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Nov 21, 2001

Ambassade d‘Australie
4, r Jean Rey
FR-75015 Paris


Cf phone conversation the 13th inst —

The registered letter sent you the 5th inst (cf enc Certificate of Posting) is
evidently stolen by Norwegian police officers — probably with reticent approval
from noisomely depraved senior state officials in, e.g, the Norwegian

In corresponding solicitation one sharply accentuate that Articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,

9, 10, 12, 13, 18 and 19 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
repeatedly, continuously and premeditatedly had been rampageously violated by
Norwegian authorities since — at least — 1992.

Norwegian police has earlier thieved registered mail to, v.g, the American and
French embassies item the Human Rights Committee.

Described interception acutely violates sections 145 and 145a etc in the
Norwegian Penal Code, and does also — very clearly — infringe Articles 24
item 27 (paragraphs 1 and 2, v Article 31 ib) in the Vienna Convention on
Diplomatic Relations (1961), cf Articles 35 (paragraphs 1–2) and 43 ib in the
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963).

The downright corruption and hell-destined iniquity abidingly displayed by

Norwegian magistracy in juxtaposed facts of nearby case, are unparalleled in

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

modern monarchic history of law, and execrable diabolism and gangrenous

ghoulishness interosculates their exceedingly opprobrious criminality.

I enclose a copy of my application for political asylum dated the 5th inst, and
some documents highlighting selected counts vs Norwegian authorities.

Sincerely yours,

Wilhelm Werner Winther

cc: Secretariat of the CPT, FR-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Jul 09, 2001

Amnesty International
99–119 Rosebery Ave
London EC1R 4RE

May 2nd this y the Norwegian King in Council of State was forwarded enc
teletransmissive, ―Hans-Petter Jahre — suspension/dismissal‖ (03 — three —
pp), by registered mail.
Although Norwegian police stole the receipt, corresponding letter is testified
received by the royal house in Oslo (cf certificate of posting and adjacent
signature belonging to the King‘s private secretary — v, respectively,
cotransmissives A & B).

In spite of telephonic reminders/requests the King‘s secretary has — much as

expected — not replied to our communication. The 4th inst the King‘s archivist
et al was told we intended to lodge an appeal to an international court of justice
if an appropriate and written answer not reached us today — a legal compte
rendu to The Human Rights Committee (Geneva, Switzerland) is initiated.

The cotransmissive ―Woe Unto You, Norway‖ was composed Good Friday
(April 13, 2001).

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

May 01, 2001

The King in Council of State

Oslo, Norway


Hans-Petter Jahre, Esq, was appointed accessary Director General of Public
Prosecutions by the King‘s Council on Jan 09th 1998, and has ex officio
recidivistic and arrogantly disgraced his office by extensive and intentional
malversation — particularly in civil proceedings and formal complaint
connections where the suspected party and accused persons were police
employees, senior state officials or, otherwise, public servants.

Mr Jahre‘s absolutely unacceptable irresponsibility and loathsome corruption are

clearly manifested in his letter/decision of the 04th prev m (cf enc‘s A, N, O, P,
R & S) where he — without criminal investigation — drops notifications
encompassing v.g;

 premeditated homicides, attempted murder and complicity to

manslaughter/-slaying (cf enc‘s B, C, D & Q),

 gross vandalism, burglary, illicit search/seizure and aggravated

thefts (cf enc‘s C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, N, O & P),

 comprehensive/systematic corruption, forgery, misdemeanor/felony

and extensive dereliction of duty (cf enc‘s B, C, E, F, G, H, J, K, L,
M, N, O, P, Q, R & S),
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 false accusations, illegal deprivation of liberty and unlawful

detention in custody (cf enc‘s F, G & H),

 torture/molestation, illegitimate monitoring/surveillance,

defamations, assaults and breach of precedents item duty of secrecy
(cf enc‘s B, C, E, F, H, I, L, Q & R).

I refer to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Articles 2,

5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19 and demand Hans-Petter Jahre, Esq,
immediately suspended/dismissed from his present office in accordance with
the Civil Service Act sec‘s 15, 16 and 17 — cf sec 6 ib item the Constitution sec
22 and the Criminal Procedure Act sec 56 etc.

Mr Jahre should, without delay, be subjected to independent criminal

investigation/proceedings and charged/sentenced in agreement with Norwegian

Wilhelm Werner Winther


 A: Administrative decision from the public prosecutor in


 B: information about the police etc,

 C: a small apropos (Feb 19th, ‘01),

 D: another apropos,

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 E: report de jure vs police officials,

 F: formal complaint vs police officials (Feb 01th, ‘01),

 G: notification vs police officials (Feb 07th, ‘01),

 H: complaint vs Sunnmøre police station (Ålesund),

 I: report vs police employees (Oct 15th, ‘01),

 J: formal complaint vs police employees (Feb 05th, ‘01),

 K: notification vs police employees (Jan 26th, ‘01),

 L: illicit monitoring/surveillance,

 M: complaint to the EOS-committee,

 N: appeal to the Director General of Public Prosecutions,

 O: formal complaint vs Ivar Svendsgaard, Esq,

 P: formal complaint vs Jan Hoel, Esq,

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 Q: letter from Kåre Torvholm, Esq,

 R: accessory information,

 S: drop of case, Director General of Public Prosecutions.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

May 11, 2001

WSO-MR/WWW/hrv 01

The Registrar
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex


This communication should be submitted for consideration under Article 34 in
the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
(as amended by Protocol No. 11) asap.

I. Information concerning the author of the Communication

Name: Winther First names: Wilhelm Werner Nationality: Norwegian

Profession: WSO-representative Date/place of birth: May 17th, ‘63, Norway
Present address: Åsen 4, NO-6270 Brattvåg, Norway

All replies to nearby complaint must be sent as registered letters or conveyed by

an authorized courier.

Submitting communication as: Appointed representative and legal counsel of

the victim who is a member of the organization We Shall Overcome (WSO).

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

II. Information concerning the victim

Name: Håndlykken First names: Ole Martin Nationality: Norwegian

Profession: Carpenter Date/place of birth: Feb 09th, ‘64, Norway
Present address: Brusdalsvegen 341, NO-6011 Ålesund, Norway

The victim is presently incarcerated at PST Brøset, NO-7440 Trondheim,

Norway. No crimes has been committed, and Mr Håndlykken constitutes no
danger nor nuisance to anybody.

III. State concerned/articles violated/domestic remedies

Hereby one legally summons the Kingdom of Norway for protracted,

premeditated, numerous and severe violations of Articles 1, 3, 5 (subsec‘s 1 &
4), 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 in the Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

All administrative appeal bodies has been exhausted nationally and Norwegian
authorities, generally, do almost anything to illegally prevent the forthcoming
and actual effectuation of appeals like nearby communication.

Norwegian authorities has hitherto manifested nothing but depraved disrespect

for international declarations and covenants of human rights when independent/
extraterritorial investigators potentially could uncover the heinous corruption
which, especially the 5 last years, have infected increasingly larger parts of the
official functions in the country.

IV. Other international procedures

This matter has been attempted submitted for examination/registration etc under
the Human Rights Committee, Geneva (Switzerland) — cf our certificates of
posting (enc F), but all postal items has vanished and we‘ve been constantly and
illegally counteracted by Norwegian police wiretapping our telephones,
intercepting/stealing telefacsimiles/letters, electronically monitoring the
emission from our PCs, preventing free access to the WWW and AV surveilling
our private residences.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

V. Facts of the claim

Mr Håndlykken has repetitively faced compulsory psychiatric commitments and

coerced I.M. injections with debilitating neurotoxins* (*qe neuroleptics) since
1985. He has, practically nonstop, lamented the multifarious and grave side
effects of the highly undesirable magistral/psychotropic drugs forcedly inserted
to all relevant appeal courts and appellate bodies in Norway, without deserved
approval and emancipation from the chemical strait jacket effectively
suppressing — and gradually annihilating — his deeper and more subtle
emotions and intellectual functions. Håndlykken, Esq, who is fundamentally
religious, particularly regret that the long-lasting iatrogenic maltreatment and
extensive nosocomial etc abuse of chronically noxious substances qualitatively
enfeeble his spiritual contemplation, biblical delectation en règle, and overall
comprehension — especially of complex tropological paragraphs and the hol-
istic application of noologically demanding parables configurationally.

Voluntary and rather copious intake of parasympatholytic (anticholinergic)

medicaments has proven approximately useless, and has evidently only
aggravated the victims somatopsychic misery. Mr Håndlykken rightfully
perceive described chemopsychiatric assault as an orthomolecular abomination,
a pharmaceutical disaster and as regular torture acutely infringing, v.g., Articles
3, 5 and 8 in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms. The psychiatric drug most frequently thrust on
Håndlykken, Esq, ―Cisordinol Depot‖ — ―Zuclopenthixoli decanoas‖ (qe
―Clopixol‖ — ―zuclopenthixol décanoate‖), mainly — chemoreceptoric —
affect the dopaminergic receptors D1 and D2 and thus — like other
thioxanthènes (which has many chemical and pharmacologic similarities to the
―phenothiazines‖) — lack intrinsic and plausible biochemical/pharmacodynamic
usw affinity to the basilar etiology epistemic partaken, nominally and actually,
by mental disorders like, e.g., psychoses. Do also take a further look at the
composition of the neuroleptic ―Navane‖ (―thiothixene hydrochloride‖), a
thioxanthene derivative: N,N-dimethyl-9-[3-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-
propylidene]thioxanthene-2-sulfonamide. From this, thinking about the
molecular structure, we‘ll understand that the ―thioxanthenes‖ differ from, v.g,
―phenothiazines‖ by the replacement of nitrogen in the central ring with a
carbon-linked side chain fixed in space in a rigid structural configuration —
spero meliora!

Among adverse reactions connected to psychiatric abuse of Cisordinol one but

mention: Tardive dyskinesia (irreversible), Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
(NMS), tachycardia, hypotension, syncope, EKG changes, drowsiness,
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

restlessness, agitation, insomnia, hyperreflexia, cerebral edema, cerebrospinal

fluid abnormalities, (pseudo-)parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonia, elevations of
serum transaminase and alkaline phosphatase, leukopenia, leucocytosis,
agranulocytosis, eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia,
pancytopenia, rash, pruritus, urticaria, photosensitivity, anaphylaxis, exfoliative
dermatitis, xerostomia, blurred vision, nasal congestion, constipation, increased
sweating, salivation, impotence, miosis, mydriasis, adynamic ileus,
hyperpyrexia, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased appetite/weight,
weakness, fatigue, polydipsia, peripheral edema, CNS depression, torticollis,
tremor, dysphagia, muscular twitching, disturbance of gait, oculogyric crisis,
frigidity, urinary retention, amenorrhea, gynecomastia, galactorrhea,
hyperprolactinemia, coma and sudden death (often from cardiac arrest or

It‘s also, indeed, factually and immanently irrelevant whether Mr Håndlykken‘s

theocentric dissent, soteriological confusion and doxological inclination have a
psychopathological origin and foundation, as long as he satisfactorily care for
himself, is law-abiding and not evolve menacing or unacceptable burdening
manners. Cf Articles 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14 in the Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
The victims religious preoccupation is the only and real cause for the
unilaterally nocent contact with the psychiatric establishment forced on him by
arrogant, ochlocratic and dianoetically wanting officials here in Norway. WSO
utterly condemn national and strictly personal conduct suppressing the freedom
of thought, conscience and religion in above depicted way.

Mr Håndlykken has severely suffered both physically, mentally and

socioeconomically through his involuntary tangency with psychiatric institutions
and feebleminded physicians, and it‘s beyond doubt that his iatric tribulation and
madhouse confinements etc, dreadfully violates Articles 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,
13 and 14 in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms.
Speaking about compulsory commitments generally and psychiatric
imprisonments dictated by political motives distinctively, Norway has placed
itself in an optimally unfavorable and most revealing position in Europe, and
WSO need international assistance to efficiently battle governmental/official

The efforts Norwegian authorities, especially the police, has taken to sabotage
the origination and fulfillment of this compte rendu and similar documents,
unequivocally offend the provisions in Articles 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 in the
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

I very strongly, on behalf of Norway, regret that our homeland has turned into
a police state wilfully and opportunistically desecrating all international
covenants and universal declarations of human rights, and I underscore that a
correct and accommodating trial of the case at hand would be a valuable
support for us striving to restore a — nowadays — juridically putrefying


Ole Martin Håndlykken, Esq, should permanently and readily be exempted from
any compulsory contact with the psychiatric apparatus in Norway and elsewhere
and appropriate, criminal investigation and proceedings against Norway, be
initiated asap. Disciplinary penalty and precautionary measures must be imposed

VII. Accessory information and remarks

The author of this communication, WSO-representative Wilhelm Werner

Winther, did, Oct 25th previous year, dispatch an application for political asylum
to the American, French, Russian and British embassies in Norway (Oslo),
England (London) and elsewhere — in perfect concordance with Article 14 in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In corresponding solicitation one
sharply accentuate that Articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18 and 19 in
mentioned declaration repeatedly, continuously and premeditatedly had been
rampageously violated by Norwegian authorities since — at least — 1992.

Everybody investigating Norwegian authorities should be aware the ―cobweb-

optics‖ now widely abused by their police. The cobweb-optic represents
technology hitherto, presumptively, unknown to other countries, and is a most
efficient medium for visual surveillance of apartments/offices &c.
Abhorrently misusing described spy-tech, highly perverted police employees
has, absolutely unlawfully, tried to copy the content in the report close at hand,
and the Norwegian government et al will, probably, be informed hereupon by
chartered rascals....possibly wearing blue or blackish uniforms with flamboyant
distinctions! —
The Norwegian government and, particularly, the Ministry of Justice and the
Police, has through an appalling lack of sound discernment, dishonesty ex
officio and moral decay, put themselves in a devastating catch-22 situation
where they — consequently — must deny the sombre truth to avoid global and
extraordinarily sweltering disgrace. I have many times and in a plain language,
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

warned leading officials in Norway about this nefarious state of affairs, but the
authorities in my fatherland have hitherto exhibited nothing but arrogant
contempt and dishonorable vindictiveness when rebuked and legally prosecuted
for their inauspicious criminality.

Wilhelm Werner Winther


 A: Appeal to the Norwegian Board of Health (ie Statens

Helsetilsyn) of July 20th, 2000 (02 — two — pp),

 B: first application to the Norwegian Board of Health of Oct

12th, 2000 (01 — one — p),

 C: reply from the Norwegian Board of Health (Statens

Helsetilsyn) of Nov 7th, 2000 (01 — one — p),

 D: administrative decision from the county physician

(Fylkeslegen) in Møre og Romsdal of July 14th, 2000 (02 — two
— pp),

 E: first application to the county physician in Møre og Romsdal

of Jan 11th, 2001 (01 — one — p),

 F: certificates of posting (01 — one — p),

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 G: communication to the Human Rights Committee, Geneva (06

— six — pp),

 H: formal complaint vs police officials of Feb 01th, 2001 (02 —

two — pp),

 I: another copy of nearby writ of summons (06 — six — pp).

PS: The European Court of Human Rights should feel completely free to obtain
additional background information etc — if desirable and necessary.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Feb 05, 2001

PO box 632
NO-6501 Kristiansund N

Att: Mr. Ivar Svendsgaard


On Oct 25th previous year I teletransmitted an application for political asylum to
the American, French, Russian and British embassies in Norway and England
which — horribile dictu — were, absolutely illegally, electronically intercepted
and read by Norwegian police employees wiretapping my telephone.

Described crime acutely violates sections 145 and 145 a. in the Norwegian Penal
Code, and I herby demand the police officials guilty, legally prosecuted and

Mentioned interception does also, very clearly, infringe Articles 24 item 27

(paragraphs 1 and 2, v Article 31 ib) in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations (1961) — cf Articles 35 (paragraphs 1–2) and 43 ib in the Vienna
Convention on Consular Relations (1963).

Nearby report might be reviewed and adjudicated etc by the International

Court of Justice (The Hague, Netherlands).

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Stortorvet 2


Ivar Svendsgaard, 6520 Frei, er leder for SEFO i Møre/Romsdal/Sogn/Fjordane
og virker som herredsdommer ved Nordmøre herredsrett, Kristiansund.

En har i dag hatt telefonisk kontakt med hr Svendsgaard og Jan Hoel,

Statsadvokatene i Møre/Romsdal/Sogn/Fjordane, som begge nekter å utlevere
gjenpart av SEFOs beslutning om å henlegge en anmeldelse hvor politi-
/lensmannsansatte begjæres etterforsket/siktet/tiltalt/straffet for bl.a skadeverk,
innbrudd, illegal husinkvisisjon og grovt tyveri av mer enn kr 2000.
Ifølge et skriv fra Jan Hoel datert 19. fm (cf kotransmissiv), har SEFO i
Møre/Romsdal/Sogn/Fjordane henlagt anmeldelsen ―....idet det ikke er påviselig
grunn til å etterforske....osv‖. Hr Svendsgaard var i likhet med Hoel, Esq,
erklært inhabil i korresponderende sak, kfr strpl § 60 2.–4. pt (v dl § 106 pkt 1
og 6, jf § 108 ib) item fvl § 6 bokstav a samt 2. t.o.m. 4. pt. ——

Man viser til FNs Internasjonale Konvensjon om Sivile og Politiske

Rettigheter, spesielt Artikkel 14 1.–2. pt, og understreker at Norge ingenlunde
er tjent med notorisk korrupsjon av det slaget Ivar Svendsgaard og Jan Hoel
konsekvent forfekter. Et land som ønsker å kalle seg en ―rettsstat‖ må vise vilje
og evne til å straffeforfølge mv øvrighetspersoner oa når disse gjør seg skyldig i
alvorlig kriminalitet.

En begjærer hermed Ivar Svendsgaard siktet/tiltalt/straffet for fortsettlig

pliktforsømmelse og korrupsjon knyttet til ovennevnte henleggelse, jf strpl §
223 3. pt (jf § 55 pkt 1 ib), tjml §§ 14 og 15, strl ikrl § 10, strl §§ 12, 62, 63,
110, 118, 120, 123, 124, 125, 324 og 325 pkt 1–2.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

05. mars 2001

Wilhelm Werner Winther


 Anmeldelse av Jan Hoel og sistnevntes henleggelse (02 — to — s).

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

v/ Ivar Svendsgaard


Den 02. aug a.p påklaget undertegnede oppførselen til ―visse ansatte‖ ved
Sunnmøre politikammer (Ålesund politistasjon), Ålesund, til Justis- og
politidept, og begjæring om å sikte/tiltale/straffe de skyldige ble samme dato
sendt Statsadvokatene i Møre/Romsdal/Sogn/Fjordane (SEFO har tidl mottatt
gjenpart av korresponderende dokumenter).

Etter avtale oppsøkte undertegnede 10. aug a.p Lensmannen i Ørskog, hvor
Helge Abelvik mottok en anmeldelse rettet, spesielt, imot Ove Finnes ved
Haram lensmannskontor, Brattvåg. SEFO har erkjent at anmeldelsen er

Den 12. aug a.p — mens undertegnede er i Sula kommune — tar politi-
/lensmannsansatte seg inn i Åsen 4, Brattvåg, med falsk nøkkel, og saboterer et
stort avløpsrør i husets kjelleretasje. Påfølgende vannlekkasje mv ble utbedret av
rørlegger tre dager senere, og forsikringsselskapet Gjensidige underrettes etc.

De skyldige i innbruddet/sabotasjen/skadeverket bes siktet/tiltalt/straffet — jf

strl §§ 40, 62, 147* (*innbrudd ―forøvet i Hensigt at bane Adgang til nogen
anden Forbrydelse‖, kfr 3. pt) og 292 (skjerpende; hevnakt), samt tjml §§ 15
item 16 oa.

05. feb 2001

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Statsadvokatene i Møre og Romsdal/

Sogn og Fjordane,

Den 11. ds vasket Sigmund Martin Ekrem (f 110748), 6270 Brattvåg, klær i sin
privatbolig — bl.a to dongeribukser han etterpå hengte til tørk utenfor huset sitt.
Dagen etter, om formiddagen, oppdaget hr Ekrem at buksene hans —
sannsynligvis i løpet av natten — var påført større mengder gul maling/lakk
(øyensynlig med sprayflaske). Ekrem lot de nå ødelagte buksene henge på
klessnoren, og dro straks til Ørskog og Ålesund. Samme ettermiddag når han
returnerte til bopel, konstaterte han at buksene var stjålet og at uvedkommende
hadde brutt seg inn i hjemmet hans.

Beskrevne skadeverk/tyveri/innbrudd etc er begått av politi-/lensmannsansatte,

og en begjærer avhørt alle som 12. ds betjente det tekniske person-
/boligovervåkingsutstyret mv til politi-/lensmannsetaten i Brattvåg (Haram).

De skyldige bes siktet/tiltalt/straffet, jf strl §§ 62, 147, 227, 257 (393), 291
(391), 325 pkt 1, 2 og 3, item tjml §§ 15 og 16 mv.

15. okt, 2000

Wilhelm Werner Winther Sigmund M Ekrem

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Justis- og politidept


Forløpne halvår har undertegnede via tallrike skriftlige og muntlige
henvendelser til jurist Olav Aarø, Sunnmøre politikammer (SUPO), med
hjemmel i strpl § 213 mv begjært tilbakelevert materiell — primært
dokumenter/dagbøker — beslaglagt under en ulovlig husundersøkelse i Åsen 4,
Brattvåg, 04. nov 1996.

Hver gang man purrer bedyrer hr Aarø at beslaget snarest skal utleveres, idet
han fremholder at etterforsker Frode Asbjørnsen (SUPO) ansporet av personlig
fiendskap til ansøker konsekvent saboterer effektueringen.
Etter samråd med konstituert lensmann Jens Vidar Bjørkedal, Haram
lensmannskontor (Brattvåg), ble SUPOs politimester, Arne S Karoliussen, 19.
fm underrettet om beskrevne situasjon og gitt 14 — fjorten — d frist til å påse at
eiendelene mine ble returnert. Som ventet har ikke politikammeret etterkommet
den tidsbegrensede anmodningen.

Adressant og representanter for denne har politianmeldt Karoliussen, Aarø og

Asbjørnsen én eller flere ganger tidligere, men utstrakt kameraderi og en defekt
SEFO-ordning har hittil umuliggjort effektiv rettsforfølgelse av den notoriske
depravasjonen ved SUPO. Politiinspektør Yngve Skovly (SUPO) som signerte
korresponderende husinkvisisjonsordre, ble anmeldt første gang 17. aug ‘96 —
jf fvl kap II om inhabilitet, Grl § 102 item strl § 116 om ulovlig ransaking.

Klagers persekusjon av SUPO-ansatte de jure — cf strpl § 223 — omfatter for

øvrig forhold som vg; falsk anklage/forklaring, ulovlig frihetsberøvelse,
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

legemsfornærmelse, tortur/legemsbeskadigelse, innbrudd, skadeverk,

dokumentfalsk, brudd på taushetsplikt, korrupsjon, ærekrenkelser, illegal
telefon-/brevkontroll (for å unndra seg straffeforfølgning) og en lang rekke nøye
tilsiktede tjenesteforseelser.

En understreker at politiets vedvarende pliktforsømmelse i ovennevnte

beslagsak er forsettlig og tilskyndet av uverdige hevnmotiver. Vi snakker om en
tjenesteforseelse som rammes av strl §§ 324–325, og det foreligger ulikeartet
idealkonkurrens — kfr tjml §§ 14–15, strl § 29 og politil § 2, pkt 2, 3 og 7.

02. aug ‘00

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Høyesteretts kjæremålsutvalg


I forbindelse med at Sak nr 97-731 M : Sunnmøre Herredsrett (dom av 04. okt

1997) item Sak 97-00972 M : Frostating Lagmannsrett (dom av 19. mai 1998)
mv snarlig begjæres gjenopptatt av undertegnede, ber en om gjenpart av
adressats avgjørelse i saken (h.r.adv. Tor Erling Staff, Oslo, anket på vegne av
sin klient, Roy Christer Forsberg, lagmannsrettens dom til Høyesterett —
kjæremålsutvalgets beslutning er datert 06. aug 1998), jf offvl § 2 og tvml § 409.

Gjenopptagelsesbegjæringen fremmes i eget prosesskrift, cf tvml §§ 409–410.

Vilkårene for gjenopptagelse etter tvml §§ 405 og 407 er rikelig tilstede, og en
vil dokumentere at begjæringen er rettidig fremsatt, kfr tvml § 408 siste pt.
Man har forståelse for at Høyesteretts kjæremålsutvalg på grunnlag av
disponible saksdokumenter ikke har avdekket defekter.

En fremholder at adressant har partsrettighet som siktet i korresponderende

drapssak, idet han ble pågrepet og varetektsfengslet (Sunnmøre politikammer,
Ålesund, 23. des 1996) i anl. etterforskningen. I direkte tilknytning til anføre sak
ble det også gjennomført husundersøkelse med påfølgende beslag i hans private
bopel 04. nov 1996 (se vedl), cfr strpl § 82.

Avsender var for øvrig forlovet med den myrdede kvinnen, Elin Dalsegg.

22. aug ‘00

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Wilhelm Werner Winther


 Klage til Justis- og politidept av 02. ds (01 — én — s),

 anmeldelse til Statsadvokatene i Møre og Romsdal, Sogn og Fjordane
av 02 d.m (01 — én — s).

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

SEFO Vår ref: WSO-MR/WWW 01

v/ Ivar Svendsgaard


Under telefonsamtale med undertegnede av dd fremsatte Ole Martin

Håndlykken (f 090264), Ålesund, begjæring om at følgende forhold SEFO-

Hr Håndlykken forklarer at han sent om ettermiddagen 21. des a.p satt fredelig i
hytten sin i Brusdalsvegen 341, Ålesund, da to uniformerte polititjenestemenn
fra Ålesund politistasjon uten å banke på ytterdøren trengte seg inn for å pågripe
ham. Håndlykken, Esq, oppfattet den barduse og urimelige situasjonen som
truende, og forteller at han gjorde litt fysisk motstand da politimennene
korporlig angrep ham. Tjenestemennene påsatte Håndlykken håndjern dorsalt,
immobiliserte benene hans vha strips for så å sammenbinde øvre/nedre
ekstremiteter. Liggende i denne pinefulle og forsvarsløse kroppsstillingen, ble hr
Håndlykken de neste 45–60 minuttene sammenhengende påført grov og ytterst
smertefull stump vold av, særlig, den eldste av politimennene. Håndlykken
fremholder at en flittig nyttet albuer og knær for å tilføye ham optimale lidelser
samtidig som ansiktet hans brutalt ble presset ned mot underlaget — noe som
resulterte i at han flere ganger var nær ved å kveles.
Etter ovennevnte tortursekvens, ble Håndlykken lempet inn i en bil og kjørt til
Sentralsykehuset, Åse, hvor man påtvinger ham en injeksjon med, muligens,
Stesolid. Deretter blir Håndlykken atter påført håndjern dorsalt — han kastes inn
i en bil hvor en straks sammenknytter hender og føtter med strips, slik at han
igjen befinner seg i samme smertefulle legemsposisjon som ovenfor beskrevet.
Håndlykken blir liggende i skildrede kondisjon i 2 ½ time — konstant med store
smerter, mens torturistene tar seg frem til Psykiatrisk storavdeling, Hjelset, hvor
offeret interneres.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

De prektige representantene for politivesenet kjører nå tilbake til hr

Håndlykkens bolig i Brusdalen — gjennomfører en illegal husinkvisisjon og
stjeler kr 10 000 fra et skap i hytten som de, for øvrig, hadde passet på å la stå
ulåst/usikret da de forlot den tidligere på dagen. Håndlykken, Esq, kunne ved
selvsyn konstatere at pengene hans var stjålet da han var innom hytten sin 23.
des a.p —

Hr Håndlykken forsikrer om at han meget lett vil gjenkjenne politimennene

skyldig i ovenskisserte kriminalitet, og han beskriver kort den eldste av
gjerningsmennene slik: ca 45 år gammel, mustasje, mørk, 182–185 cm høy og
90–100 kg tung.

SEFO bes avhøre bl.a Ole Martin Håndlykken snarest (pt innesperret ved PST
Brøset [Post A], 7440 Trondheim).

En understreker at hr Håndlykken er medlem av organisasjonen We Shall

Overcome (WSO). I WSOs vedtekter § 1, pkt 2, heter det — sic: ―WSO skal
hindre overgrep mot og mishandling av psykiatriske klienter både i og utenfor

De alvorlige forbrytelsene en hermed anmelder rammes naturligvis av flere

tunge paragrafer i bl.a straffeloven, men jeg skal — i dette tilfellet — la SEFO
selv få vurdere hvilke juridiske implikasjoner de politiansattes heslige oppførsel
nødvendigvis må avstedkomme.

De to polititjenestemennene skyldig i kriminalitet omtalt i dette tilskrivet

begjæres siktet/tiltalt/straffet herfor.

01. feb 2001

WSO Møre og Romsdal

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Jan 30, 2002

Secretariat of the CPT

Human Rights Building
Council of Europe
FR-67075 Strasbourg Cedex


Sequential records largely consists of translated excerpts from documents
prudently apportioned irrevocably criminal Norwegian authorities desperately
attempting to conceal and destroy bountiful pieces of evidence against
themselves. Therefore consecutive information partially might appear rather
simplified and even — for tactical reasons — intentionally neglectful.

Apr 06, 1998:

An austere complaint to the Norwegian EOS-Committee marshalled by Rikard

Olsvik (NO-6657 Rindal) is composed and sent as registered mail with 39
different enclosures.
In corresponding report of complaint one sharply abjurgate numerous and
particularly nefarious burglaries committed by Norwegian police officers, and
condemn the illegal and most despicable abuse of monitor technology by
Norwegian authorities to terrorize important witnesses and evade international
prosecutions etc.
The unlawful and odious intimidation/surveillance of three scheduled witnesses
— Mr Sigmund M Ekrem (NO-6270 Brattvaag), Miss Nina K Rantapelkonen
(NO-6224 Hundeidvik) and Mr Ørn Dahle (NO-6224 Hundeidvik) — are
distinctly mentioned and denounced in a separate passus where I demand the
guilty part charged/sentenced in agreement with notorious jurisprudence.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Apr 16, 1998:

Phone conversation with Mr Rikard Olsvik, EOS-Committee.

Apr 22, 1998:

Information reach me confirming that a registered letter sent from the state
controlled post office in NO-Brattvaag the 30th previous month, arrived NO-
Lysaker the 16th inst (— normally the letter should reach its addressee the
following day, on Mar 31th)!
The postal matter in question contained a complaint exposing some of the
downright vandalism perpetrated by Norwegian police officers in my private
house (NO-Brattvaag).

Apr 23, 1998:

The private courier bureau ―ILX‖ carries out research proving that they not had
handled certified/registered mail to above mentioned addressee this month, and
becomes puzzled and horrified when they realize that my letter have been
delivered by an impostor pretending to represent ILX. Further investigation
quickly disclosed that the falsification &c had been enacted by Norwegian
police trying to suppress evidence against themselves and add to my actual

May 12, 1998:

Mr Ørn Dahle and his concubine, Miss Nina K Rantapelkonen (cf entry of Apr
6th above), are guests in my private home where they spend the night. During the
visit both laments the execrable and completely unlawful terror imposed on
them by Norwegian police officers. Cf Doc #1536, pp 87–88 etc.

May 13, 1998:

Frostating Court of Appeal commanded by Mr Ivar Oftedahl arranges a put-up

lampoon in NO-Aalesund where they — contrary to Norwegian law and my
legally authorized objections (cf Doc #315 above) — unsuccessfully tried to

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

examine me as a mere witness in a court case disastrously handling the killing of

two persons in Aalesund Oct 31st, 1996.
At this point of time it was perfectly clear that Mr Oftedahl was the motive
power behind much of the the utterly contemptible and explicitly illicit abuse of
technology to espy and roughshod Norwegian citizens in their private living
quarters, and several close links to e.g. the Norwegian Police Security Service
installing and operating corresponding monitor accoutrements was readily
uncovered and affirmed. Fully aware Mr Oftedahl‘s inebriated escapades, his
personal prejudices and false accusations etc against certain societal groups, I
found ungentlemanly to converse the burlesque thespians seated in the depraved
judicature seriously.
The subsequent and to the Hell-doomed panel of judges befittingly dissembling
verdict and final passing of sentence in corresponding lawsuit was — in perfect
concordance with my unpretentious anticipations — an emetic brew of ossuary
rejectamenta, venomous lies, hogwash, sepulchral mayhem and a tremendous
portion pure diabolism seasoned with the cremains of my fiancée who was one
of those dispatched in the correlated and in great part police instigated shooting
(the baseless rancor and denigrating activities of Mr Frode Asbjørnsen, NO-
Sunnmøre Police Headquarters [Aalesund Police Station], was the paramount
trigger-factor rendering possible and finally actuating the murders. Mr
Asbjørnsen found a solid foothold for his lethal subversion in the putrid
foundation scandalously brought into being by district judge Mr Finn Lynghjem
[NO-Aalesund] and his accomplice [lay judge] Mr Karl-Ewerth Horneman [NO-
Trondheim] a few years earlier — the vile troika, in spite of massive protests,
illegally and actively participated in the ―criminal investigation‖ and following
prosecution connected to the homicides they‘d impelled....detrimentally
corrupting and steering the course of the defeasible court case).

Frostating Court of Appeal was thus constituted: Mr Ivar Oftedahl, Mr Jan Terje
Bårseth, Mr Erik Sølberg, Mr Johan Munkhaug, Ms Jorunn Ulstein Fjørtoft,
Miss Theodora Baldvinsdottir and Mr Svein Rune Smådal.
The nauseating corruption paraded by named ―judges‖ and the ―expert witness‖,
Mr Karl-Ewerth Horneman, is very clearly punishable in accordance with the
Norwegian Criminal Code sections 110, 120 and 125 — cf section 62 etc ib.

Jun 18, 1998:

Mr Ørn Dahle, NO-Hundeidvik, consults me telephonically because the

abnormal car activity &c outside their living house is distressing. Mr Dahle was
beforehand warned that the continual and star-crossed bullying carried out by
Norwegian police officers targeted his mental equilibrium — contriving

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

paranoia, criminality and incarceration in a mental institution being their chief


Jun 22, 1998:

Another registered letter sent Mr Rikard Olsvik in the Norwegian EOS-

The long-standing terror Norwegian police has exposed Mr Ørn Dahle to is
about to succeed, and he boots out his concubine, Miss Nina K Rantapelkonen.

Jul 09, 1998:

One more letter sent Amnesty International and an Icelandic professor colleague
— crimes committed by Norwegian police officers and gross injustice on behalf
of the Norwegian government being the main theme.

Jul 21, 1998:

In NO-Oslo — conference with personnel from a friendly embassy and Amnesty


Sep 15, 1998:

Mr Ørn Dahle, NO-Hundeidvik, complains because Norwegian police

ceaselessly provoke and harass him and his concubine Nina. Mr Dahle report
that — shortly after putting on a cotton sweater which had hung on a chair in
their kitchen a few days — he evolved fever, aching muscles, sore throat, skin
eruptions and abnormal suffusion/bleeding. It‘s thoroughly confirmed that
Norwegian police officers repetitively and illegally burglarized Mr Dahle‘s
dwelling house in advance of described incident, and we know that —
particularly the Norwegian Police Security Service — have carried out
experiments using chemicals/substances harmful when drizzled on v.g. garments
and towels.

Sep 22, 1998:

Telephone conversation with Sunnmøre Police Headquarters (NO-Aalesund),

the Supreme Court (NO-Oslo), the Director General of Public Prosecutions
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

(NO-Oslo), the public prosecutor in Møre/Romsdal/Sogn/Fjordane (NO-Molde)

and the district sheriff in Haram (NO-Brattvaag) — arrant, inveterate,
documentational, and painstakingly intentional felony/misdemeanour committed
by Norwegian police officers being complained (cf Doc‘s #115 and #240

Sep 23–30, 1998:

The lawless terrorist activities routinely carried out by Norwegian police officers
in e.g. NO-Brattvaag does increase markedly this week....

Oct 01, 1998:

Rendering the district sheriff in Haram , NO-Brattvaag, a visit. Situation is now

highly critical, and the country cops are warned. Nevertheless; in the evening
and throughout the night Norwegian police officers persevere as regards
formerly indicated intimidations.

Oct 02, 1998:

Additional security measures observed — two basement doors in Aasen 4, NO-

Brattvaag, fortified.

Oct 03, 1998:

Mr Ørn Dahle, NO-Hundeidvik, lose control and put to death his concubine,
Miss Nina K Rantapelkonen (cf Doc #1536, pp 87–88 etc)....
The industrious harassment conducted by Norwegian police employees has
proven a real succès fou — a literally smashing achievement accomplished with
steady support from Norwegian psychiatry completely devastating the victims
brain chemistry, eunoia and orthophrenic commensurability through headless
abuse of neurotoxic morbifica! Heartrending compliments to MD Mr Victor
Grønstad (NO-Eidsnes) and psychol Mr Hans Peter Møller (NO-Molde) — both
cumbersomely responsible for the ―alterative refection‖!

Oct 12, 1998:

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Phone conversation with the French vice-consul, Mr Anders Møller (NO-

Aalesund), who wants to meet me in NO-Brattvaag asap.

Oct 18, 1998:

At 01:10 A.M. intruders from the Norwegian police stealthily approaches my

house in Aasen 4, NO-Brattvaag — one of their aims consists in sabotaging my
Securitas-installed alarm system. Five minutes later the cops realize they‘re
closely watched, and immediately retreat in great haste and
disorder....nonetheless; a less essential part of the burglarproof safety
arrangement is slightly, technically damaged.

Oct 19, 1998:

Chief inspector Mr Kjell Børje Moe (NO-6270 Brattvaag) is handed over a

formal and unmasking complaint vs the district sheriff in NO-Haram County,
Mr Thorleif Marken (NO-Brattvaag).

Oct 19, 1998:

Telefacsimile sent the Norwegian Parliament and Ministry of Justice and the
Police in NO-Oslo — Norwegian statecraft criminality being protested.

Oct 28, 1998:

Two country policemen, Mr Kjell Børje Moe and Mr Ove P Finnes (both NO-
Brattvaag), approach me residentially. The quibbling and lies served being
anticipated, it was a smooth task to repudiate their allegations aimed at
besmirching me and withdrawing public attention from police conducted

Oct 30, 1998:

3 representatives from Sunnmøre Police HQ (NO-Aalesund police station [―the

Pigsty‖]) superintended by Mr Frode Asbjørnsen (cf Doc #240 item entry of
May 13th above) falsely and odiously accuse me in order to arrange my
internment in a psychiatric noxatorium where my juridical rights, freedom of
movement and scrutinizing in point of police perpetrated ignominies could be
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

efficaciously suppressed. The accusations — undersigned by assistant chief of

police, Mr Jogeir Nogva (hence, of course, promoted to the ranch of public
prosecutor [NO-Molde]) — were asininely fabricated and quite easy to prove
conspiratorially treacherous. However; the Iranian council physician, Mr Sharan
Moghaddam (NO-Brattvaag [educated in Göteborg, Sweden]), accompanying
the spiteful rascals exhibited a most charming, helminthoid appetency for
dragging himself along the chitterling ambages of swinish, verminous, hog-wild,
and bootlicking pig in a poke venality....so, indeed; I was forthwith cloistered in
one of the glorified state tophets of Norway — a loony bin and satanic point
d‘appui for governmental beastliness outside NO-Molde.
The corresponding bedlamites malis avibus and the nanonoematic staffers in
particular requires millesimal book pages to be treatised somewhat adequately in
respect of their peculiarities. Though an assuredly thorough description of the
lunatic Pandemonium at NO-Hjelset entirely will dwarf the Dantesque inferno
as regards atrocities, one ought to expose internationally the fulsome
ponerological self-gratification certain Norwegian politicians, police
commissioners and public officers gains from illegitimately boobyhatching and
torturing their morally superiors....so; — we‘ll see if I find enough time to
compose the factual opus depropero before dikephobic indifference with respect
to the alienist wielded hell heretofore betoken possibly sweep ye away drowned
in the demolishing and cataclysmic redcaps of guiltless blood shed and
teleologically enraged by the selfsame leviathan!

Anno 1999:

A detailed listing of events has been included in the unshortened and nonpublic
edition of contiguous docket.

Mar 10–17, 2000:

The Norwegian Prime Minister, Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik (the Christian

Democratic Party), and the Minister of Justice, Mr Odd Einar Dørum (the
Liberal Party), are replaced by respectively Mr Jens Stoltenberg and Ms Hanne
Harlem (both representing the Labour Party).

May 22, 2000:

Phone conversation with Mr Ørn Dahle (cf entries above).

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Jun 16, 2000:

The newspapers ―Dagbladet‖ (NO-Oslo) and ―Sunnmørsposten‖ (NO-Aalesund)

does both publish articles loathed by Norwegian police officers. Corresponding
follow-ups and information about a Norwegian human rights organization sent
various companions.

