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Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)

Know How much

caffeine you aretakin

g in with each

cup of tea!

Project Prepare d By:

Ankit Bahugu na XIIA Roll

Number :Lovely Public Sr. Sec.

School (P.D. Vihar)

Determination of Caffeine in Tea

SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)

First of all I would like to

thank my cousin brother

Mr. Neeraj Naithani Research Scholar

Departmen tof Chemistry, IIT Roorkee

for his contributio n in thisstudy. I would also

like to thank my Chemistry Teacher

Ms. Rampal in providing a helping

hand inmaking my project titled

Determina tion Of Caffeine In Tea Samples

.Disclaim ers: The errors idiocies and

inconsisten ciesremain my own.

Ankit Bahugun a
(Name and signature of the student)

Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)

It is hereby certify

that, theorig inal

and genuin e

researc hwork is

carried out to investi

gateab ut the subject

matter and therela

ted data collecti

on and hasbee n

comple ted solely

andsati sfactor ily by

this student regardi

ng the Project titled

Determ ination Of Caffein

e In TeaSa mples

Signat ure

(Subject Teacher)
Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)




Intro ductio n2.

Theor y3.

Uses of

Caffei ne4.

Effect s of

Caffei ne5.

Proce dure6 .

Obser vation s7.

Resul t
Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)

INTROD UCTION Tea is the most

commonl y and widely usedsoft

beverage in the househol d. It acts

as astimula nt for central

nervous system andskelet al

muscles. That is why tea removesf

atigue, tiredness and headache

. It alsoincre ases the capacity

of thinking. It is alsoused

for lowering body temperat

ure. Theprinc ipal constitue

nt of tea, which isrespons ible for

all these propertie s, is thealkalo

idcaffeine. The amount

of caffeine intea leavers

varies from sample to

sample.O riginally it was thought

that caffeine isrespons ible for

the taste and flavour

of tea.But pure caffein

e has been found to be

atastel ess while

substa nce . Therefor

e, thetaste and flavour

of tea is due to some othersub

stance present in it. There is

a littledou bt that the

popularit y of the xanthene sbeverag

es depends on their stimulant

action, although most people

are unaware
Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)

of any stimulati on. The degree to

which anindivid ual is stimulate

d by given amount ofcaffein

e varies from individua l

toindivid ual.For example, some

people boast theirabili ty to

drink several cups of coffee

inevenin g and yet sleep like a long,

on theother hand there are

people who are sosensiti ve to

caffeine that even a single cupof

coffee will cause a response

boarding onthe toxic.The

xanthe ne bevera ges

also create amedical problem.

They are dietary of astimula

nt of the CNS. Often the physicia

nsface the question whether

to deny caffeinecontainin g

beverage s to patients or not.

Infact children are more susceptib

le thanadult s to excitatio

n by xanthene s.For this reason,

tea and coffee should beexclud

ed from their diet. Even

cocoa is of
Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)

doubtful value. It has a high

tannin contentm ay be as high as

50 mg per cup.After all our

main stress is on the presence

of caffeine in

xanthe ne beverage s and so

inthis project we will study

and observe thequanti ty of

caffeine varying in different

samples of tea leaves.

Determination of Caffeine in Tea

SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


The most importan t methylat

ed alkaloidt hat occurs

naturally is caffeine. Itsmolec

ular formula is C




. Its IUPACn ame is

1, 3, 7trimet hylxan thene

andcom mon name is

1methyl atedthi

obromi ne .
Determination of Caffeine in Tea

SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)

Purely it is white, crystallin

e solid in theform of needles.

Its melting point is 123

c. Itis the main active

principle compone nt oftea leaves. It

is present in tea leaves up to3% and

can be extracted by first boiling

thetea leaves with water

which dissolves manygly coside

compoun ds in addition tocaffein

e. The clear solution is then

treatedwi th lead acetate

to precipitat e theglyco

side compoun ds in the form of

leadcom plex. The clear filtrate is

then extracted with extracts

caffeine because it is moresolu

ble in it then water.

