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Jo hn Hinckley and Neil Bush bo th lived in Lubbo ck, Texas during 19 78 . Neil was in Lubbo ck to wo rk as manager fo r his bro ther Geo rges 19 78 co ngressio nal campaign. Also in Lubbo ck was Jo hn Hinckley, Jr., who lived there since 19 74. Ro ve was also a frequent visito r to Lubbo ck as a campaign strategist fo r the Bush campaign. It was yet ano ther nexus between the Bush Family and o ther nefario us events. After all, Geo rge H. W. Bushs address and pho ne number ("Bush, Geo rge H.W. [Po ppy] 1412 W. Ohio also Zapata Petro leum Midland 4-6 355") were fo und in the address bo o k o f Geo rge de Mo hrenschildt, a Texan and Russian migr with a fascist past in Euro pe who befriended Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald after the future accused assassin o f President Kennedy returned fro m the So viet Unio n. The pro -Nazi Allen Dulles was appo inted by President Jo hnso n to serve o n the Warren Co mmissio n, which ensured the investigatio n o f President Kennedys assassinatio n never went beyo nd the self-described "patsy," Oswald, to include his right-wing friends and asso ciates. And the Nazi thread was also stro ng with bo th Oswald and Hinckley. Oswald had the Arlingto n, Virginia Nazi Party headquarters address o f Geo rge Linco ln Ro ckwell in his address bo o k when he was arrested fo llo wing Kennedys assassinatio n. Hinckley was a member o f the Natio nal So cialist Party o f America, which co ntinued to functio n after Ro ckwells assassinatio n in Arlingto n in 19 6 7. Acco rding to the San Francisco Chro nicle, Hinckley, Jr. had participated in a march ho no ring Ro ckwell. The senio r Hinckley had been invo lved with Wo rld Visio n, a Christian evangelical asso ciatio n invo lved with a number o f co vert U.S. intelligence o peratio ns abro ad. Like the Fello wship, Wo rld Visio n acted as a Tro jan ho rse fo r U.S. intelligence and business interests in So utheast Asia during the Vietnam War and Central America during the illegal U.S. suppo rt fo r the Nicaraguan co ntras. In fact, a number o f Wo rld Visio n o fficials, including two o f its presidents, have been co re members o f the Fello wship. Wo rld Visio n co ntinues to invo lve itself in such ho t spo ts as Iraq and Co ngo . Acco rding to Jeff Sharlets 20 0 3 article in Harpers, Co e admitted to having a clo se relatio nship with Nicaraguan President Anastasio So mo za Debayle, the dictato r the Sandinistas o verthrew in 19 79 . While the senio r Hinckley headed up Wo rld Visio n, o ne o f its yo uthful vo lunteers was Mark David Chapman, also a native o f Texas. He wo uld later assassinated ex-Beatle Jo hn Lenno n o n a New Yo rk City street. Like Jo hn W. Hinckley, Jr., ano ther right-wing wo uld-be assassin and busbo y was Arthur Herman Bremer fro m Milwaukee.

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An ultra-rightist who shaved his head in the Nazi style, Bremer despised Geo rge McGo vern and stalked him during the 19 72 presidential electio n. But McGo vern wo uld no t ultimately be his target. On May 15, 19 72, Bremer, spo rting a "Wallace fo r President" butto n, appro ached Alabama Demo cratic Go verno r and presidential candidate Geo rge C. Wallace at a campaign sto p at a Laurel, Maryland sho pping center. Bremer fired five bullets into Wallace, who was paralyzed fo r the rest o f his life. Wallace, o f co urse, was no t what the new right-wing Republicans wanted to see grab the Demo cratic no minatio n. After all, Republican


Winto n Blo unts senato rial campaign in Alabama against veteran Demo crat Jo hn Sparkman was intended to help wrest co ntro l o f the So uth fro m the Demo cratic Party. It was a campaign that Geo rge W. Bush participated in by making cameo appearances between Christian drug rehab sessio ns in San Diego . Wallace sto o d to derail the Republicans "So uthern Strategy." By sidelining Wallace, Bremer helped pro pel the GOPs new So uthern Strategy. The strategy wo uld be refined in 19 73 by the new chairman o f the Republican Natio nal Co mmittee Geo rge H. W. Bush, -- who wo uld have two yo ung and ruthless assistants to help him Karl Ro ve and Lee Atwater. With the help o f Pat Ro bertso n, Jerry Falwell, Bo b Jo nes, and o ther fundamentalist Christians, the So uth wo uld eventually fall under almo st co mplete co ntro l o f a Republican Party that emphasized into lerance and a de facto return to Jim Cro w laws. Iro nically, Wallace, a fo rmer segregatio nist, wo uld later win back the Go verno rship o f Alabama with a majo rity o f the African-American vo te. The wo rld wo uld no t hear the last o f Ro ckwell and his disciples. His Nazi Party wo uld change its name to the Natio nal So cialist White Peo ples Party and remain in Arlingto n. Eventually, it wo uld change its name to "The Order" and mo ve to the West where it became even mo re vio lent. One fo rmer Ro ckwell assistant, William Pierce, wo uld fo rm the neo -Nazi Natio nal Alliance. Pierce had wo rked with Ro ckwell in Arlingto n in the 19 6 0 s. He later jo ined the Natio nal Yo uth Alliance, headed up by ano ther neo -Nazi, Willis Carto , who also led the Liberty Lo bby. Using the pseudo nym Andrew MacDo nald, Pierce wo uld pen "The Turner Diaries," a neo -Nazi rant that called fo r the o verthro w o f the U.S. go vernment and the exterminatio n o f no n-whites and Jews. Pierce was the inspiratio n behind the fo unding o f the Aryan "Christian Identity" mo vement. One o f Pierces fans was Timo thy McVeigh, fo und guilty o f bo mbing the Murrah Federal Building in Oklaho ma City in 19 9 5, killing 16 8 peo ple, including a number o f children. Acco rding to Jersey City Po lice so urces, when arrested, McVeigh had the business card o f a Jersey City so cial services wo rker in his po ssessio n. Jersey City was a majo r base o f o peratio ns fo r Ramzi Yo usef, who masterminded