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Chapter 1 in which Grimm becomes a probate for the Vinlanders Social Club Deutsch Hercules to Scott Vsc January

31, 2011 at 4:05 pm: so, see ya in June? Scott Vsc January 31, 2011 at 4:05 pm: Yeah man I'll be there. You probatin for the club now? Deutsch Hercules February 1, 2011 at 12:16 am: as of yesterday! --------------------------------Deutsch Hercules to Joshua Kern January 31, 2011 at 8:08 am :it was good to be back in Indy, better returning to Fort Wayne a probate. Cheers, bro. Joshua Kern January 31, 2011 at 8:08 am : Good for you. Now don't bring anymore non whites around a supporters.

C Chapter 2: Probate Grimm's not racist, though, right?? Deutsch Hercules to Florian Sandjaja September 10, 2009 at 6:02 pm PROST! good to see you're alive and doing good Mr. Sandjaja! How are things? W Where are you living these days? What's new? -James Florian Sandjaja September 10, 2009 at 1:51 pm Hey Mr. Turner, what is going on? I'm living in Madrid right now and go to college there. What have you been up to, besides wearing Fred Perry a and Bomberjacken?Later onFlo L Deutsch Hercules September 10, 2009 at 6:02 pm oh, you are familiar with this look? lol. I've recently re-entered college majoring in political science, minoring in history. Not sure what I want to

do with it as of yet, but I'm a nut for politics. I'm trying to weed things out the further along I get into it and I'm thinking something will find me eventually. I can't ever run for any office like senator or representative because I've been associated with the wrong people for too long, lol (i.e. biker gangs, skinheads, etc.) I'm assuming people know a bit more about skinheads in Europe and that they're not all racist national socialists. I hate that stuff and am not now, nor have I ever gotten into that. I'm more of an objectivist, or libertarian, I'm not sure what the European equivalent of that is, though. What's going on in Madrid?!? is there a country you haven't stayed in yet?!? haha. great to hear from y you and glad to hear you're doin good. Talk soon!-James Deutsch Hercules March 22, 2011 at 2:36 pm I'm also overdue for a respons so we're even, lol. School and work keep me ever-busy and ever-disenfranchised, you know how it is. Life is alright man, to tell ya the truth. Been rought the past few weeks w/ some fighting at home (all squashed and had the phoenix-scenario from it) losing my frienship w/ Justin, and all that w/ the never-ending stress of life really, but for some reason I just seem to keep good humor through it. Justin and I aren't on speaking terms and it has nothing to do with difference of opinion or arguing, it has a lot more to do with him crossing a few lines and publicly at that. When someone who knows me personally tries on a daily basis to finger me as a racist based solely off the fact that I lean right politically, am not bothered by nor care to hide the occasional defamatory joke (as long is it's not going to actually hurt someone's feelings in present company), and my associations. It's borderline McCarthyistic to me, and even I can't stand communists ;) He used a thread of mine on here to bring up personal problems he had with me, things I don't do in public, and the club I probate for which I warned him if he starts saying unfavorable things about people he doesn't know where they can see them, he's inviting trouble and there would most likely be consequences (being that he's my friend as well and I don't want to see him hurt even if he doesn't know when to quit running his mouth). He of course took that as a threat because he only hears 50% of what I say to him and builds the rest on his own to whatever suits his agenda. Quite frankly it just got too exhausting tying to be his friend and overexplaining myself all the time, a courtesy I do for no one but my friends and he seems to take for granted. What can ya do. It sucks, but I'm really a bit more relieved I suppose. It's like breaking up w/ a girlfriend (darnit, no offense, there goes my insensitive nature again ;) that you really cared for at one time but ended up making you so miserable that you were just happy to be out of the relationship by the end of it.

November 10, 2011 Travis Sheets I was thinking back and i just realized i dropped the f-word in reference to both you and chris at the rail a couple weeks back in an ironic way. Way to contradict myself. Then again, i'm not the most pc dude on earth. Nor am i homophobic. If you knew me well enough you would know this.

November 10, 2011 at 3:26 pm Deutsch Hercules oh we've been talking about "Fag" this whole time haven't we? sorry bro, I was confused, I totally meant "Fuck". Andy D. never dropped homosexual slurs, I meant he said fuck a lot lol. I personally don't give a shit who uses that word, I use it and any other word I want to for occasions of my choosing and refrain from using them on particular occasions for various reasons, respect for who I'm around or addressing primarily. Other than that, they're just words for me and in and of themselves hold no power. They're arbitrary tools. If I know someone I don't have any problem with is going to be bothered by them, I won't use them. Using politically incorrect slurs amongst friends who understand you are kidding, in the privacy of your own home, in jest, etc. does not make you a racist, homophobe, sexist, etc. and they are not equated with verbal assault, denying someone basic rights, or physical harm. Not my opinion. Indeed, a fact. Wish it were treated as such in our vernacular of discourse. November 10, 2011 at 3:46 pm Travis Sheets LOL! Wow, ok. Yeah you didn't strike me as such. Glad i cleared that one up. Everything you just said perfectly sums up my feelings on the issue as well. FUCK i feel better now. November 10, 2011 at 3:49 pm Deutsch Hercules lol, glad I could help. it can be a sore subject for me and I didn't think you were accusing anyone, I just wanted to make the statement thorough and clear, haha. I'm not a fan of any of the above mentioned -isms, but I'm also not a fan of thought-police, censorship, intellectual dishonesty, or irrational thought brought on by over-extended personal

values. -------------------Deutsch Hercules September 16, 2010 at 1:15 pm yeah, most people in this scene are man. The dude in the mustache post is an old aquaintance of mine, this wannabe neo-nazi douchebag who thinks he's my friend but doesn't realize how repugnant I find him, the way he lives, and the fact that the only thing he's ever got to say are wiseass comments and a world of advice from a false sense of superiority. I just let him have it recently, though, and he wasn't happy. Now he wants to fight me. He's in better shape and mildly trained in martial arts, but that doesn't worry me, I'm goin for the throat. Only thing I know about this dude at least as far as fighting goes is the only people without a vagina that he's ever beat, he had to either stab or mace and then club. He's a mutual friend of a few friends. I may get beaten, but that ain't enough to make me back down, and one way or another, that motherfucker is gonna remember it.

