a simple validation for SimpleLoginPortlet.

1. With a web application, there is two way to validate the input data.

Validate at client-side: using Javascript, now a good choice is jQuery .

Validate at server-side: execute validation at server-side.

This lab will execute follow the second way, validate at server-side.

2. Modify SimpleLoginForm class to validate the input data.

For validation at server-side, we can put the validation code at any place, but, for clearly
and exactly (about meaning), we will implement validation in bean/form class.

Add the validate() method with the content as following:

* Log property.
private static Logger log=Logger.getLogger("SimpleLoginForm");
* Validate the input data.
* @return
public List<String> validate(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) {
List<String> errorMess = new ArrayList<String>();
// check whether the txtName is blank
if (this.txtName.equals(Constants.BLANK_VALUE)) {
errorMess.add("Please input the Username!");
log.debug("validate.errorMess: Please input the Username!");
} else {
Constants.NAME_PORT_SESS_ATT, this.txtName,
// check whether the txtPass is blank
if (this.txtPass.equals(Constants.BLANK_VALUE)) {
errorMess.add("Please input the Password!");
log.debug("validate.errorMess: Please input the Password!");
// return error message list
return errorMess;

3. Modify a little in doView() method of SimpleLoginPortlet class.

if (action.equals(Constants.LOGIN_ACTION)) {
log.debug("doView.action = login");
// validate the input data
List<String> errorLst = form.validate(request, response);
// in case there is no error
if (errorLst.isEmpty()) {
blo = new SimpleLoginBLO();

dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
dispatcher.include(request, response);
} else {
// show error message in case username is blank
Constants.ERR_MESS_PORT_SESS_ATT, errorLst.get(0),
dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
dispatcher.include(request, response);
} else if (action.equals(Constants.BACK_ACTION)) {

4. Deploy again into uPortal and rerun.

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