Jun 17, 2000:

Personal encouragements sent a female physician. The homely epistle —

difficult to comprehend for the police employed and philistine hellcats,
originates dread amongst the uncouth bluecoats who consequently behaves
increasingly aberrantly.
The daily Dagbladet (NO-Oslo) publishes a septempaginal exposé of police
related turpitude in Norway. The reportage, including photos from NO-
Aalesund, maddens the culpable cops additionally....; now — completely losing
their heads — some headless, retaliatory undertaking is inevitable to restore
their ―presence of mind‖ and beguile ancillary the ensuing, national cortège of
headline-mongering and idolizing journalists.

Jun 18, 2000:

Announcing — shortly before midnight the 17th (using a phone eavesdropped by

the police) — that he intended to walk back home pretty soon, Mr Bjarne Eide
(aet 17), NO-Karmøy, ―disappears‖ in the blooming killing time....
Mr Eide‘s relatives are among those rightfully surprised by the negligence and
antagonism exhibited by Norwegian police as regards adequate, criminal
investigation of his extirpating encounter with the pallid, jetty-tabarded ―Mr 14‖

Not particularly strong — rather slender and agile; who do you think able to
approach the noctiperipatetic juvenile without awakening his ―run-away-

Jun 21, 2000:

Letter sent Mr Ørn Dahle.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Aug 02, 2000:

Complaint vs Sunnmøre Police HQ (NO-Aalesund) sent the Ministry of Justice

and the Police, NO-Oslo (cf Doc #240 US).

Aug 06, 2000:

The Interlocutory Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court of Norway

dismisses summarily two appeals germanely concomitant with the
phonylitigation and res injustitia recited US beneath the entry of May 13th, 1998.

Aug 08, 2000:

Missive sent the Supreme Court, NO-Oslo. Ola Thug (Norwegian equivalent of
John Law) escalates his governmentally approved tailgating &c —

Aug 09, 2000:

Visiting a notalgia afflicted but amicable counsellor in NO-Molde.

Aug 10, 2000:

A formal complaint vs police officers burglarizing and plundering my private

estate locus Aasen 4, NO-Brattvaag, in Nov–Dec 1998 (— when I still was held
captive at NO-Hjelset [cf entry of Oct 30th, 1998] —) is recorded by the county
sheriff in NO-Ørskog.

Aug 12, 2000:

My dwelling house in Aasen 4, NO-Brattvaag, is vandalized by Norwegian

police officers — cf Doc #161 above.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Aug 16, 2000:

Campaign to recruit new members to an organization disliked by Norwegian

police because the alliance has brought to light some of the profuse criminality
perpetrated by Norwegian cops and government officials — cf Doc‘s ##123 and
339 US.

Aug 19, 2000:

A letter from the Supreme Court, NO-Oslo, reaches me. The note, dated Aug 17,
is very evasive and signed by Mr Gunnar Bergby, Director (Head of the Office
of the Supreme Court).

Aug 22, 2000:

Missive sent the Interlocutory Appeals Committee of the Supreme Court, NO-
Oslo (cf Doc #315 US).
Mr Jan Farstad, the director of health and social services in NO-Haram County,
phones in order to question me about a couple bulky leaf books delivered at his
office the 18th inst. The moderately sensitive documents, not properly stored,
had popped up astray.
Mr Farstad, normally a well-mannered and agreeable officiary to deal with,
behaved correct during our conversation — though he didn‘t get requested
information in extenso.

Aug 26, 2000:

A few lines from the Supreme Court, NO-Oslo, received. The highly circuitous
reply — dated Aug 25th and undersigned by Mr Gunnar Bergby (cf entry of Aug
19th US) — gives rise to investigatory moves, and interesting facts about the
Court and the societal interaction etc of its judges et al are readily provided. One
of multifarious circumstances disquieting....is the fact that Mr Bergby, the
administrative director of the Supreme Court, has left no regular and archival
traces of our correspondence! Most irregular, a discrete inquiry is launched soon
confirming that none of the actual — and likable (!) — secretaries have seen or
heard uttered a single word about Mr Bergby‘s and my own letters, and they‘re
probably still wondering why....!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Aug 29, 2000:

Brief phone dialogue with a secretary at the Supreme Court, NO-Oslo, stating
that Mr Gunnar Bergby will be away from his office rest of the day.
Ola Thug (cf entry of Aug 08th above) expands his terroristic bustling.

Aug 30, 2000:

Telephone call from the Supreme Court, NO-Oslo — conversation

eavesdropped and recorded by Norwegian police wiretapping my phone number
986 62 841.

Aug 31, 2000:

Here goes!! Mr Sharan Moghaddam (cf entry of Oct 30th, 1998 US) and two
country policemen cracks up — with fictive permission from the deputy sheriff
in NO-Haram County, Mr Ove P Finnes (cf Doc #161 and entry of Oct 28th,
1998, above. Mr Finnes was, moreover, formally notified for dereliction of duty
on Aug 02nd, 1996) — the main entrance to my house in Aasen 4, NO-Brattvaag,
in order to intern me at a lunatic asylum. The all over mendacious accusations
was undersigned — though not fabricated — by Miss Inger Ferstad, jurist at
NO-Aalesund Police Station/Sunnmøre Police HQ (cf Doc‘s ##161, 240 and
339 item entries of May 13/Sep 22/Oct 30, 1998 &c above). All police
principals being utterly disqualified, the forged document signed by Miss
Ferstad was thrown away, and a new impromptu warrant underwritten by Mr
Jan Farstad (cf entry of Aug 22nd US) — several hours after the illegal restraint
and corresponding vandalism (destruction of outer door and windows)! Mr
Moghaddam, completely aware he‘d committed a new crime, did afterwards
whatever possible to suppress facts of the case through black lies and
denigration — Allahu akbar!

Sep 19–21, 2000:

Conference with embassy deputies et al in NO-Oslo. Ola Thug (VS) snoops

unproductively around....

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Sep 22–28, 2000:

Several significant events — Norwegian police officers are surpassing

themselves as regards macabre farcicalities usw.

Sep 29, 2000:

A concise application is written and mailed to an affable embassage in NO-Oslo

— the hunt for political asylum is maintained (cf Doc #123, ―VII. Accessory
information and remarks‖, US).
When walking to the post office in NO-Brattvaag, Ola Thug treads upon my
heels persistently — names, whereabouts and pedigrees appropriate to the
various bird-dogs/rapscallions being plain as the snouts in their despised mugs.
When inside the PO, a vassal from the Norwegian Police Security Service
utilizing a false front-door key worms himself into my dwelling in Aasen 4, NO-
Brattvaag. The middle-aged paterfamilias and ordinary-looking cop —
described by some of his neighbors (in another geographical part of Norway) as
trustworthy, jovial and commonplace ( — though a refined old lady
straightaway characterized him as a murderer and sly pretender), immediately
heads for my refrigerator — showing no attention to observable cash and
documents. The scheming cabinet-jingoist, having killed in misunderstood esprit
de corps before (―qui aime bien châtie bien !‖), adds a lethal dosage poison to a
box liver paste and hastily retreats.
Although the veneno-neco-attempt was rather expected and applied poison
familiar from the very outset of unprovoked hostilities, some of the pâté was
forwarded a forensic laboratory for closer examination &c. A few days later
information reached me ratifying my suspicions; in the decennium 1986–1996
dozens of political murders had been committed in XXXX (cf entry of Oct 30th,
1998, US) through utilization of this deadly agent practically impossible to
detect for the average patho-/toxicologist when shrewdly administered.
Furthermore; the laboratory and cohering institute could right away document
that corresponding poison had been abused by Norwegian police since 1981 —
though they supposed Ola Thug (VS) criminally had misused the substance long
time before that. Mr Moghaddam (cf entry of Oct 30th, 1998 and Aug 31th ha,
US) cooperated closely with the riffraff-filchers (Norwegian police officers ‘ve
exhibited a natural predilection for nocturnally foraging and poaching human
leftovers!) this day — prospectively forging a long-yearned certificate of death
doubtlessly being a mighty, Mephistophelian inspiration!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Oct 09–11, 2000:

Numerous telefacsimiles sent different embassies and organizations &c — the

world ought to know something about official, Norwegian double-dealing and
maliciousness....and I‘m still looking for political asylum somewhere (cf Doc
#4000 etc)!
The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Police has not replied to my
complaint vs Sunnmøre Police HQ of Aug 02nd ha (cf Doc #240, US), so the 09th
an application is submitted.

Oct 12, 2000:

A formal complaint vs police officers burglarizing and plundering my private

estate locus Aasen 4, NO-Brattvaag, on Sep 05th ha (when I, due to their
unmitigatedly perjurious imputations [cf entry of Aug 31th, ha/US], had to spend
some days at a nuthouse) is recorded by the county sheriff in NO-Ørskog (NO-
6240 Sjøholt). Amongst the fuzz-knaves demanded examined as
witnesses/suspects one make note of Mr Frode Asbjørnsen (cf Doc #240 item
entries of May 13th and Oct 30th, 1998, US), Mr Sindre Ryssevik (prime
instigator behind sundry illicit housebreakings, searches, incarcerations,
wiretappings, room buggings and vandalistic deeds etc in NO-Aalesund), Mr
Ingmar Farstad (previously reported for provable, criminal offences), and Mr
Ove Finnes (cf Doc #161 and entries of Oct 28th, 1998, item Aug 31st ha, US).
The vandalism/theft/burglary reported in Doc #214 US, are attributable to the
fact that Mr Sigmund Ekrem, NO-Brattvaag, attended me when lodging the
complaint standing counter — an unlawful retribution segmentally nakedizing
some of the crappy meanspiritedness generally typifying Norwegian police
officers nowadays.

Oct 15, 2000:

Telefacsimiles sent a few persons despised by Norwegian police because

they‘ve legally attacked and publicly reproved cop corruption. Ola Thug is
groaning — discussing alternative, retaliatory and lawless endeavors to get even
with those respecting the globally approved human rights and Norwegian law

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Oct 18, 2000:

Conversation over the telephone with the Norwegian Minister of Justice, Ms

Hanne Harlem (cf entry of Mar 10-17 ha, US), who gave me her fax number.
Telefacsimile transmitted; Ms Harlem receives a total of 17 pages portraying
some of the criminality committed by, mainly, Norwegian police officers. Ms
Harlem was strongly urged to clean up the practically incredible mess willfully
created by extraordinarily irresponsible and imprudent public prosecutors (all
former police employees), district recorders, police officers, judges and
politicians et al. In my letter to Ms Harlem I clearly stated that Mr Ivar Oftedahl
and Mr Frode Asbjørnsen (cf entry of of May 13th, 1998 item 12th inst US/usw)
should be legally investigated, prosecuted and punished.

Oct 19, 2000:

Telephonically transmitted and recorded warnings sent my cellphone number

986 62 841 (cf entry of Aug 30th, ha/US) from source ―8031‖ reading thus
(translated from Norwegian):

01: ―Yes we‘ve warned you.‖

02: ―We‘ve considered taking contact.‖
03: ―Let the light be on if everything is OK.‖
04: ―We have you under surveillance , due to your activity.‖

The messages being received at 10:17 PM, it should be emphasized that

representatives from the Norwegian Police Security Service had behaved highly
menacing this afternoon — attempting to find embrasures and stands fit for
firing their handguns at me. Feigning it all had been a mere ―warning‖ (cf entry
01 US) now tentatively integumenting their deviltry in seemingly concernment
for my well-beeing (cf entry 03. US), aftermath felt crucial for the police ‘cause
— normally accomplishing assassinations successfully and without major
obstacles, they didn‘t mind hiding their mugs well when doing uttermost to
slaughter me....the live cartridges, their behavior and in camera dialogues &c
before/after the attempted murder totally eliminating doubt regarding their
internecine plot.
It might sound somewhat nonchalant, but really; I‘ve stopped counting the
number of actual incidents arranged by Ola Thug (VS) to kill or harm me in
some way or another — although I know for sure I‘m the unawarded and
national champion of a perilous record!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Oct 25, 2000:

Dispatching applications for political asylum to different embassies (cf Doc

#123, ―VII. Accessory information and remarks‖, US).

Oct 26, 2000:

Mr Ivar Oftedahl (cf entry of May 13th, 1998, item Oct 18th ha/US) is compèring
a conference on corruption (!!) and economic criminality taking place in NO-
Oslo (Institute for Criminology, St. Olavs plass). The conference is opened by
— the Minister of Justice, Ms Hanne Harlem (cf entry of Oct 18 ha/US)...!!
Among the persons showing up at the conference I mention: Mr Tor-Aksel
Busch (Director General of Public Prosecutions — cf Doc #115 above), Ms.
Ingelin Killengreen (Director General of Police), Mr Arne Huuse (head of the
National Bureau of Crime Investigation), Mr Per Sefland (chief of the
Norwegian Security Service Police), Mr Anstein Gjengedal (chief of police,
NO-Oslo), Mr Rolf B Wegner (chief of police, NO-Bergen), and Ms Kristin
Krohn Devold (Chairman of the Standing Committee on Justice, the Norwegian
Parliament [from Oct 19th, 2001, Minister of Defence]).

Oct 27–Nov 03, 2000:

Actively working with human rights all week — hundreds of pages

teletransmitted to e.g. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the UN.
Ola Thug is rather busy spying — human rights ―activism‖ is indeed a gruesome
lese majesty!

Nov 07, 2000:

Objection on the ground of disqualification sent the county physician in Møre og

Romsdal, NO-Molde. In the repudiation, principally aimed at Mr Egil Tryggve
Storås (b Sep 23rd, 1943) and Mr Arne Victor Larssen (b Feb 08th, 1938), one
emphasizes that the county physician repetitively has exhibited gross
misjudgement in the course of duty and consequently brought upon the
addresser et al serious and variform mischief, cf the Norwegian Public
Administration Act &c —
Although Mr Storås possess the highest general IQ of those criticized in nearby
documents (comparative Stanford-Binet scores for some of the actual persons
are: Mr Jan Hoel [Doc #147] IQ 141, Mr Ivar Oftedahl [Doc #377] IQ 140, Mr
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Karl-Ewerth Horneman [Doc #377] IQ 127 and Mr Finn Lynghjem [Doc #377]
IQ 127. By March, 2001, no Norwegian police officer was able to score higher
than 143 on referred scale [rarity 1/x, Norwegian population anno 2002: 293],
and the best qualified of the Norwegian Police Security Service agents all scored
around IQ 130 — scores on verbal material being significantly higher than
corresponding results for numerical and visuo-spatial ability), we can dig up the
wormy cadavers of innocent victims of his dianoetic insufficiency all over Møre
og Romsdal County! The flagrant malfeasance brought about by Mr Storås
should nevertheless not be entirely compared with the rotten malversation and
feculent fiendishness intentionally promulgated by and personified through v.g.
implicated Norwegian police officers and the police pill pedlar Mr Karl-Ewerth
Horneman* (*b Dec 29th, 1920 — authorized police collaborator since anno
1962), as Mr Storås perfunctorily enact his decisions bona fides....with
occasionally baneful consequences for his fellow men ——

Amongst the Norwegian physicians grossly abusing their occupation to harm

others mala fide, I‘ll distinctly and in an unilaterally negative sense mention Mr
Arne Ruset (b Jun 18th, 1951) — detested headshrinker at the funny farm
―outside NO-Molde‖* (*i.e.: at NO-6450 Hjelset, cf entry of Oct 30th, 1998,
Of unimposing stature and appearance, Mr Ruset have discovered an almost
perfect playground to show off his psychopathic personality and towering
wickedness through villainously accusing, tormenting and otherwise devastating
the lifes of those fatuously submitted to his ghoulish perverted custody at this
hell-haunted factory of human havocs and agony.
With undivided irreverence as regards the miscellaneous meters and stanzas of
accomplished poetry, Mr Ruset has begotten a number of booklets reading as a
continuous anamnesis clearly unveiling some of his psychopathologic suffering
in a vulgarly ostentatious language feigned to be Pegasean. I‘ve translated a few
lines of his Hippocrene assaults to English — Mr Ruset‘s erroneous inflections,
syntagmatic impreciseness and peculiar anacolutha being segmentally reflected:

SKELETON-POEM 1 (pub 1982)

It‘s difficult to see when the skeleton

is smiling.
But if you‘re watching closely
you can see small motions in the jawbones
and the mouth-structure opening.
The eye sockets doesn‘t change
at all

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

and it‘s that making it so difficult.

The skeleton smiles

both often and enduring
where it stands solitary
in the anatomy auditory
to learn us assist
our fellowmen.

It‘s a case
of using the charm.

SKELETON-POEM 2 (pub 1982)

In the anatomy auditory

I‘m dancing tango
with all the skeletons.

So light your arm feels on my shoulder.

So delicate your knuckles feels in my hand.
So bottomless your eyes are looking at me.
So easy we can tread the dance.

It‘s so gratifying to dance

with somebody not caring.

YOU‘RE NOT SAFE (pub 1982)

You‘re not safe as regards me.

Like a letter I can arrive unopened.

When you least expect me

I‘m there.
Fully written
and with best greetings between my feet.

And when you‘re opening

letters from others
I‘m sitting on first line.
Grinding your teeth.
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Gnawing your nails.

You‘re not safe as regards me

as long as the mailmen keeps up the vanguards.
I‘m sitting in the enormous mailbags
and blowing the twisted horns.
The mail must be forwarded.

So you can feel safe.

A dark evening I‘ll reach you,
I‘m plunging in between your tits
and remains there.


(....) And the art is always good

to go about with, drinking
a brimming toast for it
and the frail rustling from the tinfoil
when the white tablets are pressed out and making me
a great artist.
Drinking and drinking

in the bloodred night, black

is the wine in the glass (....)

IN A WOMB OF MOLD (pub 1993)

(....) I‘ve passed forty

and has never been an able swimmer.
And little by little I‘ve started
looking for a savior, a pilot
through the rapids.
But as I let go the last grasp, fills the lungs, rushing
in the increasing chasing
I feel a silent joy ‘cause I don‘t
when in the watercourse
the crushing fall
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

comes (....)

Strange....when reading ―In a Womb of Mold‖ US I spontaneously recall a

remark by Saint Teresa of Ávila (b Mar 28th, 1515 — d Oct 04th, 1582)....:
―From long experience I have learned that there is nothing like holy water
to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again. They also
flee from the cross, but return; so holy water must have great value.‖

Above document is

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

The Registrar
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe
FR-67075 Strasbourg Cedex


July 26th HA Ole Martin Håndlykken (cf Doc‘s ##123 & 339 US), peacefully
resting in his private maisonette locus Brusdalsvegen 341 : NO-Aalesund, was
arrested by several heavily armed police officers without warning breaking into
mentioned domicile.
Fully aware Mr Håndlykken was unarmed and had no objects otherwise
representing serious danger to them at his disposal, the cops — in all likelihood
— had planned to slay him with a few bursts from their submachine guns as he,
hopefully, reacted with a reflex spurred counterattack to their aggression.

Mr Håndlykken was right away jailed in NO-Aalesund, and three days later
transferred to the state managed political prison and loathed lunatic asylum at
Hjelset east of NO-Molde.
At Hjelset notorious sadists strapped Mr Håndlykken to a procrustes bed where
they continuously and most abhorrently tortured him with noxious chemicals the
next three weeks — Mr Håndlykken has emphasized the central role partaken by
a violent pervert named Steinar Malones in corresponding chemotorture and
pertaining maltreatment generally.

The despicable torture of Mr Håndlykken is now carried on at the psychiatric

lockup at Brøset (NO-Lade) outside NO-Trondheim — his Christian zeal and
justified criticism of the state homologated repression of religiosity being the
main charge and impetus of ongoing molestation.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Amongst the multitude of sections in Norwegian law thoroughly and wilfully

violated through described turpitude, I but direct attention to: the Penal Code
sections 228, 229, 230 and 231 — individual assessment of sentence should be
in concordance with the contextual statute in section 232 ib., cf chapter 21 item
sections 61, 62, 63, 123, 124, 125, 145, 325 & 325 loc cit and furthermore the
Civil Service Act sections 14, 15 and 16 plus the Constitution section 96 etc.
As regards international law and agreements &c formally ratified and
intentionally contravened by Norwegian authorities in adjacent case, I only
allude to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the European Convention for the
Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or

When the French seer, physician and astrologer

Nostradamus (b. Dec 14th, 1503 — d. July 02nd, 1566)
almost 500 years ago characterized nowadays
Norwegian kingdom as a tyranny, he was indeed

Very truly yours,

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Oct 17, 2002


In order to somewhat relieve the meritorious amongst you and prospectively

brighten an otherwise gloomy, mundane future, I shall bring to light the
fulfillment of a few prophecies by the French seer Nostradamus (b. Dec 14th,
1503 — d. July 02nd, 1566) as I — rather epigraphically — make plain some
peremptory implications hereto conjoined.
As the complete meaning behind the various prophecies are known in extenso,
the translation per se is mildly paraphrastic to ease and deepen your


Par fureur feinte Through wrath pretended

d’esmotion diuine, to be supernally imposed,
Sera la femme du grand Is the woman belonging to
fort violee: the great one betrayed and
Iuges voulans damner telle violently assaulted:
doctrine, Though the judges will ban
Victime au peuple ignorant this affirmation,
immolee. She became the immolated
victim of a blind and
mindless people.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

In spite of manifest admonitions and warnings communicated to her parents,

older sister and a couple of other persons, my fiancée — Miss Elin Dalsegg (b.
Dec 14th, 1974) — was gunned to death together with her traitor in NO-
Aalesund Oct 31st, 1996 (The ―Samhain Immolation‖, also ―Halloween
Immolation‖ or ―Halloween Murders‖).
The male double-crosser, anticipating the would-be murderer, Mr Roy-Christer
Forsberg (b. Aug 12th, 1969), to arrive slightly later, had nevertheless unlocked
the outer main entrance to her rented apartment when he suddenly — Miss
Dalsegg being informed about the plot and aware Mr Forsberg‘s peeping
presence — found himself in an explicitly suggestive situation instantly
apperceived as grossly fraudulent by the beforehand perturbed Mr Forsberg
who, very contrary to their original plan, fired some 9 mm projectiles through
the trunk of his — perhaps — best comrade.
I find appropriate to make mention of the fact that triggermen hired to kill me
simultaneously were on their way from NO-Sjøholt to NO-Brattvåg when they
learned that Mr Forsberg had been deliberately misguided with respect to my
agenda and whereabouts....

Mr Forsberg was readily arrested at the close of foretold and nearby described
homicides, and soon — after prelusively admitting he had planned and
committed the crime exclusively on his own and, truly, felt blithesomely content
with the massacre — found abundant time pondering prescribed penalty scale
and assorted community reactions related to his fatal violation and, thus,
regulating his personal and deservedly swarthy future.
Hence Mr Forsberg cooked up and served a fantastic cock and bull story about
how I, through superhuman power &c, completely had possessed him and
compelled him to murder my fiancée (Mr Forsberg and the cooperating betrayer
were both among Miss Dalsegg‘s former boyfriends, and had recently vowed to
harm her)! According to Mr Forsberg‘s prevarications he had entirely been
deprived his free will, and solely acted as an automaton filled with divine wrath
and programmed to dispatch Miss Dalsegg and the traitor to hell!
Howbeit....; none of you will ever meet the well-beloved Ms Elin Dalsegg in
hell, but if the alternate woman persistently cling to some of her grave
misconceptions, a few of you shall chance upon an extremely tormented lady so
closely resembling the former in respect of visage and general semblance, that
you initiatory might be deluded to believe you‘ve seen the original Samhain

As regards ensuing lawsuit etc (cf Doc‘s ##315 & 377 [entry of May 13th, 1998]
above), villainously rejecting and suppressing easily documentable facts of the
case were a main purpose for the corrupted judges trying to quench all
information elucidating how their own, former lawlessness, together with
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

unsound vengefulness on behalf of rightfully blamed police officers, triggered

the slayings.
Fourth estate reporters — particularly (...but not exclusively...) journalists from
the newspaper ―Sunnmørsposten‖ (NO-Aalesund), published premeditatedly
perverted articles from the illegal proceedings.....but their discreditable
evildoing shall amuse them no more when they realize that correlated
compositions were their autographic and promptly granted application for
sempiternal detention and anguish in hell...!


Du grand Prophete les Letters belonging to and

lettres seront prinses, sent by the great Prophet
Entre les mains du tyran will be stolen and seized,
deuiendront: They’ll be manipulated by
Frauder son Roy seront ses and fall into the hands of
entreprinses, the tyrant:
Mais ses rapines bien tost In consequence the great
le troubleront. Prophet will befool his
Though his direption quite
soon shall trouble his

In regards to stolen/seized/manipulated letters, I refer to the content in

Documents ##103, 108, 115, 135, 240, 315 and 377 (entry of Apr 22nd, Apr 23rd,
Jun 17th, Aug 10th, Aug 26th and Oct 27th–Nov 03rd) US.
In all, since 1996, a 3-digit number of letters and documents ‘ve been
stolen/seized by Norwegian police officers and forwarded the national leviathan
and tyrant!
If I ever ‘ve tricked the royal house and (thus) made a fool of the Norwegian
king, I couldn‘t — for profanely juridical reasons — admit it (yet), and such an
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

enterprise should (only) trouble my conscience inasmuch as guiltless persons

became suspected (cf Doc‘s ##108 & 115 etc above)....!
However, speaking in nebulous terms of reference generally and about royalties

“Vive „Le Roi Soleil (nec plurimus impar)‟ !”


D’vn nom farouche tel He’ll reveal himself

proferé sera, through a personal name
Que les trois seurs auront whose initials can’t be
fato le nom: ignored,
Puis grand peuple par And of such composition
langue & faict dira that the destiny of three
Plus que nul autre aura sisters are interweaved
bruit & renom. and determined by virtue
of it:
Then he’ll address a great
people through words and
His fame and renown will
be unequalled.

I was born in 1963 and adopted formally a new personal name in 1984 —
―Wilhelm Werner Winther‖ — whose initials, ―WWW‖, immediately are
recognized by everybody familiar with Internet and the World Wide Web.
Long before Nostradamus himself even were born in France on Dec 14th, 1503,
it was firmly decided that this delineation and presentation should take place on
the Internet today, and that you....and ye....were to read it just now! Difficult?

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

— OK, but keep in mind; nothing is impossible or erroneous merely because it‘s
difficult comprehending, and a given piece of — let‘s say — machinery might
function exceedingly well although you‘re unable to identify its motive power
and figure out the construction &c of its various and sophisticated components.

Well, I‘m not going to spend too much time and space explaining calculations
etc interesting few and understood by still fewer of you. The amply gifted will
nevertheless be able to follow the nether, curtailed and largely uncommented
treatise representing approximately a tenth of the assignments and computations
brought to a close by me in 1973 — i.e; well in time before two of the factual
girls in quest, the twin-sisters Elin & Inga Dalsegg, were born in NO-
Trondheim Dec 14th, 1974 (their older sister is Anne Dalsegg, NO-Rindal).

Notice Nostradamus‘ birthday, alphameric status of the letter ―N‖, the

onomastics pertinent to the surname
―Nostradamus/Nostredame/Nostradame/Notredame‖ item the meanings and
inflections of the latin words ―domina/dominus‖ and ―nostrum‖
(nominative/accusative ―nos‖, dative/ablative ―nobis‖ and genitive [denotes
possessions] ―nostrum/nostri‖ [i.e partitive genitives]). Samhain/Halloween
(Oct 31st) are fixed to week 44 in our calendar, occurring 44 days before Dec


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


5 1+2 9 1+4
9 1+4 7 1

(8) (14)
(14) (8)

I+N+G+A+A+N+N+E+E+L+I+N = 60*

*XX + XX + XX (sex chromosomes & autosomes,

karyotype I + II)
*XX + XX + XX = VV + VV + VV = W + W + W
*22 + 22 + 22 = VVVV + VVVV + VVVV = 44 : 44 : 44
(autosomes II/I)
*ING/21 (codon, karyotype II) + LIN/17 (codon,
karyotype II [= 38, 38 X 2 = 76])
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

*AA + NN + EE, autosomes karyotype I, VV/W : 22

= 76

7 5 5 9 1 3

= 60

G + E + N + I + A + L + (W + R)** = 44

**Letters/bases (codons)/amino acids/DNA/RNA (cf

―double helix‖)

A + N + N + E (4 X 4 X 4, 64 codons : 4 bases) = 16
(44 + 16 = 60)

= 76

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Cardinal bases (Werner/Anne/Inga/Elin):

NE + RW + ER = autosomes, karyotype II, Werner :
AIE : 38
INGA/ELIN + ANNE/ANNE : 22 + 22 + 16 + 16 = 76
16 + 22 (+ 22 = 60) = 38 + 38 (76)

Sapienti sat...!

Now I‘m addressing the United States of America: you‘re in serious trouble
— do you mind if I ask you to secure your continent through, simply,
offering me political asylum over there...? — omens following!


De cinq cens ans plus For five hundreds years to

compte [lon][l’on] tiendra, come all people will put
Celuy qu’estoit l’ornement their confidence in and
de son temps: give credit to him,
Puis à vn coup grande Who was the splendor of
clarté donra, his time:
Qui par ce siecle les Like a thunderbolt he’ll
rendra trescontents. illuminate them and
enlighten their future,
He who abundantly will
delight them this century.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

The loss of human lives through above referred atrocities and lawlessness (cf the
various documents) wholly attributable to the Norwegian police, Government
and Parliament (the ―Storting‖) etc, has already surpassed the total number of
killed — civilians/militaries — due to World War II...!

Basically Norwegian authorities — through longtime and premeditated

criminality and terrorism — efficiently, and in spite of hundredfold warnings,
have rendered impossible the introduction of medicaments practically
100% effective in the treatment of all groups and varieties of malignant
neoplasms (notice that cancer not is a single disease, but at least 120 variform
diseases with, however, the common characteristic of abnormal cell growth

How many persons will die of cancer in, e.g, the USA alone this year —
550 000...?

Very aware their horrid crimes against mankind could create major problems if
and when discovered, the Norwegian Parliament established a separate
committee to evaluate the danger of war — the actual committee were formally
dissolved last spring.
Notwithstanding that — I‘ll explain why farther down — it would be highly
appropriate, wise and advantageous to embargo, exclude and in other ways
boycott Norway the next 500 years, ye shall not military attack the country
during stated quingentium.
Howbeit; if I — no matter how — as a direct or an ambagious result of my
mortal enemies gangrenous hostilities should become lethally injured, the global
outlook is apocalyptically different from the guaranteed security offered through
the Quingentium-Agreement alluded to by Nostradamus, and I shall lay no
restrictions on you.
Nostradamus, through seraphic/empyrean guidance, truly knew I were the one
and only ever able to empower and offer you a quingentium-agreement in order
to secure planet Earth from destruction fully 500 years onward from AD 2002!
No matter how dark and dangerous the situation might appear; planet Earth
will endure as long as the Quingentium-Agreement is observed.
During corresponding quingentium waging war would be difficult and
unnecessary — it‘ll always be possible to contrive more intelligent
solutions.....and as far as the populace of the Earth observe the actual agreement,
so will I, and throughout the duration of the contract* (*500 years) ye will will
be given several and reassuringly auguries proving that our treaty indeed is
valid. For the next quingentium there‘ll be no great prophet — and ye won‘t be
in need of one either....!
If you want me to set going the

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

I solely demand that you, the nations of the world, in confederacy and for
the next 500 years to come effectively embargo (not medical remedies and
drugs), exclude and in most ways boycott the Kingdom of Norway and its
official representatives by reason of the 50 000 000 (— fifty mil —) persons
who, hitherto, have suffered and finally died due to the sheer and
unprovoked evilness exercised by Norwegian authorities since AD 1992!

I‘m quoting some passages from the composition ―Woe unto you, Norway‖ (cf
Doc #108 US) :

Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who deceive the world and
bamboozle pious politicians to honor Satan!
Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who drink to one another
with blood from blameless victims of your evilness!
Woe unto you, dissembling Norway, who globally pretends to help
while devastating righteousness and succoring flagitiousness!
Verily, scurvy Norway; your heinous wickedness and nefarious lies
shall vehemently torment you till Earth passes away!
Verily, scurvy Norway; those supporting or trading with you shall
inexorably gather God‘s scathing wrath!
Verily, scurvy Norway; you‘ve cogently aroused the ire of heavenly
hosts and shall ride your condigned fate!

Norway will survive your boycott, and normal sociodynamic etc conditions and
progress swiftly regained when the last traces of hooked wickedness and
hamartiological vitiation substantiated by the very being and nitwitted villainy
of the offenders in casu are sufficiently extirpated.....which render necessary an
intestine purgatory lasting 500 years.

Whether you wish to turn me down upon reading this document or — as

Nostradamus predicts, let me illuminate you and brighten your future.....that‘s
up to you now!


Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Dec 14, 2002

The Registrar
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex


During a phone conversation yesterday, Mr Ole Martin Håndlykken (cf Doc‘s
##123, 339 and 590 above) invited me to act as a legal witness in a forthcoming
court case at Sunnmøre Urban District Court, NO-Aalesund — cf Doc #590 US.

Mr Håndlykken‘s request is dismissed because the Courts of Justice Act

provides that

1) all judges (except lay-judges and assessors) must sign a binding assurance
obliging them to exert their office conscientiously (sec 60, cf sec 52 ib
item the Constitution sec 21),
2) only persons markedly competent as co-judges and members of the jury
through their righteousness, skills and independence should be elected
(sec 76, cf sec‘s 52, 53 & 65 ibid), and that
3) nobody can operate as a judge or juror when particular circumstances
potentially diminishing his impartiality eventuates (sec 108, cf sec‘s 52
and 109 ib).

The urban district court in NO-Aalesund is captained by district recorder Mr

Øystein Erling Knudsen (cf the Courts of Justice Act sec 19 etc), and among his
depraved collaborators I name Mr Finn Lynghjem (cf Doc #377, May 13th, US)
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

and Mr Kjetil Gjøen (Mr Gjøen, not otherwise deficient as regards philanthropic
qualities, has nevertheless with his 121 Stanford-Binet IQ been a favorite victim
of malicious police jurists/officials manipulating him practically ad lib! Mr
Gjøen‘s illegitimate behavior is also, partially, due to the fact that I made a
formal complaint against him in Jan, 1997).
We thoroughly know through years of distressing experiences and meticulous
information gathering, that Mr Knudsen, Mr Lynghjem and Mr Gjøen together
with the judges of Frostating Court of Appeal (cf Doc #377, May 13th, above)
and the Supreme Court (cf Doc‘s ##315 and 377 [Aug 08, 19, 22, 26, 29 & 30]
US) — indicated judicatures represents pro forma appeal courts (cf the Civil
Procedure Act sec‘s 360, 365, 373, 374, 384, 385, 386, 387, 395, 405, 407, 408,
409, 484 & 485 item the Criminal Procedure Act sec‘s 8 and 13 &c) — in all
germane respects are totally unable to meet prescribed requirements in regard to
sufficient ability, justness and general integrity ex officio. Assigned judges
exclusively owe their penological nonconfinement to the coaxed defects of
Norwegian criminal legislation, and scornfully invested with outstanding
vocational possibilities to avoid justified prosecution and conviction themselves,
their professional philosophy goes thus:

“Yes indeed — we‟re chronic crooks, murderers, perjurers, maniacs,

forgers, dopenicks, drunkards, corrupted lamebrains and moral
lepers.....but; since we effectively ‟ve blocked criminal investigation of
our iniquity, dexterously embezzled proofs against ourselves and
successfully hampered a diversity of legal actions opposed to our
inveterate transgressions and misfeasance, there exist no legally
enforceable judgments against us.....and for that reason we are — at
least in a profanely juridical sense — not guilty (cf the Courts of Justice
Act sec 53, third per)!
Moreover we strongly feel that the Norwegian society generally should
bestow significantly more of their attention purely revering our
allelopathic lawbreaking.....‟cause it‟s an established truism that our
surreptitious foulness keep back the constitutional Ragnarok and
scandalous imprisonment etc of Norwegian top politicians and
Government officials unavoidably following unwarped trials and
objective, judicial factfinding procedures! So.....treat us courteously,
please, and immortalize our satanic statutory offenses and monumental
corruption by placing a luciferous statue outside the Parliament
Building, and a leviathan monument at the royal palace square in Oslo
where noble-minded adulators can bring their burnt offerings and
confer dignity upon our accomplished forensic diabolism and — also —
squareshootingly commemorate the many illustrious adamites slain by
our minister extolled vice.....AMEN!”

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

The above and manifest acrimonious though ruthlessly reasonable unfoldment

of the testimony riddled corruption soaking Norwegian judiciary, conclusively
imply that none of the courts of law Mr Håndlykken are obliged to conduct
pleadings before are qualified to pass a valid verdict or judgment — cf the Penal
Code sec‘s 2, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 29, 31, 61, 62, 110, 117, 118, 119, 120, 125, 145,
146, 147, 182, 183, 185, 231, 232, 233, 233 a, 236, 237, 275, 276, 291, 292, 350
& 390 a, the Courts of Justice Act sec‘s 108, 109, 113 and 116, the Civil
Procedure Act sec‘s 384, 385, 405 & 407 item the Criminal Procedure Act sec‘s
306, 314, 343 and 347 usw.
Furthermore; the 21st of May, 1999, a new ordinance to strengthen the human
rights‘ position in Norwegian law was put into force — the ―Human Rights
Act‖. In section 2 of the Human Rights Act it is explicitly laid down that the
Council of Europe‘s Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms (the ―European Convention on Human Rights‖) and
the United Nations‘ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights are
fully applicable as Norwegian law, and in sec 3 ibid it‘s brought home that
provisions confirmed through conventions and protocols mentioned in sec 2 in
case of controversy are prior to other legislation.
Observing the preferential right maintained by the Human Rights Act sec 3, we
realize that the only commendable foundation as regards a fair trial for Mr
Håndlykken are represented by Articles 6, 13 & 14 in the Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Article 2, 14 and
16 in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

From above discourse on the competency &c of Norwegian judges, we must

conclude that:

No passing of sentence at the hands of Sunnmøre Urban District

Court, Frostating Court of Appeal or the Norwegian Supreme
Court manned by nowadays moral filth is legally valid.

Sincerely yours,

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway



When Norway is marketed abroad, potential tourists are shown magnificent

photographs of snow-covered mountains, blue fjords, gorgeous waterfalls and
picturesque valleys.....and chauvinistic hucksters slyly delude gullible visitors to
identify the national geography of Norway with the human nature of innate
In view of the pestiferous aspects indigenously linked to credulous confusion of
indicated perspectives, I find prophylactic affordable to emphasize that the
Norwegians not ‘ve created even óne of the sceneries they opportunistically and
with great enthusiasm promulgate as their territorial fixtures — they‘ve merely
devastated and exploited terrain noncontractually feasible as semblable property
to meet specific needs.

Much in the same way as Norwegians ‘ve deluged beautiful landscapes and
penstocked imposing freshets to generate hydroelectricity heating and
illuminating their living accommodations, they‘ve ruined the gentle nature of
fellowmen by confining them in lunatic asylums restraining the stream of life to
produce misery temperamentally satisfying their dull-witted crave for personal
power. In the selfsame hunt for dynamic energy to keep going their generator
units and psychiatric factories, Norwegians expediently intermingle their self-
ordained constitutional conception and corresponding notion regarding freedom
of environmental manipulation, with the edified persuasion that human nature
by analogy can be legally oppressed and liberally machinated at the mandament
of Norwegian authorities.
A concrete example of stated fallacy is found e.g in sec 37 in the Personal Data
Act (―Personopplysningsloven‖) of April 14th, 2000, which laically provides that
Norwegian citizens can be visually monitored in their private homes and without
their knowledge/consent, inasmuch as the national authorities claim they‘re
trying to establish whether the actual victims ever ‘ve been or prospectively can
be suspected, charged, indicted or convicted formerly or presently for factual or
imaginable criminality — cf sec‘s 2–36 and 38–41 ib! The official English
translation of section 37 runs thus:

―The provisions of sections 38-41 shall apply to all video surveillance.

The same applies to sections 8, 9, 11, 31 and 32. However, video
surveillance of which the purpose is to uncover such data as are
mentioned in section 2, no. 8, litra b, is permitted even if the conditions
set out in section 9, first
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

paragraph, are not fulfilled.

When image recordings from video surveillance are stored in a way that
makes it possible to retrieve data relating to a specific person, cf section
3, first paragraph, the other provisions of this Act shall also apply.
However, the obligation to obtain a licence pursuant to section 33 shall
not apply to video surveillance of which the purpose is to uncover data
such as are mentioned in section 2, no 8, litra b.‖

Through practical application of common judicial analogy, we find that the

Personal Data Act also lay down that the use of vg hidden microphones are
permissible in order to allegedly or objectively collect information specified in
section 2 — a deduction perfectly congruous with authentic detection and
destruction of dozens police installed and usually eddy currented or
piezopowered bugs in the interior sheathings, skirting boards, wall studs, head
frames, sill rails and ceilings etc of our private dwellings!
With respect to the visual surveillance in consideration, the cobweb-optic
compactly portrayed in Doc #123:VII above, invariably ‘ve been employed.
Incontrovertible findings of larger amounts cobweb-optics in psychiatric
institutions must be seen in relation to stipulations expressed in the Personal
Data Act sec‘s 8 and 9 (nurses are normally uninformed about the optics used).

