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Stuxnet Lab Found In Negev Desert

Posted on June 5, 2012 by Tony Dean Rant On UK!

Object 1

Cyber Warfare Unit 8200 is Israels equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) or GCHQ in Britain; what sets the unit apart from its SIGINT counterparts in the United States and Europe is that it does almost all its research and development in-house; this means that, aside from interpreters and analysts, the unit is home to a huge cadre of engineers, technicians, and programmers; one result is that veterans of Unit 8200 have founded many of Israels successful high-tech start-ups The waves of cyber attacks on Irans nuclear facilities and critical infrastructure the attacks we know of: Stuxnet, Duqu, Flame have drawn attention to the secretive Unit 8200, the cyberwarfare unit within the Israel Defense Force (IDF) Military Intelligence (MI) branch (these cyber-attacks have also drawn attention to the U.S. efforts in this regard). The Israeli military allows no information about Unit 8200 to leak out: it has a base in the Negev desert, and several other installations around the country, but the precise location of these facilities remains secret, as is the identity of the current commander, the units budget, and the precise number of soldiers and officers serving in the unit. No doubt the Iranian security forces are mapping out the co-ordinates for the location. The Israelis are the prime movers on this planet for not only cyberwarfare, but misinformation the Americans believe to be true like the weapons of mass destruction Iraq was supposed to have but was just made up to get a proxy or two, namely the US and the UK (the coalition of the willing) to do the Israelis dirty work for them and invade Iraq without provocation. George W. Bush recklessly went to war dragging Tony Blair with him and murdered so many Iraquis and tortured them after rendition in different locations in the world, including Poland. See George W. Bush War Crimes Verdict Guilty 4,000 coalition soldiers died, 100,000 civilians died and hundreds of thousands made homeless, just on the say so of the Israelis I believe Israel should be declared a pariah state and all diplomatic ties severed with them. Jewish politicians such as David Cameron could be expelled from Britain as could Ed Miliband and several more in the parliament of which at least thirty of them form the Friends of Israel group why not Friends of the British People instead? They owe no allegiance to Britain and its people whatsover, just like David Cameron. There will be such vengeance brought to bear at the next general election in Britain.

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