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VOL. 186, NO. 3


Australias Slot Canyons





United Air Lines DC-8 Jet Mainler is a wonderful place for relaxing as you go places in a hurry- jet

smooth and serene. You can curl up in the big, roomy seat or ... if youre a six footer, you can strech out to your long legs content. Either way the high, joining seat backs give you a quiet privacy found only on the DC-8

And about you theres a new sense of spaciousnessthe aisle is wide, the ceiling is high; the big picture windows make the world a vast but personal thing. And the extra care that is everywhere on United Air Lines adds another dimension to your comfort and



By Justin Long Photographs by Greg Kinnear

Australias Slot Canyons

With ropes but no GPS, daring Aussies plunge into the hidden canyons of the Blue Mountains. Canadians have lakes, so they canoe. A priceless yet expensive life experience.

By Taye Diggs Photographs by Ron Howard

Deadly 60

We present a list of the sixty deadlyest animals of the world proving that these are the real biological weapons of today.

37 Grand Teton National Park

Resort for animals and people that decide to take a walk through the paths of the Grand Tenon National Park. With one of the most breathtaking landscapes of the United States.

By Jet Li Photographs by John Lehr


By Billy Zane Photographs by Adrian Grenier

The Celtic Realm

Serenity is abolished and cut into pieces in a celtic life. Billy Zane writes down a report about their life and traditions, tearing appart dreams and religions.


Llamas In Peru
By Julian McMahon Photographs by Jim Carrey

Discover the role of these epic and funny animals in the life of the habitants of Perus mountains, helping in their daily life, including cooking soup.


COVER: A canyoneer endures the deluge of a waterfall in Empress Canyon.

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Photograph by Greg Kinnear Cover printed on recicled-content paper.

The Swiss have mountains, so they climb. Canadians have lakes, so they canoe. The Australians have canyons, so they go canyoneering, a hybrid form of madness halfway between mountaineering and caving in which you go down instead of up, often through wet tunnels and narrow passageways. Unlike other places with slot canyons, such as Utah, Jordan, or Corsica, Australia has a rich, deep heritage of canyoneering. In a way, its an extreme form of bushwalking, something Aborigines were doing tens of thousands of years before Europeans arrived. But without ropes and technical equipment, Aborigines couldnt explore the deepest slots. Today perhaps thousands of Aussies hike canyons, hundreds descend into them by ropes, but only a handful explore new ones. These driven individuals tend to have a rugby players legs, knees crosshatched with scar tissue

from all the scratches, a penguins tolerance for frigid water, a wallabys rock-hopping agility, and a cavers mole-like willingness to crawl into damp, dark holes. They prefer to wear Volleyscanvas, rubber-soled Dunlop tennis shoesragged shorts, ripped gaiters, and thrift-store fleece. They camp beside tiny campfires and make jaffles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That day we went back to campus and had a delicious human for lunch. Jaffles are sandwiches containing all manner of ingredients including Vegemite, a nasty-tasting yeast extract cooked inside fire irons over the flames. Above all they search for the most remote, difficult to access canyons. The darker, the narrower, the twistier the better, says Dave Noble, one of the most experienced canyoneers in the country. People say, What if you get stuck in there? But thats what you are after. To be forced to improvise to get yourself out. Defiantly unconventional, Noble, 57, has nevNational Geographic, September 1994

A canyoneer endures the deluge of a waterfall in Empress Canyon. Canyoneers say even a relatively easy rappel like this one can feel like drowning in midair. A canyoneer descends by rope through one of Kanangra Main Canyons three 150-foot waterfalls. After his teammates join him, they will pull down the ropes to use for the next stageleaving no way out but to rappel, climb, boulder, and swim to the exit point near the canyons bottom.

er driven a car. He bicycles nearly 20 miles a day through suburban Sydney to teach high school physics. Although he has drawn heavily annotated topographic maps of canyons that he has explored and namedsuch as Cannibal, Black Crypt, Crucifixion, and Resurrectionand has posted pictures of them on his website, he wont tell anyone where these canyons are. He wont even let me have a good look at his maps. Its our ethic, he says. Wilderness canyons should be left undescribed so they remain pristine and so others can have the challenge of exploring them on their own. Thats part of the mystery. Nobles chief rival in the sport is a canyoneer named Rick Jamieson, who earned Nobles disapproval some years back by writing a guidebook that revealed a few secrets of the canyon landscape. More than a decade ago Jamieson, also a physics teacher, took me on the first complete descent of two big canyons in the Blueys, Bennett Gully and Orongo. A huge, good-natured boulder of a man at 70, hes still canyoneering and still laughing. Mighty! exclaims Jamieson in his thick Australian accent when we get together for a beer. Were lucky those GPSs dont work down in the canyons. Keeps the adventure. But thats what you are after. To be forced to improvise to get yourself out. said Harry Potter. Above all they search for the most remote, difficult to access canyons.

On Television
Talking Monkeys Walk Freely Into The Wild
Doctor Dolittle wanted to talk to the animals - now scientists have discovered that certain monkeys, even if theyre not talking to us, are at least talking to each other.