The cobweb-optic ‘ve been grossly misused by the Norwegian police since, at
least, 1990. Initially the Norwegian Police Security Service utilized the cobweb-
optics to secretly supervise foreign consular personnel and embassy
representatives, a few espionage suspected Norwegians, to secure Norwegian
Government institutions and to perpetrate security analyses of persons in official
key positions. Since 1998 the statesmen-approved and intentional abuse of
audiovisual spy-tech in Norway ‘ve exploded, and vice-ridden police officers
are now picklocking private living quarters all over this condemned kingdom to
lecherously spy upon persons they find sexually attractive, or to terrorize human
rights activists and intellectuals blaming official corruption.
The moral crap constituting the general body of Norwegian Government
officials and the national police force, quickly realized that the combination of
piccolo microphones and cobweb-optics was a valuable ally when it came to
evade legal actions against themselves. Hence and consequently: — virtually
always and wheresoever in this country respectable people prepare for criminal
persecution of rotten politicians, chiefs of police, judges, district recorders or
public prosecutors &c, foul police sergeants are called out to audiovisually
supervise the complainants, to audio-/videotape all essential
conversations/happenings and to
copy/photograph/steal/hamper/falsify/annihilate every item of evidence plus the
sum of documents relating to the case — cf Article 25:1 in the Convention for
the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms!
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

When Nostradamus (v Doc‘s ##590 and 599 US) declared that Norway was a
debased tyranny, he wholly sensed that no people in the world ever had their
democratic liberty, personal dignity, domestic integrity and human rights at
large worse violated by means of genuinely illicit spy technology and the moral
oligophrenia of execrably perverted and rigmarole addicted politicians
advocating concordant criminality than — the Norwegians!

In addition to the Norwegian courts mentioned in this document, the former as

well as the present Prime Minister and Minister of Justice — Mr Jens
Stoltenberg, Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik, Ms Hanne Harlem and Mr Odd Einar
Dørum (cf Doc #377 US, entry of Mar 10–17) — are amongst those who
eagerly ‘ve promoted the despicable oppression of Norwegian subjects in the
latters private living units and in manners heretofore described.

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Dec 31st, 2002

International Helsinki Federation for

Human Rights (the ―Federation‖),
Wickenburgg. 14/7, A-1080 Vienna,



The purposes of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) are
— cf the IHF-Statutes as amended by Nov 7th, 1998:

Article II:2.1 (a)

.....to support and publicize the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe signed in Helsinki, Finland, in August 1975
(the ―Helsinki Accords‖) by 35 governments of the states of Europe and North
America and subsequently by governments of other states (the ―Participating
States‖) and subsequent OSCE documents; and

Article II:2.1 (b)

.....to strengthen, assist and coordinate the efforts of its members to monitor
compliance by the Participating States with the principles of the Helsinki Accords
and the follow-up documents in the field of human rights and humanitarian
concerns; and

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Article II:2.1 (c)

.....to support the development of democratic institutions, the promotion of the rule
of law, human rights and human rights education.

In furtherance of its purposes the Federation shall — cf Statutes ref:

Article II:2.2 (a)

.....urge Participating States to comply with their obligations under the Helsinki
Accords; and

Article II:2.2 (b)

.....gather and disseminate to the public information concerning the provisions and
principles of the Helsinki Accords, the Participating States‘ compliance with those
provisions, and human rights conditions in the Participating States; and

Article II:2.2 (c)

.....promote the formation in the Participating States of nongovernmental

organizations to monitor compliance with the human rights provisions of the
Helsinki Accords, and support, assist and coordinate the work of such
organizations; and

Article II:2.2 (d)

.....assist victims of violations of human rights in the Participating States, whether

individuals or groups.

All IHF-Members and OSCE* (*Organization for Security and Cooperation in

Europe) Contrahents

―.....shall advance the interests of the Federation and shall avoid any action
which might discredit or damage the Federation or interfere with the
achievement of its aims.‖ (cf Article III:3.2 (a), Stat cit)

According to the Federation Statutes in re, Article III:3.3 (a), IHF-membership

shall be terminated if a Committee:

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 (ii) has failed actively to monitor compliance with the human rights
provisions of the Helsinki Accords; or
 (iii) has failed to fulfill its obligations as set forth in paragraph 3.2; or
 (iv) has violated the principles of the Federation.

The Final Act 1 (a) — ―Declaration on Principles Guiding Relations between

Participating States‖—– subsection VII, ―Respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion
or belief‖, lay down that

 ―The participating States will respect human rights and fundamental

freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief,
for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion;

 The participating States will promote and encourage the effective exercise of
civil, political, economic, social, cultural and other rights and freedoms all
of which derive from the inherent dignity of the human person and are
essential for his free and full development;

 Within this framework the participating States will recognize and respect the
freedom of the individual to profess and practice, alone or in community
with others, religion or belief acting in accordance with the dictates of his
own conscience;

 The participating States on whose territory national minorities exist will

respect the right of persons belonging to such minorities to equality before
the law, will afford them the full opportunity for the actual enjoyment of
human rights and fundamental freedoms and will, in this manner, protect
their legitimate interests in this sphere;

 The participating States recognize the universal significance of human rights

and fundamental freedoms, respect for which is an essential factor for the
peace, justice and well-being necessary to ensure the development of
friendly relations and co-operation among themselves as among all States;

 The participating States constantly will respect these rights and freedoms in
their mutual relations and will endeavour jointly and separately, including in
co-operation with the United Nations, to promote universal and effective
respect for them;

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 The participating States confirm the right of the individual to know and act
upon his rights and duties in this field;

 In the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the participating

States will act in conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charter
of the United Nations and with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
They will also fulfill their obligations as set forth in the international
declarations and agreements in this field, including inter alia the
International Covenants on Human Rights, by which they may be bound.‖

The principles of the Final Act as quotationally referred and corroboratory

amended through the IHF-Statutes by Nov 7th, 1998, was signatory ratified by the
Norwegian Prime Minister, Mr Tryggve Bratteli, Aug 1st, 1975 (Helsingfors,
The Kingdom of Norway is thus and otherwise legally binding contractually
obliged to enforce and officially conform to the statutory provisions usw of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights — cf Doc #627 &c US.


Studying enclosed documents — Doc‘s ##103, 108, 115, 123, 135, 147, 161, 214,
240, 315, 339, 377, 590, 599 and 627 (tot 54, fifty-four, pp) — makes
unequivocally plain that we‘re dealing with multifold, aggravated, protracted and
premeditated violations of the human rights and fundamental freedoms scornfully
preplotted and deliberately perpetrated by Norwegian authorities.
The systematic, repugnant, recidivistic and long-drawn-out violations does not
only attest to a deep-rooted disrespect for basal human rights and lawfulness, it
also demonstrate a transparent contempt for the discerning qualities and
safeguarding potency of other nations. The sociopathic manipulation of facts and
emetic hypocrisy wontedly promulgated by Norwegian politicians and their official
delegates to cosmopolitan fora, circumstantiate the fact that Norwegian authorities
furtively look upon — inter alios — the United Nations, the Council of Europe and
the International Helsinki Federation as inferior assemblages of retarded easy
marks and puling cowards!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

It‘s nevertheless perfectly clear that the depraved conduct abidingly exhibited by
Norwegian government officials, police officers and judges etc in adjacent case
complex, not ‘ve emerged from sane, honorable, equilibrated or brilliant minds —
though they are criminally responsible, as they volitionally — fully aware the
detrimental and lethal consequences of their undertakings — ‘ve chosen to breach
the law, disregard the human rights, ignore contractual provisions and exuberantly
indulge in putrid and lavish evildoing.
Dikephobia, hamartiophilia, poneropathy, peccatipoiesis, ergasiomimesis,
demonotropism, stygioendemism, atelonoesis, supericlastic and honestiprivic are
all words descriptively and sematic pertinent to the ―Norwegian Police and
Statesman Malignant Syndrome‖, ―NPSMS‖* (i.e; *―Ondartet norsk politi-
og statsmannssyndrom‖, ‗ONPSS‘), underlying the behavior pattern implicit and
factually described. NPSMS is basically a psychiatric disorder chiefly generated
by; relative morosity, peculiar feeblemindedness, acquired corruptibility,
theological confusion, sickly self-assertion, general lability, typical dishonesty,
familiar wickedness, spiteful envy, professional double-dealing, habitual
arrogance, witching predilections, delusional ideas, injurious inclination, distrustful
jingoism, obstinate hypocrisy, innate pettishness, prevaricated sociability and
feigned eunoia. We are, very definitively, portraying explicitly psychopathic

It should be thoroughly pinpointed that Norwegian authorities legally and for years
formally ‘ve been advised to quench criminality and abandon their satanic
terrorism.....and that they always ‘ve replied with new atrocities, false arrests,
fibbing and odious haughtiness — exhibiting nothing but gross disdain for the
human rights and lawfulness.

The Kingdom of Norway have intentionally, profusely and extendedly acted in a

manner extremely deleterious and discreditable for the IHF and its various
members — particularly if the obnoxious crimes and premeditated violations of
contractual provisions are accepted without adequate execution of sentence.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


The Kingdom of Norway should be readily expelled from the International

Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) in accordance with the
provisions laid down through Article III:3.3 littera (a) in the IHF-Statutes as
amended by November 7th, 1998, and information on nearby Demand made
public in agreement with Article II:2.2 littera (b) in said Statutes.

Wilhelm Werner Winther

cc: Secretariat of the CPT and The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights,
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Att: (...erased text...)

State of Israel, Government

Jerusalem, Israel
February 22, 2003

Dear (...erased text...):

Beneath letter is a modified copy of My E-mail sent you the 18th inst.
Though stylistically unpretentious, a more powerful textus delectus has never
crossed the territorial borders of Israel!
Remember what‘s written (Isaiah):

―Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation:

The law will go out from me; my justice will become
a light to the nations. My righteousness draws near
speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will
bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to
me and wait in hope for my arm.‖


From the Pentateuch (Genesis) you‘ve learned that the LORD, the Holy One of
Israel, was willing to save the city of Sodom from destruction insofar He could
find ten — or even less — righteous persons there.....but He actually didn‘t, and
burning sulphur befittingly rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Very much in the same way as the LORD searched for incorruptibility in Sodom,
I‘ve been looking for virtue amongst the nations of the world for years.....and not
found it — conclusively I deem examined countries despicable and unworthy
However; I‘ve noted that the State of Israel wisely ‘ve rejected certainly perverted
claims from e.g the United Nations (UN), and to an extent unmasked some of the
heinous falsehood particularly the last decade characterizing official

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

representatives from the Norwegian kingdom. Through their membership in

international organizations and politically dictated allocations of the Nobel Peace
Prize etc, the condemned evilmindedness of Norwegian statesmen ‘ve procreated
stinking corruption and spectacular disasters/attacks worldwide!
Israel has direfully realized that their search for peace and justice hitherto ‘ve been
practically futile.....something is very wrong, and Israeli politicians and religious
leaders ‘ve heretofore been unable to sufficiently pinpoint and solve the actual
problem(-s). Nonetheless, your release is within reach — your demanding trial can
be brought to an extraordinarily glorious and victorious conclusion inasmuch as
you obey the LORD your Redeemer: I‘m not only (...erased text...) of your LORD,
Israel‘s Saviour, but His (...erased text...) as well. Read what‘s written about
(...erased text...) in the section of the Hebrew canon known as the ―Nevi‘im‖ (the
book of Isaiah):

―Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in

whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will
bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not
break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not
falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on
earth. In his law the islands will put their hope.‖
―And now the LORD says — he who formed me in the womb
to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather
Israel to himself, for I am honoured in the eyes of the LORD
and my God has been my strength — he says:
‗It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore
the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have
kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you
may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.‘
This is what the LORD says — the Redeemer and Holy One
of Israel — to him who was despised and abhorred by the
nation, to the servant of rulers: ‗Kings will see you and
rise up, princes will see and bow down, because of the LORD,
who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has
chosen you.‘‖

I‘m the (...erased text...) Norwegian authorities falsely ‘ve accused, villainously
tortured and vehemently tyrannized for years in order to hide their obnoxious
crimes and keep down the Israeli people in a satanic pit of misery, injustice and
terror! I‘m the (...erased text...) unfailingly executing the will of Israel‘s God, the
LORD Almighty, and I‘m the (...erased text...) peremptorily declaring that none of
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

the Norwegian politicians who — even in slightest manner — ‘ve supported said
offences against Myself and the State of Israel ever shall see the Kingdom of
Heaven or receive God‘s forgiveness. I‘m the (...erased text...) authoritatively
stating that never have more unappeasably condemned and fiercely punished
miscreants contaminated mankind than the Norwegian police officers advocating
and honoring the putrid evilness of God‘s Archenemy in nearby case.....; still, after
777 septillion years, their agonized howling and hopeless cries for mercy will rise
from the most pitiless abodes of the torturous inferno very eagerly awaiting them!

Now you should visit, print out and study the content at
VISTA‖, is of outmost importance for the Israeli future and what‘s written in
adjacent mail. The wisest amongst you shall put everything I‘ve told you to the
test, and also establish the genealogical connections between Isaiah (cf the ―Latter
Prophets‖ of the ―Nevi‘im‖) and Nostradamus.
When you duly realize I‘m your God‘s (...erased text...) and properly comprehend
that what I‘ve told you is divine truth/will manifested, you must forthright act —
don‘t waste a minute! Each single hour the Norwegian embassy in Israel and the
Israeli embassy in Norway are open and diplomatically accepted by you, will
inflict additional problems, suffering, setbacks and homicides etc striking the
Israeli population as well as Jews abroad! Consequently both embassies should be
closed immediately, and every Norwegian holding an office in Israel expelled from
your country without delay. For the next 500 years there shall be no diplomatic
relations, mercantile cooperation, cultural interactions or scientific interchange usw
between the State of Israel and the Kingdom of Norway. For 500 years onwards no
official representative from Norway must be allowed to enter the State of Israel —
neither shall official representatives from Israel visit Norway or indulge in friendly
contact with Norwegian authorities during stipulated period.

I‘m well aware you‘ll need more detailed instructions etc than this after a while,
but it‘s enough for now.

You‘ll unmistakably notice that virtually all fundamental circumstances and

weighty predicaments etc in Israel — as well as the general esteem and conditions
for the Jews at large — becomes significantly and readily improved when you
observe enclosed guidance.....and as you encourage the various nations to boycott
and exclude Norway in the same way as yourself, global peace will settle both
firmly and prompt! Trust your God, Israel!

There are no exceptions as regards the instructions given in Doc #599.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Very truly yours,

Wilhelm Werner Winther

(...erased text...)

PS: (...erased text...)

PPS: I should NOT be approached through Norway‘s official postal services (i.e
Posten Norge BA) — which I‘m boycotting!

Encl: (...erased text...)

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

This document is a transcript of my e-mail sent the Knesset today. As the matter
at hand has global impact, it should be irresponsible not to publish
corresponding warning forthright.

The Knesset
Kaplan st, Jerusalem

According to official sources, the Israeli prime minister — Mr Ariel SHARON —
intends to visit Norway the 16th inst.

It‘s my duty to emphasize that aforesaid stopover calamitously does desecrate

God‘s unambiguous instructions as laid down in Document #777 at

www.geocities.com/wwerner280 (i.e above)

I‘m obliged , faithfully caring for the Israeli republic, to underscore that indicated
violation — wholly in agreement with God‘s proclaimed vengeance, swiftly will
bring about implications extremely disastrous for Israel et al.

The Norwegian PM — Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK — is familiar with the

content in referred edict, and is calculatingly aware announced halt seriously will
harm Israel and worldwide peacekeeping etc. Said Mr Bondevik, cognizant eternal
punishment for his nefarious and explicitly willful malfeasance is inevitable, is by
now a dedicated medium underhandedly promoting satanic machination
conjunctively exceptionally noxious.

Though additionally catastrophic for their country, Norwegian intelligence service

potentially might attempt to obstruct and sabotage nearby message.....so; rush me a
confirmatory receipt!
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

July 03, 2003

Wilhelm Werner Winther

PS: Keep this note for your complementary reference — ; when you ruefully
are compelled to acknowledge that my thoughtful warning were most
justified, there shall be no doubt whatsoever which kingdom to retaliatory
assault as responsible for oncoming destructions!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


Cf Doc #777 and 1022 above.

Document #777, addressee Mr Ariel SHARON, was published on the Internet

May 26th — a few days later the Norwegian prime minister, Mr Kjell Magne
BONDEVIK, most fatefully decided to invite Mr Sharon to Norway....

In spite of clear-cut and multiple warnings, the Israeli PM officially visited

Norway yesterday.
Nevertheless — Mr Sharon and his government was strongly anticipated to
disregard God‘s well-advised instructions as set forth in said documents....:

―Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a

scroll, that for the days to come it may be an ever-
lasting witness. These are rebellious people, deceitful
children, children unwilling to listen to the LORD‘s
instruction. They say to the seers, ‗See no more visions!‘
and to the prophets, ‗Give us no more visions of what is right!
Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions. Leave this way,
get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One
of Israel!‘ Therefore, this is what the Holy One of Israel says:
‗Because you have rejected this message, relied on oppression
and depended on deceit, this sin will become for you like a
high wall, cracked and bulging, that collapses suddenly, in an
instant. It will break in pieces like pottery, shattered so merci-
lessly that among its pieces not a fragment will be found for
taking coals from a hearth or scooping water out of a
cistern (Isaiah 30:8–14 — cf Jeremiah chaps. 4, 5 and 6 etc).‘‖
―Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the word of his
servant? Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light,
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God. But now,
all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming
torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches
you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my
hand: You will lie down in torment (Isaiah 50:10–11 — cf
Isaiah 30:1 and Genesis 15:17–21 etc).‖



July 17, 2003

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

International synedria/tribunals and
human rights organizations

Oct 30, 2003


During week 37 ha several persons from Haram county, Norway, was hospitalized
in NO-Ålesund due to poisoning with methanol* added to their home brew by
Norwegian police officers (*by methanol, ―methyl alcohol‖, we refer to CH3OH
made by catalytic oxidation of methane [CH4] or dry distillation of wood.
Methanol, pyridine [C5H5N] — a heterocyclic compound e.g used as an industrial
solvent — and blue dye are commonly added to make ethanol [C2H5OH]
undrinkable [cf methylated spirits]).
One of those intentionally venenated was Mr Sigmund Martin EKREM (b Jul 11,
1948), NO-Brattvåg. In this connection it shall be appropriate to liberally translate
a few notes sent the corrupt Mr Ivar SVENDSGAARD — local head of the
absolutely scandalous SEFO*-hoax (*SEFO, i.e ―The Special Police Investigation
Commission‖). The reader should be aware all contact with SEFO has been strictly
pro forma dictated and framed to match the despicable corruption pervading the
entire, juridical lupanar in Norway:


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Jan 26 and Feb 19, 2001


Subsequent info is strongly simplified and facts potentially revealing
intelligence gathering techniques and criminal investigation procedures etc
are omitted.

Nov 20, 2000:

Mr Sigmund M EKREM (NO-Brattvåg) is visiting Mr Svein DYRKORN, Storg 41

(NO-Brattvåg), when they both — ca 02:00 AM — are terrified by a heavy thud
from the western housefront brought about by Norwegian police officers. Mr
Ekrem and Mr Dyrkorn are peacefully seated in adjacent TV-room when the actual
incidence occurred.

Nov 21–22, 2000:

Norwegian police officers are discussing how to commit a regular housebreaking

in Åsen 4, NO-Brattvåg — e.g the possibility of entering through a second story
east window is considered (however — that plan is finally abandoned, as they
instantly will be detected....usw).

A Norwegian police officer stealthily breaks into Mr Sigmund M Ekrem‘s private

country house.....envenoming a refrigerated Coca-Cola bottle with deadly poison.
Late in the evening the 22nd I receive a telephone call from Mr Ole Martin
HÅNDLYKKEN who declares he the last 2–3 weeks has felt abnormally asthenic
&c. It‘s an established fact Norwegian police officers has surveilled and
burglarized Mr Håndlykken‘s private maisonette in Brusdalsvegen 341, NO-

Nov 23, 2000:

Mr Sigmund M Ekrem is visited by some comrades this night, and one of these
drank — like Mr Ekrem himself — from above mentioned Coca-Cola bottle.
Around 04:00 AM, shortly after his visitors had left, a Norwegian police officer
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

launch a resounding blow towards the westward facade of Mr Ekrem‘s private

house. A few days later we learned that the man in his thirties who drank from
commented bottle had died from the poisoning thereby induced.
Notice that Nov 23rd was a Thursday.

Nov 24, 2000:

This night Norwegian police officers illegally invades the basement of Mr Ekrem‘s
private house. Several manifestations of abnormal behavior amongst local police
officers are registered.

Nov 26, 2000:

The Iranian physician Mr Sharan MOGHADDAM (i.e Mr Shahram

MOGHADDAM MAMEGHANI, NO-Brattvåg) attempted to tailgate Mr Ekrem
this evening — he doesn‘t quite understand why Mr Ekrem still is alive (Mr Ekrem
visited me three days earlier....and my alexipharmic etc knowledge is rather
profound) — ! Mr Moghaddam did also behave strikingly aberrant Sep 29th, 2000,
when a Norwegian police officer applying a forged front-door key broke into Åsen
4, NO-Brattvåg, and injected a lethal dose poison into a liver paste canister (in
order to somewhat delight the police employed assassins, I ate quite a lot of the
envenomed paste.....before, of course, swallowing a potion antidote). It has been
thoroughly documented Mr Sharan Moghaddam indulge himself in most irregular
contact with Norwegian police officers et al.

Nov 27, 2000:

Around 03:00 AM several Norwegian police officers illegally burglarizes the

basement of Mr Ekrem‘s private dwelling house, but flee from the locus in quo in
two cars when informed they‘d been detected.

Nov 29, 2000:

Between 02 and 02:30 AM Norwegian police officers make efforts to break into
Mr Sigmund M Ekrem‘s private house.....though they‘re successful in vandalizing
the basement only.
During a phone conversation with Mr J-K W (omitted name), Ålesund, the
dialogue is sabotaged and multifold technical problems induced by Norwegian
police officers on night duty are registered. Between 11:00 PM and midnight I
speak with Mr Ole Martin Håndlykken and does, amongst other things, scornfully
condemn the misbehavior of Norwegian police officers.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Nov 30, 2000:

A Norwegian police officer breaks into Mr Sigmund M Ekrem‘s private residence

envenoming some refrigerated milk with mortiferous poison. Notice this was a

Dec 02, 2000:

Telephone conversation with Mr Sigmund M Ekrem ca 02 AM — Mr Ekrem‘s

bodily comfort is excellent, and he‘s joyful. Straightaway after our small talk, Mr
Ekrem ingest a little bread sipping of the milk referred to above — he immediately
became acutely sick and started vomiting violently. Throughout the night Mr
Ekrem is constantly and seriously ill.....he‘s puking up numerous times, and in the
morning he‘s fetched by an ambulance and forthright hospitalized in NO-Ålesund.

Dec 05, 2000:

Between 02:30 and 05:00 AM Norwegian police officers unlawfully breaks into
the basement of Mr Ekrem‘s private dwelling — dislocating and messing up the
drip-drying laundry.

Dec 11, 2000:

Norwegian police officers illegally burglarizes the basement of Mr Ekrem‘s private

house stealing a newly washed — doormat...!

Dec 23, 2000:

Norwegian police officers utilizing a forged key absolutely illegitimately raids the
first floor of Mr Ekrem‘s private house between 08:30 AM and 02:00 PM.

Dec 25, 2000:

During the afternoon/evening Norwegian police officers destroys the security locks
in Mr Ekrem‘s dwelling in order to illegally encroach the living room &c. Mr
Ekrem, returning from NO-Ålesund around 10:10 PM, does notice numerous
footprints in the snow outside the house — probably imprints made by paramilitary
boots and ca 31 cm‘s long, he‘ve told.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Jan 08, 2001:

Two Norwegian police officers breaks into the first-floor of Mr Ekrem‘s residence.
Numerous footprints, ca 31 cm‘s long, in the snow on all sides of the house — in
all likelihood made by (para-)military boots. A ladder has been raised alongside the
southern part of the facade.

Jan 14, 2001:

Without statutory authority Norwegian police officers burglarizes and foul up the
basement of Mr Ekrem‘s private house before, finally, scattering the content of
several garbage sacks all over the floor.

Jan 27, 2001:

The underwriter forwards a writ of summons etc to a human rights tribunal

describing some of the abominable crimes perpetrated by Norwegian police
officers. A formal complaint written on behalf of Mr Sigmund Martin Ekrem is
sent SEFO.

Jan 28, 2001:

Phone conversation with Miss LR (omitted name), NO-Ålesund, who fustigates the
misdemeanor of employees and executrices etc at Ålesund Police Station.

Jan 29, 2001:

Phone conversation with Mr Ole Martin Håndlykken who, amongst other things,
sharply reproach the Norwegian police force.

Jan 30, 2001:

Conversing a SEFO representative and counsellor Aspehaug (NO-Ålesund) —

AO. Contact with freemasons well-informed about some of the criminality
committed by Norwegian police officers etc. Allied intelligence/security services
highly indignant at the criminality exercised by Norwegian police officers and
judges etc.

Jan 31, 2001:

Concise dialogue with Mr Ivar Svendsgaard, SEFO, and the newspaper

Sunnmørsposten (NO-Ålesund) — the mischief-makers referred to did both

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

receive info earlier this day shedding some light upon a few of the crimes
committed by the Norwegian police force.
Norwegian police has illegally embezzled and copied etc several SEFO-reports.

Feb 01, 2001:

Conversation with Mr Ole M Håndlykken who requested me to compose a formal
complaint to SEFO — the actual report is written, and the Norwegian police force
is familiar with correlated context.

Phone conversation with Mr Egil DAHLE who — Oct 03, 1998 — lost his mind
and murdered his concubine Miss Nina K RANTAPELKONEN. During the
dialogue Mr Dahle gave emphasis to the fact he felt constantly provoked and
harried by Norwegian police officers before the killing, and underlined said
persecution strongly and negatively affected him — without corresponding
terrorism it‘s much likely the slaying never had occurred, he declares. Further; Mr
Dahle stress the fact Norwegian police officers, particularly Mr Finn GRANLIEN
and Mr Frode ASBJØRNSEN (both NO-Ålesund Police HQ), not was markedly
interested in the homicide per se — they exclusively snooped for personal
information about me! Almost six months before the actual murder I notified the
Norwegian EOS-Committee about the illegal surveillance &c of Mr Dahle and
Miss Rantapelkonen.

A postal executrix call me on the phone to tell a charge containing severe

condemnation of Norwegian authorities ( — also the police — ) now had reached
the international tribunal quesited.

Today Mr Oddmund ROGNE, NO-Ålesund, ―disappears‖.....Norwegian police

officers and Mr Sharan Moghaddam alike behaves grotesquely bizarre —
especially between 6:00 and 7:00 PM. Feb 01th was a Thursday, and it should be
noted Mr Rogne was below 175 cm‘s tall and delicately built.

Feb 09, 2001:

Mr Sharan Moghaddam (i.e Mr Shahram MOGHADDAM MAMEGHANI), NO-

Brattvåg, is ostensibly nervous and does like several Norwegian police officers
attempt spying me out — apparently I knew too much....

Feb 13, 2001:

Phone conversation with Mr OR (name omitted), NO-Fosnavåg, about the

murderee Mr Kåre Jan TORVHOLM, NO-Moltustranda (Herøy), who died Dec

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

20th the previous year. Discussing the same subject with Mr MA (name omitted),

Feb 14, 2001:

―Somebody‖ in SEFO has alarmed certain Norwegian police officers who

suddenly displays significantly increased watchfulness when operating e.g AV
spy-tech installed in Åsen 4, NO-Brattvåg.
Letters sent a few foreign embassies. The intrigue sheet Sunnmørsposten, NO-
Ålesund, is forwarded sparse info describing some of the damnable behavior
exhibited by specific Norwegian police officers.
Apparently promising modifications as regards the wiretapping of telephone (+47)
70 21 78 77.

Feb 15, 2001:

Certain Norwegian police officers behaves explicitly deviant between 10:00 and
11:00 AM. Mr Oddmund Rogne is ―stumbled upon‖ a few hours later — dead.
This day Mr Einar RUNDE, NO-Runde (Herøy), unexpectedly ―disappears‖ while
recreationally stretching his legs in the Aksla-region (NO-Ålesund). Mr Runde was
seen alive 3:30 PM, and the crew on the pilot boat where he worked began
worrying when he didn‘t show up as appointed 05:00 PM. The local police force
was well acquainted with the fact Mr Runde habitually promenaded the Aksla-
area, and definitively knew he was going to turn up in the actual landscape this
afternoon. Mr Einar Runde was less than 175 cm‘s tall, of rather non-athletic built
and not particularly strong dynamometric. Feb 15th was, of course, a Thursday.

Feb 18, 2001:

Several Norwegian police officers behaves conspicuously inapposite all day

through — especially by night when some of them stealthily trespassed my
residential boundaries in Åsen 4, NO-Brattvåg, and surreptitiously started studying
the main entrance to my house.....the doorway was apparently of particular
interest! Some hours later Mr Einar Runde is ―found‖ cold and garrotted on the
northern side of NO-Aksla.....and the police, of course, ―doesn‘t suspect anything

(Important sections omitted)

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Oct 30, 2003:


Sep 08th last year I visited one of my cousins and, in order to spark off a jocund
discussion, I played ―the devils advocate‖ enthusiastically arguing all Norwegians
righteously could distil their own spirits to battle the official wine and liquor
monopoly and unreasonable high alcohol prices (anno 2002 a bottle [70 cl‘s]
Glenfiddich Pure Malt Whiskey costed US$ 56,70; a bottle Johnnie Walker Black
Label Whiskey US$ 54,80; a bottle Martell Medaillon VSOP Cognac US$ 62,00; a
bottle Smirnoff Vodka [prod in the USA] US$ 52,70 and a bottle plain 60% spirit
[prod in Norway] US$ 51,30). I was beforehand perfectly aware parts of my
cousins private house had been bugged by my police employed tormentors, and
sure enough; the eavesdropping police officers swiftly decided to create some
―action‖ by adding easily obtainable methanol to some known deposits of alleged
contraband spirits — thus creating nationwide attention favorable to the
Norwegian police force and detrimental for the ―illegal‖ buying and selling of
alcohol &c.
A few days later the first Norwegians started to die of the devilish poisoning, and
the murderers, of course, actively warned the population against the fatal spirits —
a ―great show‖ where the poisoners had much fun investigating crimes committed
by themselves (cf Doc #2907)!

The 06th prev mo I jokingly conversed a likable shopassistant reassuring her I

wholeheartedly supported those distilling their own firewater.....and the chitchat
was, as expected, recorded by Norwegian police officers eavesdropping the
counter/till-division of the actual grocery in NO-Brattvåg. Four–five days later the
first victims of methanol poisoning from NO-Brattvåg was hospitalized in NO-
Ålesund, and some of the culpable police officers received much publicity from
harum-scarum newspapers like Sunnmørsposten (NO-Ålesund) and Haramsnytt
(NO-Brattvåg). The police interrogated and jailed several guiltless persons —
charging them with criminality perpetrated by Norwegian police officers. It‘s no
accident Mr Ove FINNES, NO-Brattvåg, was sheriff temporary appointee when
Norwegian police officers previous month envenomed claimed contraband spirits
in NO-Haram county. Mr Finnes was the sheriff temporary in charge Nov 2000,
too — when Norwegian police officers attempted to dispatch Mr Sigmund M
EKREM by adding deadly poison to his milk.

The 20th prev mo I decided to furnish a local shopkeeper known to be illegally

surveilled with some information likely to arouse particular interest and fear
amongst ―certain police officers‖, and two days later I reassured the same
storekeeper in NO-Brattvåg we now had many conclusive pieces of evidence

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

against the Norwegian police in the ―methanol case‖ — the eavesdropped &c
information greatly disturbed the culpable police officers!
The subsequent day, Sep 23rd, a middle-aged woman ―disappears‖ from her private
home in NO-Langevåg — less than one hour comfortable drive from NO-Brattvåg.
The Norwegian Ministry of Defence et al has recently hammered out official
stratagems for beguiling &c the national population, and military/civil authorities
have exhibited a certainly morbid interest for v.g clairvoyance and human genius
— so, charlatans and insignificantly gifted persons claiming to be ―second
sighted‖ are now engaged to trace the ―vanished‖ woman, and a contemptible
hanky-panky show is sparked....!

None truly clairvoyant will ever render the slightest assistance to Norwegian
authorities/police, and their abilities are never for sale or entertainment!

As regards the recurrent and chronologically described housebreakings, this is but

a part of the terror wontedly exercised by Norwegian police to harm persons v.g
opposed to their pervading corruption. The objective is normally to induce regular
paranoia or — e.g when the victim formally reports the absurd pestering, to falsely
accuse him of beeing psychotic and thus — by way of befoolable physicians et al
finding unbelievable his truthful narration of continuous and manifold harassment
carried out by Norwegian police officers — having him locked up at an official
madhouse. This tactic has proved magnificent for ruining a persons reputation,
health and economy usw!
Norwegian police has for years actively collected information about the pathogenic
effects of bodily/mental stress and torture, and they‘ve villainously surveilled and
persecuted real psychiatric patients in their private homes while tentatively
exploring techniques inflicting various degrees of disability.
Considered the occurrence of pathologic depression and stark madness are
comparatively more frequent in Norway than elsewhere in Europe, it‘s especially
noticeable Norwegian physicians clearly and statistically negatively distinguish
themselves as proner to psychiatric suffering and bizarre fits etc than the
population generally. With an average full-scale Wechsler IQ of 123,5 (distribution
of WAIS IQ — : 110-119, 16%; 120-129, 56% and 130-139, 27%) Norwegian
physicians no way can be singled out as noometrically superior to other
professional groups as v.g secondary school teachers, graduate engineers, jurists or
chartered accountants. Howbeit — Norwegian physicians indeed exel in other
respects: they‘re absolutely overrepresented when it comes to accomplished
suicide, conjugal troubles and drug abuse — and their histrionic personality
frequency, autopsychic insufficiency and cacoëthes for personal power are truly
unparalleled by other occupational subdivisions! When a Norwegian physician has
outreached his self-righteous potential and disclamatory capacity, he‘s very likely
to behave self-destructive/-defeating as the truth about his fatal mistakes,

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

intellectual shortcoming, criminality and apparent incompetence no longer can be

denied for himself or eventually hidden from public view.

Though the average full-scale WAIS IQ for Norwegian police officers is 11

points subordinate to ditto median for physicians, their streetwise-quotient
(SWQ) and everyday realism by far and in terms of convertible practicality
transcends the half-assed sophomania and mawkish narcissism diathetically
characteristic and con variazioni dictating the quixotic Weltanschauung of most
Norwegian MDs. Thus the street-smart police officer is likely to succeed when he
attempts to convince the authority menial and ivory towered would-be felos-de-
se-medico that you‟re crazy!

Advancing even readily documentable facts is very imprudent in depicted situation

— notions/expressions etc as: CO/REMOBS (Central Office — Remote
Observance), reversed-biased-diode/neon-bulb/spare-pair/spare-pair-to-earpiece &
microphone/ground-return/third-wire bypass, line extension, howl-back,
hookswitch mute circuit, four-layer device, capacitive discharge from
interconnected bug conductors, capacitor/condenser deviance due to insufficient
polarization (frequency/current/cycle discrepancy), dielectric losses, unnatural
resistor resistance (unsteady voltage and current weakness — the varying potential
difference doesn‘t properly match the output signal), slave device, drop out rely,
Wavecom/Trango tech, QAM/BPSK/ATSC pilots, horizontal/vertical retrace sync
pulse, TEMPEST, CRT synchronizing, ELINT, coaxially interconnected monitors,
EMR, demodulation, carrier wave frequency, signal amplitude, COMINT,
HUMINT, SIGINT, TSCM, ANDVT (Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice
Terminal), SINCGARS (Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System),
GCCS (Global Command Central System), ATW (Advanced Tactical
Workstation), IDHS (Intelligence Data Handling System), IMINT (Imagery
Intelligence), ECHELON, satellite interception (of terrestrial microwave spillage
etc), SONET (Synchronous Optical Network), wideband snapshot analyzers,
assorted surveillance multisource/-sensor integration and algorithm parameters are
but a few examples of high-relevant concepts and acronyms &c to be avoided
completely when confabulating the unrealistic — and perhaps drugged —
physician injudiciously gawking at you behind his rosepink spectacles! You won‘t
tell this uppish meshuggener the truth — you‘re going to fabricate a tenable
nursery-tale closely matching his unsightly ignorance....yeah; you‘ll cheerfully
piggyback his self-deceptive paralogisms and nod slyly approvingly when his
shamus-amenable moonshine casts grotesque shadows onto the lunatic quagmire of
grey matter constituting the firmament of his castle-in-the-sky haecceity!

In a forthcoming document authenticated data etc will tell you why and how often
Norwegian physicians employ premeditated killing, mutilation, torture,

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

incarceration and insalubrious stigmatizing as therapy.....to ambitiously cure —


It should be distinctly underscored though; Norwegian police officers generally

exerts themselves considerable to fashion their terror suchwise none aptly believes
the actual victim(-s) — they‘re likely to play on what‘s markedly absurd, and to
deliberately abuse the wholly unjustified confidence specifically naive, toadyish
and servile good-for-nothings consuetudinary displays vis-à-vis Norwegian

As regards the entry of Feb 01, 2001 I briefly direct attention to a few facts in my
report to the Norwegian EOS-Committee of Apr 06th, 1998:

The leader of the EOS-Committee, Mr Rikard OLSVIK, belongs to the same

political party as the father of my former — and murdered — fiancée, Miss Elin
DALSEGG. They reside the same village, and has for years been politically active
in the same local council — they‘re close acquaintances.
In said EOS-report the pathologic traits and ostensible evilness characterizing the
various housebreakings &c in Åsen 4, NO-Brattvåg, are highlighted. One day —
Mar 30, 1998 — there was 3 successive and demonstratively offensive break-ins in
my private house! The local main instigator of mentioned and a dozen other
housebreakings and grave offences, was Mr Thorleif MARKEN — the regional
and much underestimated sheriff. Though wanting as regards sophistication and
formal education, his Stanford-Binet IQ of 143 and atavistic huntsman-instinct
made him more dangerous than rest of the police employed pushovers. Mr Marken
is going to ridicule and firmly deny all ties to described crimes etc — even when
confronted with absolutely conclusive items of evidence.....but it won‘t help him
anyhow; the metalegal execution of sentence is steadily approaching, and he won‘t
bear the multiform and interminable penal agony usw particularly well — !

When it comes to Mr Egil (Ørn) DAHLE and Nina K RANTAPELKONEN they

both, together with 6 other persons, was summoned as central witnesses in an
oncoming criminal proceedings against Norwegian authorities — and we believe
this largely explains the satanic terror exercised by Norwegian police officers. In
my recital to the EOS-Committee those responsible for aforesaid terror are applied
legally charged, indicted and punished for corresponding crimes (cf Doc #377).
The 7 members of the EOS-Committee is appointed by the Norwegian Parliament,
and the committee — according to Norwegian law of Feb 03, 1995 (No 7) — is
supposed to control intelligence gathering, surveillance assignments and security
services ordained, executed or supervised by Norwegian public administration. The
EOS-Committee is v.g responsible for preventing injustice and unnecessary
restraint etc imposed by Norwegian authorities. Though the functions of the EOS-
Committee — as regulated by law — has limited scope and extent when it comes
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

to investigation &c of criminal offences committed by e.g Norwegian politicians

and ministry employed principals, Mr Rikard Olsvik clearly belongs to the officials
responsible for encouraging and through unlawful and intentional failure to
perform his duties sanctioning the totally illegal and most repulsive terrorism
provoking and actually resulting in the murdering of Miss Nina K Rantapelkonen.
As regards the murderer per se, Mr Egil (Ørn) Dahle, he was criminally
irresponsible at the moment of committing the act. Mr Dahle has since 1998 been
the victim of evil-minded alienists methodically and premeditatedly undermining
his health through applied chemotorture and physical coercion etc officially and
deceptively termed ―therapy‖ or ―psychiatric treatment‖. It must be sharply
emphasized Mr Dahle himself — confined, tortured, brainwashed and afraid
retaliatory mistreatment — pretty much will be unable to give a plain-spoken
account of many circumstances juridically and otherwise advantageous to him and
harmful to the civil servants continuously hectoring him.