Deutsch Hercules to Justin Roebuck-Lafleur February 3, 2011 at 5:50 am stormfront, etc.... Ok well to deal with the stormfront issue, I googled "Vinlanders + stormfront" and the only thing i saw that had anything to do with Stormfront's website was an excerpt from a forum talking about a stormfront member being supposedly contacted by a vinlander to join the VSC, which pretty much immediately a VSC member correct them by saying it wasn't one of them and that they don't go around asking people to join. Is this what you were talking about? I don't know a white power webiste in the world that is at all credible. The VSC's page only posts things that are public knowledge, not spreading rumors about other organizations, rhetoric, etc. Because of some members' past affiliations, all the watch-dog groups like the ADL, SPLC, etc. are all over them, taking any information they can w/out checking any of it because, lets face it, reporting anything but horrible things about someone you have an agenda with just won't make you look like you're doing your job. And I'm sorry, I was contacted by the SPLC asking me to take part in a public celebration of Lou Dobbs resigning from CNN because he was tired of he and his wife being shot at in front of their house based on his

views on illegal immigration. Never underestimate the tolerance of the " "tolerant" I guess.I never went out of my way to say that people in the group didn't have racial beliefs, but that the club itself does not have a racial agenda. It's a group of men who have various beliefs on the issue, like it or not, but they keep it to that. They don't go around inciting violence on people who are of different ethnicity to theirs, they don't push their beliefs on others, and they sure as shit don't try to convert people to anything, even like-minded friends. The criteria for joining is around Odinism. Odinism is a historic religion/philosophy based around Gods who are believed to be ancestors of Northern Europeans. If you follow it, you acknowledge, at the very least, that it is a philosophy that your ancestors or "folk" followed and that the gods who are written about (assuming you are looking at this from a realistic standpoint) were actual people that lived long ago who performed impressive feats and were written about and in time had their tales more and more exaggerated to the point that it became folklore. Over a long enough time period, it becomes a religion. Now being a club based around the celebration of Odinism in the modern era, why would people follow Odinism (by faith or philosophy) who don't acknowledge the source of the wisdom to be of their ancestors? Therein lies the reason why a requirement for membership be that you are of European Ancestry as it celebrates Eruopean culture, religion, etc. I'm sorry, but if someone wants to judge that, then I'd like to also see them bitch about any group for practicing Jews (the most ovbious, though ironically not notorious (hmmm?), historically racist and self-supremacist ethnicity), the United Hispanics Of America (just up the block from my house), NAACP, etc. Now one might argue that there is a "need" for these organizations because these groups are oppressed. I'm sorry, whites suffer oppression in sectors of this society as well, just as all the other ethnic groups do. This group is not founded to attack different ethnic groups, and it certainly isn't government aided to give white kids college scholarships based simply on the fact that they are WHITE. It's a club of European descended men gathered to support eachother and celebrate European culture. I'm sure you've heard that from other groups before. So have I. I am skeptical as well. But the difference between our feelings lies in the fact that I have SEEN, not read, what they are about and what they do. I went down to meet them once a few years back with a friend of mine in my old crew who wanted to probate for them and wanted to see what they were about, apprehensive myself based on the million dirty things I'd heard about them, and in these past few years I can tell you how credible the rumors are. There's this thing called Yellow Journalism you should look up some time if you are willing to believe what everyone e else has to say. My friend Jason had the nazi shit up on his page w/ the Hitler Youth quote. Guess what, he's not probating anymore, he's disassociated with the club. He is not a credible source or example of what they are like. If thats what it took to be in the club, he'd have been

a member already. Credibility only comes from knowing things firsthand, not from trusting public opinion. I remember a friend once telling me about a banner he made that said something to the effect of..."the M Masses are Asses".Your concern and worry are not only understood, they are appreciated. Your growing hostility and quick assumptions based on things that do not involve you are not (and yes I understand that me being your friend involves you to a point, I'm talking literally). You making "random" posts about "fuck nazis" (possibly coincidental timing, but I'm not stupid), and referring to my friends as my "whitey" friends, does little to convince me that your intentions are reserved at my well being. I'm not asking you to understand it, I'm not asking you to be friends with them or like them. I'm not asking anything of you. I'm saying that they are my friends as well and if you are truly my friend, you will respect that. Because I'll tell you this, I don't have people writing me about their concerns that I have gay friends and that it might make me gay for hanging out with you and that all our mutual friends are calling me gay behind my back and are so pissed off that I have gay friends that they don't even want to talk to me about it or anymore at all. I won't deny them as friends because you don't like their beliefs and I certainly wouldn't do that to you because of yours. I never have and I never will. They've always respected me for my character, not because we see eye to eye on everything. They've known I've had friends in direct opposition to their beliefs for years and that I am not changed by who I am around. They've made me a probate because they know I'm an honorable man, something that apparently so many other "friends" who "knew me" have so lightning-fast changed their minds about without even so much as addressing it with me. I don't know who this seemingly giant list of people are, but if they ever KNEW me, then they never knew m me. Do you understand what I'm saying? I consider you a friend and a good friend at that. If you have ever considered me the same, you should trust that my intentions are pure, that my observation is keen, and that I will not sell out any one of my friends nor be a part of anything hateful and ignorant because of how others think I should act. Furthermore, you will respect my decision as it is mine to make and the c consequences mine to face.Feel free to tell any of those brave souls who are now calling me racist behind my back that they can do so to my face. Most of the people who did so when I shaved my head years ago were cowards too and "KNEW" me well enough to know that they couldn't talk to me because I had become a violent skinhead maniac with a hair-trigger temper and no empathy....yeah, just like the dude you see crying at season finales of LOST. If I have to "convince" you any m more than that, I'll end this message with this paraphrase..."For your e enemies, no excuse will ever do. For your friends, no excuse is needed." A simple, but blunt point. And I hope you appreciate the weight our friendship carries with me. I could have just as easily NOT spent 4 hours that I should have been getting sleep for school trying to "convince" my