the 19 9 3 bo mbing o f the Wo rld Trade Center, and Mo hammed Atta and Marwan al Shehhi, who pilo ted two passenger jet liners into the Wo rld Trade Center o n September 11, 20 0 1. This wo uld no t be the o nly co nnectio n between right-wing Nazis and radical Islamists. The Fello wship and Do ug Co e reached o ut to the mo st radical elements in the Islamic wo rld, including members o f the Saudi ro yal elite who bankro lled Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda fo llo wers. Acco rding to the Lo s Angeles Times, as early as 19 79 , Co e had a special relatio nship with th e Saudis when he arranged a meeting between a Pentago n o fficial and the Saudi Minister o f Co mmerce. In 19 8 8 , Saudi ambassado r to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Saud, read passages fro m the Ko ran at the Natio nal Prayer Breakfast. This was at a time the Afghan mujaheddin was co ming under the radical influences o f Saudi Wahhabis thro ugh the "go o d o ffices" o f Osama bin Laden and o ther radicals. Co e and his Cedars members also kept in clo se to uch with such Muslim leaders as Pres idents Suharto and Megawati Sukarnaputri o f Indo nesia, General Pervez Musharraf o f Pakistan, Hamid Karzai o f Afghanistan, Mo hammed Siad Barre o f So malia (who o ffered Co e that he wo uld co nvert to Christianity fro m Islam if he co uld be assured o f U.S. weapo ns sales to co mbat aggressio n fro m So viet-armed Ethio pia), Kuwaiti o fficials, and even Saddam Hussein. At the same time, Co e heaped praise o n the "co venants" Bin Laden, as well as Hitler, established with their respective fo llo wers. In 19 9 0 , just prio r to Geo rge H. W. Bush launch o f Desert Sto rm against Iraq in respo nse to Saddams invasio n o f Kuwait, Fello wship co re member Senato r David Durenberger (R-MN) led a Fello wship delegatio n to Baghdad. That same year, the Senate Ethics Co mmittee o rdered Durenberger to pay o ver $124,0 0 0 in restitutio n fo r shady bo o k and real estate deals. Such ethical lapses were the rule rather than the exceptio n with many po litician members o f the Fello wship. Part II

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T HINK! The Cedars o f Arlingto n

In 19 76 , the Fello wship began lo o king fo r a permanent headquarters in Arlingto n. It set its sights o n the estate o f Geo rge Maso n IV, The Cedars, lo cated at 230 1 No rth Uhle Street. Maso n was o ne o f the drafters o f the Bill o f Rights. The Fello wship, also kno wn as the Internatio nal Fo undatio n, bo ught the pro perty fro m Charles Piluso . Altho ugh no t much is kno wn abo ut Piluso , the Lo s Angeles Times repo rted that Ho ward Hughes, the man with who m Fello wship Senato r Ralph Owen Brewster o nce sparred, also lived there. Acco rding to a senio r Pentago n o fficial, the Cedars had been used as a CIA safe ho use prio r to the Fello wships purchase o f the estate. The Fello wship paid $1.5 millio n fo r the Cedars, the mo ney co ming fro m To m Phillips, the CEO o f


purchase o f the estate. The Fello wship paid $1.5 millio n fo r the Cedars, the mo ney co ming fro m To m Phillips, the CEO o f Raytheo n, and Ken Olsen, the CEO o f Digital Equipment Co rpo ratio n. Sanfo rd McDo nnell o f McDo nnell Do uglas Co rpo ratio n was ano ther deep-po cketed suppo rter o f the Fello wship thro ugh Full Go spel Business Mens Fello wship Internatio nal, an activity linked to Fello wship co re member Pat Ro bertso n. Acco rding to the Lo s Angeles Times, o ther wealthy co ntributo rs to the Fello wship and its adjunct Internatio nal Fo undatio n include Republican do no r Michael Timmis, a co nservative Catho lic Detro it lawyer who replaced Co lso n as chairman o f Priso n Fello wship Internatio nal (Co lso n remained as Chairman Emeritus) and who also served o n the bo ard o f the Pro mise Keepers, ano ther evangelical gro up; Jero me A. Lewis, the Denver-based o ilman who is chairman o f Petro -Lewis, o ne o f the largest o il and natural gas partnership firms in the wo rld; and Maryland o ilman Paul N. Temple. The Fello wship has also received suppo rt fro m the Eli Lilly and Pew Fo undatio ns, co ntributo rs to a number o f right-wing causes. At Priso n Fello wship Ministries, Timmis was assisted by Mark Early, the fo rmer GOP Atto rney General o f Virginia and unsuccessful gubernato rial candidate against Mark Warner in 20 0 1. Priso n Fello wship Ministries was financially suppo rted by the Arthur S. DeMo ss Fo undatio n, headquartered in West Palm Beach, Flo rida. The fo undatio n is run by DeMo sss wido w Nancy Leigh DeMo ss. DeMo ss fo unded the Natio nal Liberty Life Insurance Co mpany. The insurance co mpany emplo yed Art Linkletter as a spo kesman and a member o f its bo ard. Linkletter is as well kno wn fo r his right-wing po litics as his childrens televisio n sho w. Ano ther clo se friend o f DeMo ss was Ro y Ro gers. The DeMo ss Fo undatio n is anti-gay, anti-abo rtio n, and favo rs clo se links between church and state. Arthur dro pped dead o f a heart attack at age 53 while playing tennis at his ritzy Main Line estate in Bryn Mawr, o utside o f Philadelphia. In additio n to suppo rting Co lso ns gro up, the fo undatio n gives genero usly to the American Center fo r Law and Justice, the legal gro up run by Pat Ro bertso n. DeMo ss also suppo rts the Plymo uth Ro ck Fo undatio n, an extrem e right-wing Christian Reco nstructio nist mo vement that advo cates the impo sitio n o f Biblical law in the United States and the death penalty fo r adulterers, ho mo sexuals, hetero sexual so do mists, no n-Christians, and witches. DeMo sss so n, Mark, a fo rmer emplo yee o f Jerry Falwell, is also a member o f the DeMo ss Bo ard o f Directo rs. It is significant that Sun Myung Mo o n has bailed o ut Falwell's Liberty University o n a number o f o ccasio ns. A daughter o f Arthur DeMo ss, Debo rah DeMo ss-Fo nseca, wo rked