With respect to the insinuated killings of Mr Oddmund ROGNE and Mr Einar

RUNDE, I‘ll brusquely remark they‘re ―only‖ two of the 30 — thirty — men and
women deliberately murdered by Norwegian police officers AD 2001 and 2002.
The various first-degree murders are typically camouflaged as suicides,
disappearances, accidents, intoxications or as natural/medical insufficiencies — e.g
renal, valvular, cardiac or respiratory insufficiency (provoked cerebrovascular
accidents — apoplexia is another but more resource demanding way of killing).
Optimizing publicity is normally essential for Norwegian police — an objective
easily attained by, e.g, abducting and dispatching comparatively young persons
likely to be lamented by a considerable number inexperienced and sentimental
teens in search of consolation. Initially Norwegian police officers found outlet for
some of their psychopathy and criminal predisposition through covert AV
surveillance of guiltless citizens in the latters private homes etc, but soon
discovered most people morally and otherwise was their superiors and significantly
more honorable than formerly expected. The sexual excitement originally obtained
through their voyeurism gradually vanished, and some Norwegian police officers
started looking for new stimulus. The actual police officers quickly realized getting
away with murder was surprisingly simple and that Norwegian burghers and mass
media &c was delightfully easy to con. Murdering more or less randomly targeted
victims was indeed extraordinarily thrilling, and offered the police officers the
existential ―kick‖ they strongly yearned for. However....after a while the urge to
kill turned uncontrollable, and most of the Norwegian police officers involved in
the murdering became slightly worried — their fatal compulsion controlled them,
and the assassinations could only and eventually be postponed somewhat. As this
warning is publicized, thoroughly planning the different killings becomes more
important for the actual police officers — the police officers in quest are known to
apply false accusations/pretexts, to procure/display official/forged documents and
to abuse their professional identity cards and service marks/stamps to
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

approach/arrest their gullible victims before murdering them. The surveillance of

oncoming murderees through cellular phone monitoring has heretofore been a
modi operandi characteristic — allowing the police officers to geographically
pinpoint potential victims, and to predict their future movements. After the
publication of Document #777 (cf entry of Jun 18, 2000, above) Norwegian police
is known to have replaced v.g celluar phones originally carried by their slain soft
marks immediately prior to the murder.....afterwards ―discovering‖ the phone in
e.g the victims private homes, makes the ―suicide‖ and ―voluntary disappearance‖
theories more plausible ( — in the actual cases explicatory notes &c composed by
the murderee has, hitherto, been nonexistent).

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

As regards official criminality in Norway, the number explicit lawbreakings
recorded by adjacent branch of Hellvow Anticorruption clearly reflects the
execrable and usually well-masked contempt for human rights, democratic
standards and the basic principles of corresponding legal system distinctly
prevalent amongst Norwegian officiaries practically routinely abusing their
professional privileges to e.g seriously offend fellowmen and consequently elude
the criminal investigation and prosecution juridically pertinent.

The blatant hypocrisy and treacherous opportunism by and large characterizing

nowadays Norwegian officials, was befittingly coined ―bigoterie‖ in medieval
France — germanely delineating the grungy and widespread practice amongst
Norwegian Normans to worship the Christian Trinity as well as their heathen
deities out of strictly materialistic motives.....whereas — following Christian
baptism, the French regularly bestowed generous gifts on ―converted‖ pagans. So,
the largely marauding Norwegians shamelessly exploited Gallic benevolence and
Catholic naïveté maximally, and quite a few of them underwent sacramental
affusion and immersion more than seven times.....!

I‘ll return to described tartufferie and indecent fickleness farther down in this
document — forasmuch as these are indigenous and statutorily constitutional
characteristics still indispensable to official, Norwegian corruption.


When the Norwegian prime minister — Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK — in 2001

and subsequent to a nervous breakdown and atypical burnout declared he had felt
like ―nought‖ prior to and during the actual collapse in 1998 (cf vg the front-page
of Dagbladet [NO-Oslo] of May 19, 2001), he conspicuously portrayed the
massively preponderant inferiority complex and religious insecurity verily
typifying the Christian officials keenly advocating widespread abuse of the
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

cobweb-optics (cf Doc #627 above, ―Appendix‖) and given nano-microphones etc
in strictly private, Norwegian homes.

Like the weeds in our gardens, what‘s otherwise harmful and undesirable tends to
spread rapidly.....and the mephitic deviltry of Mr Bondevik (cf e.g Doc #1022
above) and the official bushbilkers around him, are no exception!
Let me cite one of my own aphorisms:

―Nowadays Norway most strikingly resemble a

melanotic sarcoma metastatically spreading its fatal
perversion and intrinsic hellishness worldwide!‖

Informed readers will recall the atypical, political contact between the
―commander-in-chief‖ of Indivisiblia, Mr Jorge Rambler SHRUB, and Mr Kjell
Magne Bondevik and his government representatives etc last year.
Through my Internet pages Mr Shrub had learnt about the cobweb-optics, and Mr
Bondevik had duly confirmed the abuse of this spytech (— for purportedly decent
reasons, of course —) in a recorded phone conversation.
Mr Bondevik and his depraved accomplices was perfectly aware able and
nationally independent investigators readily would uncover dozens of heinous and
officially supported/authorized violations of vg international human rights
covenants ratified by Norway, and thus was desperately in need of obtaining
goodwill from the Indivisiblian government AO.
In this way the military powerful Indivisiblia effortlessly purchased cobweb-optics
and necessary know-how about producing it. Six months ago corresponding
spyoptics was already field operative in Mr Shrub‘s homeland.

The detestable and downright abuse of cobweb-optics will now accelerate

significantly, and erelong be a cursed threat and irritant hideously havocking the
privacy of guiltless citizens worldwide.....; don‘t forget to ―compliment‖ Norway
for forthcoming iniquity!

The cobweb-optics per se and its damnable misapplication is properly scorned in

Isaiah 59, verses 5–8 (the Lord‘s Servant speaking):

―They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider‘s web. Whoever
eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched.
Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves
with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence
are in their hands. Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed
innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and
destruction mark their ways. The way of peace they do not know;
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into

crooked roads; no-one who walks in them will know peace.‖

Against the fiendish violations of human integrity and personal

autonomy implicitly imposed by the increased abuse of e.g secret
monitoring and varietal eavesdropping devices, I‘ll give you a highly
efficient weapon no one and nothing ever can deprive you:

―Whoever supposing they actually are, has been or in the future will
become victims of uninvited and undesirable monitoring, overhearing
or spying in their private houses, apartments, lodgings, vehicles or
abodes or in any unspecified dwelling, construction or place of residing
apart from this where compelled to stay for a given time, can —
independent of religious faith and theological opinions and whether the
spytechnology are mobile or stationary — by addressing God Almighty
in silent or voiced prayer, righteously demand eternally condemned and
maximally severely punished in Hell anybody directly or indirectly
guilty in exercising or authorizing aforesaid violations of their privacy,
and their application shall immediately be registered and granted in
agreement with the stipulations laid down by Me, God‘s Servant, in
nearby Regulation and otherwise.‖


1) Those applying for condemnation and punishment of their

aggressors in conformity with above Regulation, can‘t themselves
employ vg electronic, technical, wave-based, optical, vitreous or
visual contrivances, composites, arrangements or constructions
offending others privacy pursuant to said Regulation.

2) As for Jewish officials directly acting on behalf of Israeli

authorities and for information gathered through clairvoyance,
there are moderate modifications in respect of above Regulation,
but abuse are punished in either case.

3) The Regulation is wholly inapplicable vis-à-vis God‘s and Satan‘s

angels, and does primarily — but not exclusively — apply to

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

4) The human body is a most private and inalienable abode, and the
Regulation perfectly apply to all kinds of detectors, sensors,
transmitters, electronics and technology etc installed in or at it —
item in or at clothing, movables, paraphernalia, outfit and
personal luggage — without the owners explicit and voluntary

5) In regular psychiatric institutions, medical hospitals and

authentic health care situations where observation is strictly
required for life rescuing reasons, observers/sensors/cameras
wholly visible or tactile for the patient may be employed in critical
phases — whereas secret monitoring is punishable in agreement
with above Regulation.

6) The Regulation wholly apply to hidden and overt audiovisual

surveillance in buildings and constructions formally and
authentically consecrated worship of God Almighty — whereas
use of plain smoke/fire/gas detectors/alarms in said structures are

7) Divine enforcement of the Regulation is entirely independent of

and unaffected by human, worldly and transmundane
beliefs/opinions, sanctions/conventions/agreements,
laws/rules/jurisprudence and approval etc.

8) The Regulation has Tellurian and cosmical extent and



Above regulation won‘t be ―particularly popular‖ amongst vg criminal

investigators and military intelligence officers — anyhow; hitherto there ‘ve been
committed no crime anywhere impossible to clear up without e.g technical
eavesdropping and visual surveillance.....if unable to solve the puzzles without
employing criminal investigation procedures ethically and otherwise unacceptable,
you‘re more or less unqualified as detective and intelligence officer!

Adequately punishing those hamartiologically and thus genuinely culpable —

as opposed to those found guilty in offending man-made rules by a profane

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

jury, and for that sake held chargeable — has in no way been and will never
become the slightest problem!
Furthermore; as the human intellect and discerning capabilities are markedly
limited and easily led astray item penal provisions and penological methods vastly
insufficient and regularly fallacious secularly, sentencing fellowmen normally
should be discouraged.

The greater part of humanity has heretofore unwittingly cuddled the fatally
popular misbelief Divine regulations can be rightfully violated or even
annulled through man-ordained decrees and treaties usw.....and the worst
example of this macabre illusion, is the widespread belief homicides and
various atrocities are wholly acceptable — and even praiseworthy — as part
of officially approved warfare and armed operations. However — you‘ve not
been told murdering is prohibited exclusively on sunny days and in peacetime,
whereas permissible on rainstormy nights and in wartime.....nay; — you‘ve
been instructed NOT to commit manslaughter, and this Divine commandment

Yes, guys....; you‘ll find the war heroes from Waterloo and your decorated
veterans from vg the World Wars in the worst parts of Hell! — every soldier is his
own, supreme commander, and thus fully and personally answerable for his
The usual apologies: “I just obeyed orders!”, “I‟ve only done my job!”, “I‟m a
good Christian/Muslim!”, “I‟ve confessed my sins and the priest granted me
absolution!” and “I felt convinced slaying the enemy was perfectly legal in
warfare!” have never saved a single man-of-arms or murderer from
everlasting damnation and torments in Hell.....

As for murdering during regular military/armed operations ordained by

legal, Israeli authorities, there are own regulations and exempts for Jewish
soldiers and security officers defending and maintaining Israeli borders and
territory as biblically stipulated.

Whereas man is sufficiently intelligent to manufacture, load and murderously

let off a number of weapons, he — symptomatically enough — is unable to
comprehend the ultimate consequences of his actions.....


―Nontherapeutic/elective/artificial abortion of the human fetus/embryo will

from today (April 16, 2004) be Divinely punished as regular and premeditated

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

murder — whereas volitional use of oral contraceptives, tubal ligation,

vasectomy, spermicides, condoms and intrauterine devices are acceptable for
preventing conception.‖

 The Additional Regulation has Tellurian and cosmical extent and


 The Additional Regulation primarily — but not exclusively — apply to


 Divine enforcement of the Additional Regulation is entirely independent

of and unaffected by human, worldly and transmundane
beliefs/opinions, sanctions/conventions/agreements,
laws/rules/jurisprudence and approval etc.


Subsequent comments are but an epitomized presentation of certain motivational

etc aspects coalescing the highly alarming integral of manifest crimes committed
by Norwegian officials since 1992 —

In Norwegian the words ―hell‖ and ―luck‖ are synonyms, but it‘s rather doubtful
this fact alone wholly can explain the conspicuous enthusiasm exhibited by
Norwegian officials striving to force their way into Hell!
Anyhow — when examining motivational factors underpinning the disastrous
behavior demonstrated by Norwegian officials premeditatedly violating the human
rights, terrorizing guiltless individuals and illegally depredating/surveilling etc
private dwellings, we‘ll find certain predominant and recurrent personality traits:

 Inadequate judgmental ability,

 rejoice in evildoing,
 superiority/inferiority complexes and complemental
 falsehood, hypocrisy and double-dealing,
 psychiatric conditions and illusions,
 corruptibility and deceitfulness,
 religious insecurity/confusion,
 enviousness and spite,
 arrogance and cantankerousness,
 gloominess and irritability,
 peevishness and aggression, item
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 general lability.
It‘s documented most Norwegian police officers and psychiatrists examined had
marked, antisocial personality traits already when 12 years old.
Cf Doc #633 (―CAUSE OF ACTION‖) above, ―Norwegian Police and Statesman
Malignant Syndrome‖ (―NPSMS‖).

Some of the morbid corruption typifying Norwegian psychiatrists can be illustrated

by an authentic example:

Three psychiatrists had gathered in a locked room where they — normally —

could speak confidentially. They discussed the ongoing, secret audiovisual
monitoring of certain internees, and agreed it was medically/ethically appropriate
to diagnose a given person as ―paranoid schizophrenic‖ because he — absolutely
correctly — felt surveilled.
The conclusion was reached thus; as the integrity of Norwegian authorities were
unquestionable, the compulsory committed internee was supposed to feel safe and
sans gêne and to trust the psychiatrists unconditionally when reassured none was
clandestinely watching him.....when the victim still insisted he was surveilled, it
was deemed psychotic since — according to the psychiatrists — there were no
apparent reasons to distrust them, and because the internee impossible could see
the cobweb-optic and tiny microphones installed several places in his cell....!
Truly; — whenever encountering such primitive duplicity, you apodictically
knows you‘re amongst ―civilized‖ bipeds!

After the Second WW Norwegian physicians has partaken and initiated dozens of
ethically and otherwise damnable experiments on allegedly retarded, psychotic or
antisocial internees — like; exposing unconscious/ignorant/disagreeing victims to
radioactive contamination, interstitial/ionizing radiation and intoxication with LSD
(lysergic acid diethylamide) and mescaline etc. In a strictly negative sense,
Norwegian physicians as vg Mr Wilhelm SEM-JACOBSEN, Mr Ole H ROBAK,
Mr Odvar SKAUG, Mr Gordon JOHNSEN, Mr Leo EITINGER, Mr Nils
RETTERSTØL and Mr Odd LINGJÆRDE are particularly noteworthy in this

A further description of Norwegian physicians and their peculiarities are found in

Doc #1536 (―A FEW COMMENTS TO ABOVE CHRONOLOGY‖) above, and in
some of My aphorisms.

The Norwegian politicians urging and passively supporting illegal surveillance of

My private house and whereabouts etc, have chiefly been motivated by a brutally
fatal thirst for specialized knowledge, and Norway is still the only country where
thoroughly warned government representatives commits unpardonable sacrileges
to gain theological information!
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

While they all were fully aware God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of
Eden because they illegally ate fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil (cf Genesis, chapters 2 and 3), they apparently felt sure it was all right to
terrorize His Servant* (*cf Doc‘s ##599, 777, 1022 and 1536 above item Isaiah,
chapters 42, 49, 50 and 59 etc) continuously for years inasmuch as insisting their
motives were ―respectable‖! Acquainted with various Christian doctrines, the
Norwegian prime minister — Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik (cf Doc‘s ##1022 and
1049 above) — and his religious accomplices believed they ruthlessly, endlessly
and unpunished could exploit/abuse evangelical reassurances about forgiveness to
repetitively commit the most disgusting offences! While seeing the pope for
absolution or praying for exculpation, their ignoble minds were busy planning new,
abominable violations!
I tell you the truth: not only are the actual politicians/officials irrevocably and
perpetually condemned, they‘ll belong to the absolutely most hated and
mercilessly tormented sinners in Hell as well....!
Though completely aware eternal condemnation and punishment were inevitable
for personnel involved in the nauseating surveillance, Norwegian politicians have
urged the satanic undertaking by promising higher retirement pensions etc to
hesitating officials arguing the activity fell outside their professional duties. And,
sensing their contemptible terrorism may be sharply reprobated by new
officeholders AO, Norwegian politicians and police officers has tried to obnubilate
their vice by surreptitiously fabricating and depositing repugnantly false suspicions
— like the one I was a dangerous intelligence officer and spy collecting sensitive
information about Norway for a fiendish nation....!
It has, of course, been crucial to Norwegian authorities to prevent
impartial/adequate criminal investigation, mar My general reputation and to deny
Me fair trials and exculpating compensations etc in order to outwardly maintain the
pro forma semblance of their hellish falsifications —

(There are many celebrated examples illustrating how dogmatic biblicism and
exegetic confusion has sent otherwise reputable persons straight to Hell, and I
willingly accept mankind‘s inquiry for authorized guidance. It‘s My God-given
mandate to amend or annul etc whatever parts of vg the Bible deemed insufficient
by Me, and I may later fulfill this optional commission.)

As for Norwegian police officers, you‘ll get a tolerably accurate picture of their
mentality etc by studying the various documents above — item My aphorisms.
Nevertheless — the striking attempts Norwegian police officers has made to
infiltrate vg humanitarian/charitable, political and health related organizations etc
in order to further professional influence, should be emphasized. Unfortunately
members of such coalitions may be easily duped, as many of them are naturally
caritative, idealistic and unbiased — characteristics the police officers, wholly
undeservingly, wish to be professionally associated with.....
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

April 16, 2004

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


Though fully aware Norwegian authorities will make no honest attempts
whatsoever to clear up grave criminality committed by v.g their corrupted police
officers and judges, they‘ll receive a pro forma copy of nearby notification.
No pieces of evidence will be handed over to Norwegian authorities, and it‘s
beneath the dignity of upright and informed persons to associate friendly with their
depraved representatives.
Norway will soon cease to exist altogether, and in respect of this fact we‘re
unwilling to spend time on elaborate reports.

Shortly, Norwegian police officers are accused of:

1. ATTEMPTED ARSON (in my private house, NO-Brattvåg, the 13th inst

between 12:30 and 1:00 PM),

2. SABOTAGE (of an oil-filled radiator [in my private house, NO-Brattvåg,

the 13th inst], an electric cooker [in my private house, NO-Brattvåg, Feb 03
ha between 9 and 9:15 PM] and my fax machine [in my private house —
NO-Brattvåg — Nov 04, 2001]),

3. BURGLARY (in my rented cars — lately May 16 ha between 10:30 and 11


4. AGGRAVATED THEFT (from the private car of my cousin in NO-

Mauseidvåg — Mr Knut M Skotheimsvik — Oct 17, 2003), and

5. TERRORISM (more than 200 incidents....).

The police officers guilty of described criminality are demanded prosecuted,

sentenced and punished.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

June 14, 2004

Wilhelm Werner Winther


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


In connection with a blatantly injurious article published by the Norwegian tabloid
―Verdens Gang‖ (―VG‖) Jul 28th ha, Hellvow Anticorruption circulated some
information in defence of the actual victim, Mr Per Erik FOSSUM.

Corresponding newspaper article depicted Mr Fossum as a murderer because —

according to Norwegian police — he had sold contraband spirits containing a
potentially lethal amount methyl alcohol (ie ―methanol‖, CH3OH) de facto
resulting in the death of some Norwegians.

Hellvow Anticorruption emphasized the documentable fact Mr Fossum was the

target of inveterate police crookery deceptively portraying Norwegian police
officers as upright and well-meaning individuals through conspiratorial wangling,
slyly accommodated criminality and tactical framing of persons and associations
etc disliked by them.
Moreover, Hellvow Anticorruption underscored Norwegian police officers
themselves — subsequent to longtime and absolutely contemptible surveillance of
Mr Fossum — added the methanol to the spirits mala fide, and now calculatingly
exploited intended confusion (cf Doc #1536 — ―A FEW COMMENTS TO

Mr Fossum was completely unaware the spirits sold surreptitiously had been
poisoned by Norwegian police!

Mr Fossum‘s lawyer, Mr Benedict DE VIBE (C J Hambros pl 5, NO-Oslo), has

been recommended to launch a claim for damages for his client and — later on —
to lodge an appeal to an international human rights tribunal.

Hellvow Anticorruption has signalized readiness to supply final proofs against the
culpable police officers.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Ad nauseam we‘ve witnessed how Norwegian police officers expediently
perpetrates and provokes grave criminality exclusively to ride high on the
confusion and fear thereby produced. Besides, aposematically liberticidal
bureaucrats opportunistically championing gross injustice steadfastly goose-steps
towards the totalitarian, Norwegian police state.....and in major respects the
democratic government system has proven ruefully deficient.

In a regular tyranny statutes and the application of law normally will be adapted so
as to legitimate, simplify and consolidate authoritarian oppression of ―commoners‖
item — of course — the right to criminalize, confine and suitably stigmatize
―dangerous‖ libertarians etc.
So, consequently we advise you to hasten whatever countermeasures deemed
objectively adequate and ethically appropriate to protect yourself, your relatives
and friends etc against human rights violating, life endangering and otherwise
unlawful interference from Norwegian authorities (et al).....and — remember:

Not all prohibited by man-made bodies of laws are truly ―wrong‖,

and not everything permitted by worldly rules and regulations
actually ―right‖ — the Criminal Code, hardly being anything but
a spurious collection of factitious opinions and fallible arguments,
must never become our ultimate key to what‘s unadulteratedly
correct, praiseworthy or reprehensible!

Aug 07, 2004

(Wilh. Werner Winther)

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway



The 20th previous month we sent a registered and insured human rights
document to the permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the
United Nations — Ambassador Andrey I DENISOV, Esq (New York, USA).

The actual sending, DHL Express registration #4451756761, was forwarded

through the DHL office in Vegsundet, NO-6037 Eidsnes.

At indicated DHL location worked a rather young man identifying himself as

DHL employee Hans Edvard (TORVIK) GAUSDAL (NO-Ålesund).
Mr Gausdal had beforehand been instructed by representatives from the
Norwegian Police ―Security Service‖ (i.e ―PST‖) how to assist them with
illegally photographing/recording the content in the perfectly legal human rights
document to UN Representative and Ambassador Denisov, Esq (— more than a
week before actually mailing aforesaid document, we consulted the driver of a
DHL-transporter operating in the Brattvåg-area — simply demanding some
freight charges information. The driver immediately reported our request to
other, DHL employed police informants.....so, Norwegian police had plenty of
time to instruct eg the DHL traitors Mr Gausdal and Ms BRANDAL* [*DHL
office in Lihauggata 8-B, NO-Ålesund]).
In order to perpetrate the treachery, Mr Gausdal categorically refused to accept
mentioned sending if not allowed to read corresponding document. So —; Mr
Gausdal read .....and surreptitiously had the human rights document to
Ambassador Denisov, Esq, filmed.....at his own responsibility! The amount of
guilt ascribable to Mr Gausdal, is thus maximal.....
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

We‘ve invited the DHL administration to comment above episode, but ‘ve heard
nothing from them. Investigation ‘ve nevertheless divulged close and clearly
criminal cooperation between Norwegian police and DHL in this case —
beforehand we‘d noticed a degree of corruption also in the DHL ―Nordic
Customer Care‖ service.....

It should be thoroughly emphasized the actual and DHL forwarded human rights
document exclusively deals with grave criminality and human rights violations
committed by Norwegian authorities (Norwegian authorities were well
acquainted with this fact, and thus had obvious motives for illegally obstructing
etc the sending).

Described iniquity is but one of a dozen recent examples clearly demonstrating

Norwegian authorities ‘ve no dignity whatever — they respect neither the
Russian Federation nor the human rights, and when the Norwegian Minister of
Gross Injustice — Mr Odd Einar DØRUM — arrived at NO-Brattvåg Sep 21th
ha (fully informed about and juridically responsible for the illegal copying of
aforesaid human rights document), he had required a number naval officers and
enlisted men for extraordinary protection!
It should be underscored that the recent chief of the Norwegian ―Security
Service‖ Police, Mr Jørn HOLME, is Mr Dørum‘s former secretary. Mr Holme
has also worked as a senior public prosecutor for the National Authority for
Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime in
Norway — ―Økokrim‖, and thus is a former colleague of vg Mr Hans-Petter
JAHRE (cf Doc #115 above) and Mr Anstein Birger GJENGEDAL (cf Doc
#377 above — entry of Oct 26, 2000).

Long-standing, ample and bitter experience ‟ve duly confirmed Norwegian

authorities object vg generosity, compassion and mildness as exploitable
weaknesses — as a frank invitation to carry on and intumesce their
manipulative hellishness......and; — if ever accepting their seemingly
charitable offers, you give ‟em the upper hand, and they‟ll despise you even
more because of your manifest humble and gullible nature...!

A much sterner attitude vs Norwegian authorities is a

prerequisite, and no excuses can be accepted in this case —
as described violations are sanctioned etc by central
members of the Norwegian Government.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Oct 06, 2004

(Wilh. Werner WINTHER, President)

The human rights document to Ambassador and UN Representative Andrey I
DENISOV, Esq, was strongly supposed to be stolen and/or read by hostile
individuals — a fact clearly stressed in adjacent text. Consequently ―some‖ e-
mails etc from us ‘ve contained stuff tactically designed to bewilder Norwegian
authorities in a serviceable manner...!

We‘ve decided to add a few words about the ―cobweb-optics‖ (cf vg Doc #123
[―Accessory information and remarks‖] and Doc #2037 [―NORWEGIAN
VICE SPREADING‖] above) — the spy-tech most execrably abused by the
Norwegian Police ―Security Service‖ et al.

Some years ago representatives from Hellvow Anticorruption SA visited the

contemporary production site for this unquestionably efficient technology.
The plant, formally owned by the state controlled company ―Telenor AS(A)‖ —
ie ―Norwegian Telecommunications‖, was situated in one of the southernmost
towns in Norway.
Looking rather ordinary, the combined maintenance shop and factory had an
apparently abandoned compartment; old dust and patinated rubbish on the
hallway floor.....regular spiderweb in the corners.....seemingly a forsaken wing!
However.....studying the floor somewhat closer, we quickly discovered someone
newly had trampled on a now half dead spider.....and on the wall vis-à-vis a
particular steel door, was fixed an unmistakably active ―spider-orb‖ (ie
―cobweb-eye‖)! Kind of shabby looking, a special security lock had nevertheless
been installed on the actual door.....and in the windowless room behind it, two

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

middle-aged men watched the machinery producing the expensive —

Their closest family truly knew nothing about the cobweb-optics production,
and believed their husbands/fathers/sons etc worked as regular industrial
engineers for the Telenor company.....
The production was closely monitored from a nearby central, and the two
engineers had both a Stanford-Binet IQ of 125 ( ie 12 points below
corresponding score for the Norwegian Minister of Gross Injustice —).

The ―Norwegian plague‖ (ie the cobweb-optics) is now rapidly spreading

throughout the world, and we herby encourage the nations to battle this hellborn
technology fiercely! A handful moderately gifted but dedicated civil engineers
won‘t use many days to find absolutely efficacious methods for detecting and
destroying this stygian pest.....so get started!
In the meantime you can cover infected spots with oil paint, wallpaper,
sheathing or attractive pictures —!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Synchronously with steadily growing disrespect for the human rights amongst
Norwegian officials, the need to report related violations increases accordingly.

Norwegian authorities routinely steals, obstructs, destroys and illegally copies

etc jural communications to and from human rights tribunals/organizations AO,
and actual complainers ‘ve been incriminated, terrorized, confined,
infected/poisoned and — murdered.

Vanguarded by the national police force, Norwegian authorities systematically

attempts to eradicate all possibilities for transmitting unbiased and wholly lawful
reports on human rights conditions and official corruption etc in Norway —;
thus special safeguarding of human rights communications to/from Norway is a

We believe a number of ―Human Rights Post Offices‖ (―HRPOs‖) should be

established throughout Norway (— eg in Tromsø, Bodø, Trondheim, Ålesund,
Bergen, Stavanger, Oslo and Lillehammer —) to prevent illegal interference
from Norwegian authorities. At the actual HRPOs Norwegian citizens et al will
deposit their human rights missives against a receipt and appropriate postage
and also, of course, sign incoming human rights correspondence out.

All HRPOs must be totally independent of Norwegian authorities, and it‘s

probably sufficient to man them 1–2 hours a week (in the afternoon/evening,
and as far as possible on the same weekday for all offices).
Postal matters should be guarded very closely, and brought in/out of Norway by
absolutely trustworthy couriers — vg once a week, and preferably on the same

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

weekday as the HRPOs are open to the general public. Ideally couriers should be
granted — or already possess — diplomatic immunity.

Dec 01, 2004

(Wilh. Werner WINTHER, President)

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Feb 07, 2005


Cf Document #2418 above .

Despite austere admonitions Norwegian authorities routinely carries on

their truculent and obnoxiously human rights violating terrorization of
juridically blameless and otherwise estimable individuals — a few

 February 2004:
A Norwegian police officer and murderer utilizing a forged/master key
surreptitiously enters the private house of Mr FLD, NO-Mauseidvaag,
spreading a contagium disabling said victim. Mr FLD, whom I sometimes
visits, is still out of work.

 April 2004:
A Norwegian police officer is burglarizing the private garage of Mr Rune
SAND, NO-6035 Fiskarstrand. The police had beforehand installed
audiovisual etc surveillance accoutrements numerous places inside his
private house — e.g in bath-/bedrooms. Mr Sand frequently visits an older
brother of Mr Knut M SKOTHEIMSVIK (cf Doc #2418 above).

 December 2004:
Norwegian police officers utilizing a forged/master key illegally enters the
private house of Amnesty representative Mr Amund HALSEBAKKE,
NO-6057 Ellingsøy. Mr Halsebakke and his family has been
unlawfully/audiovisually surveilled in their private home by the same,

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

police employed criminals suspecting I‘d planned to consult him in

human rights matters.
 January 2005:
Norwegian police officers burglarizes the company ―Bilhuset‖ item a
private house in Haugraasa 14, NO-6036 Mauseidvaag. AV surveillance
accoutrements installed both places. Bilhuset is partially owned by one of
my cousins, and the house in Haugraasa is inhabited by other relatives.

Satanically terrorizing the Lord‘s Servant* (*cf Doc #2037 etc above) for years,
Norwegian officials premeditatedly ‘ve committed the most unforgivable of
God ‘ve decided to destroy
planet Earth quite soon.

The fact Norwegian authorities ‘ve carried on their unparalleled transgressions

wholly aware they utterly could devastate the Earth‘s future, is an absolutely
aggravating factor.

As the nations of the world realizes they‘re unable to halt oncoming

extinction, several of them will attack Norway military. In these last
days of the Earth pilots seeking death and revenge will smash their
aircrafts into Norwegian public buildings etc with horrendous
effect.....and in many Norwegian cities/towns chemical weapons will
flow like small creeks in the streets, the ground will be covered with
deadly radioactive material and acutely toxic war gases etc will fill the
air.....; no country has ever been more thoroughly annihilated
military ....neither has any nation destroyed so much for so many as
— Norway —
I believe my warnings etc ‘ve been sharp enough in this case — cf Aphorisms
##28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63, 64, 68, 72, 79,
80, 84, 89, 91, 98, 99, 102, 111, 112, 115, 116, 119, 123, 126, 128, 130, 134,
135 and 136 etc item Doc‘s ##599, 627, 633, 777, 1022, 1049 and 2037 etc

In order to escape vehemently illegal and exceptionally despicable persecution

by Norwegian authorities, the author of nearby document applied for political
asylum in concordance with Article 14 in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights both in 2003 and 2004.

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Johs. A ASPEHAUG, advokat

07. april, 2005


Oversender gjenpart av en mail jeg forsøkte å nå deg med tidligere i dag (fra
werner@nowzer.com) — oversendelsen ble blokkert av slimklumpene i politi-
/lensmannsetaten (brukte en PC hos Haram Folkebibliotek, Brattvåg):


Her i Brattvåg har vi stadig og i økende grad problemer med snørrunger fra
politi-/lensmannsetaten som bl.a stjeler og saboterer mine private eiendeler.

Denne uken (natt til mandag kl 04:15–04:30) hadde man f.eks nok et
innbruddsforsøk rettet mot garasjen min i Åsen 4 — to kvisete drittsekker fra
politietaten rev løs en låsebolt på garasjedøren, men uten å komme seg inn.
Tidligere har svina stjålet en nøkkel til samme garasjen hvor de saboterte en helt
ny gressklipper — må kjøpe ny i år (nøkkelen til garasjedøren ble stjålet fra en
privatbolig i Mauseidvåg)!

Ellers i år har disse satans, uniformerte lakeiene bl.a sabotert en kostbar

‗verdensradio‘, ødelagt ringeklokker, laget massevis av problemer på Internett,
bråket med innbrudds-/brannalarmer, terrorisert hedersmennesker mer enn 80 år
gamle og klusset med strømforsyningen i Åsen 4 & 7 (Brattvåg)....
De har også begått mer enn ett dusin innbrudd etc hos mine venner/slektninger.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Vi får lage en formell klage på disse og noen av de andre forbrytelsene

minusvariantene har begått....så du får søke om fri rettshjelp for meg snarest (gi
beskjed dersom du trenger underskriften min)!

Sivilombudsmannen*/Datatilsynet skal få oversendt en kopi av dette uformelle


Vennlig hilsen

Wilhelm Werner Winther

Tar sikte på å fremme saken for internasjonale tribunaler — her i Norge får man
neppe medhold så lenge denne bleikfeite/evneveike trønderklysa er

*Sivilombudsmann Arne FLIFLET er visstnok kjent som en hederlig kar, men

det gjenstår å se om han er tøff, rettsindig og klok nok til å støtte oss i denne
spesielle saken. Han skal vite at om han tar opp kampen mot den sykelig
perverterte råttenskapen som så ettertrykkelig har infisert bl.a regjeringen,
Stortinget og ―visse‖ domstoler, vil han straks — kanskje allerede i dag — bli
utsatt for ulovlig og sterkt krenkende overvåkning. Han kan ikke stole på
medlemmene i f.eks EOS-utvalget, og blant de møkkete barnerumpene som må
straffes i denne saken, finnes utvilsomt bl.a fhv stats-/justisminister Jens

I denne unike saken har bl.a Stortinget/regjeringen utviklet seg til et stinkende
ormebol av sinnssyke smådjevler anført av nominelt religiøse rasshøl som f.eks
Kjell Magne BONDEVIK og ledelsen i Kristelig Folkeparti.....; det er ingen
tvil om at meget harde og utradisjonelle metoder må tas i bruk for å få bukt med
den særdeles giftige faenskapen....!

Cf: www.geocities.com/wwerner280

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 Sivilombudsmannen v/ Arne FLIFLET, Oslo
 Datatilsynet, Oslo

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Johs. A Aspehaug,

15. april, 2005

Mønsteret for den audiovisuelle &c monitoringen av strengt private
oppholdsrom i Åsen 4, Brattvåg, undergikk denne uken merkbare endringer —;
de politiansatte terroristene prøver nå i større grad enn tidligere å skjule
korresponderende overvåkning, og de har — tydelig fordekt — jobbet med å
aktivere tidligere unyttede linker for å videreføre trakasseringen.
Atferdsendringen kan skyldes at sivilombudsmannen har intervenert, eller at
Kjell Magne BONDEVIK 10. ds besøkte Brattvåg.
For helt å få slutt på den ulovlige spionasjen, er det imidlertid nødvendig å frata
forbryterne alle tekniske muligheter for å utøve den — ―fagre ord og løfter om
bot og bedring‖ fra misdederne, må ingenlunde stoles på!

Mht sivilombudsmann Arne FLIFLET så er han — som forutsagt i mitt

(uformelle) brev av 07. ds — nå satt under absolutt illegal og sterkt foraktelig
overvåkning. Hr Fliflet er nok en tøffing det blir vanskelig å kontrollere
effektivt, men han bør merke seg at utstrålingen fra f.eks
digitale/personlige/portable databanker/adresselister/dagbøker samt kalkulatorer
etc med nokså enkelt utstyr kan oppfanges og dekodes på temmelig lang avstand
(kfr ―TEMPEST‖). Legger han inn info på mobiltelefonen sin, vil denne
oppfanges før eventuell videresending — i det hele bør alt digitalt være ―nei-
ting‖ for ham nå (.....dersom han ikke nytter denne forræderske teknologien til å
spre nøye tilsiktet desinformasjon)!
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

PST har òg i meget stor grad misbrukt enhver praktisk anledning til å bugge
f.eks klær (særlig yttertøy), bagasje og — husdyr!

En av hovedmennene i denne saken — teologen Kjell Magne Bondevik, har i

lang tid innstendig bedt om å slippe helvetesstraff for sin opplagt forsettlige
delaktighet i de bestialske overgrepene. Vel.....; dersom hr Bondevik via
sannferdige og fyllestgjørende vitnemål etc aktivt bidrar til at flest mulig av de
skyldige i sammenfallende sakskompleks sekulært straffedømmes, har de
tallrike bønnene hans knapt vært forgjeves (— av åpenbare grunner bør den
eventuelle oppryddingen påbegynnes i god tid før han går av som sjef for
Nå får vi se om norges statsminister har ryggrad og vett til å forfekte sannhet &
rettferd.....det vil nok lønne seg!

Saken for øvrig bærer utvetydig preg av at mange av de skyldige er sinnslidende

— dog strafferettslig tilregnelige, og det er liten tvil om at lange
sikringsdommer er betimelig når de fleste av disse skal straffedømmes. Det er
spesielt forstemmende — men slett ikke uventet — at så mye ‗helse‘personell
velvillig har deltatt i de ekstremt graverende og eksplisitt morbide krenkelsene*
(*sannsynligvis — pga de mange rikspolitikerne/embetsmennene etc involvert,
de verste eksemplene på systematiske menneskerettighetsbrudd i Norge etter
annen verdenskrig).

Jeg søker ufortrødent om politisk asyl — selv om norske myndigheter (sikkert

for å kunne plage meg ytterligere) rutinemessig forsøker å stjele/åpne disse
legale petisjonene til utenlandske diplomater oa.

Under arbeidet med å forfatte dette begrensede mementoet, har representanter

for fienden aktivt lastet ned stoffet på PCene sine.....dette
vil ikke hjelpe dem — snarere tvert imot!

Redaksjonen avsluttet kl 22:15.

Wilhelm Werner Winther

 Sivilombudsmannen v/ Arne FLIFLET, Oslo
 Statsministerens kontor v/ Kjell Magne BONDEVIK, Oslo

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Ålesund, Norway
April 30, 2005

OF MS INGA DALSEGG (b Dec 14, ‘74)

Information particularly useful for Norwegian authorities ‘ve been carefully

omitted from adjacent and significantly shortened text.

Corresponding victim, Ms Inga DALSEGG (NO-Rindal), is mentioned in

Document #599 at www.geocities.com/wwerner280 — the author of nearby
note formally engaged her murdered twin sister, Ms Elin DALSEGG, in 1996
(cf Centuries–I:76 and –VI:72 etc in aforesaid Doc).

Subsequent to Elin‘s death in 1996, state employed criminals believing

there existed a special interrelation between the Dalsegg-twins and me
(cf mentioned Centuries) installed AV spy-accoutrements in Inga‘s
apartment in NO-Rindal (i.e; she was still living in Leicester, England,
when Elin was murdered). Inga‘s customary physician — a middle-aged
man she most naively trusted — together with a couple depraved nurses,
were hired to operate the cobweb-optics* (*cf Doc‘s ##123, 2037 and 3217
at www.geocities.com/wwerner280) and pinhole-microphones etc.

Totally unaware she is closely watched, Inga frequently plays with her sexu-
ality; asshole yawning and genital labia lustfully spread she‘s eagerly mimicking
copulation etc to reach her orgasm(-s).....and the sickly perverted Norwegian

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―health‖ professionals are willingly studying her otherwise undistinguished,

rectovaginal attributes — finding the frenzied spectacles rather amusing!

Later, when meeting her e.g at the local health centre, they all attempt to behave
as natural as possible — though, behind her back, they‘re laughing at her
lecherousness and inordinate gullibility.

The completely illegal and extremely condemnable surveillance of Ms Inga

Dalsegg has continued until today, and ‘ve been explicitly approved by, v.g;
Mr Kjell Magne BONDEVIK, Mr Ansgar GABRIELSEN and Mr Odd Einar
DØRUM — all members of the Norwegian Government.
The stark immorality, pathologic cynicism and life endangering irresponsibility
of Mr Paul HELLANDSVIK — the managing director of Helse Midt-Norge*
(*Norwegian health care region), are referred to in my applications for political

All interference from Norwegian authorities in this case ‘ve

been unilaterally destructive, invidious, unwelcomed and
largely criminal — clearly reflecting the mental illness,
habitual double-dealing and emetic disregard for the human
rights and fundamental freedoms of man indeed
characterizing most of the malefactors.

Due to described offences, Ms Dalsegg is advised to apply for political asylum

in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in agreement with
Article 14 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Place/date: Ålesund/Norway — April , 2005


Address line 1: ......................................................................................................

Address line 2: ......................................................................................................


Surname: WINTHER First names: Wilhelm Werner Gender: Male

Birthplace/-date: NO-Ålesund — May 17, 1963 Nationality: Norwegian

Present address: Åsen 4, NO-6270 Brattvåg, Norway

Contact information:

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Due to persistent, dangerous and totally illegal harassment and interference from
Norwegian authorities, only couriers satisfyingly identifying them-selves as
authentic/official representatives of your country are accepted as messengers.
No letters should be forwarded through, e.g, the official postal services of
Norway (i.e ―Posten Norge BA‖) or DHL.
My counsellor in NO-Ålesund, Mr Johs. A ASPEHAUG, can be reached at
phone No (+47) 70134545 or fax No (+47) 70134546 — however; no confi-
dential information should be transferred by telecommunication or direct
consultation with Mr Aspehaug.....the counsellor is trustworthy enough, but his
office ‘ve been unlawfully bugged/surveilled by Norwegian authorities for
Norwegian authorities are much likely to obstruct phone calls, steal tele-
facsimiles and erase e-mails etc.