friend that his friend isn't suddenly someone else. Imagine not being a little offended by that. Cheers. Chapter 3: or is he? Deutsch Hercules apparently I have too many "liberal" and understanding friends, lol. I just lost a friend tonight for the same shit you an B an Timmy, etc. warned me about a couple years ago; death by association, lol. In some lengthy letters back and forth he was trying to inform me that many of my friends are calling me "racist", "moron", "poser", and "trying to fit in with something to look different", etc. and that "some who have thought you were a racist are pretty well sure now!" blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Nothin I'm not used to, nothing I'm sure you haven't heard from old "friends" or heard from your probates. Just a little aggravating and kinda just wanna smoke out the braves souls who call themselves my friend while at the same time are talking about me being some racist, sexist, homophobic, nazi stormtrooper bully. It may, for all I know be just a rumor used in an attempt to rattle my cage and make me act out and confirm something? I dunno. I've been in this unusually good mood today/night and oddly enough this isn't affecting it, lol. I just like things to be clear and know how many of my friends actually have a shred of balls and honor. For a dude who's been in one fist-fight, I'm apparently awfully scary and unapproachable about things, lol. How's things? How are the little ones? March 14 Joshua Kern Well..........stop sitting on the fence. Tell your friends that yes you are a racist. Either they like it or they don't. Stop all the high school bullshit. ----------------------------------------------Sam Garland curb stomped any inferior races lately? April 8, 2011 at 11:29 pm 1 person likes this Zack Gabbert BAHAHAHAHAHA April 9, 2011 at 10:53 am ------------------------------------------May 29 Deutsch Hercules

lol I imagine May 29 Joshua Kern right on man have fun make sure you let people know you hang out with nazis May 29 Deutsch Hercules thanks man, best of luck to ya with the work May 29 Joshua Kern and that you're racist May 29 Deutsch Hercules oh, they're aware May 29 Joshua Kern nice May 29 Deutsch Hercules I am brutally attacked by a fierce opposition of upturned noses May 29 Joshua Kern well...then keep your chin tucked in May 29 Deutsch Hercules hahaha none of the people around here that actually give a shit are any kind of a threat around here in the least May 29 Joshua Kern don't ever take that mentality May 29 Joshua Kern people are always a threat cause you'll always be at a point where you're slipping

May 29 Deutsch Hercules sure, I didn't mean it literally a little old lady w/ the right syringe has the ability to kill you (extreme example) May 29 Joshua Kern yep May 29 Deutsch Hercules meant more like "we don't have any big dudes or organized groups that would make one extra cautious of going downtown for a leisurely beer" but condensed for time and practicality, lol I've heard the occasional SHARPs have wandered in, but not for any purpose other than being from out of town and looking for the local subcultural watering hole to get a drink at I've never seen em May 29 Joshua Kern well... my personal oppinoin there haven't ever been sharps out there May 29 Deutsch Hercules nobody wants to call me when these dudes are around probably cause they all view me as their nazi friend that they tolerate around, but that I'm a huge danger to their establishment gimme a fuckin break May 29 Joshua Kern fuck em don't be friends with them dude...the circle of people you hang around are lame sorry to say it May 29 Deutsch Hercules the biggest surprise when I became invovled w/ the VSC was not the friends who had a problem with it, but the people who all of a sudden thought I was some rampaging bully overnight since I acquired the

patch, like people who have known me for years, lol well, I only really consider myself having 2 or 3 real friends up here and they never changed their opinion the rest are people I see regularly around for the years I've been living here and their all fuckin two-faced May 29 Joshua Kern right ------------------Deutsch Hercules might I finagle a ride to work out of someone today? I work at 2, please text if you're interested. June 11, 2011 at 11:03 am Friends Stefan Vsc ill be right there... June 11, 2011 at 11:12 am Sam Garland fuck you. jew lover June 11, 2011 at 11:13 am Deutsch Hercules it's alright Sam, I hitched a ride on a cattle car ;) June 12, 2011 at 4:27 am Sam Garland hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa i hope you got the complimentary shower upon arrival too, hitler can come up "and SEE HOW CLEEEEEEAN YA AAAARE" June 12, 2011 at 5:50 am Brian Mangione into the ovens with you June 12, 2011 at 7:12 pm

--------------------------------------Deutsch Hercules irony: being asked, at a bar, why you would identify yourself as a skinhead seeing as how that label has such a negative connotation and perception by society to it........................by a woman who admitted to being a TSA agent. June 15, 2011 at 5:14 pm Friends 7 people like this

Sam Garland stfu you heeb fucker. June 15, 2011 at 5:15 pm Deutsch Hercules stfu you metalcore lovin' pussy. June 15, 2011 at 5:16 pm Zack Gabbert oi oi oi June 15, 2011 at 5:16 pm Mat GrossYou want to be a skinhead? Do what I did. Wait. :) June 15, 2011 at 5:17 pm Sam Garland if i dont get that video posted right fucking now im posting the pictures of you eating out that jew bitch from seinfeld. June 15, 2011 at 5:17 pm Zack Gabbert Elaine? I'd rock that shit hard dude. shes hawt nowadays June 15, 2011 at 5:18 pm Mat Gross"Daughter of Gerard Louis-Dreyfus, a French billionaire." I really don't see the problem here. June 15, 2011 at 5:20 pm Sam Garland interbreeding. james is a race traitor. June 15, 2011 at 5:20 pm Zack Gabbert HAHAHAHAHA June 15, 2011 at 5:21 pm Deutsch Hercules yeah, in some cultures my being German and dating my Polish girlfriend is looked at as quite blasphemous, lol June 15, 2011 at 5:22 pm Timmy Dumas Bangin Jewish chicks is white power June 15, 2011 at 6:30 pm Jackie Johnson Hey, we wouldn't have minded the war had you'dve left our dupaki out of it. NO PACZKI FOR YOU! June 15, 2011 at 6:32 pm Sam Garland james was also sucking her clit to pleasure her, now if it had been rape, it might have been forgivable. June 15, 2011 at 6:49 pm Jackie Johnson Sam, do you KNOW WHAT HITLER DID TO THE JEWS?!? June 15, 2011 at 6:54 pm Deutsch Hercules Timmy Dumas, "what? you got a mixed kid? THAT's white power" ;) June 15, 2011 at 7:26 pm Sam Garland hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah June 15, 2011 at 9:01 pm