fo r ten years fo r Senato r Jesse Helms and was the senato r's liaiso n to a number o f Latin American dictato rs and death squad leaders, including Chilean dictato r General Augusto Pino chet and El Salvado rian pro -Nazi anti-Semitic death squad leader Ro berto D'Aubisso n. Debo rah DeMo ss's husband is retired Ho nduran Co lo nel Hecto r Rene Fo nseca, a o ne-time Ho nduran presidential candidate fo r the right-wing Natio nal Party. The DeMo ss-Fo nsecas, as well as Senato r Orrin Hatch, were amo ng the primary backers o f Ho nduran immigrant Miguel Estrada to be a judge o n the U.S. Co urt o f Appeals fo r the District o f Co lumbia. After Demo crats o n the Senate Judiciary Co mmittee called into questin Estrada's credentials, including debunking the myth that he was fro m a po o r Ho nduran family (in fact, Estrada hailed fro m o ne o f Ho nduras's elite families), the right-wing judicial ho peful withdrew his name fro m no minatio n. In 19 9 1, acco rding to the New Yo rk Times, Fello wship member Mark Hatfield came under a Senate ethics investigatio n and a Federal grand jury pro be after he made $30 0 ,0 0 0 fro m real estate deals since 19 8 1 invo lving the sale and purchase o f pro perties fro m Temple. The investigatio n o f Hatfield fo llo wed years o f repo rts that he had received additio nal largesse fro m the Fello wship in lo ans and o ther favo rs. It sho uld be no ted that Hatfields so n, Mark Hatfield, is currently the Directo r o f Co mmunicatio ns fo r the Department o f Ho meland Security. The Fello wship and its members kno w go o d real estate deals when they see them. Fo r example, the Cedars is no w valued at $4.4 millio n and Arlingto n Co unty received zero in taxes fro m it because it is tax-exempts a "church." A letter fro m the Fello wship Fo undatio ns lawyers, Barman, Radigan, Suiters & Bro wn, to Van Caffo , Zo ning Administrato r fo r Arlingto n Co unty, dated September 9 , 19 76 , requested permissio n to ho use "o vernight guests" at the Fello wships recentlypurchased estate, kno wn as "The Cedars." The letter stated, "no mo re than ten individuals co uld be acco mmo dated at any o ne time." The letter also affirmed, "that no [emphasis in o riginal] perso n no t invo lved in the Fello wship wo uld ever be invited to spend the night at the Ho use." That statement wo uld later pro ve embarrassing to a number o f po liticians who stayed at Fello wship gro up ho mes while insisting they were no t members o f the gro up. The Fello wships atto rneys stressed that "anyo ne staying at the Ho use will have prio r invo lvement with the activities o f

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Fello wship Fo undatio n." The letter co ntinued, "Acco rding to Mr. Co e, these individuals fall into two main catego ries: Tho se who co me to the Washingto n area fo r the so le [emphasis in o riginal] purpo se o f participating in the wo rship activities o f Fello wship Fo undatio n. I understand that yo u have no pro blem with this catego ry. Tho se who co me to the Washingto n area fo r a dual purpo se, o ne o f which is participatio n in the wo rship activities o f Fello wship Fo undatio n. It is this catego ry o f individuals, which apparently gives yo u pause." Fo r Arlingto n Co unty, the mere presence o f yet ano ther right-wing gro up, in additio n to the Nazis who had already given the co unty a black eye in the natio nal media, was mo re than reaso n to be co ncerned. Ho wever, the Fello wships atto rneys, using do uble-speak, co nvinced the Arlingto n autho rities to grant the gro up the necessary permits. The Fello wships atto rneys also made it clear that "the Fo undatio n wo rks quietly but extremely effectively in acco mplishing its singular purpo se." A letter fro m Arlingto n Co untys Department o f Inspectio n Services to Co es atto rneys, dated September 20 , 19 76 , granted the Fello wship use o f the Cedars as a "place o f wo rship." The Fello wship wo uld pro vide mo re than just a place o f wo rship at the Cedars. The estate wo uld beco me the site fo r internatio nal intrigue and charges fro m neighbo rs that tro ubled yo ung peo ple staying at the ho me were being subjected to mind co ntro l. In 19 8 4, the Fello wship achieved a reco rd at its Natio nal Prayer Breakfast. The 34th such gathering attracted representatives fro m o ver 10 0 natio ns. Similar prayer breakfasts were held in o ver 50 0 American cities. Co nservative po liticians were being tapped as never befo re fo r future service to the go als o f the Fello wship and its affiliates. Mo reo ver, the Christian fundamentalists were gaining influence in the media. Pat Ro bertso ns 70 0 Club began the Christian Bro adcasting Netwo rk (CBN), which cleverly co mbined news bro adcasts with religio us pro gramming. In 19 8 3, Mo o n started the Washingto n Times, a paper that was built o n the remains o f the William F. Buckleys defunct Washingto n Evening Star. Ro nald Reagan called the mo ney-lo sing Washingto n Times his favo rite newspaper. It did no t matter that Mo o n was named as a central player in the Ko reagate scandal that ro cked Washingto n po litics fro m 19 76 to 19 78 . Mo o n, an o perative named Bo Hi Pak (who was president o f the Washingto n Times), and the Ko rean Central Intelligence Agency were accused o f bribing po liticians. Fo rds Vice Presidential running mate in 19 76 , Senato r Bo b Do le o f Kansas, was o ne o f tho se who called fo r a full investigatio n o f Mo o n. Ano ther Mo o n asso ciate, Washingto n lo bbyist To ngsun Park, maintained clo se relatio ns with Geo rge H. W. Bush thro ugh Bush's Chief o f Staff, Admiral Daniel Murphy. Murphy and Park pro vided a back channel between Bush and Panamanian dictato r Manuel No riega in the Iranco ntra drug-financed weapo ns-fo r-ho stages scandal. To ngsun Park's name wo uld surface again when he was indicted in April 20 0 5 fo r his