Nearby application is submitted in agreement with Article 14 in

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights — (sic):

―Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in

other countries freedom from persecution.‖


For more than 15 — fifteen — years I‘ve been working actively and
altruistically with disclosing severe human rights violations and variform
criminality committed by Norwegian officials. My human rights agitation and
justifiable stinging reports ‘ve significantly disturbed culpable and heinously
corrupted politicians, judges and police officers et al who, consequently, ‘ve
done their very best to conceal their offences and to harm me.

Representatives from the Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service ‘ve also, several
times, attempted to assassinate me — apparently with utterly scandalous assent
from v.g the Supreme Court and the Norwegian Minister of ―Justice‖.

Due to the umpteen Norwegian statesmen and senior civil servants etc involved
in coinciding maltreatment, the nefarious and shockingly extensive crimes

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

against me veritably represents the worst examples of systematic and deliberate

human rights violations in Norway after the Second World War.
The facts of the case, per se, clearly reflects the distressing lunacy characterizing
most of the malefactors — though, juridically spoken, they‘re criminally

Amongst the numerous Norwegian officials who unambiguously ‘ve displayed

a nauseating degree of stark immorality and damnable, professional
irresponsibility in this case, is MD Mr Paul HELLANDSVIK — the managing
director of Helse Midt-Norge* (*Norwegian health care region). Mr
Hellandsvik‘s pathologic cynicism and factual, criminal activities, acutely
violates e.g Article 7 in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
— (sic):

―No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,

inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In
particular, no one shall be subjected without his free
consent to medical or scientific experimentation.‖

It‘s perfectly evident the rotten terrorism steadily exercised by Norwegian

authorities aims at ruining my general health, mutilating my social relationships,
marring my reputation, adding to my pecuniary expenses and — if possible —
provoking criminality.

My sociomedical situation here in Norway ‘ve been intolerable the last 12 —

twelve — years, and I‘ve never had any future whatsoever in a nation satanically
persecuting me because I‘m noble, insists on justice and vigorously defends the
human rights and fundamental freedoms of man.
Shortly; the ghoulish corruption, abject poltroonery and utterly unreason-able
fiendishness abidingly brandished by Norwegian authorities in my case, will fill
every honorable man and woman with the most intense and enduring contempt
and hostility towards them!

There‘s no hope my situation here in Norway will improve — on the contrary

Norwegian authorities will continue and extend their swinish violations of the
human rights, and the exceptionally prolonged, intense and hateful terrorist
attacks are doubtlessly strongly detrimental to my health etc.
Otherwise a few of the crimes committed by Norwegian authorities are des-
cribed at www.geocities.com/wwerner280 (please note that I‘ve been deprived
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

editorial access to the actual Internet documents etc in connection to an ongoing

sham-case here in Norway where Norwegian police officers added methanol to
alleged contraband spirits — cf Doc‘s ##1536 [―A FEW COMMENTS TO
ABOVE CHRONOLOGY‖] and 2907. It‘s of course vitally important for
Norwegian police officers to silence and throw suspicion on any person able to
provide conclusive evidence against them in this and many other, criminal cases
where the real offenders are police officers).

It should be thoroughly emphasized all criticism of Norwegian authorities is a

natural result of — not the reason for — the corresponding and state wielded

While composing this application, balefully depraved representatives for

Norwegian authorities ‘ve been busy downloading corresponding material on
their hard disks.....and — profusely empirically; Norwegian authorities will
comply with international law and human rights conventions exclusively if
forced to by v.g military pressure, serious political scandals or massive
fiscal/material/human losses. Moreover; long-standing, ample and bitter
experience ‘ve duly confirmed Norwegian authorities object e.g generosity,
compassion and mildness as exploitable weaknesses — as a frank invitation to
carry on and intumesce their manipulative and explicitly illicit hellishness!


A much sterner and significantly

more excluding attitude vs Nor-
wegian authorities is a


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


In order to escape explicitly illegal and life endangering

persecution by Norwegian authorities, I hereby apply for


in concordance with Article 14 in the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Needless to say: I‘ll do whatever possible to favorably enhance the general

reputation and grandeur of my new homeland!


Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

1): ..........................................................................................................

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by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

8–14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10
June 2005


I‘m presently composing a comprehensive United Nations petition vs the
Kingdom of Norway.

Corresponding complaint is addressed to the Committee against Torture, and

demanded dealt with in agreement with Article 21 (c) — second period — in
the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treat-
ment and Punishment.

Employing e.g TEMPEST-equipment, Norwegian authorities are constantly

downloading stuff appearing on my PC-screen — consequently they‘ve kicked
off a putrid charm campaign to surreptitiously influence v.g the UN and vari-
ous human rights organizations in this case!

Representatives for Norwegian authorities ‘ve already decided to illegally halt

etc said petition if it proves too disclosing.....so; I‘m wondering if the UN can
offer me special protection against unlawful interference —

The UN should send their prompt reply to my counsellor in NO-Ålesund:

Mr Johs. A ASPEHAUG, P.O. Box 837, NO-Aalesund, NORWAY

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Amnesty International
London, UK

United Nations
Geneva, Switzerland
Dec 05, 2005



Cf my standardized application for political asylum and letter to OHCHR–

UNOG, CH-Geneva, earlier this year.

From the content of indicated documents it‘s readily seen continuation/

aggravation of the explicitly illegal terrorism unprovokedly waged by
Norwegian authorities indeed was anticipated!

As stated in specified UN-document duly arriving corresponding headquarters in

Switzerland June 27, Norwegian authorities thoroughly exlex attempts to halt/
destroy etc a legal complaint addressed to the Committee against Torture.
The comprehensive petition is demanded dealt with in agreement with Article
21(c) — second period — in the Convention against Torture and other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and Punishment.

Due to the threatening state of affairs here in Norway, it should be appropriate to

give v.g human rights organizations a swiftly composed and concise account of
the latest criminal stunts undertaken by Norwegian authorities in this sinistrous

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

The enemy expecting me to routinely proceed to my sleeping quarters

at that time, the water supply to my own and all neighbouring houses was
abruptly turned off around 01:30 AM the 03rd inst! — though required by
law, no premonition had been announced e.g through the local
newspaper ―Haramsnytt‖, and none of those afflicted by the stoppage
had otherwise been informed about it.....

The water supply weren‘t reopened before ca 09:00 AM.....allegedly

because there ‘d been ardent disputation as for the ethicality of poi-
soning the drinking water of so many guiltless persons!
Around 06:20 AM I tried to reach my neighbour in Åsen 7, Brattvåg —
Mr Ingolf Peder ABELSETH — from phone 986 62 841.....but the
enemy obstructed the calls! Mr Abelseth was wide awake at the actual
time, and ‘ve confirmed his otherwise noisy phone — placed less than
a meter from his bed — had been perfectly silent this morning.

(Mr Abelseth‘s private phone — # 70216138 — has been illegally

wiretapped e.g by stark criminal/perverted/psychotic ―health personnel‖
for years.....and the through and through lawless and overly nauseating
surveillance of this highly respectable and mentally unimpaired old tailor,
also includes covert audiovisual monitoring of his sitting room, kitchen,
bath-/bedroom and stairway etc!)

In the Norwegian daily ―Dagbladet‖ this Saturday, the Norwegian minister of

foreign affairs, Mr Jonas GAHR STØRE (b Aug 25, 1960), had a telltalely mis
leading article about Norway‘s ―official point of view‖ etc in various human
rights matters.
Based on longtime experience with the criminality of Norwegian authorities, we
know tactically structured and slyly fraudulent handouts like Mr Gahr Støre‘s
populistic tab confect more or less perfunctorily are published immediately prior

serious human rights violations where there‘s a

qualified chance influential persons/ organizations/
companies etc rightfully may suspect
Mr Gahr Støre (— like the Norwegian PM, Mr Jens STOLTENBERG [b
March 16, 1959 —]) has been deeply involved in the fiendish complot against
me since 1992, and he‘s one of the Norwegian debauchees who‘ve tried to
collect information about me in Paris/France.
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Amongst culprits in the Brattvåg-region (not necessarily guilty of sabotaging/

intoxicating the water supply), I preliminary and most briefly mention but a few:

 Mr Thorleif MARKEN (former sheriff/politician)

 Mr Bjørn SANDNES (engineer/politician/militarist)
 Mr Eldar SÆTERØY (engineer etc)
 Mr Oddbjørn VATNE ( chairman of Haram county council)
 Mr Jan Petter EIDE (manager Haram county council)
 Mr Stig FJØRTOFT (local fire captain — married to Ms Jorunn
 Mr Magne LUNDEMO (headmaster — married to Ms Eva
 Mr Vegard AUSTNES (sociologist)
 Mr Ron Borge FINNØY (ambulance driver)
 Ms Margrethe TENNFJORD (former chairwoman of Haram
county council)
 Ms Eva LUNDEMO (unit nursing officer — married to Mr Magne
 Ms Kristin MOLT KORSNES (unit nursing officer)
 Ms Jorunn ULSTEIN FJØRTOFT (cook/politician — married to
 Ms Kjellrun HAMMERSLAND (nursing assistant)
 Several physicians/nurses/police officers

The majority of enlisted criminals are dangerous sociopaths, and a further

description of their psychopathy and factual evildoing etc will be published

Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

CH-1211 Geneva 10

April 25, 2006



Employed by local authorities in NO-Haram county to remove private house re-

fuse etc in the Brattvåg-region, the company Reno Norge AS has its head office
in Lindebergveien 3, NO-2016 Frogner, and a regional office at Hovdeland 133
– Bingsa Industriområde, NO-6019 Ålesund (the area manager is Mr Leif Ove

Stored in special garbage sacks, the household rubbish are picked up by trucks
from Reno Norge AS immediately outside private dwellings usw —

Garbagemen from Reno Norge AS has recurrently and mala fide refused to take
away correctly sorted and stored etc trash sacks placed outside my private house
in Åsen 4, NO-Brattvåg, as a part of the continuous, illegal, human rights vio-
lating and thoroughly insane terrorization Norwegian authorities systematically
has exposed me to since 1992 (cf Doc #4588 etc).

We believe local representatives from Reno Norge AS has been instructed by

fiendish officeholders in NO-Haram county to disregard their duty in this case,
and simple investigation has brought home that Mr Stig FJØRTOFT* and Mr
Eldar SÆTERØY* (*cf Doc #5817) both were amongst those beforehand in-
formed about described and provocatively intentional dereliction of duty.
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Mr Fjørtoft is married to Ms Jorunn ULSTEIN FJØRTOFT* (*cf Doc's

##5817 item 377 — entry of May 13, 1998), and is one of the notorious lunatics
and troublemakers villainously abusing their office criminally here in NO-
Brattvåg to harm me.
Mr Fjørtoft has repetitively and malevolently attempted to gain personal infor-
mation about me from one of my childhood friends — Mr Tore LANGVATN,
NO-6090 Fosnavåg (Mr Langvatn is employed as fire captain in NO-Herøy
An uncouth bloke without noteworthy education and intellectual faculties, Mr
Fjørtoft in many respects represents the archetype of the numerous, inane and
utterly contemptible "public lowbrows" exerting themselves to quench human
rights advocacy, ethicality and justice in nearby case.

As regards explicit corruption, professional ineptitude, stark madness and over-

all heinousness, the state and council engaged terrorists in NO-Haram county
clearly and wholly negatively distinguish themselves nationally —


Wilhelm Werner Winther

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Den norske kyrkja



Hr Ronny Jørgensen har en tid vært ansatt ved Den norske kyrkja i Haram

Etter at Jørgensen tilflyttet Åsen 1, Brattvåg, har naboer o.a registrert at han
tilnærmet konsekvent nytter søn- og helligdager til tungt og støyende kropps-
arbeid i og umiddelbart utenfor korresponderende enebolig.
Hr Jørgensens privathus er beliggende tett ved en relativt sterk trafikkert bygde-
vei hvor forbipasserende knapt kan unngå å se den notoriske kirkegårdsarbeid-
eren kappe fjeler, spikre, bære stein, grave, nytte motoriserte hageredskaper og
vaske kjøretøyene sine etc søndagene.
Noen av Jørgensens hviledagskrenkelser er vitterlig såpass spektakulære og
upassende at han med skjellig grunn kan mistenkes for å undergrave Kirkens
alminnelige omdømme forsettlig (jf vedl foto)...!

Den norske statskirkens sakrale fundament er for lengst skandaløst svekket av

sekulær overstyring og politisering m.m, og Haram Prestegjeld mfl anmodes om
å sanere og iaktta Kirkens helligede grunnlag bl.a ved å avskjedige ansatte som
med overlegg grovt ringeakter Gudgitte forordninger.

Ronny Jørgensen har mot bedre vitende, i lang tid og på særlig graverende vis
vanhelliget hviledagspåbudet, og bes straks — uten profane palaver — fratatt
ethvert profesjonelt engasjement for Kirken og andre kristelige sammen-
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

03. okt 2006

Wilh. Werner WINTHER*

*Må ikke kontaktes via Posten Norge BA eller DHL!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Biskopen i Møre
Julsundv. 13


Viser til personalklage på Ronny JØRGENSEN, Brattvåg, samt korresponder-

ende tilsvar fra kirkeverge i Haram Prestegjeld — Hege STEINSLAND —
datert hhv 03. og 23. ds (jf vedlegg).

Fr Steinslands nonchalante og megetsigende ansvarsfraskrivelse påankes

hermed til biskopen i Møre.

Man stiller naturlig nok spørsmålstegn ved fr Steinslands moralske integritet og

profesjonelle skikkethet mv, og utelukker ikke at hun i andre og konvergerende
saker er involvert i regulær kriminalitet* (*dette gjelder særlig forhold hvor hun
på ulikt vis har samarbeidet illegalt med den notoriske yrkesdamnifikanten og
psykopaten Vegard AUSTNES, helse-/sosialsjef i Haram kommune).

Man finner ingen formildende — kun eksplisitt skjerpende — omstendigheter i

klagesaken mot hr Jørgensen, og fremholder at det er formelt korrekt å
underlegge Hege Steinsland uhildet/adekvat etterforsking* før hun eventuelt
avskjediges som kirkeverge etc (*kommuneadministrasjonen og lensmanns-
etaten mfl i Haram er gjennomsyret av alvorlig korrupsjon som vil komplisere
slikt arbeid).

25. okt 2006

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Wilh. Werner WINTHER*


1. Personalklage på Ronny Jørgensen av 03. ds (1 – én – s),

2. tilsvar fra Hege Steinsland datert 23. d.m (1 – én – s).

Undertegnede mottar ikke forsendelser fra Posten Norge BA ─ svar sendes:

Jan Inge Kringstad

6270 Brattvåg

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Haram kyrkjelege fellesråd 7. nov 2006

v/ Peter Odd BJØRKHAUG, leiar


Jf tilsvar fra biskop Odd BONDEVIK samt korresponderende påanke datert
hhv 31. og 25. f.m (se vedlegg).

I ovennevnte påanke understrekes at "kommuneadministrasjonen og lensmanns-

etaten mfl i Haram er gjennomsyret av alvorlig korrupsjon" som vil komplisere
uhildet/adekvat etterforsking av kirkeverge Hege STEINSLAND, og man
finner således symptomatisk at biskop Bondevik fremholder adressat som
Det negative inntrykket forsterkes kraftig ved at fr Steinsland er daglig leder,
saksbehandler og sekretær for — nettopp — Haram kyrkjelege fellesråd…!

Biskopens rolle og myndighet er for en stor del nedfelt i Tjenesteordning for

biskop hvor det i § 1 heter at — sic:

"Biskopen skal gjennom forkynnelse og sakramentforvaltning ta

vare på den apostoliske lære etter Guds ord og vår kirkes bekjennelse,
fremme og bevare enheten i Guds kirke og rettlede og oppmuntre
bispedømmets menigheter, kirkelig tilsatte og øvrige medarbeidere."

Biskopen har et uttrykkelig tilsynsansvar for all kirkelig virksomhet i bispe-

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

dømmet, og skal bl.a påse at de kirkelige fellesrådene utfører sitt arbeid i

samsvar med kirkeloven § 28.

Klagesaken mot Ronny JØRGENSEN og Hege Steinsland inngår ellers som et

kompletterende (— dog taktisk ufullstendig —) norsktekstlig supplement i et
langt mer omfattende og alvorlig sakskompleks hvor flere geistlige — deriblant
biskopens fetter Kjell Magne BONDEVIK — er strafferettslig involvert.
Det er hevet over tvil, dessverre, at Odd Bondevik for mer enn tolv år siden var
informert om noen av lovbruddene beskrevet i adressants "INCOMPLETE
uten at han grep inn for å avgrense eller stoppe den avskyelige kriminaliteten
hvori hans navngitte og mentalt forstyrrede søskenbarn var delaktig.

Med hjemmel i forannevnte o.a, bes biskop Odd Bondevik snarest underkastet
grundig/upartisk etterforsking for å klarlegge hvorvidt han kan straffes f.eks
etter straffeloven §§ 123–125 og 324–325. Cf Grunnloven §§ 21–22, tjeneste-
mannsloven § 15 item kirkeloven § 32 mv.

Det kirkelige fellesrådet er et kommunalt forvaltningsorgan hvis sammensetning

og arbeidsoppgaver bl.a reguleres av kirkeloven §§ 12–14. Rådet er underlagt
forvaltnings-/offentlighetsloven som gjelder med unntak av særbestemmelsene i
kirkeloven § 38.
Av habilitetskravene i forvaltningsloven § 6 fremgår at en offentlig tjeneste-
mann* (*jf §§ 1 og 10 ib) "er ugild til å tilrettelegge grunnlaget for en
avgjørelse eller til å treffe avgjørelse i en forvaltningssak" f.eks når han selv
er part i saken eller særegne forhold som kan svekke tilliten til hans upartiskhet
Uten at en her går nærmere inn på skyldspørsmålet og de juridiske implikasjon-
ene av å bidra til en straffbar handling etc, legges til grunn at Det kyrkjelege
fellesrådet over tid har kjent til deler av den regulære kriminaliteten man i
påanke av 25. f.m diplomatisk antyder at Hege Steinsland kan være involvert i,
og at de formelle kravene til straffbarhet og straffeforhøyende omstendigheter på
dette og strategisk uspesifisert vis er oppfylt. Medlemmene i Haram kyrkjelege
fellesråd er dermed blant de eksplisitt mistenkte i denne saken, og forvaltnings-
lovens inhabilitetsbestemmelser gjelder desisivt — jf § 2 ib, siste punktum, hvor
det fastslås at "Et forvaltningsorgan likestilles med privat rettssubjekt ved an-
vendelse av første ledd dersom organet har samme interesse eller stilling i saken
som private parter kan ha." I Håndbok for kirkelig fellesråd 1.2, fremholdes
at "Alle kirkelige enheter bygger på soknet som grunnenhet, og i juridiske
termer er soknet en 'juridisk person'."

Haram kyrkjelege fellesråd har pt følgende medlemmer:

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 Peter Odd BJØRKHAUG (leder)

 Andreas HELLEVIK (nestleder)
 Reidun SÆTER
 Michael HOFFMANN
 Per Inge VIK
 Oddbjørn VATNE (varaordføreren i Haram er
vararepresentant for hr Vatne)

Både Oddbjørn Vatne og hans vararepresentant til Det kyrkjelege fellesrådet,

Torleiv ROGNE, er faste medlemmer av administrasjonsutvalget og formann-
skapet i Haram kommune. Hr Vatne og andre lokalpolitikere/kommuneansatte er
for øvrig nevnt i undertegnedes "Document #5817" på en slik måte at det
partielt anskueliggjør ovenstående ugildhetsinnsigelser.

Mht kirkeverge Hege Steinsland, så har hun tillikemed mange andre velvillig og
mala fide medvirket i et morbid renkespill hvor — især — de offentlig ansatte
aktørenes immanente uforstand, sinnslidelser og ditto abnorme kriminalitet står
sentralt, og man finner ikke saklig grunnlag for å endre anførslene i vedlagte
påanke av 25. f.m.

07. nov 2006

Wilh. Werner WINTHER*

 Personalklage på Ronny Jørgensen av 03. f.m (1– én – s),
 tilsvar fra Hege Steinsland datert 23. f.m (1– én – s),
 adressants påanke av 25. f.m (1– én – s),
 tilsvar fra biskop Odd Bondevik datert 31. f.m (1– én – s).

Undertegnede mottar ikke forsendelser fra Posten Norge BA ─ svar sendes:
Jan Inge Kringstad, 6270 Brattvåg
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Advokat 03. des 2006


Fr Gry Beate MOLVÆR* (*f 16. okt '70), Trondheim, har status som
beskrevet i undertegnedes "INCOMPLETE FORMAL COMPLAINT VS
THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY" s 29–30, jf s 22–28 ib.

Fr Molvær har på eget initiativ avtalt et møte med ansatte i Haram kommune
medio ds, og bedt om fullmakt til å representere meg — formålet er angivelig
å sikre elektrisitetsforsyningen til Åsen 4, Brattvåg, som eies av hennes mor.

På bakgrunn av fr Molværs anførte fiendestatus og utilbørlige interaksjon med

offentlige funksjonærer oa, har jeg naturlig nok avvist ovennevnte anmodning.

Fr Molvær ble erklært persona non grata i Åsen 4, Brattvåg, 02. ds.

Ettersom jeg årlig søker om politisk asyl for å unnslippe daglig og eksplisitt
illegal trakassering iscenesatt av norske myndigheter, finnes tilbørlig at et dertil
skikket medlem av Amnesty International etter fullmakt ivaretar den strengt
nødvendige og for meg kvalmende kontakten med f.eks Haram kommune.

Med hilsen

Wilh. Werner WINTHER*

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Siden 1992 har Åsen 4, Brattvåg, vært åsted for noen av de mest forrykte og
ondsinnede terrorhandlinger som noensinne er begått av norske kommune- og

Den 03. mars 2007 drev Wilh. Werner WINTHER — som siden 1993 har
bebodd anførte adresse — med malerarbeid i korresponderende privatboligs
annen etasje da han fikk besøk av venninnen Kjærsti Elida GUSECK som
fortalte at hun nylig hadde vært i håndgemeng med moren grunnet et uavklart
Få minutter etter fr Gusecks ankomst oppstod kraftig røykutvikling og muligens
åpen ild i husets kjelleretasje idet den elektriske strømforsyningen til denne
delen av huset ble angrepet og sabotert av offentlig ansatte som grovt misbrukte
tilgjengelig og — i utgangspunktet — militær teknologi. Klokken var på dette
tidspunktet ca 17:30, og de aktuelle ødeleggelsene fremgår av det fotografiske
bilaget "Enclosure S-82" som inngår i hr Winthers formelle FN-klage og
menneskerettsrapport "FORMAL COMPLAINT vs the Kingdom of
Norway"* (*dette dokumentet er fortsatt under utarbeidelse).

At man tidligere — hhv 13. jun 2004 og 28. okt 2006 — har vært utsatt for
lignende sabotasjehandlinger iscenesatt av norske myndigheter, fremgår av FN-
vedleggene "Enclosure S-80" og "Enclosure S-81".

På side 137 i ovennevnte FN-rapport fremgår at ambulansesjåførene i Haram

kommune i stor grad har medvirket til den illegale overvåkningen og terrori-
seringen av innboerne bl.a i Åsen 4, Brattvåg, og det er utvilsomt korrekt å
underkaste disse dypt foraktelige utskuddene — samt "visse" og ikke mindre
foraktelige politiansatte — grundig etterforskning også i tilknytning til be-
skrevne branntilløp den 3. ds.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Ambulansesjåførene har tidligere — senest den 14. fm — vist aggressiv glede

over antatte nederlag påført fr Guseck, og formodentlig medvirket ansatte i
helse- og sosialetaten i Haram kommune til å fremprovosere hennes fars
dødsfall* den 29. sep 1992 (*i.e ved omfattende og eventuelt forsettlig

Den notoriske/offentlige kriminaliteten blant ansatte i Haram kommune er for

øvrig omtalt i undertegnedes Doc's ##5817, 6009, 6097 og 7011 mv.

Man tror at innholdet i noen SMSer fr Guseck og hr Winther utvekslet

førstnevnte dato har virket ansporende på gjerningsmennene:

Tekstmelding mottatt fra tlf #908 99 829 — i.e fra fr Guseck —

kl 12:16 den 03. mars 2007:

"Du har vel begynt m gjerdet til Ingolf tenker jeg. Jeg har vondt
i halsen. Har spist mange halslinser i håp om at det hjelper."

Svar sendt fr Guseck fra tlf #974 83 483 — i.e fra hr Winther —
den 03. mars 2007:

"Gjerdet — tja…; grunnet malingen denne uken måtte jeg vaske

klær i dag…..og vaskemaskin/tørketrommel går på samme strøm-
kursen som sag & arbeidsbelysning — jeg må nok heller male i dag!"

Ved siden av å påføre ham alvorlige helseskader og merutgifter, har et av

hovedmålene for norske myndigheter siden 1992 vært å sabotere hr Winthers
inntektsgivende arbeid, boligstandard og personlige relasjoner.

Fr Guseck er omtalt på s 120 i FORMAL COMPLAINT (det er hevet over tvil

at fhv helse- og sosialsjef i Haram kommune — Vegard AUSTNES [jf Doc 's
##6097 og 7011 etc] — er blant de som har vært godt kjent med og delaktig i
den illegale og uvanlig detestable monitoringen osv av fr Guseck o.a), og han
hvis gjerde mot betaling skulle repareres — Ingolf Peder ABELSETH — er
omtalt i Doc #5817 som utgjør en del av samme FN-klagen.

Advokat Johs. A ASPEHAUG, Ålesund, har fullmakt til å politianmelde

kriminalitet beskrevet i denne orienteringen på vegne av hr Winther.
Dommere o.a som benekter eller på annet vis søker å dekke over anførte
kriminalitet mv, skal begjæres siktet/tiltalt/straffet f.eks etter straffeloven §§

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

110, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 125, 145, 145 a og 275 — cf §§ 62 og 63 ib, item
domstolloven §§ 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113 og 116 etc.

05. mars 2007

Wilh. Werner WINTHER*


Behandlingen av norske myndigheter i denne saken

skal være svært brutal ─ dog ikke lovstridig!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Haram lensmannskontor
Knutv. 1

I samråd med advokat Johs. A ASPEHAUG, Ålesund, politianmeldes straffbare
forhold omtalt i orienteringen "NYTT TERRORANGREP" av 05. ds — jf
straffeprosessloven §§ 223–226.

De skyldige begjæres siktet/tiltalt/straffet.

Enhver henleggelse medfører ytterligere anmeldelser og korrupsjonsanklager.

Alle henvendelser i saken rettes til advokat Aspehaug.

Representanter for norske myndigheter er

i Åsen 4, 6270 Brattvåg!

07. mars 2007

Wilh. Werner WINTHER

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Fylkesmannen i Møre og Romsdal

Julsundv. 9
v/ Sosialavdelingen
BILAG: Orienteringen "NYTT TERRORANGREP", 03 —
tre — sider.


Anken og en engelskspråklig kommentarutgave av denne skal vedlegges en FN-

rapport om korrupsjon i det norske statsapparatet, og klagen suppleres derfor
med informasjon og bemerkninger som ellers ville vært naturlig å utelate.

Vedtaket som påankes i medhold av sosialtjenesteloven § 8–6, jf sosialtjeneste-

loven §§ 2–5 og 8–1 item forvaltningsloven §§ 28–30 etc, har referansenummer
07/624 ved helse- og sosialkontoret i Sula kommune og er undertegnet av

Klageren, fr Kjærsti Elida GUSECK (f 18. juni 1973), er i ovennevnte rapport

omtalt slik — sic:

"During most of A 2006 I've had much and predominantly chummy

contact with Ms Kjærsti Elida GUSECK (b June 18, 1973).
Ms Guseck is a photogenic and rather amatorious primadonna, and the
constantly marring PST officers and "health" professionals 've of course
criminally downloaded dozens of strictly private photos of her from my
PC and corresponding video monitor — also shots of explicitly
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 2

pornographic nature...! It goes practically unsaid Ms Guseck's private

apartments 've been systematically and massively infected with AV spy-
tech — all her phone conversations 've been recorded, and
comprehensive annotations on her intimate privacy journalized.....as a
matter of fact Norwegian authorities permanently, illegally and
lecherously have monitored the definite bedroom privacy of this half
Austrian and sexually attractive lady for years!

Official and sexually motivated violations of the palsy-walsy privacy of

juridically blameless citizens are extremely commonplace in Norway
today, and — to the extent parts of corresponding monitoring are
formally/clandestinely logged, Norwegian authorities will go to absolute
extremes to give their monstrous criminality the slightest shine of
respectability...: — empirically exhaustively fraudulent accusations and
the most absurd excuses may be recorded to cover up the principal motive
of the scummy surveillance!"
NORWAY, side 120–121)

I Document #7084, som utgjør en del av same FN-rapporten, kan man

lese at — sic:

"På side 137 i ovennevnte FN-rapport fremgår at ambulansesjå-

førene i Haram kommune i stor grad har medvirket til den illegale
overvåkningen og terroriseringen av innboerne bl.a i Åsen 4, Brattvåg, og
det er utvilsomt korrekt å underkaste disse dypt foraktelige utskuddene —
samt "visse" og ikke mindre foraktelige politiansatte — grundig
etterforskning også i tilknytning til beskrevne branntilløp den 3. ds.
Ambulansesjåførene har tidligere — senest den 14. fm — vist aggressiv
glede over antatte nederlag påført fr Guseck, og formodentlig medvirket
ansatte i helse- og sosialetaten i Haram kommune til å fremprovosere
hennes fars dødsfall* den 29. sep 1992 (*i.e ved omfattende og eventuelt
forsettlig feilbehandling).

Den notoriske/offentlige kriminaliteten blant ansatte i Haram kommune er

for øvrig omtalt i undertegnedes Doc's ##5817, 6009, 6097 og 7011 mv."


"Fr Guseck er omtalt på s 120 i FORMAL COMPLAINT (det er hevet

over tvil at fhv helse- og sosialsjef i Haram kommune — Vegard
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 3

AUSTNES [jf Doc 's ##6097 og 7011 etc] — er blant de som har vært
godt kjent med og delaktig i den illegale og uvanlig detestable
monitoringen osv av fr Guseck o.a), og han hvis gjerde mot betaling
skulle repareres — Ingolf Peder ABELSETH — er omtalt i Doc #5817
som utgjør en del av samme FN-klagen."

Den sinnssykelige og totalt fordømmelige terroriseringen av fr Guseck gjen-

speiler dyptgående ringeakt for internasjonale menneskerettighetskonvensjoner
Norge er forpliktet av m.m, og det er ingen tvil om at bl.a forvaltningslovens § 6
om ugildhet må få anvendelse — jf tjenestemannsloven §§ 1, 14–19 og 21, samt
straffeloven §§ 12, 58–63, 120, 123–125, 145–147, 179, 185, 189, 194, 200,
201, 204–206, 216–217, 229, 232, 236–237, 242–243, 246–247, 252–253, 257–
258, 266, 294, 372, 384, 387, 390, 390 a., og 392–393 mv.

Helse- og sosialkontoret i Sula kommune begrunner patognomonisk avslaget på

fr Gusecks søknad om dekning av transport- og lagringsutgifter hos Rekdal
Transport AS, Ålesund, med at hun "…har hatt tilstrekkeleg inntekt til å dekke
desse utgiftene sjølv…" — men, den egentlige årsaken til refuseringen er nok
motivert av helt andre og langt mer foraktelige hensyn enn de økonomiske…:

Siden 24. januar ac har Kjærsti Elida Guseck leid en gammel sokkel-
leilighet i Geilneset 30, Langevåg, som hun hittil ikke har kunnet til-
flytte fordi hennes habengut — møbler/hvitevarer, kjøkkentøy, bade-
romsinventar, bilder/pyntegjenstander og klær m.m — tilbakeholdes
av Rekdal Transport AS da fr Guseck ikke har klart å innfri sine øko-
nomiske forpliktelser overfor firmaet.
Nevnte leilighet har uvanlig tykke inner- og yttervegger av massiv be-
tong, og en del av den ligger godt under bakkenivå — selv om neder-
drektige representanter for norske myndigheter for lengst har installert
mye av det vanlige overvåkningsutstyret sitt der, viser etterretninger at
de notoriske drittsekkene har hatt problemer med å overføre både lyd
og bilder fra deler av den ca 110 m2 store kjellerleiligheten.
Utsiktene til ikke å få utspionere fr Gusecks sexualliv og WC-vaner er
naturligvis uutholdelig for de satanisk depraverte psykopatene som i
årevis har plaget henne o.a, så det er slett ikke underlig at de ansatte
ved ovennevnte helse- og sosialkontor råder henne til å "…finne seg ei
mindre og rimelegare leilegheit…" —— !

Psykopatologien og den uhyrlige løgnaktigheten/fariseismen/arrogansen/krimi-

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 4

naliteten osv som for en stor del kjennetegner norske stats- og kommuneansatte,
fremholdes utvetydig flere steder i forannevnte FN-rapport — sic:
"Studying nearby complaint and adjoining enclosures (cf p 2 —
"Comments on disqualification"), reasonable sane and sagacious
readers pretty soon will launch an almost inevitable question: "Can the
various crimes and atrocities described in this report possibly 've been
perpetrated by mentally sound creatures...?"
Based on unique, comprehensive and well-structured collections of data
on documentable criminality committed by Norwegian officials since
1992, it's quite easy to give a clear-cut answer to that query:

"Certainly not.....the ghastly admixture of psychopathies, crimi-

nalism, hypocrisy, parvanimity, theomachy, lewdness and
fiendishness verily characterizing the cracked personality of most
Norwegian officials are, far and away, the worst European and first
world example of gross intrapopular depravity and collective
insaneness procurable!"

Actively sustained by and largely including governmental authorities and

flyblown principals of major state institutes, the innate corruption and
wormy diabolism pervades all executive and official branches of the
infected nation which — befittingly — 've been nicknamed "The Kingdom
of Satan"!

Although psychiatric ill-health and multifarious impairment of higher

cerebral functions are alarmingly common amongst Norwegian officials,
the greater part of them tends to be criminally responsible as personality
disorders — particularly psychopathy — and various perversions are
predominant conditions.
The pathologically distorted thought and behavior patterns normally
typifying Norwegian public officials and senior civil servants may
however — viewed as an endemic phenomenon — partially rupture the
commonly accepted boundaries imposed by international norms of
disease classification. A genetically rooted and markedly offbeat
syndrome symptomatically approaching classical psychopathy and
frequently comprising atypical variants of the structural pathology
conventionally associated with organic brain diseases, it's hardly
unbecoming to introduce the acronym "NPSMS"* — *"Norwegian Police
and Statesman Malignant Syndrome" (if more convenient, you may think
of NPSMS simply as "Norwegian psychopathy" or "Norwegian folie", of
In Doc's ##633 and 2037 — pp 67 and 95, respectively, I've described a
number of NPSMS' more or less pathognomonic symptoms — viz:
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 5

Inadequate judgmental ability, imprudence, atelonoesis,

rejoice in evildoing, ponerophilia, cruelty, sadism, dysempathy,
superiority/inferiority complexes and complemental maladjust-
ment/overcompensation, falsehood, charlatanism, hypocrisy,
professional double-dealing, sickly self-assertiveness, arrogance,
cantankerousness, megalomania, general lability, willful neglect
and violation of ethical norms, criminalism, recidivism, dikephobia,
corruptibility, deceitfulness, psychiatric conditions, delusional ideation,
religious insecurity/confusion, theomachy, icono-/supericlasm, hamartio-
philia, unwarranted suspiciousness/hostility, turncoat mentality, distrust-
ful jingoism, impudence, prevaricated sociability, ergasiomimesis, feigned
eunoia, refractoriness, spiteful envy, peevishness, aggression, irritability,
anosognosia, gloominess, lecherousness and voyeurism.....etc.

The above collection of personality traits and symptoms manifestly typical

but not necessarily conclusive of NPSMS, clearly invites to differentiated
diagnosing; while the moodiness and fluctuating self-image are amongst
the distinguishing features of the borderline personality, the
thoroughgoing reality distortion and oftentimes systematic
misinterpretation of events exhibited by some NPSMS afflicted individuals
are truly archtypical of regular psychoses. The severe, recurrent and
wholly intentional misconduct and criminality fundamentally peculiar to
NPSMS-villains are closest related to the antisocial personality disorder,
however, but are more complex and frequently includes dangerous
paranoia, religious delusions and sheer diabolism.
In most psychiatric disorders it's relatively uncomplicated to identify some
precipitating factors — i.e psychosocial and physical influence in all
likelihood triggering the mental derangement. When it comes to the
NPSMS it's usually hard to detect decisive, psychotogenic factors — as a
matter of fact one may feel slightly ill at ease attempting to discriminate
readily observable, morbid features from entirely self-willed and
obviously unreasonable evil-mindedness...! Ethically indefensible,
evilness purely for the sake of evilness may assuredly be a ponerologically
acceptable and ipso facto rational aim in itself (most religious dogmas
omitted, of course).....consequently — motive and means appearing
practically identical — unprovoked evilness may be seen both as a
cardinal symptom and causa sine qua non of the Norwegian Police and
Statesman Malignant Syndrome.
As regards predisposing factors, genetic endowment and hereditary
metabolic, anatomical and physiological insufficiencies in prefrontal
cortices, the thalamencephalon, hypothalamus and limbic system may be
crucial for the actual onset and subsequent diagnosing of NPSMS.
Various somatosensory structures and convergence zones in the
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 6

ventromedial prefrontal sector of the brain may be visibly damaged, and

dysfunctions of the medial/lateral orbitofrontal circuit, nucleus
accumbens, ventral striatum, corpus Luysii and thalamic nuclei are
common NPSMS features. Serotonin's neuronal transmitter functions and
capability to modulate v.g dopaminergic neurons may be significantly
reduced in NPSMS sufferers, and the GABAergic output pathways of
neostriatum and globus pallidus tends to be impaired — monoamine
based weaknesses and defective interconnections between the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex, anterior subgenual cingulate cortex and the ventral
striatum may be NPSMS indicative.
Despite depicted brain abnormalities, many NPSMS-caitiffs are capable
of performing just about normally on standard neuropsychological tests
— working memory, concentration and the general intelligence seems to
be intact...

Those unfamiliar with e.g: the bloodcurdling history of medicine; the

execrable crimes inspired by physicians/nurses in Nazi Germany; the
political role of psychiatrists in diagnosing dissenters/intellectuals as
mentally ill; the numerous medical practitioners serving as regular
torturers; the many vivisections on various prisoners/internees; the
widespread falsification of medical reports to cover up serious crimes; the
active involvement of physicians in weapon-related
production.....etc.....may find the heinously extensive and untautly
described cooperation between corrupted "health" professionals and
notoriously criminal police officers (et al) downright shocking and
There exist a universally acclaimed and professional code of
deontological principles serving as ethical cornerstone for medical
teachers and practitioners, namely the "Hippocratic oath"...:


"I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and
All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my
ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation —
to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my pa-
rents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities
if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my
own brothers, and to teach them this Art, if they shall wish to learn
it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every
other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 7

to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound

by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to
none others. I will follow that system of regimen which, according
to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients,
and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will
give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such
counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a
pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness
I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons
laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men
who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever house I enter,
I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain
from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further
from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves.
Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not,
in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought
not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that
all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath
unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice
of the Art, respected by all men, in all times! But should I trespass
and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot!"


"I promise that my medical knowledge will be used to benefit

people's health. Patients are my first concern. I will listen to them,
and provide the best care I can. I will be honest, respectful, and
compassionate towards patients. I will do my best to help anyone
in medical need, in emergencies. I will make every effort to ensure
that the rights of all patients are respected, including vulnerable
groups who lack means of making their needs known. I will exercise
my professional judgment as independently as possible, uninfluenced
by political pressure or the social standing of my patient. I will not
put personal profit or advancement above my duty to my patient.
I recognize the special value of human life, but I also know that pro-
longation of human life is not the only aim of health care. If I
agree to perform abortion, I agree that it should take place only
within an ethical and legal framework. I will not provide treat-
ments that are pointless or harmful, or which an informed and com-
petent patient refuses. I will help patients find the information and
support they want to make decisions on their care. I will answer as

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 8

truthfully as I can, and respect patients' decisions, unless that puts

others at risk of substantial harm. If I cannot agree with their requests,
I will explain why. If my patients have limited mental awareness, I
will still encourage them to participate in decisions as much as
they feel able. I will do my best to maintain confidentiality about
all patients. If there are overriding reasons preventing me keeping a
patient's confidentiality, I will explain them. I recognize my know-
ledge has limits: I will get advice from colleagues when needed.
I will acknowledge my mistakes. I will do my best to keep myself
and my colleagues informed of new developments, and ensure that
poor standards or bad practices are exposed to those who can im-
prove them. I will show respect for all those with whom I work and
be ready to share my knowledge by teaching others what I know. I
will use my training and professional standing to improve the
community in which I work. I will treat patients equitably and
support a fair and humane distribution of health resources. I will
try to influence and redirect authorities whose policies harm public
health. I will oppose policies which breach internationally accepted
standards of human rights. I will strive to change laws that are
contrary to patients' interests or to my professional ethics. While
I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me
to enjoy life and the practice of the Art, respected by all,
in all times."