Sam Garland July 5, 2010 at 5:33 pm nigga fuck you. if i dont work im be derrrr Deutsch Hercules July 5, 2010 at 6:07 pm

if you come, bring friends. in fact tell anyone you know who's into metal about it, I wanna outsell the alt-country hipster shit at the Rail this month, it will be a huge achievement. Sam Garland July 5, 2010 at 7:13 pm hell yeah dude. do you KNOW what hitler did to the jews? Deutsch Hercules July 5, 2010 at 7:47 pm he used to get the kikes naked, put em in a room w/ a huge blowtorch that came in and BURNED them all alive!!! "AAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!!! Sam Garland July 5, 2010 at 8:55 pm hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ------------------------------November 11 Brien James yea shes hot.. big boobs November 11 Deutsch Hercules the only thing more fetching to me than a woman of 37 is a pinup lady of 37 lol I noticed November 11 Brien James yea id do her.. go for it make sure she inst jewish at some point...lol November 11 Deutsch Hercules workin on it November 11 Brien James last name frank

November 11 Deutsch Hercules yeah, don't think I could go any further w/ her, people have reason to believe she has a mixed kid I don't need any complications lol oh god, hahaha November 11 Brien James i heard she aint too hip on WP.. didnt hear why Chapter 4: Grimm talks shit... June 2 Deutsch Hercules lol we really didn't run into much problem at the place we were at and there were plenty of fights there that night we just had this one drunk ass that kept coming up to all of us the one B turned into a doorstop for the men's bathroom, lol June 2 Joshua Kern You usually won't James. You kind if have a grandious dilusion of things at times June 2 Deutsch Hercules you mean of the club? June 2 Joshua Kern Don't let yourself be fooled unthinking that you are a bully or a thug June 2 Deutsch Hercules oh christ no June 2 Joshua Kern Just know you're right June 2 Deutsch Hercules I don't ever look for trouble

June 2 Joshua Kern No. But I can tell by the way you talk sometimes that you are hoping for it Be careful what you wish for June 2 Deutsch Hercules well that's just enthusiasm, I never want stupid shit to happen for no reason June 2 Joshua Kern You haven't ever had to contend with the circumstances They aren't always fun Haha June 2 Deutsch Hercules it's a new kind of living for me, adjustments will be made along the way June 2 Joshua Kern I know that. Just take it slow June 2 Deutsch Hercules yeah. I will. sometimes it's just talk, when it comes down to it I'm always well reserved June 2 Joshua Kern I only say these things to you out of expierience June 2 Deutsch Hercules I appreciate it June 2 Joshua Kern well James. You also haven't really been in a situation that could jeopardize your life know what I mean. it's something that will change your putlook June 2

Deutsch Hercules I talked Jason (ex-IN probate) out of a situation like that one time, he came up here to visit and we were out and he was looking for it, kind of creating problems in his head and such, I think basically just trying to prove something being newly probated and all. June 2 Joshua Kern Those guys were fucks June 2 Deutsch Hercules I've been in lifethreatening situations before I've been lucky not to come too close June 2 Joshua Kern I'm not saying your a coward June 2 Deutsch Hercules no, I know bro I wasn't trying to be obtuse, I was just letting you know I understood what you meant.

Chapter 5: And won't back it up: July 5 Deutsch Hercules this doesn't need to be said publically.... it wasn't like the dude was coming up to everyone I was with at different parts of the night talking about how tough he was and getting in their face, like New Years July 5 Brien James i got ya man July 5 Deutsch Hercules and honestly it was a huge thing to me when you tried, a few times, to talk w/ the dude respectfully and make him walk away and you did it till he just couldn't let it go, then put him down. definitely the right thing at that point

July 5 Brien James i do that sometimes July 5 Deutsch Hercules I think it's big of you, said humbly July 5 Brien James just make sure your not cutting them too much slack .. especially in front of your woamn July 5 Deutsch Hercules that was the moment I decided I wanted to probate because I could see you really wanted to keep your people out of trouble until it was absolutely necessary to show force yeah, I understand that she was piss drunk last night, lol which happens like twice a year July 5 Brien James its easy to go either way July 5 Deutsch Hercules and her polish retard strength wasn't being used for sex, lol July 5 Brien James by acting too quick or by letting someone slide July 5 Deutsch Hercules yeah, that's basically what the post was about before I was probating, had this situation occured, I think I probably would have hit him out of insecurity or testosterone or something one thing I think I've learned to a degree in my time around has been tempering situations again though, it can't be denied that I handled the situation badly on some level because I am no pre-banned from a few bars up North in lieu of last nights events now*

\ July 5 Brien James you are? thats fucked up well remember we dont bow down to anyone bro.. just maintain that and fuck everyone else July 5 Deutsch Hercules hahahaha, I don't know, he just kept goin on about how "when I see you out North near lima at any of the places I work at, I'ma kick you out" lol yeah, I'll def keep that in mind. I didn't think I was bowing down last night, I clowned him, he ran away from a girl, and he was the one kicked out of the bar. It's sketchy but... July 5 Brien James good.. it came off in your original post like you regretted it July 5 Deutsch Hercules I don't know if you remember anything about North Ft. Wayne, past I-69, but it's all expensive places up there, I'lll never be there, it just made me laugh in his face, literally, I'm surprised the dude didn't hit me I can see how it would I was schwasted last night though, lol July 5 Deutsch Hercules and posting about it in the first place might have been ill advised I believe I will. have a good day man, be safe.

-------------------------------------------August 4 Deutsch Hercules correct so fuckin lame, I guess I'm already getting a reputation here and I haven't laid a hand on anybody at this bar. August 4 Joshua Kern

fuck it next time you go there find the biggest dude in there pick a fight with him and whoop his ass then people wont act stupid anymore August 4 Deutsch Hercules me and some old trad buddies were drinking together at this show a bunch of the oldschoolers were at, some drunk douchebags were hitting my friend in the pit, they left, yelling shit at a mutual friend, he followed the dude, we followed, after we turned the corner, that douche was on the ground not movin, lol. now the rumor is that three of us, myself included, beat up some random dude on a bike. August 4 Joshua Kern fuck it its a good reputation to have August 4 Deutsch Hercules that doesn't sound like something you would advise me to do everyday necessarily. you in a good mood or something? lol August 4 Joshua Kern people now think that you fight and that is 80% of an advantage the only thing that im telling you really, is don't let anyone disrespect you....ever plain and simple if they are talking shit August 4 Deutsch Hercules I will, but I'd rather gain the reputation by actually doing it August 4 Joshua Kern then you confront them it doesn't mean you have to fight August 4 Deutsch Hercules