ro le in the United Natio ns o il-fo r-fo o d scandal invo lving Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. That scandal linked a number o f Texas o il interests with ties to bo th senio r and junio r Geo rge Bush, as well as Dick Cheney, to Iraq o il embargo pro fiteering. Representative Do nald Fraser (D-MN) launched a Ho use investigatio n o f the Ko rean po litical influence peddler. Frasers co mmittee co ncluded that Mo o n was a central to an "internatio nal netwo rk o f o rganizatio ns engaged in eco no mic and po litical activities" and that Mo o ns o rganizatio n "had systematically vio lated U.S. tax, immigratio n, banking, currency, and Fo reign Agents Registratio n Act laws." The New Yo rk Daily News Lars Erik Nelso n called fo r the Justice Department to investigate the Washingto n Times fo r vio latio n o f the Fo reign Agents Registratio n Act. The Fraser Repo rt also pro ved the co nnectio n between Mo o n and the Ko rean CIA. Fo r his effo rts, Mo o ns pro paganda machine branded Fraser an "agent o f Mo sco w" and began a vicio us character assassinatio n campaign against him. Undaunted, Fraser went o n to beco me Mayo r o f Minneapo lis. But fo r the Christian Right, Mo o ns perso nal attack template wo uld serve as a blueprint fo r future Christian fundamentalist candidates. One reco mmendatio n o f the Fraser Co mmittee went unheeded by the inco ming Reagan administratio n: a White Ho use Task Fo rce to investigate Mo o n and his o peratio ns. Geo rge H. W. Bushs hat trick with the Iranian ho stage takers ensured that Mo o n wo uld no t have to wo rry abo ut White Ho use interference. No r did it matter that U.S. co unter-narco tics investigato rs were unco vering evidence that Mo o n supplemented his vario us enterpris es aro und the wo rld with mo ney fro m drugs fro m Latin America and Asia pro ceeds that partially wo und up in the co ffers o f Jerry Falwell. The Fascist thread that Mo o n inherited fro m Buchmans Mo ral Rearmament was evident in o ne o f

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Mo o ns richest suppo rters, Ryo ichi Sasakawa, o ne o f Japans richest businessmen and a self-described "fascist." Acco rding to PBSs Fro ntline, Sasakawa, who met Benito Musso lini in 19 39 and called him the perfect "fascist," was impriso ned by U.S. fo rces after Wo rld War II as a war criminal. In 19 6 7, Sasakawa and Mo o n fo rmed the Japanese chapter o f the right-wing Wo rld Anti Co mmunist League, a right-wing gro up that wo uld help Mo o n gain an entre to Latin American military dictato rs and o ther right-wing gro ups aro und the wo rld. It was the same netwo rk that was used by the Fello wship Fo undatio n and Wo rld Visio n. Mo o n and Sasakawa were also co nnected to the Japanese "Yakuza," the Mafia that co ntro lled gambling and the illegal narco tics market in the co untry. Mo o n's o rganizatio n maintains its affinity fo r fascist po liticians, it backed the presidential canidacy o f French Natio nal Fro nt leader Jean Marie LePen, who is also a favo rite o f the Fello wship. But while he tho ught he had a free pass fro m Reagan and the co nservatives in his administratio n, Mo o n miscalculated the IRS and its enfo rcement o f tax laws. In 19 8 2, Mo o n was co nvicted in a federal co urt fo r inco me tax evasio n. He was sentenced to 13 mo nths impriso nment at the Danbury Federal Co rrectio nal Facility in Co nnecticut. Immediately, Falwell called fo r a presidential pardo n fro m Reagan. The pardo n initiative fo r Mo o n was champio ned by fo rmer Senato r Paul Laxalt (R-NV) and Senato r Orrin Hatch (R-UT). When Fello wship co re member Richard Tho rnburgh, the fo rmer Go verno r o f Pennsylvania, became Atto rney General under Geo rge H. W. Bush, the Fello wship netwo rk no lo nger had to wo rry abo ut running afo ul o f tax laws. Tho rnburgh wo uld later serve o n a co mmittee that investigated CBS ancho r Dan Rather and 6 0 Minutes fo r their use o f Texas Air Natio nal Guard do cuments that po inted to Geo rge W. Bushs absent witho ut leave (AWOL) status in 19 72. The o riginal do cuments had been scanned thus giving them the appearance o f being fo rged. Ho wever, 6 0 Minutes, which had expo sed past go vernment, business, and religio us wro ngdo ing, had been largely neutered and Rather anno unced his retirement. One fo rmer Justice Department Criminal Divisio n atto rney said he was no t surprised to hear that fo rmer Atto rneys General Ed Meese, Tho rnburgh, and Jo hn Ashcro ft were co re members o f the Fello wship. He said they were "the three wo rst Atto rneys General my divisio n ever wo rked fo r." One o ther pro minent Christian reco nstructio nist member o f Reagans cabinet was Interio r Secretary James Watt. He actually o nce to ld a co ngressio nal panel that the enviro nment was no t impo rtant in light o f the imminent return o f Jesus. Under o ath, he to ld a co ngressio nal co mmittee that believed that Jesus wo uld return "after the last tree is felled." At the same time Mo o n was o n his rise, ano ther Christian do minio nist began to put his stamp o n Republican right-wing po licies. His name was Ro usas Jo hn Rushdo o ny, the so n o f Armenian refugees fro m the anti-Armenian Turkish po gro ms o f the early 20 th century. Rushdo o ny ran a Christian Right think tank in Lo s Angeles called the Chalcedo n Fo undatio n. Chalcedo n became the so urce fo r much o f the philo so phical underpinnings o f the Fello wships po litical platfo rm a platfo rm that wo uld pro vide much o f the po litical and religio us pro paganda spread by Pat Ro bertso n and Jerry Falwell o n their respective televisio n pro grams. Ro bertso n had been very much like Geo rge W. Bush in his earlier years. The so n o f Senato r A. Willis Ro bertso n (DVA), Ro bertso n was kno wn as a playbo y with a questio nable military service reco rd during the Ko rean War. But like