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w?"T"r, County Citizens Concerrred Ibout pdp.

s Rt 2 BX 153J ltorJJna, NC 2T563 May 31, 1982 Dear E*itorl 0n l,lay,26, I?Bzr_the lfare_n County Boandof agreed to let thri stat'e bury PCas at the wamen bo*ty sl"tComruissj_gners on the con{Ltton that the etate deed back to the county l2o acres gro sLto. of rarrl Ttrls agreemnt was mederrlthout the-inorLed.ge sumounding county citlzenso They should havo uu"n corrsulted ard consent of warnen l{ot the least tnportant of these reasoruris that for n ,r*uu" of ruagong. tue crCizens $ero paying for the tttlgatlon whlch waa protoctlng them f,rom lendflii tochro.lory kno** to be e:ctr^eme\r dangerouo. The pu:pose of tfarren lggntvls -lLttgatlon against the state was to challenge the constitutionalityit ttr slrt"rs declsiuo to bury pcRs at the site and to challenge the lniterr" ." the *tut*-o,*oe lts riecision. Ao long ag the caae rras Ln lltlgation, "r,rch state the courd not bury pcBs at ths site,' fhereforre, the protectloi of warren couniy on, and still dpgps.on, thl continuation of lttlgation. "ttt"urr" deperrded wtyr thanr dld the r:Boaid of cornrcsuro*r"g tr-ril;e t,he lltigation arril make ths agr"eerent wlth the etate? Ac corrllng to Jack Harr{.s1 chatr"nnan the Boa:rl, of there are five main reEsorxr for the agreespnt. Th s flrst reason menbionedis that tho and en:led up.lrtth nothl.rrg. But this reasonlng eounty nd.ght have lost the appeaS was not on lts uay to deieat. rhe counii-ro"r. re ur;ound bu"**u the county court ruLed agalnst waren county, :.t wluio or, its way to vlctory. Had the have ruLeiirn-r*oor lancfilr technologr kaonn to be of egeir,onati;t crrara"ter.lt"*r"re, 'fthe cour'x T wottld have had to Justll! Lts decision i"int a loglc that is funclamental-\r genocLdalanl rould thus have had to d;l;le the U"S. Constitution ard tbs unltd NatLonrs char*r o115'v"antiil;;. Fence, the continuatton of landf*l technologr deperrded the sn l,er:dnation of warren coundyrs ritigatlon. And tlds is the reall:eason wtry court of Appeals wae rrlthdrerm. !fr" ""yniyis appeal to thei hth U._s.Circuii; -trave rt put ttre court (not to nen*-on FJPA, governmnt a'd lrvtusityi;";;;;;dk nould and a trarrap'ace. ?he second reasonroi in*{."'gi"-iLt in" riliriii wg"I be frsafer,, becauseadditlonar sareg;anrs-ar5 betng lntroduced in the construction the dupo soll sclentls[ ctr"ruu Mu].;ffir;..J-upo*u to these addltlonal of eafeguarrds appearedin rhe w"ip".nr;;;; i1,y'-o3l', D;rb." rg, r9go, p. 2. Hle concLusLonls that even vlth trrese-eidittonal safeguar.6s the sj.te ls not safe for,PCB diqposeL arrclcanrt, b;da safe blr utrflr teehnoloryj IflE reasons for ttrLs corrclusron &ne-;i;rJ stated along rtth the faci, that they have been substantrated. br englneerrng flmr. 3n l;;;iEentcounty gcrvernnentagreed rrlth fturcm;"-i"""rusiaa-anar-"oiruqoent\i The warrrn t'o the responded bv ftu'rre . uoqgluyot"r-"iieLr"t