The wholly deliberate and fulsomely imbuing lawlessness, terrorism and

nefariousness arrogantly paraded by the Norwegian public "health"
service (et al) in this case, represents an all-out and portentously hellish
onslaught of the high-minded stipulations laid down in the Hippocratic
oath — we are, categorically, facing the worst and most dishonorable
example of state supported inequity, official folly and premeditated human
rights violations seen in Norway after World War II (cf Doc #4588, p
A judicious and impartial being may turn over and search underneath
each stone and windfall without finding factually extenuating
circumstances in this case.....the intensely loathsome picture of an
occupational group rapaciously vandalizing their professional code and,
in symptomatic confederacy, illegally terrorizing a particularly valiant
man opportunistically deemed morally and intellectually superior — and
for that reason malevolently persecuted by depraved dunces, incessantly
becomes more detailed and horridly scandalous as new pieces of evidence
Caveat lector...:
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 9

 "...according to my ability and judgment, I will keep

this Oath and this stipulation...",

 "...I will follow that system of regimen which, according

to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of
my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and

 "...with purity and with holiness I will pass my life

and practise my Art...",

 "...into whatever house I enter, I will go into them for

the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every vol-
untary act of mischief and corruption...",

 "...I will be honest, respectful, and compassionate towards


 "...I will make every effort to ensure that the rights of all
patients are respected...",

 "...I will exercise my professional judgment as independently

as possible, uninfluenced by political pressure or the social
standing of my patient...",

 "...I will not provide treatments that are pointless or harmful,

or which an informed and competent patient refuses...",

 "...I will acknowledge my mistakes...",

 "...I will try to influence and redirect authorities whose

policies harm public health...",

 "...I will strive to change laws that are contrary to patients

interests or to my professional ethics...", and

 "...I will oppose policies which breach internationally ac-

cepted standards of human rights..." — — ;

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 10

it certainly looks glorious on paper and screen, doesn't it...? The revolting
truth, however, is that preaching human rights and ethical code
observance to Norwegian authorities — the public "health" service vastly
included — in this case invariably have had the same, questionable effects
as solemnly offering a literally bloody, honeyed and invigorating
sacrament to a swarm screwy, hell-ordained and plague-spreading rat

"Preceding quotations clearly reflects much of the cap-à-pie pharisaism

and scurvy misconduct wontedly showed off by Norwegian officials
attempting to belittle, conceal and obstruct adequate investigation etc of
their extensive corruption. To these chronic and obtrusively arrogant
malefactors, your adherence to soft-boiled human rights and ethical codes
simply means they can protract and possibly intensify their obnoxious
offences without risking dismaying sanctions and burdensome,
international interference.....verily; your idealistic and perchance
pusillanimous approach is nothing but an enheartening incitement to
these naturally schizoid and overly low-minded felons!
Instead of mollycoddling and inadvertently spurring Norwegian
authorities mayheming the human rights, the world community at large
and international fora in particular should go for explicitly pragmatic
solutions to halt and legally punish corresponding and vaingloriously
contemptuous criminality. More precisely, we can imagine a highly
specialized, mobile and cosmopolitan intervention unit of superbly fit and
comprehensively trained police officers duly commissioned to secure final
proofs and forcibly apprehend state supported culprits — e.g in Norway...
Principally dedicated to human rights' enforcement rather than
conventional counterterrorist tasks, judicious application of cogent
measures to prevent abuse of portrayed unit is crucial.
In any event — and this point can hardly be overstressed: before
international and politically powerful alliances are willing to resolutely
and with required sternness arrest, imprison, convict and otherwise treat
Norwegian officials in accordance with the categorical condemnation the
latter's satanic fiendishness, double-dealing and odious corruption ex
officio en effet calls for, the well-meant but woefully uncharged pro forma
chiding normally launched by human rights organizations/tribunals
scarcely becomes more than a waggish and downright encouraging
brutum fulmen to Norwegian authorities...!

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 11

More specifically returning to the Norwegian public "health" service, it

should be properly emphasized some of the meanest villains hired to
routinely and absolutely illegally terrorize me here in NO-Brattvåg
neither are physicians nor nurses, but fulsomely rotten ambulance drivers.
A fairly homogeneous pack sociopaths and grubby good-for-nothings with
a general Stanford-Binet IQ clustered betwixt 118 and 121, three of these
befittingly and irrevocably hell-doomed chauffeurs has distinguished
themselves by particularly swinish behavior — viz:

 Mr Ron Borge "Schizo" FINNØY, NO-Brattvåg,

 Mr Torgeir "Rattus" AKSLEN, NO-Brattvåg, and
 Mr Kjell-Arne OTTERLEI, NO-Brattvåg.

For years on end we've witnessed how this accursed troika and other
depraved "health" professionals wholly on their own initiative — or to
carry out orders unlawfully sanctioned e.g by Norwegian
government/parliament officials — orgiastically and with diabolic delight
've trampled to pieces central articles of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights..."

"Generally, state initiated/supported criminality are considerably

facilitated and furthered by the fact most commoners lacks reliable and
sufficient information about the actual and oftentimes extensive
corruption partaken by their authorities…..and those unsuspecting of —
and perhaps largely unacquainted with — flagrant evilness and injustice,
very easily becomes victims of e.g official propaganda and disinformation
designed to create/nourish unjustified confidence and cover up
corresponding depravity. Moreover, perverted officials and senior civil
servants are also, normally, in a particularly convenient position when it
comes to manipulating the press, hiding their malefaction, and evading
criminal investigation of — and legal actions against —
themselves…..and, here in Norway, they're quite ready to exploit that
bothersome fact!
So, inferentially; those caring for their personal integrity and
condemning said iniquity should — first and foremost — highten their
overall suspiciousness vis-à-vis the Norwegian state apparatus (cf
PRECAUTION #1 below)."

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 12

"As stressed above, the fatally contaminated Norwegian state apparatus are
composed of individuals…and the individual corruptibility and actual
depravity of these persons determines — summa summarum — the degree of
corruption generally ascribable to Norwegian authorities. While the satanic
iniquity of Norwegian authorities are befittingly underscored many places in
this Complaint — cf e.g pp 10, 68–69, 72–73 and 104–137 (cf Doc's ##103,
115, 339, 377, 627, 633, 1022, 1536, 2037, 2418, 2907, 3217, 3611, 4000,
4575, 4588, 5007, 5817, 6097, 7011 and 7084 &c), the actual point here, in
any case, is that our alertness in no way should be limited to the various
parts of the state apparatus per se — our suspiciousness should indeed
encompass the corresponding culprits' private activities and circle of
acquaintances too.

None possessed of an adequate degree of moral integrity, perspicacity and

information would nowadays — and voluntarily — work as a senior civil or
public servant here in Norway…and, dealing with the actual officeholders,
we should always keep in mind we're up against individuals not quitting
their despective jobs either because they — for various reasons — feels
forced to stay, are unaware serious corruption, are unable to comprehend
the nature or implications of their own or others' malfeasance, or because
they consciously — sufficiently aware the incriminating/ ponerologi-
cal/immoral aspects of their misconduct — supports or actively partakes
indicated malversation.
Although there are multifarious and hitherto undescribed aspects and
degrees of the foregoing assertion, the golden rule is never to rely on a
Norwegian senior civil servant or official whatsoever…whereas unimpelled
employment with and amicable contributions to nowadays Norwegian
authorities normally points to dangerous moral/intellectual/informational

Regardless of our empirically and otherwise well-founded distrust, we may

to a given extent intercommunicate and associate feignedly jovially with the
actual officeholders to meet tactical requirements like the gathering,
evaluation and spreading of essential intelligence…..in most circumstances,
however, it's generally unbecoming to distinctly respectable persons to
communicate needlessly and unobliged/volitionally keep company with these
authority hired individuals who for preventive reasons should be brusquely
denied admittance to all assemblies of zealously upright and sharply
discerning men and women.
As an absolute debarment of Norwegian officials from all groups of superbly
wise and virtuous persons may seem unduly extreme to some of you, I shall
spend a few minutes explaining why such radical measures nevertheless are
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 13


Fr Kjærsti Elida Guseck forteller at hun under en barnevernssamtale med Tone

Amalie OPSTAD fra helse- og sosialkontoret i Haram kommune tidligere denne
måneden ble karakterisert som en "ondskapsfull psykopat" o.a, og at fr Opstad
bedyret hun ville anstrenge seg for å skape så mange personlige problemer
for henne som mulig. Fr Guseck understreker òg at hun i lang tid har hatt et særlig
dårlig forhold til Laila GRYTTEN ved barnevernet i Haram kommune — i den
private orienteringen "NOEN ENKLE RETNINGSLINJER" av februar d.å,
omtales fr Grytten slik — sic:

"Med tanke på hennes antatt perverterte legning — pedofili/lesbisitet —

og det faktum at hun aldri har født et barn selv, er det fullstendig
uakseptabelt at Laila GRYTTEN besitter sin nåværende stilling innen
helse- og sosialetaten…..; slike barnevernsjobber bør, fortrinnsvis,
forbeholdes mer enn normalt oppegående mødre som har båret frem og
med hell oppdratt minst 2 — to — av sine egne barn!"

"Fr Gryttens hyppige og til dels personlige kontakt med ansatte i politi-/
lensmannsetaten skal tillegges stor og udelt negativ betydning — dette
gjelder også det påstått "rusforebyggende" arbeidet."

"Det er hevet over tvil at Laila Grytten og fhv helse- og sosialsjef i

Haram kommune — Vegard AUSTNES* (* jf Doc ##6097 og 7011 &c)
— er blant de som har vært godt kjent med og delaktig i den illegale og
uvanlig detestable monitoringen av fr Guseck."

Under enhver omstendighet anses bevist at det foreligger et meget alvorlig og

enkelt dokumenterbart fiendskap mellom fr Guseck og helse-/sosialetaten både
i Haram og Sula kommune, og at førstnevntes harme til gagns er berettiget da
sistnevnte instanser o.a har begått uprovoserte, langvarige, særdeles avskyelige
og eksplisitt kriminelle overgrep mot henne.
Den straffbare terroriseringen av fr Guseck har tydelig preg av renspikket og
sinnssykelig personforfølgelse, og man legger til grunn at spesielt de kommu-
nale aktørene i dag nærer et sterkt og kriminelt ønske om å skade henne.

Det har helt klart vært hyppig og overveiende konspiratorisk kontakt mellom
helse- og sosialkontorene i Haram og Sula kommune i dagene umiddelbart før
påankede — og tilsiktet misvisende — vedtak ble fattet, og man finner i så måte
symptomatisk at brevsendingen fra Sula kommune inneholdende nevnte vedtak

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 14

— som er datert 28. fm — er poststemplet 18. ds* (*i.e datoen den tre uker
lange ankefristen normalt utgår)…!
Fr Guseck mottok for øvrig omtalte vedtak den 21. ds ——

Av forvaltningsloven § 6 fremgår bl.a at — sic:

"En offentlig tjenestemann er ugild til å tilrettelegge grunnlaget for

en avgjørelse eller til å treffe en avgjørelse i en forvaltningssak når
særegne forhold foreligger som er egnet til å svekke tilliten til hans

Med hjemmel i sistnevnte lovparagraf o.a nedlegges slik

Vedtaket fra helse- og sosialkontoret i Sula kommune
med internt referansenummer 07/624 erklæres
ugyldig og omgjøres slik at Kjærsti Elida GUSECK,
NO-6282 Brattvåg, snarest får innfridd sine økonom-
iske forpliktelser overfor Rekdal Transport AS*
(*firmaets krav skal i dag lyde på ca kr 18 500,00) —
jf forvaltningsloven §§ 28 og 35 mv, item sosial-
tjenesteloven §§ 1–1, 1–2, 2–1, 8–4, 8–6 og 8–7 etc.

Brattvåg, 25. april 2007

Kjærsti Elida GUSECK


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
Fylkesmannen 25. april 2007
NO-Molde UN-DOCUMENT side 15


1. Kopi av søknad om økonomisk stønad fra fr Kjærsti Elida GUSECK

av 31. jan d.å, 4 — fire — sider;

2. kopi av vedtak fra helse- og sosialkontoret i Sula kommune med

internt referansenummer 07/624, 2 — to — sider;

3. kopi av konvolutten sistnevnte vedtak ble oversendt i, 1 — én — side;

4. kopi av kjøreordre nr 12340 fra Rekdal Transport AS, 1 — én — side.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Haram lensmannskontor
Knutv. 1

Idet man understreker at vedlagte dokumenter uavkortet inngår i en formell FN-

klage, politianmeldes alle straffbare forhold omtalt i "Incomplete Formal
Complaint vs the Kingdom of Norway" (s 1–195) og "Internet Documents"
(s 1–156) — jf straffeprosessloven §§ 223–226.

De skyldige begjæres siktet/tiltalt/straffet.

Enhver henleggelse medfører ytterligere anmeldelser og korrupsjonsanklager.

Faren for at norske myndigheter begår nye og alvorlige forbrytelser i denne

saken er såpass overhengende, at avhør etc av undertegnede kun tillates på
nærmere klarert sted med nøytrale/bevæpnede sikkerhetsvakter fra andre og
mer tilregnelige FN-land til stede (jf Grunnloven § 93 mv).

Representanter for norske myndigheter er personae non gratae i Åsen 4,


Alle henvendelser rettes til advokat Johs. A ASPEHAUG, Ålesund.

13. august 2007

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Wilh. Werner WINTHER

 Incomplete Formal Complaint vs the Kingdom of Norway, s 1–195,
 Internet Documents, s 1–156.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Sep 12, 2007

Mr Johs. A ASPEHAUG, lawyer

Kipervikg. 5 (Grimmergården)

Dear Mr Aspehaug:

As telephonically stated, a number of Norwegian (senior) civil servants were

quite busy here in NO-Brattvåg today as well as the 6th inst; in a couple hours
these accursed swine amongst swine provoked acute power failure in Åsen 4
13–14 times…!
Similar terror attacks has been formally reported earlier — cf Doc's ##7084
and 7090.

As regards my comprehensive report of the 13th previous month (cf Doc #8123),
this as well as enclosed documents has been forwarded the thoroughly corrupted
chief of police Mr Arne Sverre KAROLIUSSEN, NO-Ålesund.
Mr Karoliussen — together with the Norwegian Minister of Justice and the
Police Mr Knut STORBERGET — are, of course, amongst the numerous male-
factors actual to imprison for the full term and period of their remaining and
natural life in this unparalleled case.

Mr Karoliussen are very well aware rotten officers from the police station in
NO-Ålesund, in cooperation with depraved employees/executives at the head
post office in the same town, has stolen several letters from e.g human rights
organizations addressed to your office — cf Incomplete FORMAL COM-
PLAINT vs the Kingdom of Norway pp 1, 10 and 179, item Doc #3611 &c.

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Closing nearby letter at 07:06 post meridiem, those guilty of described

criminality immediately sabotaged my PC deleting all text usw…!

Very truly yours,

Wilh. Werner WINTHER

PS (Sep 14, 2007):

Before handing over nearby letter, I shall make mention of a dubious device
extensively and criminally abused by the public "health" service in Norway; the
"Antenna Carephone" (see illustrations below).

The Antenna Carephone is strategically installed in private domiciles by repre-

sentatives of the public "health" service, and connected to a day and night
manned central through the state-owned telecommunication network* (*cf
Doc #3217, pp 105–107 &c).
Frequently stationed in living rooms, kitchens, and near beds, the Antenna Care-
phone provides excellent opportunities for illegally overhearing/recording
various indoor activities…..and, as demonstrated by practically innumerable in-
cidents the last quinquennium, these "Carephones" are systematically abused by
odiously corrupted "health" personnel eavesdropping private conversations and
sexual activities etc!
Those abusing the Antenna Carephone here in NO-Brattvåg has — mostly —
been female nurses living out their psychosexual disorders and criminal predis-

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Haram lensmannskontor
Knutv. 1

Undertegnede lånte 20. ds en Mercedes Vito varebil med reg.nr UF 23543 av

firmaet Brabil AS i Strandgata, Brattvåg.

Natt til 21. ds — mens bilen stod parkert utenfor garasjen i Åsen 4, Brattvåg —
brøt politiansatte seg inn i bilen. Man antar at de politiansatte under innbruddet
tappet varebilen for noen liter drivstoff.

Man antar òg at politiansatte dagen i forveien — da bilen stod parkert i Ålesund

sentrum mens anmelderen samtalte med sin advokat Johs. A ASPEHAUG —
saboterte bilens nærlys (begge sider)…

De skyldige begjæres siktet/tiltalt/straffet — jf straffeprosessloven §§ 223–


Enhver henleggelse medfører ytterligere anmeldelser og korrupsjonsanklager.

Faren for at norske myndigheter begår nye og alvorlige forbrytelser i denne

saken er såpass overhengende, at avhør etc av undertegnede kun tillates på
nærmere klarert sted med nøytrale/bevæpnede sikkerhetsvakter fra andre og
mer tilregnelige FN-land til stede (jf Grunnloven § 93 mv).

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Representanter for norske myndigheter er personae non gratae i Åsen 4,


Alle henvendelser rettes til advokat Johs. A ASPEHAUG, Ålesund.

25. september 2007

Wilh. Werner WINTHER

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

October xx, 2007


The sheriff office

Knutv. 1
NO-6270 Brattvåg



August 13 HA the sheriff office in NO-Brattvåg duly received a formal notifi-

cation encompassing all criminal acts mentioned in the UN-petition Incomplete
FORMAL COMPLAINT vs the Kingdom of Norway (pp 1–195) and
INTERNET DOCUMENTS by Wilh. Werner Winther (pp 1–156), and —
precisely as expected — Norwegian authorities has mishandled said report and
carried on their slimy criminality (cf FORMAL COMPLAINT pp 10, 104–
106, 122–127, 136 and 190 &c, item Doc's ## 8168 and 8197).

Whereas section 11 a. of the Norwegian Public Administration Act of

February 10 1967 positively states that a public administration body should
provide a provisional reply if an inquiry/application etc not can be dealt with
within a month, Norwegian authorities — despite several admonitions — arro-
gantly and wholly deliberately has chosen to violate their own national regu-
lations by denying to acknowledge receipt of the actual notification.
Anyhow; the police station in NO-Ålesund — headed by the dreadfully
depraved duo Mr Endre FLATVAD and Mr Arne Sverre KAROLIUSSEN
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

(cf Doc ##240 and 8168), are legally obliged to follow up any formal complaint
reaching them ex officio and in compliance with Norwegian law. The
premeditated dereliction of duty in this case are clearly punishable in accordance
with e.g sec's 324 and 325 of corresponding Penal Code* — viz:

§ 324.
Any public servant who intentionally omits to perform
an official duty, or who otherwise intentionally violates
his official duties, or who, in spite of warnings, shows
carelessness or negligence in the performance of such duties
shall be liable to fines or loss of office.
Any person who is covered by the Act relating to civil ser-
vants shall also come under this section.

§ 325.
Any senior state official or public official shall be liable to fines
1. shows gross lack of judgment in the course of his duty, or
2. performs any act that he is forbidden to do because of his
position, or
3. in the performance of his official duty is guilty of improper
conduct towards any person, or
4. in connection with his service is guilty of improper conduct
towards any of his superiors or subordinates, or
5. in connection with his service behaves in a manner which will
make him unworthy of or will have an adverse effect on the
confidence or esteem necessary for his office.
In the case of repeated offences or under especially aggravating
circumstances the penalty applicable may be loss of office.

Cf sec's 14, 15, 16 and 21 of the Norwegian Civil Service Act* — viz:

Senior civil servants (other than judges) and civil servants
who are not by Statute subject to another disciplinary au-
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

thority may be subjected to disciplinary measures for:

infringement of official obligations or failure to fulfil
official duties,
improper behaviour in or outside of the service that dam-
ages the respect or confidence essential to the post.
As disciplinary measures, senior civil servants and civil
servants may be subjected to a written reprimand, or to loss
of seniority for a period of one month to two years.
Civil servants may also as a disciplinary measure, either
permanently or for a limited period be demoted
to a lower grade.
An ordinary service reprimand shall not be regarded as
a disciplinary measure.
Disciplinary measures are entered in the officer's re-
cord or personnel card. Regulations stipulate when the
entry shall be removed.
Any officer may demand a printout of his/her record
or personnel card.

A senior civil servant or civil servant may be summarily
discharged when he:
has shown gross negligence in the service or is guilty of a
gross breach of official duties or despite a written warning
or reprimand has repeatedly breached his official duties,
by improper behaviour in or outside the service proves
himself unworthy of his post or damages the respect or
confidence that is essential to the post.
The provision in this section shall not restrict the right to
punish a senior civil servant or civil servant by depriving
him of his post pursuant to the rules of penal legislation.

If dictated by the interest of the service, a senior civil servant
or civil servant may immediately be suspended when there are
grounds for suspecting that he is guilty of behavior that may
result in a summary discharge pursuant to section 15. When such
grounds no longer exist, the suspension shall be terminated. A
suspension shall also be terminated if instituted criminal prose-
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

cution is discontinued or if a summary discharge case brought

before a court of law is withdrawn.
Suspension shall also be terminated if a summary discharge is
not decided within six months. If however prosecution is insti-
tuted for behavior which may give grounds for summary discharge
pursuant to section 15, or which may entail punishment by loss
of office, or if a civil action has been brought to deprive an officer
of his post pursuant to section 10 of the Act concerning the Entry
into Force of the Norwegian Penal Code, the suspension may be
extended by up to six months at a time until the case is finally
decided. The suspension may also be extended by up to six
months at a time if the senior civil servant or civil servant has
a position of especial trust such that it would be detrimental to
the service if he resumed work before the decision of the court
or if he would be in a position to destroy evidence needed for
decision of the summary discharge case.
If a decision is made to suspend an officer, the summary discharge
case shall be brought without undue delay.
Instead of being suspended, civil servants and senior civil servants
in government offices, in the armed forces or the Foreign Service
may temporarily be transferred to another, less confidential service.
For such transfers the same rules apply as for suspension.
Until a decision has been made concerning summary discharge, a
suspended senior civil servant or civil servant is entitled to full pay
for the post. If the decision is appealed against, the officer is entitled
to full pay for the post until the appeal is decided. Deductions may be
made from the officer's pay in respect of any income received from
other work during the suspension period.

If a senior civil servant or civil servant is subjected to
disciplinary measures or summary discharge for a criminal
offence, this shall not preclude normal criminal prosecution,
but assessment of the sentence shall take the disciplinary
measures or summary discharge into consideration.

Whereas my counselor, Mr Johs. A. ASPEHAUG (NO-Ålesund), sent me a SMS* (*Short Message

Service) Oct 26 informing me his office had received a confirmatory note four days earlier stating
that my notification of Aug 13 ha finally had been forwarded to the Special Police Investigation
Commission* (*SEFO) in NO-Kristiansund (cf Doc‘s ##135, 147, and 161 etc), nearby notification
— though valid — is left unfinished.
Nov 14, 2007

by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

November 06, 2007


The sheriff office

Knutv. 1
NO-6270 Brattvåg



Oct 27, 2007:

At 20:49 PM representatives of Norwegian authorities attempted to infect my
PC with a particularly nocuous variant of the virus ―Downloader‖.
The attack was forcibly quenched, and the virus is now safely quarantined.

Oct 28, 2007:

In the afternoon representatives of Norwegian authorities launched an aggres-
sive attack aimed at ruining my PC.
The attack is discovered immediately and effectively quashed.
by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
November 06, 2007

Nov 01, 2007:

Between 09:00 and 10:15 PM — while (utilizing my PC in Åsen 4, NO-Bratt-
våg) editing and printing out 4 private photos sent my family by relatives in the
USA, representatives of Norwegian authorities downloaded and stole ELINT-
copies of said pics.
The US citizens photographically depicted in this case may all, empirically, be
exposed to illegal persecution/surveillance and potentially fatal attacks carried
out by depraved representatives of Norwegian authorities.

Nov 03, 2007:

Between 10:00 and 11:00 AM — while I visited the shop "RS Elektronikk AS"
in NO-Brattvåg, a debauched representative of Norwegian authorities (a middle-
aged man) annoyed me with aggressive exclamations and impolite behavior.

Between 04:00 and 05:20 PM representatives of Norwegian authorities actively

obstructed my Internet access (phone # +4792078613), and repeatedly sabotaged
official human rights documents opened off-line in the program "Microsoft

Those guilty of described crimes should all be legally


Due to the numerous/unprovoked/illegal and intentionally life-endangering

attacks masterminded and dastardly carried through by Norwegian (senior) civil
servants since 1992 (cf "FORMAL COMPLAINT vs the Kingdom of
Norway" by Wilh. Werner WINTHER), Norwegian authorities are denied
personal contact with me — juridical questioning actively supervised by armed
and UN-appointed guards from trustworthy Member States may be allowed
though, cf the Norwegian Constitution Article 93*:

*―In order to safeguard international peace and security or to

promote the international rule of law and cooperation between
nations, the Storting may, by a three-fourths majority, consent that
an international organization to which Norway adheres or will adhere
shall have the right, within objectively defined fields, to exercise
powers which in accordance with this Constitution are normally
vested in the Norwegian authorities, although not the power to alter


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
November 06, 2007

this Constitution. For the Storting to grant such consent, at least two
thirds of the Members of the Storting shall be present, as required for
proceedings for amending the Constitution.
The provisions of this Article do not apply in cases of membership in
an international organization, whose decisions only have application
for Norway purely under international law.‖

Representatives of Norwegian authorities are personae non gratae in Åsen 4,


Norwegian authorities should address all requests/remarks etc to my lawyer in

NO-Ålesund, Mr Johs A ASPEHAUG.


Wilh. Werner WINTHER

It's especially discreditable — but not at all surprising — the hereinabove
reported crimes took place after I last month officially demanded the Norwegian
Prime Minister Jens STOLTENBERG, the Norwegian Minister of Justice and
the Police Knut STORBERGET, and several members of the Norwegian
Supreme Court (inter alios) duly summoned before a competent Court of
Impeachment....cf the Norwegian Constitution Articles 86 and 87*:

*Article 86
The Court of Impeachment pronounces judgment in the first and
last instance in such proceedings as are brought by the Odelsting
against Members of the Council of State, or of the Supreme Court
or of the Storting, for criminal offences which they may have com-
mitted in their official capacity.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
November 06, 2007

The specific rules concerning indictment by the Odelsting in accor-

dance with this Article shall be determined by law. However, the
limitation period for the institution of indictment proceedings be-
fore the Court of Impeachment may not be set at less than 15 years.
The permanent Members of the Lagting and the permanently app-
ointed Members of the Supreme Court are judges of the Court of
Impeachment. The provisions contained in Article 87 shall apply to
the composition of the Court of Impeachment in the particular case.
In the Court of Impeachment the President of the Lagting shall
Any person sitting in the Court of Impeachment as a Member of
the Lagting shall not resign from the Court if the period for which he
is elected as a representative to the Storting expires before the Court
of Impeachment has concluded the trial of the case. If he ceases,
for any other reason, to be a Member of the Storting, he shall re-
sign as a judge of the Court of Impeachment. The same applies if
a Justice of the Supreme Court, who is a Member of the Court of
Impeachment, retires as a Member of the Supreme Court.

*Article 87
The accused and the person acting on behalf of the Odelsting in
the proceedings have the right to challenge as many Members of the
Lagting and of the Supreme Court as will leave remaining fourteen
Members of the Lagting and seven Members of the Supreme Court
as judges in the Court of Impeachment. Each party in the proceed-
ings may challenge an equal number of the Members of the Lagting,
although the accused has the preferential right to challenge one
more, if the number to be challenged is not divisible by two. The same
shall apply to the challenging of the Members of the Supreme Court.
If there are several accused in such proceedings, they exercise the
right of challenge collectively in accordance with rules prescribed by
law. If the right of challenge is not exercised to the extent permitted,
as many Members of the Lagting and of the Supreme Court as are in
excess of fourteen and seven respectively retire following the draw-
ing of lots.
When the case comes up for judgment, as many judges of the Court
of Impeachment shall retire following the drawing of lots that
the Court due to render judgment is left with fifteen Members, of
whom at most ten are Members of the Lagting and five Justices of
the Supreme Court.
The President of the Court of Impeachment and the President of


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
November 06, 2007

the Supreme Court shall in no case retire following the drawing

of lots.
If the Court of Impeachment cannot be composed of as many Mem-
bers of the Lagting or of the Supreme Court as prescribed above,
the case may nevertheless be tried and judgment rendered, provided
that the Court numbers at least ten judges.
Specific provisions as to the procedure to be followed in the compos-
ition of the Court of Impeachment shall be laid down by law.

In any case — let me, finally, quote a few lines from FORMAL COMPLAINT
vs the Kingdom of Norway, p 136:

"Preceding quotations clearly reflects much of the cap-à-pie Pharisaism

and scurvy misconduct wontedly showed off by Norwegian officials
attempting to belittle, conceal and obstruct adequate investigation etc of
their extensive corruption. To these chronic and obtrusively arrogant
malefactors, your adherence to soft-boiled human rights and ethical
codes simply means they can protract and possibly intensify their
obnoxious offences without risking dismaying sanctions and
burdensome, international interference.....verily; your idealistic and
perchance pusillanimous approach is nothing but an enheartening
incitement to these naturally schizoid and overly low-minded felons!
Instead of mollycoddling and inadvertently spurring Norwegian
authorities mayheming the human rights, the world community at large
and international fora in particular should go for explicitly pragmatic
solutions to halt and legally punish corresponding and vaingloriously
contemptuous criminality. More precisely, we can imagine a highly
specialized, mobile and cosmopolitan intervention unit of superbly fit
and comprehensively trained police officers duly commissioned to secure
final proofs and forcibly apprehend state supported culprits — e.g in
Principally dedicated to human rights' enforcement rather than
conventional counterterrorist tasks, judicious application of cogent
measures to prevent abuse of portrayed unit is crucial.
In any event — and this point can hardly be overstressed: before
international and politically powerful alliances are willing to resolutely
and with required sternness arrest, imprison, convict and otherwise
treat Norwegian officials in accordance with the categorical
condemnation the latter's satanic fiendishness, double-dealing and
odious corruption ex officio en effet calls for, the well-meant but
woefully uncharged pro forma chiding normally launched by human


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
November 06, 2007

rights organizations/tribunals scarcely becomes more than a waggish

and downright encouraging brutum fulmen to Norwegian authorities!"

Above notification was properly handed over to the sheriff office in No-Brattvåg
the 7th inst, and a few hours after it had been written down on my PC the 6th inst
my Internet connection suddenly and permanently broke down (phone #: [+47]
92078613, IP address:, Internet provider: the Norwegian com-
pany ―NetCom‖)...!
In this connection it may be highly appropriate to call attention to the fact I —
the 5th inst — visited web sites like:

 UNDP Anti-Corruption Practitioners Network,

http://anticorruption.undp.sk (at 20:20 CET),

 Transparency International,
http://transparency.org/ (at 20:24 CET),

 Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO),

http://coe.int/t/dgt/Greco/Default_en.asp (at 20:25 CET),

 Anti Corruption Gateway for Europe and Eurasia, (at 20:27 and 20:34 CET),

 WJIN Guide World Justice Information Network,

http://www.wjin.net (at 20:38 CET),

 A Global Forum Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity,

http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/econ/integrity/homepage.htm (at 20:42

I did also, Nov 5th ha, add more than 10 UN-/COE-addresses to my private
Yahoo! Mail contacts (wwerner77@yahoo.com).....and, in view of the stark
illegal and massive trouble Norwegian authorities has taken to obstruct and
corrupt all legal contact with e.g human rights organizations earlier in this case,
it‘s quite likely the mere appearance of said addresses has scared the sinful
daylights out of the explicitly mischief-happy cops surveilling my Internet
activities and thus triggered a new offense.... like — sabotaging my Internet


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


DATE: May 01, 2008


 Formal complaint against the Norwegian Director General of Public


 criminal proceedings against members of the Norwegian Council of State,

the Norwegian Supreme Court, the Norwegian Parliament, AO.


Mr Wilh. Werner WINTHER, NO-6270 Brattvåg, Norway.


The Norwegian King in Council of State, NO-Oslo, Norway.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


The Sheriff Office, NO-6270 Brattvåg, Norway.


Nearby notification is an integral part of the official United Nations

by Mr Wilh. Werner WINTHER, and may consequently encompass
comments and information otherwise natural to omit in this kind of legal

Whereas there‘s an imminent danger of new and potentially mortiferous

attacks carried out or underhandedly planned by representatives of
Norwegian authorities, judicial examination of the appellant in casu are
acceptable insofar as — and only if — the interrogation whereabouts are
duly approved and supervised by armed/neutral guards conscientiously
appointed and directed by the appropriate authorities of significantly
healthier and more upright nations than Norway.

Norwegian authorities should address all correspondence to counsellor

Johs. A. ASPEHAUG, P.O Box 837, 6001 Ålesund.

Representatives of foreign governments, human rights organizations,

international tribunals — etc — should apply couriers satisfyingly
identifying themselves as authentic messengers. No letters should be
forwarded through the official postal services of Norway or DHL.

Representatives of Norwegian authorities are personae non gratae in Åsen

4, NO-Brattvåg.



after referred to as ―FOCO‖) by Mr Wilh. Werner WINTHER; pp 1–217,


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

b) INTERNET DOCUMENTS* (*hereafter referred to as ―INDO‖) by Mr

Wilh. Werner WINTHER; pp 1–173,

c) letter 108/08-63/ROS004 dated Jan 29 HA from the Norwegian Director

General of Public Prosecutions, Mr Tor-Aksel BUSCH (NO-Oslo); 1

d) letter 070630/200700587 dated Feb 02 HA from the Special Investigating

Unit for Police Matters (NO-Hamar); 1 page,

e) e-mail of Oct 28, 2007, from Mr Wilh. Werner WINTHER to the Special
Investigating Unit for Police Matters, The Norwegian Supreme Court, the
Norwegian Prime Minister, the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, AO; 1

Let‘s make it perfectly plain already now;

The addressee of this legal notification — the Norwegian

King and his Council of State — are among the absolute
main culprits in the criminal case incident to the various
atrocities and human rights violations &c described in

“Before kicking off the from A to Z daffy and lawless terror-campaign against
me in Oslo, Ms Aase Svendsen Roland and her deranged partners in crime
collusively obtained operational permission from e.g the Norwegian Parliament,
Government, Supreme Court and King‘s Council.....!‖
(cf FOCO, p 30)

―Ms Harlem Brundtland and her mafiosi in turn presented the disastrous
complot for the Norwegian monarch, Mr Harald HEADLESS, who spitefully
approved the insanities in the usually hebdomadal Council of State.‖
(cf FOCO, p 31)

―In 1992 Mr Harald HEADLESS (cf p 31) willingly sanctioned the stark illegal
and doubtlessly cracked conspiracy against me, and since then he and his


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

family ‘ve exhibited particular and — to me — wholly undesirable interest for

my personal undertakings.
The criminal inclination, unfairness, grave disrespect for the human rights and
general ignominy persistently displayed by the official royal family of Norway in
this case, clearly excludes friendly and even diplomatic relations with them (cf
Aphorisms ##135, 136 and 137 etc). It should also be called attention to the
disgraceful fact Harald Headless‘ father, King Olav V, had one of his faithful
employees incarcerated and maltreated at a state controlled bedlam exclusively
because he championed the human rights of other and unseemly hounded/ex-
ploited courtiers.....‖
(cf FOCO, pp 68–69)

―Actively sustained by and largely including governmental authorities and

flyblown principals of major state institutes, the innate corruption and wormy
diabolism pervades all executive and official branches of the infected nation
which — befittingly — 've been nicknamed ‗The Kingdom of Satan‘!‖
(cf FOCO, p 122)

―Studying Article 1 of the Norwegian Constitution, we learn that Norway is a

limited and hereditary monarchy. The present monarch — King Harald V the
Headless (cf pp 31 and 68–69), was born the 21th of February 1937, and formally
swore the oath specified in Article 44 of the Norwegian Constitution Feb 21, 1958.
Mr Headless, upon the death of his father, took office as Norwegian head of state
January 17th 1991, and officially swore the oath laid down in Article 9 of the Nor-
wegian Constitution four days later.
To those acquainted with the innate corruptibility, judgmental maladroitness
and psychopathological temperament prevalent amongst Norwegian senior civil
servants and officials (cf pp 122–124 above), it should be no surprise to find
essential parts of the Norwegian Constitution going on the rocks right from the
(cf FOCO, p 169)

―In any event King Harald V the Headless most flagrantly has violated the oaths
laid down in Article 9 and Article 44 of the Norwegian Constitution — he has
repetitively and mala fide sanctioned and awarded the most serious and dishono-
rable examples of state supported rottenness and premeditated human rights vio-
lations ever seen in modern Norway (cf pp 31, 68–69 and 126 etc), and his regal
malversation are intensely disgraceful and totally condemnable indeed.‖
(cf FOCO, p 170)

―The downright corruption and hell-destined iniquity abidingly displayed by

Norwegian magistracy in juxtaposed facts of nearby case, are unparalleled in


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

modern monarchic history of law, and execrable diabolism and gangrenous

ghoulishness interosculates their exceedingly opprobrious criminality.‖
(cf INDO, pp 1–2)

―The Kingdom of Norway have intentionally, profusely and extendedly acted in a

manner extremely deleterious and discreditable for the IHF and its various
members — particularly if the obnoxious crimes and premeditated violations of
contractual provisions are accepted without adequate execution of sentence.‖
(cf INDO, p 67)

Studying above excerpts it should be entirely evident the Norwegian King and his
corrupted council are thoroughly incompetent when it comes to adjudging
anything at all in this case, and that‘s about — quoad hoc — precisely the
conclusion arrived at in FOCO, pp 8–9:

―On account of preceding observations, it‘s evident all instances/persons menti-

oned beneath the heading “Accused” in nearby complaint are entirely disquali-
fied from exercising any degree of judicial authority in this case.....; they‘re
those legally reported/charged, and should be treated as suspects.