Geo rge W. Bush, Ro bertso n "fo und Go d." Co nverted by Vereides clo se asso ciate Haro ld Bredesen who spo ke in "to ngues." In a bizarre display, Bredesen repo rtedly o nce spo ke in ancient Arabic to a wealthy Egyptian heiress during a Fello wship meeting. Ro bertso n, in additio n to running his 70 0 Club televisio n pro gram, decided to invest in diamo nd mines in Africa. He became clo se to three o f Africas mo st infamo us despo ts Mo butu Sese Seko and Laurent D. Kabila o f Zaire/Co ngo and Charles Taylo r o f Liberia. It was disco vered that Ro bertso n was using his "Operatio n Blessing" aircraft, no t to pro vide aid to African victims o f famine, war, and disease, but to transpo rt equipment and supplies fo r his vario us diamo nd mining ventures o n the co ntinent. It wo uld no t be the o nly criminal activity engaged in by the Fello wship in Africas affairs. Rushdo o ny became a Presbyterian minister in Califo rnia during the mid-19 40 s, the same time Vereide and Buchman were extending their influence in Washingto n and aro und the wo rld. Rushdo o nys writings attacked the Unitarian religio n and what he co nsidered its co ntrivances, which included the United Natio ns. He was also an early pro po nent o f ho me scho o ling (an impo rtant part o f the Fello wships agenda) and a charter member o f the secretive Co uncil fo r Natio nal Po licy (CNP) a rightwing versio n o f the Co uncil o n Fo reign Relatio ns who se first head was Christian Right leader Tim LaHaye, the o ne-time head o f the Mo o n-funded Co alitio n fo r Religio us Freedo m who se adviso ry bo ard members included such Christian Right luminaries as Do n Wildmo n, the pro -censo rship head o f the American Family Asso ciatio n; Pat Cro uch, the fo under o f the Trinity Bro adcast Netwo rk; and James Kennedy, the televangelist head o f Co ral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fo rt Lauderdale, Flo rida.

Ano ther impo rtant CNP member was Baptist deaco n and fo rmer Senato r Jesse Helms (R-NC), who also champio ned rightwing fascist Latin American leaders favo red and suppo rted by the Fello wship. These included El Salvado rean death squad leaders Ro berto dAubisso n and General Carlo s Eugenio s Vides Casano va (no w living in So uth Flo rida under the pro tectio n o f Jeb Bush and the right-wing Cuban co mmunity), El Salvado rs right-wing President Alfredo Cristiani (in 19 9 0 , President Geo rge H. W. Bush repo rtedly held a special prayer with Cristiani and death squad leader dAubisso n in a side ro o m at the Natio nal Prayer Breakfast with Co e o fficiating), Ho nduran evangelical Christian death squad leader General Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, Chilean dictato r General Augusto Pino chet, Brazilian dictato r Artur da Co sta e Silva, Guatemalan dictato r and evangelist Efrain Rio s Mo ntt (in 20 0 4, Mo ntts daughter, Guatemalan Senato r Zury Rio s So sa married Fello wship adherent Representative Jerry Weller (R-IL)), Guatemalas evangelist President Jo rge Serrano Elias (his Geo rge W. Bush-like quo te upo n electio n in 19 9 1: "We have wo n the electio n with the suppo rt o f the peo ple and Go d. I have no co mmitment to any po litical po wer base; my o nly co mmitment is to Go d, to who m I've co mmitted myself to go vern the best I can`. . ."); and Nicaraguan dictato r Anastasio So mo za (also o ne o f Co es friends). The Fello wship had been o n very go o d terms with Panamanian dictato r and drug runner Manuel No riega who the first Bush o usted in a 19 8 9 military invasio n. Other CNP initiatives included suppo rting apartheid in So uth Africa (Jerry Falwell called So uth Africas Anglican Archbisho p Desmo nd Tutu a "pho ny" and Pat Ro bertso ns 70 0 Club pro vided a co nvenient pro paganda o utlet fo r So uth Africas apartheid regime) and o ppo sing Co razo n Aquino s attempt to depo se Philippine dictato r Ferdinand Marco s. The lo o ted go ld bullio n and gems fro m the depo sed Philippine dictato rs co ffers and o ther ill-go tten fo reign funds wo uld eventually be used to fatten the o ff-sho re Bush bank acco unts and co rpo rate artifices with vario us Bush family cartel co rpo rate co de names Five Star Co mpanies, Tri Star, Aegis, Lo ne Star Co mpanies, Pho enix Gro up, Winsto n Partners, Co smo s Co rpo ratio n, Hamilto n Trust, InterFirst Bank, Euro pean Pacific Gro up, Tepper Aviatio n, Mo ngo o se Enterprises, Equity Trust, So uthern Cro ss Aviatio n, Interfax Go ld Co rpo ratio n, etc.) and serve as the so urce fo r the mo ney used in the future to "fix" electio ns in favo r o f Geo rge W. Bush and his po litical allies. Rushdo o ny develo ped his o wn netwo rk o f right-wing fundamentalist Christians, including Oklaho ma State Representative Bill Graves, an ardent Christian do minio nist, and Jo hn Whitehead, the directo r o f the Rutherfo rd Institute, the right-wing o utfit funded by Rushdo o ny that pro pelled Paula Jo nes to natio nal stardo m as Bill Clinto ns chief accuser and invo lved itself in the 20 0 0 Flo rida electio n reco unt fiasco o n behalf o f Geo rge W. Bush. Rushdo o nys so n-in-law, Gary No rth, is a very active Christian do minio nist in right-wing po litics and the pro po nent o f "Christian eco no mics," which is based o n the Austrian (Fredrich vo n Hayek) o r Mo unt Pelerin So ciety scho o ls o f eco no mics. The precepts o f this eco no mic scho o l are based o n Fascist eco no mic theo ries o f the 19 20 s and 30 s. The umbrella o rganizatio n fo r Rushdo o ny and No rths activities was the William Vo lker Fund, which also funded the co nservative Ho o ver Institutio n. No rth also fo unded the Aaro n Burr So ciety. The gro ups emblem has a drawing o f Burr sho o ting Alexander Hamilto n in their infamo us duel. The emblem bears the mo tto : "No t so o n eno ugh," referring to the no tio n that Hamilto ns assassinatio n sho uld have o ccurred