yeah August 4 Joshua Kern sometimes its just as good punking them out in front of their friends August 4 Deutsch Hercules I clowned some black dude that went apeshit on me because I said one sentence to him that aparently implied I called him a piece of shit I think he was on speed or something, no idea where it came from lol I don't know if that qualifies as me punking him out but I laughed in his face and made faces at him as he became more enraged, nothing but a bunch of ladies around us, and he left the bar in a fit of rage...on his scooter....a trail of flame and a pale horse behind him, lol August 4 Joshua Kern and im sure that when you went crazy he didn't want to fight anymore did he August 4 Deutsch Hercules well like I said, I didn't even get mean w/ him, just clowned him and waited for him to even hint that he was about to get physical.... August 4 Joshua Kern here's what i would have done in that situation, you can ask timmy, he's seen me do this calmly say "you keep running your mouth, and im gonna hit you" only say it one time and then smack him in the mouth iof he doesn't shut his mouth August 4 Deutsch Hercules sorry, I'm reading that all right now, didn't realize my connection was phasing out August 4 Joshua Kern its all good

August 4 Deutsch Hercules I'm 190, no tattoos, lol August 4 Joshua Kern i jus tlet them know what is going to happen i don't do a lot of talkign when shit goes down August 4 Deutsch Hercules either way, I was the loser of this situation, as I was informed that I will be kicked out on sight from any of the bars/restaurants he works at.......in rich ass North Fort Wayne cause I apparently look like I hang out up there, lol August 4 Joshua Kern ah oh well August 4 Deutsch Hercules I mean my rep is as good as dead up there, haha August 4 Joshua Kern fuck a rep that doesn't mean shit most of the time unless its with your people

Deutsch Hercules August 4, 2011 at 6:47 pm WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU?!? So apparently, I hear from Von Ghoul, today, that there's a rumor going around that you, Shane Mosher, and I beat some dude on a bike outside the Rail. Did I not call this when it happened? Skins go hang at a "punk rock bar", someone fucks w/ em, one knocks them out, next day headlines read "epidemic of skinhead violence at the Brass Rail". Wonder how many versions of the rumor include us being nazis. I fuckin hate that place. Doesn't anyone wanna meet at any other fuckin' bar in town?!? Hope all's well bro, just thought you should know. I have no idea who's sayin what. just what Von Ghoul told me he heard. On a different note, he did, in fact, beat up a heckler,

during the set while performing in his Danzig tribute band, Snakes of Christ, recently, lol. Christopher Lemon M August 4, 2011 at 7:10 pm Who cares fuck them all... Honestly Shane doesnt like me I hear cause meghan and hung out along time ago. Dude doesn't say anything to me. But that's a different story. Oh well fuck them that's my bar I won't leave and I will continue to go and look like a threat. When I'm not. I understand brother. I miss you. And I have been dealing with so much lately it's retarded. Hope you and Jackie are doing well. And no matter what you two are in my thoughts and are in my heart your my family. I'll be here for you whenever you need me. Hugs Deutsch Hercules August 4, 2011 at 7:35 pm I don't mean to just be argumentative but I will never consider some place "mine" unless I own it. Corey owns it and it's a business. The real question is is how business is gonna be run, good or bad. Obviously Corey hasn't done shit and he didn't start anything, but I feel like in a place like this, esp as sickeningly PC as it's become, it may not be long before they want us banned. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but fuck, I've already got the finger wagging from john about it "not being a skinhead bar" blah blah blah, and now there's a rumor that I've helped jump someone. It doesn't have me worried, it's just that I didn't need another reason to hate that fuckin lame place and most of it's regulars anymore. Only fuckin reason I go is to see my friends, because they don't go anywhere else, and to see the OCCASIONAL good show. I can't abandon what's not mine to begin with. I can either decide to find some place else to hang out or risk becoming an "enemy". It may never go down like that, but I won't be surprised if it does. Chapter 6: but gloats all the same... August 4 Deutsch Hercules I don't get it man, how hard is it to keep an oath then be dishonest about it August 4 Joshua Kern its not August 4

Deutsch Hercules I think that's like 7 probates I've seen gone now, 4 of em to drugs August 4 Joshua Kern well....goes to show ya August 4 Deutsch Hercules 1 who came forward about it August 4 Joshua Kern just keep doing what you're doing and don't worry about the others you're doing fine August 4 Deutsch Hercules thanks man August 4 Joshua Kern and don't gloat thats a horrible character flaw August 4 Deutsch Hercules does it come off like I am? August 4 Joshua Kern just do what you have to do August 4 Deutsch Hercules I don't mean to at all August 4 Joshua Kern a little bit August 4 Joshua Kern here's the thing man August 4

Deutsch Hercules right on. I'm just pissed to see people go, people I'd like to see join, and for weak fuckin reasons. and people who I looked as stronger than myself August 4 Joshua Kern well...don't look at people as stronger then yourself ever thats the wrong way to do it but this is a lesson just because you would like to see someone be in the club doesn't mean that they are meant to be thats the problem a lot of the time August 4 Deutsch Hercules it leaves me feeling like "how the fuck" and "how am I doing better" etc. I'm not used to doing better in competition. not that we're competing for membership but in a manner of respect we're all trying to earn something August 4 Joshua Kern its a fine line on whether or not someone is on probation for the wrong reasons sometimes August 4 Deutsch Hercules yeah it's all lessons I'm learning along the way. this is a whole new life for me August 4 Joshua Kern well....there will come a time when you are presented with a life obstacle that will be trying and then you will see if you have the fortitude August 4 Deutsch Hercules about everything I was involved w/ in being a skinhead, before I was hanging with the club, was little more than a fashion show, looking back August 4 Joshua Kern of course it was that was the first thing i said to you when i first met you

Chapter 7: although he's scared shitless of straight-edge crews (and everyone else who may actually throw down) August 4 Deutsch Hercules you ever heard of a crew called SOSF? Swing On Sight Family, I think is what it means, some HxC bunch? August 4 Joshua Kern yes james you always ask me these questions man haha i have been in this shit for 16 years now sos came from the courage crew in the late 90's August 4 Deutsch Hercules I don't know anything about them, heard about it yesterday, also heard there were some around my area and that they were antis August 4 Joshua Kern they are all antis August 4 Deutsch Hercules trying to learn more about them, this ain't for personal interest August 4 Joshua Kern if they are in your area find out where they are and fix it August 4 Deutsch Hercules trying to I've never seen any of them in the places I hang, heard all they do is put on shows, that they're straight edge so they don't even come out to bars August 4 Joshua Kern yeah..... they wear cross hammers