beuef, tirat t-uu".Ji:.iit*r safoguarrcswotfld not protee6',the'countf is a nattar p"uii" Feconr, Ldmittedlyl the reason f-or. the "t would urakethe rinartrr safer-uut-tnai?lir-wlur.d is not that the additional safeguards "FGot makeii'l"r"r. ltrhat tfris rneansts that becauseof t'be addltionar s3rety-r*ftti*", lt wilr take longer for the dup to leach1 l0nger for lt irnpact, and l0ngor f,or it to F p"*-.-*J**1 transfom warrsn and our nelghbord"g rnto o sroa for hazardous wasteo "oonlres "."rrirce The tldld noason for the agreemsnt le that the l2o acres t,he slte have been d,eeded 9f Land ourroundi.ng O"t [o. tfiu This has f*J-io the fa]-se assumptlon that the county "oo"ty.the Erte non oe-aute to prvenf rrir*ury*arrry regl"onal facl}ltyr '"il1Jack dld rnto a not rnentLonthet ratrthough ilre.,bounty ncnr snns the

to iG ;;r; (seo ,,supplenental "tttcorq'alnt Fll-ed on PCE uattlig Henaerson i*t1y oiJoit"n, Tid.a', Jnn, 9, 198r, P' 2' The warren county Govenrnentts



ln the ilands of the. governor of 120 acres, the control of tlr.i"s larut ls gtill ths state. Ttri.s ls clearly stipu}a.ted tn the dered. Furtherrnore, The Waete ManagementAct and the condemnation procedures overrlde whatever prlerogatlves were granted back to tho county by the deedo The fourth reason for the agreement ras that tha cost of coritinuing the litlgatlon would be expensive. The fact of the mattor !.s, however, that thetdnpth and contt.nulty of Warren Couaty cltlzsnsr economic cornmit*aant to due prucess of lar aa a neans of protection, ant tholr contLnueci desLro to etop the dunp regardless of tho costrls a m&t'tr of puhHc record ard uell" knorm to tbs tlar"?an County Board of Comrnlseiorur$o SLnco tho pnopler pf lferren County were not consultd concernlng ttrls agreenent, thero was no rray for the commlssloners to know whether or not the pubi-ic sentiment, had changed. Therfore, the boar.d acted rrithout regard for the publlc sentLnent. They reprisented therrselves. They dld not repr"esent the people of Warren Countyo The last reason for t he agreement mentioned the nestl rto daral. rrith t ho PCBs along the roadsideso But the comndsslornrs are ln full l:ntmledge of the fact that the landf:lll ls not the solutlon to wasto managrmnt prohLemo, The l"andf:lll is on of those problewo The five raErsona f,or the agreement are unsotund. Thenefore, tho purpose for tho agroenent could not bave beon to protect Warr.en County citT.zanse On lfay 26, L982, the War"ron Count'y Board of Commissiorrcrs n!"olated tho froedon and dlgnlty of Wamen County clttzens by posilg a d:irsct thrset to thelr l:lves yltbout their consento Hcrwsvr, wa must nover forget that 1n urdty therc' ls strtlngth, anl in etrrength . there Ls sur,\rlval. Thsreforpl J.ot us unlto Let us ln a countlarlde rneetdng reaffLrm the freedon and dl.gdty of Warren County cltLzens by voting to contlnuo due process of Lot, W votl"ng to continue Lttigation as a mearrs of ensu:{.ng ths suJrrival of tfarren Countyo tle wiIL not l.ose. E\rery furrianenta-l l*fir of science, eonstituti-onaltty, econordcg, morelity, ani hrrnan decency is in onr favoro Even those who wouLd publlcly oppose us must ln the privacy of thelr hearts r.eJoice because they knor that lt ls irpossLble to eonstnrst a noraL argument for the Landfill rdthout creatlng an ettde whlch would Justif! the destructlon of the state" We n111 unl.tal ue w111 }ltJ"gatnr we.ritl continue to hear the process through, and ne nlll nln. Arrl we wtll dg ttds tn tho splrtt of good cltlrenshl"p. !$e C Ltr. shor the lJamen county Board of'ComrnissiJners ana []ie s[ite what the publl"g sentinent reallgr is. Be at the tlarren County Courthousen Tuesda;r, $une B, L982, a t 8:OO P.M. Ken Femuceio Corunittee Menber Warren Countlr Citizens Concerned About ECBs

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