much so o ner. The Fello wship also made inro ads within the U.S. military, particularly the o fficers ranks. Thro ugh an entity kno wn as the Officers Chris tian Fello wship (OCF), the Fello wship tapped o fficers in all the services and future o fficers in the service academies to beco me "ambassado rs fo r Christ in unifo rm." The mo tto o f the OCF is "Pray, Disco ver, Obey." The Christian Military Fello wship served as the OCFs co unterpart amo ng the enlisted ranks. Adjunct Fello wship o rganizatio ns targeted fo reign o fficers and enlisted men, particularly in Great Britain and Australia; service spo uses; and service mo thers. The internatio nal military fello wship is kno wn as the Asso ciatio n o f Military Christian Fello wships (AMCF). One perso n clo se to the AMCF is Arthur E. ("Gene") Dewey, a retired Army o fficer who served as Co lin Po wells Assistant Secretary o f State fo r Po pulatio n, Refugees, and Migratio n. Dewey was also a perso nal co nsultant to Do uglas Co e. In his State Department po sitio n, Dewey was an ardent fo e o f internatio nal family planning pro grams, including the denial o f repro ductive health care to refugee wo men. Eventually, the Fello wship wo uld co unt so me o f the militarys to p leaders amo ng its members. They include fo rmer Jo int Chiefs Chairman General David Jo nes, current Jo int Chiefs chairman General Richard Myers, fo rmer Marine Co rps Co mmandant and current NATO co mmander General James L. Jo nes, Iran-co ntra figure Marine Lt. Co l. Oliver No rth, and, perhaps even mo re co ntro versial than No rth, Army Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Bo ykin, the military head o f Defense Secretary Rumsfelds intelligence

branch. In 20 0 3, Bo ykin, in a speech to the First Baptist Church in Dayto na Beach, Flo rida, referred to the United States as a "Christian natio n" and, that in reference to a So mali warlo rd, he stated, " I knew that my Go d was bigger than his. I knew that my Go d was a real Go d and his was an ido l." The reverberatio ns o f Bo ykins co mments were felt aro und the wo rld. But his allies and Fello wship co mpatrio ts, Rumsfeld, Myers, Kansas Representative To dd Tiahrt, and mo st impo rtant, Geo rge W. Bush, refused to co ndemn him. Calls fo r Bo ykins reassignment when unheeded. So o n afterwards, Bo ykins Pentago n intelligence gro up was disco vered to have been invo lved with the to rture and sexual mo lestatio n o f priso ners in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The sexual mo lestatio n o f priso ners included male and female teens being held in Iraq. Also o f no te is the current head executive directo r o f the OCF. He is retired Lt. Gen. Bruce Fister, the fo rmer head o f the U.S. Air Fo rce Special Operatio ns Co mmand. One o f the larger OCF chapters is at Fo rt Leavenwo rth, Kansas, the ho me o f the U.S. militarys disciplinary barracks and a prime recruiting and mento ring center fo r Fello wship members. All so rts o f military members who have been sentenced by co urts martial aro und the wo rld have served their priso n terms at Leavenwo rth. In 19 8 2, a key member o f the OCF began his fo ur-year sentence at hard labo r at Leavenwo rth after he was co nvicted o f o ver 19 co unts o f lewd and lascivio us acts with mino rs, including the dependents o f naval perso nnel under his co mmand. He was Lieutenant Co mmander Larry W. (Bill) Frawley, Jr., U.S. Naval Academy graduate, P-3 Orio n pilo t, and the o ne-time Co mmanding Officer o f the Co o s Head, Orego n Naval Facility, a classified So und Surveillance System (SOSUS) statio n that mainly mo nito red So viet submarines o n missile patro l and maneuvers in the Pacific. Frawley was heavily invo lved in a child po rno graphy ring befo re FBI agents disco vered his name after a majo r bust o f a kiddie po rn kingpin in Chicago . The Operatio ns Officer assigned to Co o s Head was requested by the Naval Investigative Service and the FBI to set up a "sting" against Frawley. Duly swo rn in as a tempo rary special agent o f the FBI, the Operatio ns Officer gained Frawleys trust, gathered incriminating evidence against him, handed it to federal and lo cal law enfo rcement agents fro m Co o s Bay, Orego n; Po rtland, and Seattle, and testified as the go vernments star witness at Frawleys co urt martial at the Navys Sand Po int Base in Seattle. It was later disco vered by NIS and the FBI that Frawley and o ther members o f the OCF used the Christian o rganizatio n as a co ver fo r their child po rno graphy business. And o ne o ther tidbit had been disco vered by the FBI. Frawley had traveled secretly to the So viet Unio n while he held a To p Secret nuclear weapo ns and crypto graphic security clearance. That disco very led to the reassignment o f the Operatio ns Officer, the Po rtland-based and Seattle-based NIS agents, and the Co o s Bay-based FBI agent to relatively insignificant desk jo bs in Washingto n, DC. While he held his co nfidence and trust, Frawley revealed to the Operatio ns Officer that tho se invo lved with his ring included o ther to p-ranking military o fficers, lawyers, and members o f the clergy. Later, the two NIS agents revealed that the Co o s Bay scandal "went to the very to p" o f the Reagan administratio n. Frawleys priso n term at Leavenwo rth was anything but "hard labo r." Navy insiders repo rted that he attended therapy sessio ns. If the sessio ns invo lved the OCF, it is easy to ascertain ho w they o perated. Jeff Sharlets Harpers article pro vides a unique insight into the Fello wships thinking abo ut sex perverts. Sharlet reco unted a discussio n Do uglas Co es so n, David, was having with o ne recruit named Beau at the Ivanwald co mpo und. Co e asked Beau, "Beau, lets say I hear yo u raped three little girls. And no w here yo u are at Ivanwald. What wo uld I think o f yo u, Beau?" Embarrassed, Beau replied, "Pro bably