August 4 Deutsch Hercules almost like the Westham United symbol? ironic considering they're antis August 4 Joshua Kern no...like the hammer skins they do it for that reason don't trip....they won't do shit unless they are in a group ive whooped one dan in jersey punked out quite a few of them just carry a blad August 4 Deutsch Hercules I need to get a new one, lost mine August 4 Joshua Kern home depot box cutters you work in a kitchen you can easily explain why you have one you cut boxes of food open August 4 Deutsch Hercules because they're known for pulling right away or to even odds against a couple? yeah August 4 Joshua Kern even odds sheesh, you get worried too fast haha you'll be fine August 4 Deutsch Hercules gotcha August 4 Joshua Kern just make sure you know where you are

and who is around August 4 Deutsch Hercules not worried, just want to stay on top and be clear gathering intelligence. I have loyal people around and I don't ever really put myself in stupid situations (i.e. wandering in strange places drunk, etc.) I live at work anymore anyways ------------------------------------------------------August 6 Deutsch Hercules ever heard of a crew called SOSF? pretty sure it stands for Swing On Sight Family, some straight-edge HxC group. From what I've heard, they're national and theyre a bunch of antis. Rumor has it there are some around my general area, although I've never seen them or heard of them till recently. They're all straight-edge so they don't come around bars and that's about the only place I go socially in Ft. Wayne. I heard about em cause Ryan mentioned em (my roommate) and said they asked about me (specifically a pic of me, him, and Red throwing up signs and asking "what that was about"). I tried asking him more about it and Ryan is trustworthy but I can't always trust how literal his words are, kind of like the telephone game. They give me a more general idea of what's actually happened, whether it's due to his lack of clear memory or being nervous about what might happen, I don't know. I'm not gonna bother getting to the bottom of it through him, I just wanna know if you are aware of anything relating to this, and if so, what you want done, etc. What he's told me is that they're just a bunch of dudes who put on shows, don't go out socially to bars, etc. If you want me to forget or shut up about it, let me know. Again, I've never seen nor heard about them, but my attention is aroused when I find out someone's asking about a picture I'm in. Honestly, I don't know of anyone who puts on shows here outside of a few bars I know and some metalheads who put on basement shows at this house. Just trying to gather intelligence, assuming someone else might be doing the same on the other side. H Hope all's well. Cheers.-Grimm August 6 Brien James Yea they are bitches. I knocked out their founder in Columbus Ohio a few years back. I wouldn't worry about them unless they come say some shit to you.

August 7 Deutsch Hercules yeah, I imagine, I haven't talked to em about it last I was talkin to be about was if there were any SOSF around here, ever heard of them? some straight-edge hardcore gang? bunch of antis I'm told there's some around August 7 Brian Mangione I just talked to him about going to the skynard show on sep 3rd in anderson. hey max resist rebel hell and involved patriots are playing detroit next sat sosf never heard of them wisone would no why whats up with them August 7 Deutsch Hercules I guess Ryan has known someone involved w/ em, someone asked him about a pic of him an me throwin up signs. not a big deal I just like to be ahead of the enemy. and if there's antis in town that have a problem, we're pretty well obligated to take care of it B just said don't worry about shit unless they start coming around and doing shit I've never even seen any or heard of them and I've heard they only put on shows or whatever, lord knows a bunch of straight edge fags wouldn't be near a bar, lol August 7 Brian Mangione NOT A PROBLEM JUST CALL ME FUCK THE ANTIS lol remember there strait edge till they get caught lol August 7 Deutsch Hercules yup all the boys in the straight-edge scene are in the basement huffin' gasoline August 7 Brian Mangione I didnt know we had a straight edge scene around here August 7 Deutsch Hercules oh I know of a few straight edge dudes, most of em are cool as shit those ones that make a gang around it are pretty fuckin gay though

I wonder how many of them have "STAY TRUE" tatooed on their fingers August 7 Brian Mangione lol fuck them If they become a problem we will deal with them August 7 Deutsch Hercules yeah, I don't think they will B was like "yeah, I' know them, they're a bunch of bitches, I knocked out their founder in Columbus OH a while back" lol August 7 Brian Mangione lol I dont think theres to many rivals b hasnt knocked out lol --------------------------------------------------

September 3 Brien James yea im tellin ya people dont dig that shit.. almost anyone in this city will take our backs against the hard core crews because they usually bully people when they can September 4 Deutsch Hercules that's cause you have a real city. people will wash the dicks of anything they deem "urban" around here pretending that Ft. Wayne is one. they have a lot of friends here though, in fact most of them are my friends. maybe that's why nothing happened. I asked a couple people afterwards and they said no there was no problem, they weren't sizing us up or anything. I think, and our mutual friends agreed, that it's just talk from scenesters that wanna create some fake story/world to be a part of, like a "yeah, I was involved in the war of 2011" type of bullshit. really the only people I've ever had get slightly shitty w/ me are the rreeeeal scumbag trainhopper punks and most of them are just passing through. People here really never wanna fight and the dudes that will aren't really a part of any cause and pretty much just get along w/ people/don't have to flex their muscles. ------------------------------------------------------November 11

Deutsch Hercules awesome. seems like a real solid dude, he seems well enthusiastic w/out coming off as too excited and suspicious, know what I mean? cool guy too. I don't think there's every going to be any real problem of substance for us w/ that SOSF crew, but it seems like a fair consensus that none of us like em, even Ryan now who's been kinda friends w/ some of em for years. November 11 Deutsch Hercules I don't even care as long as they don't start talking shit and act like they own the place, but they've been nothing but cordial w/ me the few times I've been around em November 11 Brien James Yea these things will always pop up. We all walked down to the bar last Saturday and some probate for one of the Outlaws bitch clubs started texting away like crazy. Deek went over and introduced himself and straightened the guy out. Well deek calls me 2 days later and says one of his brothers down here wants to talk with me. Said one of the Creeps guys put his hands on a members old lady. Its all BS. They are trying to throw their weight around. Im gonna go meet this dude as soon as he gets minutes back on his phone. If he is cool we will be friends. If not, im gonna smash him regardless of what patch he wears. November 11 Deutsch Hercules shit, that ain't gonna cause shit w/ the Outlaws is it? November 11 Brien James well im not looking for any... but im not gonna back down to anyone assume the dude will change his tune when we talk in person.. the last "enforcer" they had down here did November 11 Deutsch Hercules hahaha November 11 Brien James and id never want my friendship with deek fucked up... but its always something November 11