Determination of Caffeine in Tea

SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


Uses of

Caffe ine

1. In medicine , it is

used to stimulate ,central nervous

system and to increasef

low of urine.2. Because of its

stimulati ng effects,ca ffeine

has been used to relieve fatigue.B

ut it is dangerou s and one maycolla

pse if not consume s it under

certainli mit.3. Caffeine is also

used in analgesic tablets, as it is

believed to be a painrelie ver. It is

also beneficia l

inmigrai nes.

Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


Effec ts of

Caffe ine

It is psycho stimulant .2.

It improves physical and

mental ability.3. Its effect in

learning is doubtful butintelle

ctual performa nce may improve

where it has been used to reduce

fatigueor boredom. 4.

When administ ered internall

y, itstimulat es heart and

nervous systeman d also acts as

diuretic. On thecontra ry their

excessiv e use is harmfult o

digestion and their long use leads

tomental retardati on.

Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


Proce dure

First of all, 50 grams of

tea leaves were taken as

sample and 150 ml of water

was added to it in a beaker.

Then the beaker was heated

up toextrem e boiling.

The solution was

filtered and leadac etate

was added to the filtrater,l

eading to the formatio n of a

curdybro wn coloured

precipitat e.

We kept on

adding lead acetate till

nomore precipitat e has

been formed.

Again solution

was filtered.

Now the filtrate so

obtained washeate d until it had

become 50 ml.

Then the solution

left was allowed tocool.

After that, 20 ml. of

chlorof orm wasadde d to it.

Soon after, two layers

appeared in thesepara

ting funnel.

Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


We separated the lower layer.

The solution then exposed

toatmosp here in order to allowchl

oroform to get evaporat ed.

The residue left behind

was caffeine.

Then we weighed

it and recorded theobser vations.S

imilar procedur e was performe

d withdiffe rent samples

of tealeaves and quantityo

f caffeine was observed in them

Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


1.Red Label

Tea (Brook e Bond)

Weight of china dish

46.60g ms eight of

china dishwit h precipi

tate 47.20g ms. Amoun

t of caffein e

0.60g ms
2.Yello w

Label Tea (Lipto n)2.Ye

llow Label Tea (Lipto

n)2.Ye llow Label Tea

(Lipto n)2.Ye llow Label

Tea (Lipto n)

Weight of china dish

46.60g ms eight of

china dishwit h precipi

tate 47.15g ms. Amoun

t of caffein e

0.55gm s

Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


3.Gree n Label

Tea (Lipto n)3.Gr een

Label Tea (Lipto n)3.Gr

een Label Tea (Lipto

n)3.Gr een Label Tea

(Lipto n)

Weight of

china dish 46.60g ms.

eight of china dishwit

h precipi tate47. 05gms.

Amoun t of caffein e

0.45g ms.


Quantit y of caffein

e in Red label

tea is 60mg. /sample

of 50 gm. 2.

Quantit y of caffein

e in yellow label

tea is 55mg./ sample

of 50 gm.

Quantit y of caffein

e in green label

tea is 45mg./ sample

of 50 gm.

Determination of Caffeine in Tea SamplesAnkit Bahuguna (XII-A)


Graphica lly

plotting various tea samples

inaccord ance with the amount

of caffeinep resent in them we

present a stunning find: 0.66 0 m g 5 5


Order of quantit ies of

caffein e indiffe rent

sample s of tealea ves

of 16

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29astik hay! what's going on ? reply12 / 22 / 2010

vishal toshiwal thanks...for reading my document........:-).....!! reply06 / 05 / 2010 06 / 04 / 2010This document made it onto the Rising List!
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Determination of Caffeine in Tea Samples

it is a project aimed to find out the caffeine in tea samples of different different Brands Download or Print 9,102 Reads Info and Rating Category: Uncategorized. Rating: Upload Date: 11/26/2009 Copyright: Attribution Non-commercial Tags: This document has no tags. Flag document for inapproriate content

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