that Im pretty bad!" Co e respo nded, "No , Beau, I wo uldnt. Because Im no t here to judge yo u. Thats no t my jo b. Im here fo r o nly o ne thing." Beaus answer was, "Jesus!" The Fello wship certainly did no t mind when singer Michael Jackso n stayed with his children at the Cedars in Octo ber 20 0 1 when he was in Washingto n fo r a benefit co ncert fo r the 9 11 victims. In a lawsuit filed in 19 9 3, Jackso n was accused o f sexually mo lesting a 13-year-o ld bo y. Acco rding to a September 27, 20 0 2 Lo s Angeles Times article by Lisa Getter, Jackso ns stay at the Cedars was arranged thro ugh David Kuo , Geo rge W. Bushs White Ho use directo r o f the Office o f Faith-based Initiatives. Kuo , a fo rmer CIA emplo yee who co -wro te a bo o k with Ralph Reed, had been Executive Directo r o f the Center fo r Effective Co mpassio n, fo unded in 19 9 5 by Arianna Huffingto n and Marvin Olasky. Olasky is a Jewish co nvert to evangelical Christianity, a m ajo r Christian reco nstructio nist pro po nent, and an ardent suppo rter o f Geo rge W. Bush. Kuo also previo usly wo rked fo r the Christian Co alitio n and Senato r Jo hn Ashcro ft. After the Navys co ver-up o f the Frawley and o ther related criminal cases, the Operatio ns Officer used his Washingto n, DC base to expo se the matter to the public. He received warnings fro m o ther active duty and retired Navy perso nnel that his activities were

"embarrassing" to the Navy and that there wo uld be pro fessio nal and "o ther co nsequences" if he did no t desist. The co ver-up went to the highest echelo ns o f the Navys co mmand structure and included Secretary o f the Navy Jo hn Lehman, the man who se o bfuscatio n abilities wo uld be used to co ver-up the gun turret explo sio n o n bo ard the USS Io wa battleship, the tail ho o k scandal invo lving naval aviato rs, and, ultimately, the 9 11 attacks when he was named as a member o f the 9 11 Co mmissio n by Geo rge W. Bush. In the interest o f full disclo sure, it must be stated that this autho r was the Operatio ns Officer referenced abo ve. A few years after the Navy-OCF child po rn incident, a huge po litical scandal surfaced in Nebraska where it was learned that Lawrence King, the co nvicted head o f Franklin Co mmunity Credit Unio n and a rising African American star in the GOP (he sang the natio nal anthem at Geo rge H. W. Bushs 19 8 8 no minating co nventio n in New Orleans), was a kingpin, alo ng with to p Republicans in Nebraska and Washingto n, DC, in a child pro stitutio n and child po rn scandal. The scandal, investigated by Nebraska State Senato r Lo ran Schmit, his assistant Jo hn DeCamp (a fo rmer GOP State Senato r), State Senate Co mmittee investigato r Gary Carado ri, and fo rmer CIA Directo r William Co lby, reached the very to p echelo ns o f the Geo rge H. W. Bush administratio n and GOP. Child pro stitutes fro m Bo ys To wn and o ther o rphanages in Nebraska as well as children pro cured fro m China were flo wn to Washingto n fo r sexcapades with Republican po liticians. GOP lo bbyist Craig Spence and a number o f GOP o fficials in the administratio n and Co ngress were tagged as invo lved, alo ng with a shado wy gro up called "The Finders." Yo ung male members o f the military in Washingto n were highly so ught after by the pro stitutio n ring. The scandal was also co vered up o n o rders fro m the highest levels o f po wer in the Bush White Ho use. Carado ri and his yo ung so n were killed in a suspicio us plane crash in Illino is in 19 9 0 . Co lby was fo und flo ating in the Chesapeake near his ho me in 19 9 6 . Craig Spence co mmitted suicide in 19 8 9 . He was repo rtedly distressed after his diagno sis with AIDS. Witnesses, many o f who m were, themselves, abused, were intimidated and jailed in Nebraska and the investigatio n o f the child mo lestatio n scandal eventually co llapsed. The entire military aspect o f the King-Spence scandal wo uld be repeated in February 20 0 5, when it was disco vered that a "repo rter" fo r Talo n News Service, an o peratio n funded by the Republican GOPUSA.co m, was using an alias as a "White Ho use repo rter." James D. Guckert, using the name Jeff Ganno n and po ssibly o ther aliases, was also running gay po rn sites that targeted military members. White Ho use Press Secretary Sco tt McClellan said he did no t realize Ganno n was using an alias. Ho wever, rumo rs in the gay co mmunity began circulating abo ut McClellan frequenting gay bars in Austin, Texas. A senio r so urce o n the Washingto n Times edito rial staff (the same paper that bro ke the GOP pedo phile scandal in 19 8 9 ) also linked White Ho use Deputy Chief o f Staff Karl Ro ve to similar gay activities invo lving to p Republican po litical strategists in Washingto n, DC. McClellans father, Barr, had earlier written a bo o k suggesting that President Kennedy was assassinated o n o rders fro m Vice President Lyndo n Jo hnso n, a clever ruse to take the heat o ff o f Geo rge H. W. Bush. McClellans publisher, Hanno ver Ho use in New Yo rk, co unts WalMart as its biggest client. GOPUSA.co m is run by a right-wing Texan and Bush friend named Bo bby Eberle. In 20 0 3, GOPUSA.co m launched a vicio us anti-Semitic attack against internatio nal financier Geo rge So ro s, a leading philanthro pist fo r pro gressive causes and a majo r co ntributo r to the Demo cratic Party. In 20 0 4, "Jeff Ganno n" was a featured speaker at a Capito l Hill bible reading spo nso red by anti- abo rtio n Operatio n Rescue head Reverend Ro b Schenck. In 19 9 5, Schenk was the spo kesman fo r the Fello wship-related American Center fo r Law and Justice, an anti-abo rtio n gro up funded by Pat Ro bertso n. Schenck was also a majo r suppo rter o f fo rmer Alabama Supreme Co urt Justice Ro y Mo o re, who was remo ved fro m o ffice fo r refusing to co mply with a Federal co urt o rder. Ro b Schenck's twin bro ther, Paul, is the chairman o