However — Norwegian authorities may correctly apply Article 93 in their Con-

stitution (sic):

‗In order to safeguard international peace and security or to promote

the international rule of law and cooperation between nations, the Stor-
ting may, by a three-fourths majority, consent that an international orga-
nization to which Norway adheres or will adhere shall have the right,
within objectively defined fields, to exercise powers which in accordance
with this Constitution are normally vested in the Norwegian authorities,
although not the power to alter this Constitution. For the Storting to grant
such consent, at least two thirds of the Members of the Storting shall be
present, as required for proceedings for amending the Constitution.
The provisions of this Article do not apply in cases of membership in an
international organization, whose decisions only have application for
Norway purely under international law.‘

Norwegian authorities are hereby encouraged to fulfill their juridical

obligations as stated above and entrust impartial representatives from the
United Nations with the formal responsibility for investigating, prosecuting and
adjudicating etc the various crimes wherewith the Kingdom of Norway are
charged in this legal case unique in Norwegian history of law.‖


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

As regards the Norwegian Director General of Public Prosecutions, Mr Tor-

Aksel BUSCH (b Mar 17, 1950), he‘s formally and directly subject to the
Norwegian King in Council of State. Mr Busch is the head of the Norwegian
Prosecuting Authority* (*cf the Norwegian Criminal Procedure Act sec‘s 55 and
56), and he‘s not subordinate to any government department per se — though, as
the Council of State largely is composed of ministers acting in their capacity as
political supremos of their respective government ministries, many of his
decisions ex officio are explicitly marked by departemental influence.
Directly beneath the Director General of Public Prosecutions, we find the
regional public prosecutors superintending the activities of their respective
police districts in Norway.....and it should be emphasized that Mr Busch — and
most public prosecutors — has a past as regular police officer(-s).....and, as for
the Norwegian police force, quite a few and highly apposite remarks has
beforehand been put on paper:

―While 90% of regular Norwegian police officers has clearly marked,

psychopathic personality traits, the actual prevalence of explicit
psychopathy/sadism are 100% amongst the Norwegian Police ‗Security‘
Service officers.‖
(cf FOCO, p 10)

―The seemingly irresistible urge to compensate for assorted shortcomings

through stark falsehood and extensive nefariousness, soon turned out as
one of the foremost hallmarks of these fundamentally vicious ruffians....‖
(about officers from Majorstua Police Station in NO-Oslo, cf FOCO p 16)

―The police schemed provocations — which far and away may be more
comprehensive, enduring and truculent than actually described above —
may nevertheless be constructed, timed and intensified suchwise as to
bring about other and more pernicious outcomes than unjustified
psychiatric internment and stigmatizing alone.....and — in this connection
— the most attractive of the alternative end results is to carry on and
worsen the methodical terrorism until the victim attacks and hopefully
kills an innocent person in pure desperation.
Other frequently sought "payoffs" includes suiciding (the police may v.g
surreptitiously and specifically manipulate the regular broadcasting
reception playing songs/melodies on the victim's radio and/or television
units exacerbating sadness and praising self-destruction), physical
handicapping (may be induced e.g through intoxication, covert radiation
and various accident setups), or simply — assassination.”
(cf FOCO, pp 114–115)


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―By and large brimming over with decayed sickees and back-alley
jimcrowists, the Norwegian state apparatus just about plenary may go to
truly astonishing lengths to actively support and safeguard against public
exposure serious criminality committed by their police officers and
assorted socii criminis, and various mass media — private as well as state
owned — are very likely to reflect this inglorious fact!‖
(cf FOCO, p 115)

―It is certainly in the cards the Norwegian police almost exclusively

attracts notorious badasses and psychopaths wholly unfit to assume any
sizable degree of responsibility (cf pp 104–121), and — as a matter of fact
and course; 2000 of the worst policemen/-women in active service should
be locked up straightaway (the overall treatment of these prisoners should
be extraordinary harsh indeed), and another 3000 of these chronic
malfeasants summarily fired (hard-core criminals who can be sentenced
and enjailed somewhat later without seriously endangering the
noncriminal population should, due to overcrowded nuthouses and
penitentiaries etc, be assigned to this category) — remaining personnel,
chiefly minor lawbreakers and incurable sociopaths, should be very
closely superintended and permanently excluded from the national police
force whenever practically feasible to supplant them with morally and
otherwise competent persons!‖
(cf FOCO, pp 155–156)

―Since 1998 the statesmen-approved and intentional abuse of audiovisual

spy-tech in Norway ‘ve exploded, and vice-ridden police officers are now
picklocking private living quarters all over this condemned kingdom to
lecherously spy upon persons they find sexually attractive, or to terrorize
human rights activists and intellectuals blaming official corruption.
The moral crap constituting the general body of Norwegian Government
officials and the national police force, quickly realized that the
combination of piccolo microphones and cobweb-optics was a valuable
ally when it came to evade legal actions against themselves. Hence and
consequently: — virtually always and wheresoever in this country
respectable people prepare for criminal persecution of rotten politicians,
chiefs of police, judges, district recorders or public prosecutors &c, foul
police sergeants are called out to audiovisually supervise the
complainants, to audio-/videotape all essential conversations/happenings,
and to copy/photograph/steal/hamper/falsify/annihilate every item of
evidence plus the sum of documents relating to the case — cf Article 25:1
in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms!”
(cf INDO, p 61)


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―Norwegian police has for years actively collected information about the
pathogenic effects of bodily/mental stress and torture, and they‘ve
villainously surveilled and persecuted real psychiatric patients in their
private homes while tentatively exploring techniques inflicting various
degrees of disability.‖
(cf INDO, p 85)

―As for Norwegian police officers, you‘ll get a tolerably accurate picture of
their mentality etc by studying the various documents above — item My
Nevertheless — the striking attempts Norwegian police officers has made to
infiltrate vg humanitarian/charitable, political and health related
organizations etc in order to further professional influence, should be
emphasized. Unfortunately members of such coalitions may be easily duped,
as many of them are naturally caritative, idealistic and unbiased —
characteristics the police officers, wholly undeservingly, wish to be
professionally associated with.....‖
(cf INDO, p 97)

―Ad nauseam we‘ve witnessed how Norwegian police officers expediently

perpetrates and provokes grave criminality exclusively to ride high on the
confusion and fear thereby produced. Besides, aposematically liberticidal
bureaucrats opportunistically championing gross injustice steadfastly goose-
steps towards the totalitarian, Norwegian police state.....and in major
respects the democratic government system has proven ruefully deficient.‖
(cf INDO, p 102)

―Deposit your money in a savings bank, and receive interests; save

negative criticism of the Norwegian police, and get your due profit in
(cf Aphorisms &c, #26)

―No disaster so grave — no circumstances so terrifying, that interference

from Norwegian police not will aggravate the situation considerably!‖
(cf Aphorisms &c, #28)

―Lend the Norwegian police a willing hand: dig your own grave, pay the
undertaker, set fire to the cross, curse justice violently, praise the Habeas
Corpus Act of 1679 and administer the poison yourself listening
to the national anthem!‖
(cf Aphorisms &c, #45)


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―It‘s written in Luke 4:5–7 that the kingdoms of the world belongs to the
Devil — and sure enough:
ample experience ‘ve confirmed that the Kingdom of Norway indeed is
ruled by Satan.....that the Norwegian authorities vanguarded by the
national police force are his loyal disciples worshipping evildoing,
deceiving the general population and terrorizing those righteous (cf
Matthew 15:8–9 and Isaiah 29:13)!‖
(cf Aphorisms &c, #48)

―Wherever in Norway there‘s a police station you‘ll find a satanic temple

and diabolic stronghold!‖
(cf Aphorisms &c, #51)

―Norwegian police officers will normally take great pains to get all relevant
facts of the corruption case against them on the table — before throwing the
entire stuff to the dogs, assassinating the chef-à-cuisine, falsely accusing the
butler and closing down the whole restaurant for purported ‗health
care reasons‘!‖
(cf Aphorisms &c, #67)

―Law-abiding Norwegians should forthright join forces — fully prepared

to protect themselves and suffering fellowmen against the rampageous
criminality of Norwegian police officers!‖
(cf Aphorisms &c, #98)

―It‘s not entirely proper to say the Norwegian Police ‗Security Service‘
lacks responsibility, care, generosity and culture.....whereas they‘re
positively responsible for villainously assassinating dozens of guiltless
persons, and empirically shows marked care while generously spreading
their pernicious bacteria cultures in your private house and car (Cf
Aphorism #45 etc)!‖
(cf Aphorisms &c, #110)

Referring to FOCO, the Norwegian Director General of Public Prosecutions is

categorically listed amongst those accused in this case (cf p 2), and Mr Tor-
Aksel Busch is — moreover — explicitly named on p 34:

―Supporting the psychotic complot against me from the onset, the office of
the Director General of Public Prosecutions was headed by Mr Georg
Fr. RIEBER-MOHN and Mr Tor-Aksel BUSCH.‖


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

As evident from Document #8123 (cf INDO, pp 157–158), FOCO constitute an

essential part of — and is enclosed with — corresponding report dated and duly
handed over to the sheriff office in NO-Brattvåg Aug 13 last year.
In his letter of Jan 29th HA (cf ref ―c‖) Mr Busch symptomatically evades
references to said report of Aug 13, while — tellingly — calling attention to my
letter of Sep 12 and formal notification of Nov 06, 2007 (cf INDO, pp 159–160
and 167–172, respectively). Indicated negligence is not casual, of course, and it
should be underscored that FOCO is unambiguously mentioned in both
documents referred to by Mr Busch (cf INDO, pp 159 and 168, respectively).
Mr Busch has certainly been fully aware FOCO as well as INDO was part and
parcel of and — as clearly indicated — enclosed with the legal reports in
question.....so, in effect — there‘s no doubt about it; the Norwegian Director
General of Public Prosecutions, Mr Tor-Aksel Busch, has mala fide and ex
officio acted manifestly contrary to the formal disqualification rules he‘s
professionally bound to obey.

Examining Mr Busch‘s reasons for breaking the law in the present case, we
should pay close attention to the fact two of the persons he attempts to acquit —
Mr Jens STOLTENBERG and Mr Knut STORBERGET — both are members
of the King‘s Council*:

*―The Council of State (cf Article 12 of the Norwegian Constitution) — or

‗King's Council‘ (cf pp 30–31 above) — normally consist of the Norwegian
King en personne, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister
of Local Government and Regional Development, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Environment, the Minister of
Petroleum and Energy, the Minister of International Development, the
Minister of Trade and Industry, the Minister of Transport and
Communications, the Minister of Education and Research, the Minister of
Labour and Social Inclusion, the Minister of Justice and the Police, the
Minister of Children and Equality, the Minister of Culture and Church
Affairs, the Minister of Health and Care Services, the Minister of
Government Administration and Reform, the Minister of Agriculture and
Food, the Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, and the administrative
head of the Office of the Prime Minister functioning as the Council's
The various members of the Council of State represents the political core of
the Norwegian Government, and the nation's highest administrative
authority are correspondingly vested in the King's Council (cf Article 3 of
the Norwegian Constitution). Said minister councillors acts in their capacity
as political supremos of their respective government ministries — e.g the
Ministry of Justice and the Police or the Ministry of Health and Care


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Services, and more or less subordinate to these ministries we find a

conglomerate of directorates and different administrative organs.‖
(cf FOCO, p 170)

As it appears from FOCO, p 02, leading members of the Norwegian Council of

State as well as principal representatives of corresponding royal house are
amongst those explicitly culpable/accused in this case…..so, in consequence:
Mr Tor-Aksel Busch is Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg‘s and Minister of
Justice Knut Storberget‘s particeps criminis* (*cf p 182 above).
This fact naturally sheds light on Mr Busch‘s lawbreaking…..: he‘s quite simply
— wholly on his own initiative or on orders from political executives —
backing up his partners in crime!

Of intrinsic interest and juridal importance, certain aspects of Mr Busch‘s modus

operandi in this case should be elucidated somewhat further:

Referring to my letters of Sep 12 and Nov 06 last year, Mr Busch launches an

altogether ludicrous attack on the actual facts of the case — he writes (translated
from Norwegian, cf ref ―c‖):

―…..it appears that the alleged and criminal offence is attributable to

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, Minister of Justice Knut Storberget, and
chief of police Arne S. Karoliussen (Sunnmøre police district).‖

Now, in the first instance, let‘s take a further look at my formal notification of
Nov 06, 2007* (*cf INDO, pp 167–172).
The notification is addressed to the sheriff office in NO-Brattvåg, and
introductorily runs as follows:



Oct 27, 2007:

At 20:49 PM representatives of Norwegian authorities attempted to infect
my PC with a particularly nocuous variant of the virus ‗Downloader‘.
The attack was forcibly quenched, and the virus is now safely


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
November 06, 2007

Oct 28, 2007:

In the afternoon representatives of Norwegian authorities launched an
sive attack aimed at ruining my PC.
The attack is discovered immediately and effectively quashed.

Nov 01, 2007:

Between 09:00 and 10:15 PM — while (utilizing my PC in Åsen 4, NO-
Brattvåg) editing and printing out 4 private photos sent my family by
relatives in the USA, representatives of Norwegian authorities
downloaded and stole ELINT-copies of said pics.
The US citizens photographically depicted in this case may all,
empirically, be exposed to illegal persecution/surveillance and potentially
fatal attacks carried out by depraved representatives of Norwegian

Nov 03, 2007:

Between 10:00 and 11:00 AM — while I visited the shop ‗RS Elektronikk
AS‘ in NO-Brattvåg, a debauched representative of Norwegian
authorities (a middle-aged man) annoyed me with aggressive
exclamations and impolite behavior.

Between 04:00 and 05:20 PM representatives of Norwegian authorities

actively obstructed my Internet access (phone # +4792078613), and
repeatedly sabotaged official human rights documents opened off-line in
the program „Microsoft Word‘.”

Indicated notification of Nov 06 ends suchwise:

―Above notification was properly handed over to the sheriff office in No-
Brattvåg the 7th inst, and a few hours after it had been written down on my
PC the 6th inst my Internet connection suddenly and permanently broke
down (phone #: [+47] 92078613, IP address:, Internet
provider: the Norwegian company ―NetCom‖)...!
In this connection it may be highly appropriate to call attention to the fact
I — the 5th inst — visited web sites like:


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 UNDP Anti-Corruption Practitioners Network,

http://anticorruption.undp.sk (at 20:20 CET),

 Transparency International,
http://transparency.org/ (at 20:24 CET),

 Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO),

http://coe.int/t/dgt/Greco/Default_en.asp (at 20:25 CET),

 Anti Corruption Gateway for Europe and Eurasia, (at 20:27 and 20:34 CET),

 WJIN Guide World Justice Information Network,

http://www.wjin.net (at 20:38 CET),

 A Global Forum Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding

http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/econ/integrity/homepage.htm (at
20:42 CET).

I did also, Nov 5th ha, add more than 10 UN-/COE-addresses to my

private Yahoo! Mail contacts (wwerner77@yahoo.com).....and, in view of
the stark illegal and massive trouble Norwegian authorities has taken to
obstruct and corrupt all legal contact with e.g human rights organizations
earlier in this case, it‘s quite likely the mere appearance of said addresses
has scared the sinful daylights out of the explicitly mischief-happy cops
surveilling my Internet activities and thus triggered a new offense.... like
— sabotaging my Internet connection!‖

To begin with one call attention to the irrefutable fact Mr Stoltenberg, Mr

Storberget, and Mr Karoliussen has been described as the actual perpetrators of
the crimes chronologically referred to in my notification of Nov 06 precisely
nowhere — said document contains nothing whatsoever pointing to a
direct/performatory connection between indicated/reported crimes and this
loathsome troika! Moreover; studying the nature of corresponding crimes we
immediately notes that these — with a single exception — are directly and
explicitly linked with PC usage and Internet related undertakings, and the only
persons expressively coupled with and more or less forthrightly accused of
sabotaging these activities are “....the explicitly mischief-happy cops surveilling
my Internet activities....” (cf foregoing section, item INDO p 172)!


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

It sticks out a mile that Mr Busch — wholly on purpose — endeavours to

obscure the facts of the case by establishing a fictive/operational and
demonstrably nonsensical link between reported crimes and aforementioned
triad, and his fraudulence becomes even more manifest on account of the fact
Mr Stoltenberg and Mr Storberget — still referring to my formal notification of
Nov 06 last year — both are unmistakably mentioned in conjunction with a
demand for criminal proceedings against them AO submitted before commented
offences actually took place:

―It's especially discreditable — but not at all surprising — the hereinabove

reported crimes took place after I last month officially demanded the
Norwegian Prime Minister Jens STOLTENBERG, the Norwegian Minister
of Justice and the Police Knut STORBERGET, and several members of the
Norwegian Supreme Court (inter alios) duly summoned before a competent
Court of Impeachment....cf the Norwegian Constitution Articles 86 and
(cf INDO, p 169)

The fact quoted paragraph is appended to the notification in question as a mere

postscript scarcely makes Mr Busch‘s obvious efforts to confuse the facts of this
case less conspicuous...!

If examining the other of my documents referred to by Mr Busch — the formal

complaint of Sep 12 previous year, one finds that corresponding text is
straightforward and very difficult to misunderstand (translated from

―Hereby all criminal acts mentioned in enclosed letter dated DD

and addressed to counselor Johs. A ASPEHAUG, Ålesund, are
formally reported to the police — cf the Criminal Procedure Act
sec‘s 223–226.*

Those guilty should be charged/sentenced/punished.‖

*The actual letter to counselor Aspehaug (cf INDO, pp 159–160) runs suchwise:


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―Sep 12, 2007

Dear Mr Aspehaug:

As telephonically stated, a number of Norwegian (senior) civil servants

were quite busy here in NO-Brattvåg today as well as the 6th inst; in a
couple hours these accursed swine amongst swine provoked acute power
failure in Åsen 4 13–14 times…!
Similar terror attacks has been formally reported earlier — cf Doc's
##7084 and 7090.

As regards my comprehensive report of the 13th previous month (cf Doc

#8123), this as well as enclosed documents has been forwarded the
thoroughly corrupted chief of police Mr Arne Sverre KAROLIUSSEN,
Mr Karoliussen — together with the Norwegian Minister of Justice and
the Police Mr Knut STORBERGET — are, of course, amongst the
numerous malefactors actual to imprison for the full term and period of
their remaining and natural life in this unparalleled case.

Mr Karoliussen are very well aware rotten officers from the police station
in NO-Ålesund, in cooperation with depraved employees/executives at the
head post office in the same town, has stolen several letters from e.g
human rights organizations addressed to your office — cf Incomplete
FORMAL COMPLAINT vs the Kingdom of Norway pp 1, 10 and 179,
item Doc #3611 &c.

Closing nearby letter at 07:06 post meridiem, those guilty of described

criminality immediately sabotaged my PC deleting all text usw…!‖

As one sees, the corrupted chief of police Mr A S Karoliussen and the

Norwegian Minister of Justice (and the Police) Mr K Storberget are specifically
mentioned in a distinct section of the letter where they — unequivocally and
exclusively — are linked with my report of Aug 13, 2007, and the thereto
enclosed documents* (*i.e: ―Incomplete FORMAL COMPLAINT vs the
Kingdom of Norway‖ pp 1–195, and ―Internet Documents‖ pp 1–156).

Before winding up our modest expatiation on Mr Busch‘s deliberate attempts to

corrupt essential facts of this grievous case, one call attention to the fact he has
mentioned my report of Sep 25 last year absolutely nowhere in his inculpating
letter of Jan 29, HA.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Said report was correctly handed over to Haram Sheriff Office (NO-Brattvåg)
the 25th of Sep 2007, and described sabotage of and theft from one of my rental
cars. Decisively attributable to Norwegian police officers, we may — rather
reasonably — imagine that Mr Busch found it tactically convenient to pass over
indicated crimes in ―suggestive silence‖....!

It‘s altogether unnecessary to provide additional proofs testifying to Mr Busch‘s

premeditated and definitely illegal obfuscation of facts in this case, whereas the
documentary evidence hitherto presented comfortably enables us to draw the
following and peremptorily justifiable


Mr Tor-Aksel BUSCH, born March 17 1950, has in his

capacity as Norwegian Director General of Public Prose-
cutions premeditatedly and in explicitly aggravating manner
obstructed lawfull execution of justice by intentionally cor-
rupting essential facts of the present case and mala fide sup-
pressing information he positively knew was all important as
regards e.g unbiased criminal investigation of corre-
sponding offences. In light of established facts and manifest
implications it‘s beyond all question Mr Busch in order to evade
legal prosecution of himself and his accomplices entirely will-
fully has committed a number of procedural errors aimed at
(v.g); falsifying the genuine cause of action, impeding impartial
securing/submission/examination of evidence, and — generally —
covering up a most offensive array serious crimes directly as-
cribable to Norwegian politicians and (senior) civil servants.

Mr Busch‘s obnoxious malversation ex officio is certainly not limited to this

specific case, and it behooves absolutely to carry out a meticulous and wholly
unbiased expert examination of every single case he has dealt with in an official
capacity from 1981 to 2008 included.
Particular attention should be paid to Mr Busch‘s highly conspicuous interaction
with the Norwegian Police ―Security‖ Service* (*cf FOCO, pp 104–121 &c)
after 1984 and down to this very day, and his professional relations with Mr
Lars FRØNSDAL* (*cf FOCO, pp 73–74) has — by the way — been rather
―offbeat‖ most of the time...!
With reference to this matter one should bear in mind that Assistant Director
General of Public Prosecutions, Mr Hans-Petter JAHRE, in May 2001 was
formally reported to the Norwegian King in Council of State — ipsissima verba:


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―Hans-Petter Jahre, Esq, was appointed accessary Director General of

Public Prosecutions by the King‘s Council on Jan 09th 1998, and has ex
officio recidivistic and arrogantly disgraced his office by extensive and
intentional malversation — particularly in civil proceedings and formal
complaint connections where the suspected party and accused persons
were police employees, senior state officials or, otherwise, public

Mr Jahre‘s absolutely unacceptable irresponsibility and loathsome

corruption are clearly manifested in his letter/decision of the 04 th prev m
(cf enc‘s A, N, O, P, R & S) where he — without criminal investigation —
drops notifications encompassing v.g;

 premeditated homicides, attempted murder and complicity to

manslaughter/-slaying (cf enc‘s B, C, D & Q),

 gross vandalism, burglary, illicit search/seizure and aggravated

thefts (cf enc‘s C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, N, O & P),

 comprehensive/systematic corruption, forgery, misdemeanor/felony

and extensive dereliction of duty (cf enc‘s B, C, E, F, G, H, J, K, L,
M, N, O, P, Q, R & S),

 false accusations, illegal deprivation of liberty and unlawful

detention in custody (cf enc‘s F, G & H),

 torture/molestation, illegitimate monitoring/surveillance,

defamations, assaults and breach of precedents item duty of secrecy
(cf enc‘s B, C, E, F, H, I, L, Q & R).

I refer to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Articles 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19 and demand Hans-Petter
Jahre, Esq, immediately suspended/dismissed from his present office in
accordance with the Civil Service Act sec‘s 15, 16 and 17 — cf sec 6 ib
item the Constitution sec 22 and the Criminal Procedure Act sec 56 etc.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Mr Jahre should, without delay, be subjected to independent criminal

investigation/proceedings and charged/sentenced in agreement with
Norwegian law.‖
(cf INDO, pp 4–7)

Mr Jahre is a notorious police aficionado, and in INDO p 104 we find this


―It should be underscored that the recent chief of the Norwegian ‗Security
Service‘ Police, Mr Jørn HOLME, is Mr Dørum‘s former secretary. Mr
Holme has also worked as a senior public prosecutor for the National
Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and
Environmental Crime in Norway — ‗Økokrim‘, and thus is a former
colleague of vg Mr Hans-Petter JAHRE (cf Doc #115 above) and Mr
Anstein Birger GJENGEDAL (cf Doc #377 above — entry of Oct 26,

Returning to Mr Tor-Aksel Busch and the criminal proceedings against him, it‘s
perfectly clear his professional corruption are punishable in accordance with a
good many sections of the Norwegian Penal Code. There are a number of
aggravating circumstances to be considered, and Mr Busch‘s putrid decision
of Jan 29 HA (cf ref ―c‖) is most certainly invalid — cf the Norwegian Criminal
Procedure Act sec‘s 60, 314, 342, 343, 384, 385 and 390–392, the Norwegian
Public Administration Act sec‘s 1, 2, 6 and 41, item the Norwegian Courts of
Justice Act sec‘s 106–121 etc.
As regards Mr Busch‘s disqualification and criminality ex officio, the
Norwegian King in Council of State are — according to the Norwegian Criminal
Procedure Act sec 64 — supposed to handle these matters, and Article 22 of the
Norwegian Constitution reads:

“The Prime Minister and the other Members of the Council of

State, together with the State Secretaries, may be dismissed
by the King without any prior court judgment, after he has
heard the opinion of the Council of State on the subject. The
same applies to senior officials employed in government offices
or in the diplomatic or consular service, to the highest-
ranking civil and ecclesiastical officials, commanders of regi-
ments and other military formations, commandants of forts
and officers commanding warships. Whether pensions should
be granted to senior officials thus dismissed shall be deter-


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

mined by the next Storting. In the interval they shall receive

two thirds of their previous pay.
Other senior officials may only be suspended by the King,
and must then without delay be charged before the Courts,
but they may not, except by court judgment, be dismissed nor,
against their will, transferred.
All senior officials may, without a prior court judgment,
be discharged from office upon attaining the
statutory age limit.”

Cf the Norwegian Civil Service Act sec‘s 15 and 21 (cf FOCO, pp 166–168):

A senior civil servant or civil servant may be summarily
discharged when he:
has shown gross negligence in the service or is guilty of a
gross breach of official duties or despite a written warning
or reprimand has repeatedly breached his official duties,
by improper behaviour in or outside the service proves
himself unworthy of his post or damages the respect or
confidence that is essential to the post.
The provision in this section shall not restrict the right to
punish a senior civil servant or civil servant by depriving
him of his post pursuant to the rules of penal legislation.

If a senior civil servant or civil servant is subjected to
disciplinary measures or summary discharge for a criminal
offence, this shall not preclude normal criminal prosecution,
but assessment of the sentence shall take the disciplinary
measures or summary discharge into consideration.

Anyhow — seeing that an independent and impartial tribunal is sine qua non in
respect of a fair trial, lodging an appeal to the Norwegian King in Council of State
scarcely stands to reason at all in this case….whereas the very conspiracy against
me was enthusiastically approved by indicated monarch in person as well as his
vicious councillors (cf FOCO, pp 31 and 68–69 etc)!
All decisions drawn up by the Norwegian King in Council of State should be
recorded in accordance with regulations, and telling comments on the plot against


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

me has been found in a special protocol reserved for matters which the King‘s
Council has decided to keep secret — cf the Norwegian Constitution Articles 30
and 31 (cf FOCO, pp 163–164):

All the proceedings of the Council of State shall be entered in
its records. Diplomatic matters which the Council of State
decides to keep secret shall be entered in a special record. The
same applies to military command matters which the Council
of State decides to keep secret.
Everyone who has a seat in the Council of State has the duty
to frankly express his opinion, to which the King is bound
to listen. But it rests with the King to make a decision ac-
cording to his own judgment.
If any Member of the Council of State is of the opinion
that the King's decision conflicts with the form of govern-
ment or the laws of the Realm, or is clearly prejudicial to
the Realm, it is his duty to make strong remonstrances
against it, as well as to have his opinion entered in the
records. A Member who has not thus protested is deemed
to have been in agreement with the King, and shall be
answerable in such manner as may be subsequently de-
cided, and may be impeached by the Odelsting before
the Court of Impeachment.

All decisions drawn up by the King shall, in order to be-
come valid, be countersigned. The decisions relating to
military command are countersigned by the person who
has presented the matter, while other decisions are counter-
signed by the Prime Minister or, if he has not been present,
by the highest-ranking Member of the Council of State present.

Not only has the Norwegian King Harald V sanctioned the illegal conspiracy
against me with his personal signature, but he is — in all likelihood — entirely
unentitled to occupy the Norwegian Throne as well (cf FOCO, pp 169–170)…!
And….moreover; whereas the Norwegian King is possessed of a full-scale
Stanford-Binet IQ ominously below the absolute minimum requirement for
judges/experts (cf FOCO pp 9, 85 and 145–152), his judicial authority should be
firmly rejected on that score too (with a general Stanford-Binet IQ of 137, also the
Norwegian PM Mr Jens Stoltenberg fails to meet the recommended and


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

corresponding noometric minimum score of 140 — cf the Norwegian Constitution

Articles 12, 13 and 31 etc).

At all events Norwegian authorities — the King‘s Council included — are obliged
to comply with the following Articles of the
 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Free-
 Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:*



Article 13:

Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are
violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority
notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an
official capacity.

Article 14:

The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be
secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
association with a national minority, property, birth or
other status.

Article 17:

Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as implying for any State,

group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed
at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein or at their
limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the Convention.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Article 18:

The restrictions permitted under this Convention to the said rights and
freedoms shall not be applied for any purpose other than those for which they
have been prescribed.



Article 2:

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Decla-
ration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language,
religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or
other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the
political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or terri-
tory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-
governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 6:

Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7:

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to
equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any
discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to
such discrimination.

Article 8:

Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national

tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the
constitution or by law.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Article 10:

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an

independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and
obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 28:

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and
freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29 (3):

These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the

purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30:

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State,

group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act
aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.


Article 2 (1):

Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure
to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights
recognized in the present Covenant, without distinction of any kind, such as
race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth or other status.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Article 2 (3):
Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:

(a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein

recognized are violated shall have an effective remedy, notwithstanding
that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official
(b) To ensure that any person claiming such a remedy shall have his right
thereto determined by competent judicial, administrative or legislative
authorities, or by any other competent authority provided for by the
legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities of judicial
(c) To ensure that the competent authorities shall enforce such remedies
when granted.

Article 3:
The State Parties to the present Covenant undertake to ensure the equal right
of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil and political rights set forth in
the present Covenant.

Article 5 (1):
Nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State,
group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed
at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized herein or at
their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the present

Article 5 (2):

There shall be no restriction upon or derogation from any of the fundamental

human rights recognized or existing in any State Party to the present
Covenant pursuant to law, conventions, regulations or custom on the pretext
that the present Covenant does not recognize such rights or that it recognizes
them to a lesser extent.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Article 14 (1):

All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the deter-
mination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations
in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a
competent, independent and impartial tribunal established
by law. The Press and the public may be excluded from all or part of a
trial for reasons of morals, public order (ordre public) or national security
in a democratic society, or when the interest of the private lives of the
parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the
court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the in-
terests of justice; but any judgement rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at
law shall be made public except where the interest of juvenile persons
otherwise requires or the proceedings concern matrimonial disputes or the
guardianship of children.

Article 16:

Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person be-

fore the law.

Article 26:

All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any
discrimination to the equal protection of the law. In this respect, the law shall
prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and effective
protection against discrimination on any ground such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or so-
cial origin, property, birth or other status.

*(In section 2 of the Norwegian ―Human Rights Act‖ of May 21, 1999, it is explicitly
laid down that the Council of Europe‘s ―Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms‖ [the ―European Convention on Human Rights‖],
the ―Universal Declaration of Human Rights‖ as well as the United Nations‘
―International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights‖ are fully applicable as
Norwegian law, and in sec 3 ib it‘s brought home that provisions confirmed through
conventions and protocols mentioned in sec 2 in case of controversy are prior to other


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

In this connection one call particular attention to the Norwegian Constitution

Article 110 c:

“It is the responsibility of the authorities of the State to respect and

ensure human rights. Specific provisions for the implementation of
treaties hereof shall be determined by law (cf, vg, the Norwegian
Human Rights Act of May 21, 1999 — sec‟s 2 and 3).”

Cf FOCO, pp 3–8 etc.

Studying above excerpts from various human rights conventions, it becomes

even clearer the Norwegian Council of State totally lacks the judicial power and
authority to hear and determine any thing whatever in this case (cf pp 176–178
above etc)....; corresponding councillors should most determinedly be seated in
the dock — they‘re in all respects the malefactors, and by no means the

It appears from the Norwegian Constitution Article 30 that members of the

King‘s Council may be impeached by the Odelsting before the Court of
Impeachment (cf p 193 above), and in this connection it should be appropriate to
take a look at Articles 49, 71, 73–81 and 86–87 ib:

Article 49

The people exercises the Legislative Power through the Storting, which
consists of two departments, the Lagting and the Odelsting.

Article 71

The members of the Storting function as such for four successive years.

Article 73

The Storting nominates from among its members one fourth to constitute the
Lagting, the remaining three fourths to constitute the Odelsting. This
nomination shall take place at the first session of the Storting that assembles
after a new General Election, whereafter the Lagting shall remain unchanged
at all sessions of the Storting assembled after the same election, except insofar


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

as any vacancy which may occur among its members has to be filled by special
nomination. Each Ting holds its meetings separately and nominates its own
President and Secretary. Neither Ting may hold a meeting unless at least half
of its Members are present. However, Bills concerning amendments to the
Constitution may not be dealt with unless at least two thirds of the Members of
the Storting are present.

Article 74

As soon as the Storting is constituted, the King, or whoever he appoints for the
purpose, shall open its proceedings with a Speech, in which he shall inform it
of the state of the Realm and of the issues to which he particularly desires to
call the attention of the Storting. No deliberations may take place in the
presence of the King.
When the proceedings of the Storting have been opened, the Prime Minister
and the Members of the Council of State have the right to attend the Storting,
as well as both departments of the Storting, and, like its Members, although
without voting, to take part in any proceedings conducted in open session,
while in matters discussed in closed sessions only insofar as permitted by the
Ting concerned.

Article 75

It devolves upon the Storting:

a) to enact and repeal laws; to impose taxes, dues, customs and other
public charges, which shall not, however, remain operative beyond 31
December of the succeeding year, unless they are expressly renewed by
a new Storting;
b) to raise loans in the name of the Realm;
c) to supervise the monetary affairs of the Realm;
d) to appropriate the moneys necessary to meet government expenditure;
e) to decide how much shall be paid annually to the King for the Royal
Household, and to determine the Royal Family‟s appanage which may
not, however, consist of real property;
f) to have submitted to it the records of the Council of State, and all public
reports and documents;
g) to have communicated to it the conventions and treaties which the King,
on behalf of the State, has concluded with foreign powers;
h) to have the right to require anyone, the King and the Royal Family
excepted, to appear before it on matters of State; the exception does not,
however, apply to the Royal Princes if they hold any public office;


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

i) to review the provisional lists of salaries and pensions and to make

therein such alterations as it deems necessary;
j) (repealed)
k) to appoint five auditors, who shall annually examine the State Accounts
and publish extracts of the same print, for which purpose the Accounts
shall be submitted to the auditors within six months of the end of the
year for which the appropriations of the Storting have been made, and
to adopt provisions concerning the procedure for authorizing the
accounts of government accounting officials;
l) to appoint a person, not a member of the Storting, in a manner
prescribed by law, to supervise the public administration and all who
work in its service, to assure that no injustice is done against the
individual citizen;
m) to naturalize aliens.

Article 76

Every Bill shall first be proposed in the Odelsting, either by one of its own
Members, or by the government through a Member of the Council of State.
If the Bill is passed, it is sent to the Lagting, which either approves or rejects
it, and in the latter case returns it with appended comments. These are taken
into consideration by the Odelsting, which either shelves the bill or again
sends it to the Lagting, with or without alteration.
When a Bill from the Odelsting has twice been presented to the Lagting and
has been returned a second time as rejected, the Storting shall meet in plenary
session, and the bill is then decided by a majority of two thirds of its votes.
Between each such deliberation there shall be an interval of at least three

Article 77

When a Bill passed by the Odelsting has been approved by the Lagting or by
the Storting in plenary session, it is sent to the King, with a request that it may
receive the Royal Assent.

Article 78

If the King assents to the Bill, he appends his signature, whereby it becomes
law. If he does not assent to it, he returns it to the Odelsting with a statement


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

that he does not for the time being find it expedient to sanction it. In that case
the Bill must not again be submitted to the King by the Storting then

Article 79

If a Bill has been passed unaltered by two sessions of the Storting, constituted
after two separate successive elections and separated from each other by at
least two intervening sessions of the Storting, without a divergent Bill having
been passed by any Storting in the period between the first and last adoption,
and it is then submitted to the King with a petition that His Majesty shall not
refuse his assent to a beneficial, it shall become law even if the Royal Assent is
not accorded before the Storting goes into recess.

Article 80

The Storting shall remain in session as long as it deems it necessary and shall
terminate its proceedings when it has concluded its business.
In accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by the Storting, the
proceedings may be resumed, but they shall terminate not later than the last
Sunday in the month of September.
Within this time the King shall communicate his decision with regard to the
Bills that have not already been decided (cf Articles 77 to 79), by either
confirming or rejecting them. All those which he does not expressly accept are
deemed to have been rejected by him.

Article 81

All Acts (with the exception of those mentioned in Article 79) are drawn up in
the name of the King, under the seal of the Realm of Norway, and in the
following terms; “We, X, make it publicly known: that the decision of the
Storting of the date stated has been laid before Us: (here follows the decision).
In consequence whereof We have assented to and confirmed, as We hereby do
assent to and confirm the same as Law under Our Hand and the Seal of the


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Article 86

The Court of Impeachment pronounces judgment in the first and

last instance in such proceedings as are brought by the Odelsting
against Members of the Council of State, or of the Supreme Court
or of the Storting, for criminal offences which they may have com-
mitted in their official capacity.
The specific rules concerning indictment by the Odelsting in accor-
dance with this Article shall be determined by law. However, the
limitation period for the institution of indictment proceedings be-
fore the Court of Impeachment may not be set at less than 15 years.
The permanent Members of the Lagting and the permanently app-
ointed Members of the Supreme Court are judges of the Court of
Impeachment. The provisions contained in Article 87 shall apply to the
composition of the Court of Impeachment in the particular case. In the Court
of Impeachment the President of the Lagting shall preside.
Any person sitting in the Court of Impeachment as a Member of
the Lagting shall not resign from the Court if the period for which he
is elected as a representative to the Storting expires before the Court
of Impeachment has concluded the trial of the case. If he ceases,
for any other reason, to be a Member of the Storting, he shall re-
sign as a judge of the Court of Impeachment. The same applies if
a Justice of the Supreme Court, who is a Member of the Court of
Impeachment, retires as a Member of the Supreme Court.

Article 87

The accused and the person acting on behalf of the Odelsting in

the proceedings have the right to challenge as many Members of the Lagting
and of the Supreme Court as will leave remaining fourteen
Members of the Lagting and seven Members of the Supreme Court
as judges in the Court of Impeachment. Each party in the proceed-
ings may challenge an equal number of the Members of the Lagting,
although the accused has the preferential right to challenge one
more, if the number to be challenged is not divisible by two. The same
shall apply to the challenging of the Members of the Supreme Court.
If there are several accused in such proceedings, they exercise the
right of challenge collectively in accordance with rules prescribed by
law. If the right of challenge is not exercised to the extent permitted,
as many Members of the Lagting and of the Supreme Court as are in excess of
fourteen and seven respectively retire following the draw-
ing of lots.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

When the case comes up for judgment, as many judges of the Court of
Impeachment shall retire following the drawing of lots that
the Court due to render judgment is left with fifteen Members, of
whom at most ten are Members of the Lagting and five Justices of
the Supreme Court.
The President of the Court of Impeachment and the President of
the Supreme Court shall in no case retire following the drawing
of lots.
If the Court of Impeachment cannot be composed of as many Mem-
bers of the Lagting or of the Supreme Court as prescribed above,
the case may nevertheless be tried and judgment rendered, provided
that the Court numbers at least ten judges.
Specific provisions as to the procedure to be followed in the compos-
ition of the Court of Impeachment shall be laid down by law.

According to the Norwegian Constitution Article 86 the permanent members of

the Lagting and the permanently appointed members of the Supreme Court
should be judges of the Court of Impeachment — thus a pro forma survey of
indicated members follows:

Members of the Norwegian Lagting AD 2008

 ASPHJELL, Jorodd (Arbeiderpartiet)

 BERGO, Magnar L (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)
 BJØRNSTAD, Vidar (Arbeiderpartiet)
 BREDVOLD, Per Roar (Fremskrittspartiet)
 ENG, Sigrun (Arbeiderpartiet)
 ENGER. Inger S (Senterpartiet)
 GRIMSTAD, May-Helen M (Kristelig Folkeparti)
 GUNDERSEN, Gunnar (Høyre)
 HALLERAKER, Øyvind (Høyre)
 HJEMDAL, Line Henriette H (Kristelig Folkeparti)
 HOKSRUD, Bård (Fremskrittspartiet)
 HOLMBERG, Kari Lise (Høyre)
 JACOBSEN, Bjørn (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)
 JAGLAND, Thorbjørn (Arbeiderpartiet)
 JOHANSEN, Irene (Arbeiderpartiet)
 JOHNSEN, Espen (Arbeiderpartiet)


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 KJOS, Kari K (Fremskrittspartiet)

 KNUTSEN, Tove Karoline (Arbeiderpartiet)
 KONGSHAUG, Leif Helge (Venstre)
 KRISTOFFERSEN, Gerd Janne (Arbeiderpartiet)
 LANGELAND, Hallgeir H (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)
 LARSEN, Anne Margrethe (Venstre)
 LYDVO, Hilde M (Arbeiderpartiet)
 LØNNING, Inge (Høyre)
 LÅNKE, Ola T (Kristelig Folkeparti)
 MANDT-BARTHOLSEN, Sonja (Arbeiderpartiet)
 MARTHINSEN, Marianne (Arbeiderpartiet)
 MOE, Ola B (Senterpartiet)
 NAVARSETE, Liv Signe (Senterpartiet)
 NIELSEN, Eva M (Arbeiderpartiet)
 NISTAD, Thore A (Fremskrittspartiet)
 PETERSEN, Jan (Høyre)
 REIKVAM, Rolf (Sosialistisk Venstreparti)
 RYTMAN, Jørund (Fremskrittspartiet)
 SAMUELSEN, Alf Ivar (Senterpartiet)
 SCHMIDT, Åse M (Fremskrittspartiet)
 SOLHOLM, Lodve (Fremskrittspartiet)
 STRØM, Tor-Arne (Arbeiderpartiet)
 SUND, Eirin Kristin (Arbeiderpartiet)
 VAKSDAL, Øyvind (Fremskrittspartiet)
 VALLERSNES, Finn Martin (Høyre)
 WIDTH, Per Ove (Fremskrittspartiet)
 AASLAND, Terje (Arbeiderpartiet)

Members of the Norwegian Supreme Court AD 2008

 SCHEI, Tore (Chief Justice, born 1946)
 GJØLSTAD, Liv (Justice, born 1945)
 LUND, Ketil (Justice, born 1939)
 GUSSGARD, Karenanne (Justice, born 1940)
 TJOMSLAND, Steinar (Justice, born 1948)
 COWARD, Kirsti (Justice, born 1940)
 STANG LUND, Eilert (Justice, born 1939)
 BROCH OFTEDAL, Lars (Justice, born 1939)
 FLOCK, Hans (Justice, born 1940)


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

 MATNINGSDAL, Magnus (Justice, born 1951)

 BRUZELIUS, Karin Maria (Justice, born 1941)
 SKOGHØY, Jens Edvin A (Justice, born 1955)
 UTGÅRD, Karl Arne (Justice, born 1951)
 STABEL, Ingse (Justice, born 1946)
 STØLE, Ole Bjørn (Justice, born 1950)
 ØIE, Toril Marie (Justice, born 1960)
 TØNDER, Bård (Justice, born 1948)
 ENDRESEN, Clement (Justice, born 1949)
 INDREBERG, Hilde (Justice, born 1957)
 SVERDRUP, Tone (Justice ad hoc, born 1951)
 BERGBY, Gunnar (Secretary General, born 1947)

As for the provisions regulating e.g the composition and exact procedure of the
Court of Impeachment, these was originally laid down in the Norwegian Act of
5 February 1932 relating to Punishment for Offences Indicted before the
Court of Impeachment....and this Act has in all probability been subject to a
number of tactical amendments triggered by distinct fear of nearby Complaint*
(*cf the Norwegian Act of 30 March 2007 no. 13)!
In any case the Norwegian Courts of Justice Act — which still applies to the
composition etc of the Court of Impeachment — provides that:

1. All judges (except lay-judges and assessors) must sign a binding

assurance obliging them to exert their office conscientiously (sec 60 – cf
sec 52 ib item the Norwegian Constitution Article 21 &c);
2. Only persons markedly competent as co-judges and members of the jury
through their righteousness, skills and independence should be elected
(sec 76 – cf sec‘s 52, 53 and 65 &c ib);
3. Nobody can operate as a judge or juror when particular circumstances
potentially diminishing his impartiality eventuates (sec 108 — cf sec‘s 52,
106, 107, 109 and 111 &c ib).