Deutsch Hercules one of their "sister chapters" or something, I take it. yeah, rock and a hard place. November 11 Brien James yea will be fine.. im just illustrating that there will always be some threat.. you will laugh at guys like thst SOSF crew someday November 11 Deutsch Hercules seems to me like all of this stuff usually gets kept at an individual level since most large groups know exactly what it means to go to real war. I mean that's kinda what it was kept to when you guys were at odds w/ the Hammers, wasn't it? I saw the letter Butcher issued, but think I remember later stuff you wrote publicly about it just being on an individual basis. November 11 Brien James if they respect you it becomes political and gets talked out.. if they dont respect you shit can get nasty' November 11 Deutsch Hercules I'd like to think I'll never laugh at anyone and take everything seriously to a greater or lesser degree, but as far as hard people, I already do. I hate that toughguy hardcore shit, it's all posturing. And these dudes seemingly sprang up out of nowhere seems like they got plenty more numbers than us, but it's only a handful of big dudes then a bunch of kids, from what I can tell anyway. I figure theres me, Brian, Ryan, and Brock, and can probably count on Red. Brian always mentions having friends in the Outlaws that are always willing to back him up but who knows how true that is. November 11 Deutsch Hercules I mean fuck...it's a "gang" that started up to put on gay hardcore shows for christ' sake. and I don't care how many Russian prison tattoos you have on, you look like a fuckin clown if you are wearin one of those flat-bill caps, lol November 11 Brien James yea fuck em,

November 11 Deutsch Hercules my only conflict of interest is having a number of mutual friends. There's some smart fuckin people I really respect up here that are close w/ em too, can't figure it out. I guess they actually have a support crew up here too, lol, like a Firm 22 for SOSF, not a sister chapter, like an honest to goodness support crew, hahaha. There's like some other little group of hardcore fags up here too that they fight w/ on occasion. November 15 Brien James i have something i need to talk to you about.. im going to turn my AV project into sort of a support crew.. could even be something we could use to counteract this shit November 15 Deutsch Hercules yeah, that's what I see happening in the future, but I like to have a plan in case there is a problem. I know already Brock is getting a growing dislike for them for various personal reasons do tell -------------------------------------------November 15 Deutsch Hercules hey there November 15 Brien James whats up bro? November 15 Deutsch Hercules not much, just got into my photography class anyone keep up on numbers in other crews? November 15 Brien James now hy? November 15 Deutsch Hercules I don't wanna come off as too concerned, but I've been hearing consistently about growing numbers, esp in SOSF. Guess Brock was telling me a buddy of his got fuck w/ by like 13 of them at a show Friday

in southside. Ryan tells me they've got a lot and they're all within a small geographic area of the states November 15 Deutsch Hercules a higher ready-pool there are no problems as of yet, but I like to map this shit for the future November 15 Brien James well dud if your concerned beat the shit out of the ones in ft wayne.. nip it in the bud...lol November 15 Deutsch Hercules not sure exactly how many are up here but there is a support crew as well. I have heard however that there are tons all throughout Northern IN, OH, MI, etc. lol, it's not why I'm asking, I'm not concerned about it yet I have been hearing consistently though that they also pack and pull guns frequently November 15 Brien James well things like that grow fast November 15 Deutsch Hercules looking into gettin a sidearm real soon November 15 Brien James they can die just as quickly they let anyone in no real probation November 15 Deutsch Hercules yeah, and they are growing fast from what I hear

-----------------------Friday Deutsch Hercules

right on. like I said, I don't mean to badger ya w/ questions about this SOSF thing, I'm just kind of trying to get the idea of how to handle working with my own chapter. I figured a good thing to always do is have some sort of pre-plan for most situations that are probable to arise. Friday Brien James yea always have at least one possible plan in advance Friday Deutsch Hercules this is all new-living to me it's not that we're worried, I just want to have an idea of how things can work out for the best. We are already outnumbered w/ the Ft. Wayne crew alone, there's a ton more in the other Northern IN towns to call upon w/ short notice. Trying to figure out what that means in comparison to our numbers (granted us having more quality) and how far apart we all are. Friday Deutsch Hercules Bryan always tells me he's got friends in the Outlaws who will back him up, Red says he's down for anything if there's a problem w/ them so I imagine that'll include Deek, but then the question also comes up, does that violate things we're trying to avoid when dealing w/ 1%er clubs, etc. Trying to think politically as well as tactically Friday Brien James numbers dont mean anything man.. dont worry so much Friday Deutsch Hercules like most things have me thinking "what would B do" but at the same time, I'm not you, y'know what I mean? Friday Brien James if a situation comes up you just handle it and have faith that you will make it work out the way it needs to keep fear out of your thought process and decision making Friday Deutsch Hercules fear hasn't been a part of it at all

Friday Brien James we have never had superior numbers to anyone just show them superior aggression and their numbers wont matter Friday Deutsch Hercules nothing we can do against getting swarmed by 20 on 4, short of pulling pistols that none of us have, it's a matter of figuring out "what then?" Ryan and I have already talked about this, we both are not concerned w/ getting a beating if outnumbered, and we're both willing to do whatever it takes not to get taken down or lose Friday Brien James they will not all 20 jump you if you carry yourselves right your looking at it all wrong 90% of them are bitches im sure Friday Deutsch Hercules as far as I'm concerned there's nothing to BE afraid of anyway, considering they've been nothing but polite, having mutual friends, etc. Friday Brien James yea if they are respectful just roll with it quit thinking about it for now until it becomes a problem Friday Deutsch Hercules I've given some thought to that. Mostly who I hear them jumping are the unafilliated random people who one person has an altercation with. no idea about their past w/ other crews, but Kim told me a bunch of them kicked one of her friends head in for wearing a Skrewdriver patch Friday Brien James when it becomes a problem the 4 of you need to go out and set an example.. if they overwhelm you we will come up me tim and jon ran about 15 of them out of a bar in Columbus.. i knocked out their founder.. its all the same shit quit sweating it... if they beat you guys up we will beta them up.. but im 99% sure it will never come to that