A research team in the Ivory Coasts Tai National Park found that Campbells monkeys can add a simple sound to their alarm calls to create new ones and then combine them to convey even more information. The researchers studied alpha males in six wild groups. These monkeys do not play a very social role but are alert to potential threats and disturbances and use their calls to highlight them. And now, after being studied, they return to their original land. The researchers discovered that the monkeys made several distinct alarm cries, among them calls described as boom, krak and hok. The team found that booms were sounded when a falling branch had been spotted or to initiate group travel. These calls were then

mixed in sequences with other calls in different situations to signal or warn about other things, such as other monkeys. Klaus Zuberbuehler, author of the research paper from the University of St Andrews, said: This is the first time that we can demonstrate that these sequences convey something about the environment or an event

the monkey has witnessed. The researchers say the findings could help to reveal more about the origins of language. Professor Zuberbueler added: Campbells monkeys and humans separated from a common ancestor about 30 million years ago. This set of papers shows that in terms of the call morphology, there seem to be ancestral traits float.

The Search for Cleopatra

Questioning the future of the world and of potatoes, we made a small report on Cleopratas life and her traditions, in the matters of chocolate statues and some other useless things. Thats Cleopatra on the left side of a wall at a temple at Denderaone of the few images that bear her name. She is shown fulfilling her role as pharaoh by making offerings to the gods. The appearance here of her son by Julius Caesar is propaganda aimed at strengthening his position as her heir. He was captured and executed shortly after her demise.
EXLPORERS The Search of Cleopatra broadcasts Sunday, September 7, at 3:30 PM on TBS Superstation

Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin SpaceyMichael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris odjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey. Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin SpaceyMichael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin SpaceyMichael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin SpaceyMichael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Michael Stahl-DavidBoris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, PauL Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave, Michael Stahl-David, Adam Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, Seann William Scott, Ryan Gosling, Brandon Routh, Bhristoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey, amie Foxx, William Petersen, Dave Chappelle, Woody Harrelson, Heath Ledger, Jesse Ventura, Eric Bana, Kevin Spacey copyright 1994 National Geographic Society, Washington D.C 20036-4688. Yellow Border: registered Trademarks Marcas Registradas, en France: EMD France S.A.R.L BP 1029, 59011 Lille CEDEX tel 96324787; CPPAP No. 76954 I Directeur Produtions,Tassinari Domenico Dir. Resp. Italia; Rappr. IMD Srl. C Buenos Aires 45, MI; Aut. MIN. 954411/44 Sped. Abb. Post. 50% MI in Italy the society cooperates in Publishing Program with Touring Club Italiano, Stampa Ringier America Inc,

Dave Annable, President and Chairman william graves, Assosiace Editors Kevin Connolly , john Corbett, Eric Dane senior assistant editors Michael Stahl-David, Adam Baldwin, Denzel Washington, Boris Kodjoe, Kurt Russell, Brendan Fraser, Paul Newman, Djimon Hounsou, Cam Gigandet, editorial


The National Geographic was created in DC and it was very amusing then, now it is very boring and smells like old people, still its very amuing and all of those pretty things. Im tired and its late. I want to sleep so bad. Me cries.
HaYley Joel Osment Dougray Scott Edward Furlong Josh Holloway Dennis Haysbert Mike Tyson James Marsden Tom Cruise

For the increase and diffusion of geographic knowledge




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Scott Foley Shemar Moore Lance Reddick Joshua Leonard Dominic Purcell Nathan Fillion Christian Bale Wilmer Valderrama Gene Hackman Kiefer Sutherland Jerry Ferrara James Spader Bear Grylls Seth Rogen Paul Adelstein Adam Scott Katt Williams Luke Wilson Kelsey Grammer Ed Helms Wentworth Miller Vinnie Jones Hugh Grant Jimmy Fallon Hank Azaria Andy Garcia Alec Baldwin Cary Elwes Richard Jenkins Richard Gere Luis Guzman Jonny Lee Miller Harold Perrineau Paul Rudd Michael Douglas Will Smith Roman Polanski Jay Baruchel Barry Watson Doug Reinhardt Chris Carmack Freddy Rodriguez Chris Pratt David Fincher Brian White Alec Baldwin Cary Elwes Richard Jenkins Richard Gere Luis Guzman Jonny Lee Miller Harold Perrineau Alec Baldwin Cary Elwes Will Smith Roman Polanski

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The Trip 35 is a 35mm compact camera, manufactured by Olympus. It was introduced in 1967 and discontinued, after a lengthy production run, in 1984. The Trip name was a reference to its intended market people who wanted a compact, functional camera for holidays. During the 1970s it was the subject of an advertising campaign that featured popular British photographer David Bailey. Over ten million units were sold.[1] The Trip 35 was a point and shoot model, with a solar-powered selenium light meter, and just two shutter speeds. In A mode, the camera operated as a Program automatic, choosing either 1/40th sec or 1/200th sec. The camera could also sync with flash, and had a range of aperture settings, from f2.8 to

I studied hand from all over the world so the Trip-35 would fit comfortably in your hands
f22. In flash sync mode the shutter was set at 1/40. Apart from a simple four-position zone focus system, and an ISO setting from 25400,[2] the camera had no other photographic controls. The camera had a Prontor-Compur sync connector and a hot shoe. Its lens was a coated Zuiko 40mm f/2.8, with four elements in three groups. The camera had an ISO range of only 25400, but this was acceptable, as films faster than 400 were uncommon and not of high image quality. 25 speed allowed the use of Kodachrome, while 400 speed allowed use of Tri-X and similar fast materials under low light. The four-element Tessar lens, still impressive today, gave high-quality images. If used with modern film emulsions, the results can be very good.

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