f the fundamentalist gro up Faith and Actio n and the anti-abo rtio n Natio nal Pro -Life Actio n Center. Bo th gro ups have clo se links to the Fello wship members o n Capito l Hill. Ano ther o rganizatio n affiliated with the Fello wship is the Campus Crusade fo r Christ, which, in turn, runs so mething called the Christian Embassy, its o utreach arm in Washingto n. There is also an "Internatio nal Christian Embassy" in Jerusalem that also ho uses the studio s o f Pat Ro bertso ns Christian Bro adcasting Netwo rk. Thro ugh the Campus Crusade, the Fello wship and its affiliates seek co nverts amo ng co llege students in the United States and abro ad. An additio nal Fello wship activity is the Natio nal Student Leadership Pro gram and the asso ciated Navigato rs, which seek co nverts amo ng co llege and high scho o l-aged yo ung peo ple. The Fello wships netwo rk can also reach o ut to o ther evangelicals fo r the purpo se o f po litical marches o n Washingto n. Whether they are called "Jesus Marches," Pro mise Keeper rallies, o r anti-abo rtio n gatherings, the fundamentalists have been able to tap the suppo rt o f Falwell; Richard Ro berts, the so n o f Oklaho ma-based evangelist Oral Ro berts; and Flo rida-based evangelist Benny Hinn. In additio n, the Fello wship has its o wn aggressive "Yo uth Co rps," which is active seeking co nverts, acco rding to Jeff Sharlets Harpers article, in co untries as diverse as Russia, Ukraine, Ro mania, India, Pakistan, Uganda, Nepal,

Bhutan, Ecuado r, Ho nduras, and Peru. The Fello wship seeks to gro o m yo ung leaders fo r future po sitio ns o f leadership in co untries aro und the wo rld. Acco rding to Sharlet, the go al o f the Fello wship is "two hundred natio nal and internatio nal wo rld leaders bo und to gether relatio nally by a mutual lo ve fo r Go d and the family." In Fello wship-speak, the "family" is syno nymo us with the Fello wship. The strategy o f placing Fello wship "mo les" in fo reign go vernments wo uld pay o ff nicely when Geo rge W. Bush and his advisers had to co bble to gether a "Co alitio n o f the Willing" to suppo rt the U.S. invasio n o f Iraq. The Christian Right, having cleverly hidden its Nazi and Fascist past, was o n the march. The mo vement wo uld so o n tap ambitio us co nservative po liticians eager to use its vast reso urces to achieve po litical po wer. Newt Gingrich, Dennis Hastert, Jo hn Ashcro ft, To m DeLay, Dan Quayle --- and, after a co nco rdat with failed 19 8 8 Republican presidential candidate Pat Ro bertso n -- Geo rge H. W. Bush, wo uld all beco me fo llo wers, so me fo r truly religio us reaso ns, but mo st fo r po litical o ppo rtunism. But the biggest prize o f all was yet to be heard fro m. The failed businessman and po litician fro m west Texas, Geo rge W. Bush, was no w a firm believer in the Fello wship agenda. In his fathers 19 8 8 race against Michael Dukakis, the junio r Bush was his fathers liaiso n to the fundamentalist right. Junio r Bush wo uld help channel advice and mo ney fro m the Christian Right to his fathers campaign. In a sign o f things to co me, the Bush campaign savaged Michael Dukakis o ver a co nvicted murderer and priso n paro lee in Massachusetts named Willie Ho rto n, who , after he was released fro m priso n, held a Maryland co uple ho stage, raping the wife and stabbing her husband. The strategy was based o n the Bush campaign no tio n that Dukakis, if elected, wo uld pardo n African American priso ners who wo uld rape white wo men. An attack ad ran o n televisio n by a Republican gro up insinuated that Dukakis wo uld release blacks who wo uld threaten whites. Fo r the junio r Bush and the Christian Right, it was a campaign po sitio n that wo uld pay o ff handso mely in the future when dealing with Jo hn McCain and Jo hn Kerry. One o f the architects o f the 19 8 8 "Willie Ho rto n was Lee Atwater, the clo se asso ciate o f Karl Ro ve. In 19 9 0 , Atwater wo uld mo ve into the Cedars after he disco vered he was dying fro m brain cancer. Co nso lidating Fello wship Po wer As with any "army," in this case a Christian army, the Fello wship lo st no time in establishing bo th physical and po litical bridgeheads in the United States and abro ad. First, the Fello wship ensured that its new fo rtress, "The Cedars," was well pro tected. Thro ugh a variety o f inco rpo rated fo undatio ns, the Fello wship masked its vario us real estate investments thro ugh vario us entities, including the Fello wship Fo undatio n, the Wilberfo rce Fo undatio n, and two used by the Fello wship in the past: Kresage Fo undatio n and Tregaro n Fo undatio n. Kresage, at o ne time, appeared to have links to the Billy Graham Evangelical Asso ciatio n. Tregaro n was used in 19 75 by the Fello wship and President Fo rd to search fo r a purchase a mansio n fo r the Vice President. Fo rd was significantly clo ser to the Fello wship than was his predecesso r, Nixo n. The purchase o f a Vice Presidential mansio n was no lo nger necessary when Vice President Nelso n Ro ckefeller mo ved into the fo rmer mansio n fo r the Chief o f Naval Operatio ns at the Naval Observato ry it has been the ho me o f the Vice President ever since. Acco rding to the minutes o f the District o f Co lumbias Adviso ry Neighbo rho o d Co mmissio n 3-C dated January 26 , 20 0 4, there is 20 acres o f pro perty in No rthwest Washingto n kno wn as the "Tregaro n pro perty." There were plans to sell the pro perty fo r the co nstructio n o f 16 ho uses, a plan that was o ppo sed by the Cleveland Park Citizens Asso ciatio n ("CPCA") and Friends o f Tregaro n that wanted the land preserved as a natio nal histo ric site. It isnear this pro perty that the Klingle Mansio n is lo cated. It is no tewo rthy that reco rds indicate that intern Chandra Levy may have go ne to the mansio n to meet so meo ne befo re she was murdered.

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