As is meet and proper the individual security under the law has been given a
prominent position in globally accepted human rights conventions (cf pp 194–
199 above), and Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights positively lays down that:

“All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the deter-
mination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and
obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal

established by law.”

However...; when it comes to the ―competence‖, ―independence‖ and

―impartiality‖ of Norwegian politicians and (senior) civil servants, it‘s certainly
in order to recall some passages found in FOCO:

―The reader should constantly keep in mind Norwegian authorities

unscrupulously will exploit every adequate opportunity to erase, steal and
falsify/alter to their advantage any piece of evidence communicated
through nearby Complaint — empirically they‘re much prone to
manipulate, espy, harass/intimidate, incarcerate, obstruct, weaken and
explicitly harm/attack potential/actual witnesses in this and other cases
where Norwegian officials are the factual culprits.....and the presentation
of forthcoming matter are by and large accommodated these disquieting
(cf FOCO, p 10)

―Since 1992 it has been a main objective for Norwegian authorities to maim
my general health, ruin my social relationships, isolate me, deny my juri-
dical rights, subdue/quench legal complaints to international fora, mar my
reputation, intimidate me, induce pecuniary destitution, provoke harmful
tribulations, obstruct globally lifesaving work, minimize my standard of
living and — if possible — incite criminality and unethical behavior (cf Doc
#4588 etc).
The pernicious misconduct of Norwegian authorities in this case are pre-
cisely described in the Bible, Isaiah 59:5–8 (corresponding statements are
wholly valid independent of your religious faith and theological opinions —
cf Doc #2037, ‗Norwegian Vice Spreading‘):

‘They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider’s web. Whoever
eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched.
Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves
with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence
are in their hands. Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed
innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and
destruction mark their ways. The way of peace they do not know;
there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into
crooked roads; no-one who walks in them will know peace.’


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

In many respects Mr Ivar Oftedahl and Ms Harlem Brundtland represents

the archetype of my Norwegian foes; frailty, ignoble/plebeian, crabby,
evil/base, corrupted/criminal, unstable/dishonest, lunatic/schizophrenic,
hypocritical/ pharisaic, malevolent/envious, arrogant/aggressive and sickly
self-assertive miscreants attempting to compensate for their shortcomings,
inferiority complex and psychopathology through ascribing their nasty
defects, wickedness, mental derangement and systematic lawbreaking to
others (cf Doc‘s ##633 [‗Norwegian Police and Statesman Malignant
Syndrome‘] and 2037 [‗Official Norwegian Hypocrisy and Malevolence‘]).
Though human status correctly may be granted my Norwegian enemies, they
surely belongs to a particularly noxious subgroup bipeds strongly guided
and impressed by stark diabolism, madness, injustice and general low-
mindedness — the presence and influence of these infernally vile terrorists
are of course absolutely detrimental to any civilized society respecting the
human rights, guarding righteousness, and fostering ethicality, personal
magnanimity, intellectual/scientific eminence and artistic dexterity usw.‖
(cf FOCO, pp 72–73)

―Studying nearby complaint and adjoining enclosures (cf p 2 — ‗Comments

on disqualification‘), reasonable sane and sagacious readers pretty soon
will launch an almost inevitable question: ‗Can the various crimes and
atrocities described in this report possibly 've been perpetrated by mentally
sound creatures...?‘
Based on unique, comprehensive and well-structured collections of data on
documentable criminality committed by Norwegian officials since 1992, it's
quite easy to give a clear-cut answer to that query:

‗Certainly not.....the ghastly admixture of psychopathies, criminalism,

hypocrisy, parvanimity, theomachy, lewdness and fiendishness verily
characterizing the cracked personality of most Norwegian officials
are, far and away, the worst European and first world example of
gross intrapopular depravity and collective insaneness procurable!‘

Actively sustained by and largely including governmental authorities and

flyblown principals of major state institutes, the innate corruption and
wormy diabolism pervades all executive and official branches of the infected
nation which — befittingly — 've been nicknamed ‗The Kingdom of Satan‘!

Although psychiatric ill-health and multifarious impairment of higher

cerebral functions are alarmingly common amongst Norwegian officials, the
greater part of them tends to be criminally responsible as personality


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

disorders — particularly psychopathy — and various perversions are

predominant conditions.
The pathologically distorted thought and behavior patterns normally
typifying Norwegian public officials and senior civil servants may however
— viewed as an endemic phenomenon — partially rupture the commonly
accepted boundaries imposed by international norms of disease
classification. A genetically rooted and markedly offbeat syndrome
symptomatically approaching classical psychopathy and frequently
comprising atypical variants of the structural pathology conventionally
associated with organic brain diseases, it's hardly unbecoming to introduce
the acronym ‗NPSMS‘* — *‗Norwegian Police and Statesman Malignant
Syndrome‘ (if more convenient, you may think of NPSMS simply as
‗Norwegian psychopathy‘ or ‗Norwegian folie‘, of course)...!
In Doc's ##633 and 2037 — pp 67 and 95, respectively, I've described a
number of NPSMS' more or less pathognomonic symptoms — viz:

Inadequate judgmental ability, imprudence, atelonoesis,

rejoice in evildoing, ponerophilia, cruelty, sadism, dysempathy,
superiority/inferiority complexes and complemental maladjust-
ment/overcompensation, falsehood, charlatanism, hypocrisy,
professional double-dealing, sickly self-assertiveness, arrogance,
cantankerousness, megalomania, general lability, willful neglect
and violation of ethical norms, criminalism, recidivism, dikephobia,
corruptibility, deceitfulness, psychiatric conditions, delusional ideation,
religious insecurity/confusion, theomachy, icono-/supericlasm, hamartio-
philia, unwarranted suspiciousness/hostility, turncoat mentality, distrust-
ful jingoism, impudence, prevaricated sociability, ergasiomimesis, feigned
eunoia, refractoriness, spiteful envy, peevishness, aggression, irritability,
anosognosia, gloominess, lecherousness and voyeurism.....etc.

The above collection of personality traits and symptoms manifestly typical

but not necessarily conclusive of NPSMS, clearly invites to differentiated
diagnosing; while the moodiness and fluctuating self-image are amongst the
distinguishing features of the borderline personality, the thoroughgoing
reality distortion and oftentimes systematic misinterpretation of events
exhibited by some NPSMS afflicted individuals are truly archtypical of
regular psychoses. The severe, recurrent and wholly intentional misconduct
and criminality fundamentally peculiar to NPSMS-villains are closest related
to the antisocial personality disorder, however, but are more complex and
frequently includes dangerous paranoia, religious delusions and sheer
In most psychiatric disorders it's relatively uncomplicated to identify some
precipitating factors — i.e psychosocial and physical influence in all


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

likelihood triggering the mental derangement. When it comes to the NPSMS

it's usually hard to detect decisive, psychotogenic factors — as a matter of
fact one may feel slightly ill at ease attempting to discriminate readily
observable, morbid features from entirely self-willed and obviously
unreasonable evil-mindedness...! Ethically indefensible, evilness purely for
the sake of evilness may assuredly be a ponerologically acceptable and ipso
facto rational aim in itself (most religious dogmas omitted, of
course).....consequently — motive and means appearing practically identical
— unprovoked evilness may be seen both as a cardinal symptom and causa
sine qua non of the Norwegian Police and Statesman Malignant Syndrome.
As regards predisposing factors, genetic endowment and hereditary
metabolic, anatomical and physiological insufficiencies in prefrontal
cortices, the thalamencephalon, hypothalamus and limbic system may be
crucial for the actual onset and subsequent diagnosing of NPSMS. Various
somatosensory structures and convergence zones in the ventromedial
prefrontal sector of the brain may be visibly damaged, and dysfunctions of
the medial/lateral orbitofrontal circuit, nucleus accumbens, ventral striatum,
corpus Luysii and thalamic nuclei are common NPSMS features. Serotonin's
neuronal transmitter functions and capability to modulate v.g dopaminergic
neurons may be significantly reduced in NPSMS sufferers, and the
GABAergic output pathways of neostriatum and globus pallidus tends to be
impaired — monoamine based weaknesses and defective interconnections
between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior subgenual cingulate
cortex and the ventral striatum may be NPSMS indicative.
Despite depicted brain abnormalities, many NPSMS-caitiffs are capable of
performing just about normally on standard neuropsychological tests —
working memory, concentration and the general intelligence seems to be
(cf FOCO, pp 122–124)

―Whereas the Hippocratic oath lay emphasis on honesty, respectfulness and

benevolence towards patients and impels physicians to champion
international human rights and exercise their professional judgment
uninfluenced by political pressure, physicians and other ‗health‘ personnel
involved in this ill-omened case maliciously 've displayed the most inexpiable
disregard inasmuch as dutiful compliance with ethical stipulations, the
statutory rights of others and their vocational integrity otherwise are
concerned.....honestly; it's stark impossible to find even the slightest trace of
formally mitigating circumstances, respectability or professional adequacy
in the uninterrupted orgy of lawless terrorism satanically indulged in by
Norwegian medics AO since 1992!


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Anyhow, let's make it perfectly clear right now; the actual and radically
massive violations of quoted articles noways applies to the Norwegian public
‗health‘ service alone — corresponding malversation has continuously been
schemed and illicitly ratified v.g by diverse governmental bodies (cf pp 24–
25, 29–31, 68–74 and 83–88 usw), and does also — largely — include the
other officials and establishments referred to as ‗Accused‘ at page 2 of
nearby Complaint.
Cf Doc #4575, p 117 etc:

‗All interference from Norwegian authorities in this case 've been

unilaterally destructive, invidious, unwelcomed and
largely criminal — clearly reflecting the mental illness, habitual
double-dealing and emetic disregard for the human rights and
fundamental freedoms of man indeed characterizing
most of the malefactors.‘

The manifestly morbid preoccupation with supernormal intelligence and

human genius constantly displayed by Norwegian physicians, psychologists,
politicians, police officers et al has been touched upon earlier in this report
(v p 118 — cf Doc #1536, p 85), and it should be timely to supply foregoing
information with a few germane remarks.

Studying the thousands of registered crimes and calamitous boo-boos wholly

ascribable to Norwegian officials and local authorities the last decennium,
we are struck not only by the unprovoked diabolism and radical unsoundness
characterizing these misdeeds, but by the marked lack of foresight and stark
fatuity as well.

Inasmuch as essential parts of our noometric capability may be adequately

evaluated through standardized and accurately scaled intelligence
tests…..and given that we fairly correctly may equate corresponding IQ
scores with our immanent/potential ability to acceptably handle diverse
practical situations and precisely grasp more or less abstract/intricate
problems/ideas professionally or otherwise encountered, we may assuredly
ascribe much of said improvidence and bêtises ex officio to insufficient
psychometric intelligence.
At this point those of you familiar with the common classification of IQ
scores may feel somewhat bewildered, as it previously 've been correctly
stated several of the culprits actual to prosecute in this case possess' a
general IQ equal or superior to 140 on the Stanford-Binet scale (cf pp 9–10).
IQs corresponding to — or exceeding — indicated score are normally
regarded as highly impressive, and many psychologists will set the
intelligence quotient for ‗potential genius‘ at 140 or over. In the general


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

Norwegian population 1 out of 190 people are expected to achieve a

Stanford-Binet IQ of 140, and there are roughly 3 men for every woman
reaching specified score.
Howbeit —; comprehensive observations here in Norway bears witness to
the fact individuals with a Stanford-Binet IQ in the 130–155 range are
essentially unable to meet the dianoetic requirements necessary to acquire
even passable understanding of more intricate scientific, moral and purely
logical &c causata/implications/problems. Typically earning their university
and first-class degrees relatively hands down, these noometrically — and
oftentimes professionally — incompetent persons are likely to occupy central
community positions. In cases where the shortcomer has maintained his/her
moral and eunoic integrity, the psychometric inadequacy may be
accidentally fatal indeed — though — regularly and pragmatically
amendable, as the intellectually subpotent faultdoer will be genuinely eager
to admit, correct and avoid e.g professional mistakes induced by
noometrically overtaxing demands.
Inasmuch as the dianoetic deficiency and related/professional fall downs are
directly pertinent to NPSMS afflicted individuals/officials* (*cf pp 122–124)
— which conspicuously often is the case in Norway, we empirically knows
these severely disordered and thoroughly dikephobic wrongdoers will do
whatever practically feasible to cover up and belittle their
errors/unsuitability/corruption — frequently at the expense of wholly
guiltless persons facing false accusations and unwarranted castigation etc.
As for the latter case, special attention should be called to the average
Stanford-Binet IQ of Norwegian Parliament/Storting representatives at
127,5 (cf p 10) — which, not surprisingly, is 10–14 crucial points below
corresponding scores for national/federal assembly members in any Euro-
American country/state socioeconomically comparable with Norway.
Without validating the factual foundation of his suppositions etc, it may be
thematically justifiable though to refer to assistant professor of psychology
at Princeton University* (*New Jersey, USA) — Mr Carl C BRIGHAM*
(*creator of the well-known ‗Scholastic Aptitude Test‘) — who, in 1923,
published ‗A Study of American Intelligence‘ where he concluded that the
IQ of immigrants increased in proportion to the number of years of US
residence — a phenomenon he ascribed to a lower proportion of Nordic
blood over the years, rather than increased familiarization with cultural and
educational factors…!
Anyhow; the US Immigration Restriction Act of 1924 favored immigration
from northern Europe, and restricted the entry of persons from other areas
referred to as ‗biologically inferior‘ ——

At the pages 9 and 85 I've fixed the lowest acceptable Stanford-Binet IQ of

different judges/experts at 145 and 140, respectively — but indeed; this does


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

not imply said scores are absolutely and professionally adequate! What
indicated minimum levels does mark, however, are the highest IQ scores
practically attainable a number of circumstantial factors and conventional
requirements* realistically considered (*amongst the formal prerequisites, a
sufficient and high degree of moral integrity, impartiality/independence and
educational competency are indispensable).
While a general Stanford-Binet IQ of 140 typically will enable otherwise
competent members of the Norwegian courts of appeals to handle around
80% of the various lawsuits in a justifiable manner, a ditto IQ of 258 are
required to keenly perceive and adequately evaluate usw the intricate
nuances and multifarious facts relevant to the most complicated cases
brought before these appellate tribunals. Although the present courts of
appeals comprises a few judges with a Stanford-Binet IQ equalling or
slightly exceeding 140, 45–50% of nowadays judgments/sentences should be
overruled on account of regular corruption and the number/severity of
procedural errors…..and, finally; whereas corruption are exlex altogether
and portrayed degree of erroneousness legally unacceptable, it should be
formally correct to render null and void all verdicts and conclusions passed
on by these incompetent and obscenely pretentious kangaroo courts
whatsoever — cf Doc #627 item nearby Complaint pp 2–8 and 84–88 etc!
As for the widespread depravity amongst Norwegian judges, much of it is
reflected by ‗The Professional Code and Ethical Philosophy of Norwegian
Judges‘* (*cf Aphorisms &c 107–109):

„Yes indeed — we‟re chronic crooks, murderers, perjurers, maniacs,

forgers, dopenicks, drunkards, corrupted lamebrains and moral
lepers.....but; since we effectively ‟ve blocked criminal investigation
of our iniquity, dexterously embezzled proofs against ourselves and
successfully hampered a diversity of legal actions opposed to our
inveterate transgressions and misfeasance, there exist no legally
enforceable judgments against us.....and for that reason we are — at
least in a profanely juridical sense — not guilty (cf the Courts of
Justice Act sec 53, third per)!
Moreover we strongly feel that the Norwegian society generally
should bestow significantly more of their attention purely revering
our allelopathic lawbreaking.....‟cause it‟s an established truism that
our surreptitious foulness keep back the constitutional Ragnarok
and scandalous imprisonment etc of Norwegian top politicians and
Government officials unavoidably following unwarped trials and
objective, judicial factfinding procedures! So.....treat us courteously,
please, and immortalize our satanic statutory offenses and
monumental corruption by placing a luciferous statue outside the
Parliament Building, and a leviathan monument at the royal palace


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

square in Oslo where noble-minded adulators can bring their burnt

offerings and confer dignity upon our accomplished forensic
diabolism and — also — squareshootingly commemorate the many
illustrious adamites slain by our minister extolled vice.....AMEN!‟

Verily; though stinking, a shitfilled sack will stand upright…!‖

(cf FOCO, pp 144–147)

―Behind the previously indicated and markedly pathological interest in

paranormality and genius exhibited by Norwegian authorities, we find the
deep-seated inferiority complex and narrow-minded egotism broadly
explaining their preoccupation. From the very first these natural-born
villains and mountebanks searched for esoteric and absurd ways to
elevate their base intellect…; perhaps geniuses depended on some secret
ingesta or regimen skyrocketing their creativity and IQs….?!
Fatefully mixed with archtypical NPSMS symptoms* (*cf pp 122–124) as
v.g psychiatric idiosyncrasies, pronounced criminalism and unjustifiable
hostility, said selfishness has — in any case — triggered the most
pernicious chain of wholly deliberate, systematical and decidedly ill-
starred human rights violations ever seen in Norway! It's perfectly evident
many of the crimes dealt with in this petition and corresponding
documents had been very difficult to commit and impossible to get away
with in a relatively uncorrupted and otherwise healthy society…..and lo
— as might be expected; behind the wormy stage settings we find the
meanest herd of mentally deranged, felonious, self-aggrandizing and
utterly condemnable misfits and conspiring officials ever sighted in a
claimed — not to say pretended — democracy! — and, behold; I'm
truthfully characterizing the innately psychopathic descendants of a
notoriously fiendish people duly mentioned by the hounded and
grotesquely misknown genius William James SIDIS (1898–1944)…:

‗These Norse invaders in 'Vinland,' as they named the country, treated the
native inhabitants (whom they named 'Skrellings,' or 'skinned people')
about the same way as they did in Europe — as subjects for pillage and
slave-raids. They raided as far as the 'Wonderstrand' (Cape Cod), and
they usually made themselves enemies wherever they went, in America
as in Europe.‘"
(cf FOCO, pp 151–152)


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―The heinous array of crimes habitually indulged in by Norwegian

officials and senior civil servants the latter years, are largely and
manifestly ascribable to the tremendous prevalence of indigenous
sociopathy* characteristic of Norway (*cf pp 122–124 &c). Based on
continuous and exacting observations since 1992, it's perfectly evident
Norwegian ‗health‘ personnel and police officers directly executing and
criminally liable for the atrocities partially described in nearby Petition
and elsewhere has derived sexual excitement and significant satisfaction
from their systematic nefariousness and lawbreaking.
Combined with fixed and markedly paranoic personality traits, the deep-
rooted psychopathy and sadism by and large hallmarking Norwegian
senior state officials and public servants are practically incurable* (*cf
pp 122–127, 155–156 and 172 &c).

Under otherwise ‗normal‘ circumstances and the disastrous ascendancy

and profane catholicity of state supported criminality considered, it's
hardly anything but a waste of time and energy to bring legal/intrastatal
actions against the slimy politicians and (senior) civil servants
constituting the rotten hard core of official Norwegian
malversation….and, especially if you're a high-principled human rights
activist, the only acceptable alternative left may be to apply for political
asylum outside Norway in order to escape explicitly nocent and unlawful
(cf FOCO, p 190)

―The 2007 version of this official — though tactically incomplete and

slightly unconventional — human rights petition, gives a partially unique
and unvarnished picture of certain aspects and implications of the state
supported corruption obnoxiously suffusing next to all parts of the
Norwegian Civil Service.
Precisely as anticipated, Norwegian authorities has maintained and
segmentally reinforced their intensely criminal, human rights violating,
and contemptuously subhuman terrorism throughout AD 2007 (cf pp 1,
10, 122–124, item Doc #4588 etc), and I've described and formally
reported a tiny fraction of the various offences only. On the whole, this
year may be seen as a practically unbroken chain of state actuated
crimes, insanities, and malicious provocations massively corroborating
and justifying whatever denouncement of Norwegian authorities set forth
in nearby Complaint....indeed; the execrable picture of a nation
governed by a pack evil-minded, lunatic, and vehemently depraved
lowbrows enthusiastically subverting justice and promoting stark
diabolism has become still clearer (cf p 126 &c), and my beforehand well-


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

set antipathy toward these slimy and absolutely condemnable

representatives of mankind are significantly strengthened!

Whereas — as continuously and unambiguously demonstrated since 1992

— Norwegian authorities are both unable and totally unwilling to behave
in compliance with international human rights conventions and globally
accepted etiquette, it‘s certainly high time drastic steps are taken to
remove, incarcerate, and replace the heinously foul recidivists
responsible for the corresponding and state supported criminality dealt
with in nearby Complaint and enclosed documents* (*cf p 2 ib). Without
efficient neutralization of these arrantly criminal elements and —
preferably — stabilizing international intervention, Norwegian politicians
and (senior) civil servants will continue to annihilate essential human
rights regulations just for hell of it, and arrogantly — typically with
distinct delight — ignore Norwegian law whenever deemed necessary to
upkeep/escalate/hide etc their sociopathic terrorism or protect themselves
and their rotten accomplices against legal prosecution.

As expectable — the endemic character and genetic base of the

‗Norwegian Police and Statesman Malignant Syndrom‘* (*‗NPSMS‘, cf
pp 122–124 etc) considered, the extensive criminalism, general ineptness,
theological insecurity, and psychopathological disregard for ethical
norms usw by and large typifying nowadays Norwegian politicians and
(senior) civil servants, has an abundance of historical parallels.‖
(cf FOCO, 196–197)

Focusing more precisely on the specific reasons for disqualification directly

related to nearby impeachment case, special emphasis should be laid on the
intimate ties between the King‘s Council and the Norwegian
Notwithstanding the revolting fact many Odelsting/Lagting members* (*cf
Articles 49 and 73 above) has been — and are — involved in the lawless
conspiracy against me (cf FOCO p 30 etc), it appears clearly from the
Norwegian Constitution Articles 74–81 that the actual interaction between the
Council of State and aforementioned Parliament renders a sufficient degree of
independence and impartiality wholly unattainable as far as appointment of
judges pursuant to Articles 86 and 87 of said Constitution is concerned;
members of the King‘s Council will almost daily meet and associate closely
with Norwegian Parliament members both in- and outside the Storting Building
in Oslo — indicated persons are colleagues, bosom friends, fellow
party/committee/organization/club members, and….partners in crime (—
moreover, the great majority of Norwegian Parliament members are also


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

disqualified from the juror function on account of their intellectual insufficiency

— cf FOCO, pp 9 and 146)!

When it comes to the Norwegian Supreme Court, it‘s sufficient — for the time
being — to refer to FOCO pp 30 and 68; several of corresponding judges —
among them Mr Tore SCHEI (the Chief Justice) — should be impeached (cf
FOCO pp 33 and 67–68, item pp 205–206 above).

In addition to the impeachment cases, there‘ll be legal proceedings against

numerous (senior) civil servants in the Norwegian government ministries, the
Norwegian police force, the Norwegian public ―health‖ service, the Norwegian
State Church, the Norwegian armed forces, Møre og Romsdal county
municipality/council, Haram/Molde/Ålesund municipalities, the Norwegian
Telecommunications, the Norwegian Post Office Services, the Norwegian
Broadcasting Corporation….et alia (cf FOCO, p 2).

Although the various offences mentioned in FOCO/INDO provides a solid basis

for criminal investigation, a most substantial number of essential facts and
descriptions of illegal acts has been intentionally omitted from these tactically
incomplete books (cf FOCO pp 10 [last paragraph] and 196–197 &c) — in any
case unbiased and scrupulous investigation will produce more than enough
proofs that will stand up in the court.

Aforesaid and extraordinarily vile circumstances considered, it‘s certainly

appropriate as well as obligatory to entrust impartial and otherwise competent
representatives from an international organization to which Norway adheres (e.g
the United Nations) — or will adhere — with the formal responsibility for
investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating etc the various crimes wherewith the
Kingdom of Norway are charged in this case — cf the Norwegian Constitution
Article 93, pp 175 and 178 above, item FOCO pp 8–9.

―The members of the actual juries in this case will face a pack well-
educated and politically experienced liars who will do their very best to
manipulate and deceive them.....so, by reason of the intellectual
challenges represented by this and other facts of the case, none
possessing a general IQ as measured on the WAIS, Stanford-Binet or
PM 47 (―PM 48‖, Raven — 40 min deadline) test subordinate to,
respectively; 142, 145 or 143 should be accepted as (lay) judges or
experts in forthcoming trials.‖*
(FOCO, p 9)
*Cf FOCO pp 145–149 etc.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

―Employing e.g TEMPEST-equipment, Norwegian authorities are

constantly downloading stuff appearing on my PC-screen — consequently
they‘ve kicked off a putrid charm campaign to surreptitiously influence
v.g the UN and various human rights organizations in this case!‖
(INDO, Doc #5007)

Empirically the chances Norwegian authorities will fulfil their juridical

obligations and otherwise behave themselves are very small in this unique case
(cf FOCO, pp 196–197 etc), but one nevertheless — almost pro forma —
admonish members of the Storting and Council of State to comply with
Norwegian law and international human rights conventions (cf the Norwegian
Constitution Articles 13, 21 and 110 c &c)....; there‘s no way whatsoever
Norwegian authorities can win this case, but they can — at least — endeavour to
lose it with some dignity.

Norwegian authorities are hereby encouraged to bring Article 93 of their

Constitution into service and to further lawful execution of justice by
entrusting qualified representatives from the United Nations with the
formal responsibility for investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating usw
the various crimes wherewith the Kingdom of Norway are charged in this
case (cf FOCO, pp 8–9).

NO-Brattvåg, May 01 2008

Wilh. Werner WINTHER



by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway



after referred to as ―FOCO‖) by Mr Wilh. Werner WINTHER; pp 1–217,

2) INTERNET DOCUMENTS* (*hereafter referred to as ―INDO‖) by Mr

Wilh. Werner WINTHER; pp 1–173,

3) letter 108/08-63/ROS004 dated Jan 29 HA from the Norwegian Director

General of Public Prosecutions, Mr Tor-Aksel BUSCH (NO-Oslo); 1

4) letter 070630/200700587 dated Feb 02 HA from the Special Investigating

Unit for Police Matters (NO-Hamar); 1 page,

5) e-mail of Oct 28, 2007, from Mr Wilh. Werner WINTHER to the Special
Investigating Unit for Police Matters, The Norwegian Supreme Court, the
Norwegian Prime Minister, the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, AO; 1


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

03. april 2009

NAV Haram
Storgata, Brattvåg



Den 31. fm måtte undertegnede helt uventet og på kort varsel investere i en ny

PC idet hans tidligere laptop ̶ kjøpt hos butikkjeden Expert i Breivika/Ålesund
20. nov f.å ̶ brøt fullstendig sammen etter intense/kriminelle hacker-/cracker-
angrep gjennomført av notoriske drittsekker og residivister fra den norske

Ved å korrumpere ellers betrodde/automatiske sikkerhetsoppdateringer fra det

amerikanske firmaet Symantec Corporation, klarte de politiansatte på forbry-
tersk vis å implantere flere farlige trojaner-koder i filene som ble rutinemessig
nedlastet til datamaskinens harddisk.
Inokulerte trojaner-programmer viste seg hurtig å være særdeles ondartede, og
raserte på kort tid PCens operativsystem (Windows Vista Home Premium
Edition), brannmur/antivirusprogram/phisingfilter/spionvarebeskyttelse (Norton
360 Version 2.0), Internett-/browser-konfigurasjoner (Telenor Mobilt Bred-
bånd/IE8) samt diverse/uspesifiserte softwareinstallasjoner etc. Umiddelbart
etter de kraftige angrepene ̶ som også omfattet infam manipulasjon av strøm-
/telenettet og misbruk av elektronisk pulsteknologi etc, ble det dessuten funnet
irreparable/abnormale/mekaniske og spontant genererte skader på computerens

Politietatens fordømmelige og klart illegale oppførsel i denne saken er ikke

unik: i oktober/november 2007 infiserte norske politiansatte oppdateringsfiler


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

fra Symantec Corporation med trojanere som en del av bestrebelsene for å

sabotere min daværende laptop (kjøpt i Ålesund kommune 20. sep 2007) ̶ cf
Internet Documents #9080* (*se www.scribd.com/wwerner778689). Den
aktuelle laptopen ble permanent/delvis ødelagt i november 2007, men kan
fortsatt nyttes til enkelte arbeidsoppgaver.

Jeg er for lengst lei den vedvarende og sinnssykelige/illegale terroriseringen

norske myndigheter utsetter meg for, og har gjentatte ganger søkt om å få
innvilget politisk asyl utenfor Norge ̶ NAV Haram v/ Einar TRANDAL har i
utvetydige vendinger blitt gjort oppmerksom på dette tidligere.
Søkeren mottar ikke sendinger fra f.eks Posten Norge BA, og trenger en com-
puter med Internett-forbindelse bl.a for å ivareta økonomiske forpliktelser
(nettbank mv), straffeforfølge/innrapportere stadig nye/alvorlige forbrytelser
begått av representanter for nasjonale myndigheter, opprettholde nødvendig/
legal kommunikasjon med advokater og internasjonale menneskerettighets-

I forbindelse med norske myndigheters kriminelle/beskrevne overgrep mot

undertegnede foregående måned, søkes om full økonomisk kompensasjon for
følgende, dokumenterte merutgifter:

1 stk laptop (merke/modell) Toshiba Satellite Pro L300-1DT: kr 4998,00

Ad-Adware Pro Anniversary Edition + Lavasoft firewall: ″ 396,62
Gebyr for betalingsutsettelse Her & Nå Handlekonto: ″ 99,00

Ekstraordinære utgifter, totalt: kr 5493,62

Brattvåg, 03. april 2009

Wilh. Werner WINTHER



by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

1) Faktura fra RS Elektronikk, Brattvåg, 1 ̶ én side
2) Søknad om kontokreditt HER & NÅ, 1 ̶ én side
3) Kvittering fra Lavasoft AB (Göteborg/Sverige), 1 ̶ én side


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

20. april 2009

NAV Haram
Storgata, Brattvåg



Om kvelden den 16. ds printet undertegnede ut de to første sidene av et nytt

appendiks til den offisielle FN-rapporten FORMAL COMPLAINT vs the
Kingdom of Norway* (*cf www.scribd.com/wwerner778689), og i likhet med
alle andre utskrifter fra den lite brukte men uunnværlige Canon Pixma MP610
multifunksjonsskriveren, forløp utprintingen fullstendig problemfritt.
Når man et par timer senere – ca kl 23:00 – skulle printe ut en supplerende kor-
rekturside, viste det seg at Canon-maskinen i mellomtiden var påført alvorlig
skade vha elektronisk pulsteknologi òg – eventuelt – ondsinnet manipulasjon av

Man legger til grunn at ovennevnte multifunksjonsskriver – stasjonert bak for-

svarlig låste dører/vinduer etc i Åsen 4, Brattvåg – ble sabotert av norske politi-
ansatte som nærer et patologisk ønske om å skade og terrorisere undertegnede,
og viser ellers til søknad stilet NAV Haram 03. ds hvor man begjærer økonom-
isk kompensasjon for en nesten ny laptop forsettlig ødelagt av de samme dritt-

Med hjemmel i norske myndigheters kriminelle og sterkt fordømmelige sabo-

tasje av beskrevne Canon-skriver, søkes hermed om pekuniært vederlag for
følgende merutgifter (alle priser er innhentet fra firmaet RS Elektronikk, Bratt-


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

NAV Haram, 20. apr -09

Side 2

1 stk Canon Pixma MP630 multifunksjonsskriver* kr 1749,00

3 stk ChromaLife CLI-8 C/M/Y (13 ml) blekkpatroner* kr 374,00
2 stk ChromaLife CLI-8B (13 ml) blekkpatroner* kr 270,00
1 stk ChromaLife100 CLI-8C (13 ml) blekkpatron* kr 135,00

Ekstraordinære utgifter, totalsum: Kr 2528,00

Brattvåg, 20. april 2009

Wilh. Werner WINTHER


*Canon Pixma MP610 har nylig gått ut av produksjon, og erstattes av MP630-

modellen (den saboterte Canon-maskinen ble kjøpt hos firmaet Binders i
Breivika/Ålesund 20. nov 2007, og tilhørende blekkpatroner kan ikke nyttes i
Canon Pixma MP630).


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

10. mai 2009

NAV Haram
Storgata, Brattvåg

SAKSNR. 2009/182 – NAV Haram

Anken og en engelskspråklig kommentarutgave av denne inngår i en formell

FN-rapport om korrupsjon og psykopatologiske atferdsmønstre i det norske
stats- og kommuneapparatet, og klagen suppleres derfor med informasjon og
bemerkninger som ellers ville vært naturlig å utelate.

Vedtaket som påankes har saksnummer 2009/182 ved NAV Haram, og er under-
tegnet 22. f.m. av Tor Helge STAVDAL og Einar TRANDAL.
Lovhjemmel for anken finnes bl.a i forvaltningsloven §§ 28 og 29, jf § 6 ib item
sosialtjenesteloven §§ 8−6 og 8−7 mv.

Om den norske Arbeids- og velferdsforvaltningen, NAV

NAV ble opprettet med hjemmel i arbeids- og velferdsforvaltningsloven av

2006, og innen 2010 skal alle norske kommuner ha etablert et lokalt NAV-
kontor hvor ansatte i den statlige Arbeids- og velferdsetaten samarbeider nært
med kommunens sosialtjeneste for å finne brukerrelaterte løsninger.

NAV er direkte underlagt Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet (jf NAV-loven §§ 3,

5 og 9), og kan i krigstid tildeles arbeidsoppgaver som gjør forvaltningsorganets
lokaler og ansatte mv til legitime, militære angrepsmål – jf NAV-loven §§ 10 og
11, trygdeloven §§ 25−16, 25−17 og 25−18, beredskapsloven §§ 3, 5 og 6, samt
rekvisisjonsloven §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 og 8 etc.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
NAV Haram 10. mai 2009
Brattvåg 226 side 2

NAV Haram skal ivareta Arbeids- og velferdsetatens oppgaver så vel som

Haram kommunes forpliktelser etter sosialtjenesteloven – jf NAV-loven §§ 14,
15 og 16.

Organets hovedoppgaver er ellers nedfelt i NAV-loven § 4.

Saksbehandlingen ved NAV Haram

En av grunnforutsetningene for adekvat saksbehandling er at de som skal til-

rettelegge fundamentet for eksempelvis en administrativ avgjørelse og eventuelt
fatte endelig vedtak i en gitt forvaltningssak, ikke er ugilde eller hemmet på et
vis som potensielt og med rimelig grad av sannsynlighet vil svekke deres indi-
viduelle upartiskhet, spesifikke handlefrihet, desisive faktainterpretasjon, sann-
hetssøken og alminnelige vurderingsevne m.m i en utstrekning som negativt
influerer ett eller flere trinn i den totale beslutningsprosessen.
Av den norske forvaltningsloven § 6 fremgår bl.a at:

En offentlig tjenestemann er ugild til å tilrettelegge grunnlaget for

en avgjørelse eller til å treffe en avgjørelse i en forvaltningssak når
når han selv er part i saken eller andre særegne forhold foreligger
som er egnet til å svekke tilliten til hans upartiskhet.

Man gjør med dette gjeldende at NAV Haram i påankede sak er eksplisitt ugild
etter forvaltningsloven § 6, jf §§ 1 og 10 ib mv, og legger bl.a til grunn at:

1) NAV er et offentlig og landsdekkende forvaltningsorgan som står i et

lovregulert og i denne sammenheng særlig uakseptabelt avhengighets-
forhold til grovt kriminelle og internasjonalt innklagede elementer i den
norske sentraladministrasjonen o.a.st;
2) norske sentralstyresmakter og ansatte i Haram kommune siden 1992 i
fellesskap har opptrådt som en notorisk og forbrytersk terroristorgani-
sasjon hvis statsautoriserte og uomtvistelig kriminelle hovedmål har vært
å skade og plage undertegnede;
3) Haram kommune i likhet med norske styresmakter sentralt nærer et krimi-
nelt og annerledes fordømmelig ønske om å hindre undertegnedes selv-
oppofrende menneskerettighetsarbeid m.m ved bl.a å sabotere nødvendig
data- og kommunikasjonsmateriell;
4) Norges statlige og kommunale myndigheter innehar en ytterst sentral og
udelt negativ rolle i undertegnedes formelle FN-tilskriv Formal Comp-
laint vs the Kingdom of Norway* og UN-Documents by Wilhelm
Werner Winther*;


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
NAV Haram 10. mai 2009
Brattvåg 227 side 3

5) en rekke personer med fremtredende stillinger og verv i Haram kommune

og Norges sentralforvaltning i årevis har pleiet konspiratorisk og klart
rettsstridig kontakt med ledende representanter for de politiansatte og
statsoppbakkede drittsekkene som saboterte datamateriellet en søker øko-
nomisk kompensasjon for;
6) NAVs saksbehandler – Einar Trandal – var en av beryktede Vegard
AUSTNES‘** håndgangne lakeier (**jf UN-Documents*, Doc‘s ##6097
og 8017 mv), og at hr Trandal er meget godt kjent med sin personlige og
uforanderlige fiendestatus;
7) NAVs saksbehandler, Einar Trandal, under et lite tilforlatelig dekke av å
være nøytral gjør sitt beste for å skjule og videreføre statlige så vel som
kommunale overgrep og forbrytelser mot undertegnede.

Det er ellers symptomatisk og sterkt kritikkverdig at NAV Haram i vedtaket som

påklages med velberådd hu fremstiller undertegnedes sollisitasjoner av 03. og
20. f.m som simple og endog malplasserte ―søknader om økonomisk sosial-
hjelp‖, når man vitterlig krever – sic:



NAVs depraverte saksbehandler(-e) underslår glatt at undertegnede også i okto-

ber/november 2007 fikk en nyinnkjøpt laptop sabotert av politiansatte dritt-
sekker i forbindelse med aktverdig menneskerettighetsarbeid og lovlig anmel-
delse av offentlig kriminalitet til Haram gjennomkorrupte lensmannskontor (cf
UN-Documents*, Doc #9080 &c), og nevner heller ikke at undertegnede gjen-
tatte ganger har søkt om politisk asyl utenfor Norge for å unnslippe den sinns-
sykelige/illegale trakasseringen norske myndigheter sammenhengende og over
svært lang tid har utsatt ham for.
NAV Haram tier patognomonisk om at undertegnede i sin søknad av 03. f.m
presiserer at han trenger en computer med Internett-forbindelse bl.a for å straffe-
forfølge/innrapportere stadig nye/alvorlige forbrytelser begått av representanter
for nasjonale myndigheter m.m, og når man så avslår undertegnedes søknad om
tilskudd til fri advokatbistand for å straffeforfølge NAV-ansatte og firmaet
Nordvest Nett AS (jf søknad stilet NAV Haram 04. mars d.å), er dette en full-
stendig følgeriktig og veldokumentert konsekvens av massive kommunale/
statlige anstrengelser for systematisk å undergrave ansøkerens rettssikkerhet og
dermed unndra skyldige tjeneste-/embetsmenn mfl legal etterforskning og dom-
fellelse m.m.


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway
NAV Haram 10. mai 2009
Brattvåg 228 side 4

NAVs skandaløse vedtak av 22. f.m er et åpenbart og ingenlunde uventet hånd-

slag til den renspikkede djevelskapen og stinkende kriminaliteten norske myn-
digheter kontinuerlig har eksponert undertegnede for siden 1992, og det ned-
legges derfor slik


NAV Haram omgjør vedtak med internt

saksnummer 2009/182 slik at undertegnede
snarest får pekuniært vederlag for sabotert
datamateriell med til sammen kr 8021,62.

Brattvåg, 10. mai 2009

Wilh. Werner WINTHER



Søknader stilet NAV Haram 03. og 20. f.m, til sammen 04 – fire – sider.

*Dokumentet kan leses/nedlastes på www.scribd.com/wwerner778689


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway


by Wilh. Werner WINTHER, Norway

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