Friday Deutsch Hercules sure, I just don't think we'd have the same results w/ me, Ryan, old-man Bryan, and Brock, lol right on Friday Brien James well thats the wrong attitude man you better fix it if you want to be in this club Friday Deutsch Hercules understood Friday Brien James these guys are a minor threat compared to a bunch of hammerskins or volksfront steroid monkeys.. or a bike club.. or a bunch of seriosu black or mexican gangsters these guys aint shit just fix it in your head and you will be fine

Friday Deutsch Hercules will do Friday Brien James i have faith in you Friday Deutsch Hercules after what we thought we were rolling into at the BFG show, none of us are scared of possibilities, it's just a matter of planning ahead is what I'm trying to say. thanks I'm really looking for guidance from ya. Friday Brien James plan but dont worry.. prepare but dont fear.. the outcome will always be

the same in the end when i show up..lol... just do your 110% best Friday Deutsch Hercules for sure I assume you have had guns pulled on you in the past? Friday Brien James if this club shit ever hets too heavy for you man just come tell me.. this aint for everyone... i can have you help me on another project... keep that in mind yes .. some of our guys have been shot ive been stabbed and had guns stuck in my face Friday Deutsch Hercules the way I look at it is, if you want to hang out wherever you want, this is a risk you take anyway Friday Brien James ive always stuck a gun in someones mouth to walk my way out of situations where i was going to get my brains stomped in thats true these guys could jump you for just being you.. happens every day Friday Deutsch Hercules I hear a lot of storries about these fuckers pulling out guns, dragging folks outside, and swarming them, again on one dude, lol yeah I will never just LET anything happen Friday Brien James you guys aint small.. there are 4 of you.. if they know you mean business they wont fuck around if they do just go crazy dont second guess Friday Deutsch Hercules you can bet on that that is something I'd like to talk w/ you more about in depth though, fighting psychology

Friday Brien James they dont want that... no one does.. most people are bullies Friday Deutsch Hercules yeah, these guys are def bullies, what I hear consistently Friday Brien James thats all any of these hardcore crews are they cant even operate here in indy the normal people jump them Friday Deutsch Hercules I haven't figured out why they're so popular up here w/ so many seemingly smart people, bullies are usually hated up here haha Friday Brien James dont go to any outlaws for help.. red is a WP skin if he wants to help thats cool.. but id keep it at that Friday Deutsch Hercules a weakness I know I possess is being more offensive in fights, like a mental block, something I'm trying to figure out how to overcome. Do fine in a defensive mode, but like you may have noticed when I box or when I fought that dude up here, I wasn't going at him full-force, it was mostly defensive. granted I hit him and he never really touched me but I know those punches were nowhere near what I could have delivered had I been able to get past that mental block Friday Deutsch Hercules I definitely needed to know that, thanks for making it clear, was going ask. Friday Brien James yea dude your still a little sheepish.. you have to be able to turn it on full force like a light switch and then turn it back off

Friday Deutsch Hercules has it always been that way for you or is it something you noticed came with time? Friday Brien James the best way to describe it is to feel violently insulted... disgusted, offended, cut to the bone like you could puke like when an old lady hurts you that very sudden and physical disgust muster that right before you fight i was not a popular kid growing up.. older kids beat me up and licked on me.. i was about 14 or 15 when i figured out i had to stand up.. i was prolly 18 or 19 the last time i let myself back down from anyone.. i went back.. it ate me up picked one m...lol me Friday Deutsch Hercules lol, yeah I figured Friday Brien James the legendary town bad ass punked me out when i was 18 or 19... so yea i remember what it feels like Friday Deutsch Hercules yeah it sucks cause I never dealt w/ any of that growing up, there was 1 or 2 times like that in highschool, I'm going through your 14 and 15 at 27, lol, which is embarrasing to say the least Friday Brien James to be scared.. i stood my ground but i had no aggression Friday Deutsch Hercules which is truly respectable in my eyes, like John Wayne was quoted as defining "courage" being scared and saddling up anyways I can do that, it's the aggression I'm trying to figure out

Friday Brien James yea well you have to always meet aggression with superior aggression.. its not enough to stand your ground sometimes you will figure it out Friday Deutsch Hercules the only thing that's ever worried me about doing serious damage was the idea of getting put away for it, not because of prison itself being scary, but because I've devoted pretty much my entire life to having some sort of professional career, effectively negating that forever. not to the point where I'll ever take shit, or sell anyone out, but I think that's where part of the mental block towards serious aggression comes Friday Brien James understandable.... its a choice you have to make as a person Friday Deutsch Hercules consciously I mean, like my dad is not a violent man at all but growing up he had some altercations where he almost seriously hurt people when backed into a corner or when he was outmuscled or something true Friday Brien James have to decide what lines to draw and where to draw them Friday Deutsch Hercules I'm glad you understand as well Friday Brien James but if you want to be in any kind of club the lines are already drawn... understand? Friday Deutsch Hercules yup Friday Brien James anytime you stand for anything people will resist you

if you are merely doing something political no one expects you to respond any certain way but if you wear a patch you have to defend it the aggression part is for your own safety shoing maximum aggression dscourages the cowardly masses from following suit if you merely stand up for yourself without aggression they will gather numbers and attack.. understand? Friday Deutsch Hercules totally I don't think any of these guys are the types to ever go to the cops. We are all ready to break before we bend and none of us has the mindset of just winning a fight Friday Brien James well im off to the gym and walmart.. you already know what im going to say man.. you will be fine if you choose to Friday Deutsch Hercules for sure a few of us were talking about going to this show tonight to show a presence, should be a ton of them there from all around, it's a video shoot for one of their bands, but I've been sick the last couple days, called off work today, Ryan is closing, and Bryan might not even be there in time Friday Deutsch Hercules if we go to something like that again, would you advise for or against wearing colors? I ask because you've told me before not to wear em in areas where you think I'll be attacked, outnumbered, etc. Friday Brien James if your alone dont.. but if the 4 of you go to something like that, yes as a rule you shouldnt really be going anywhere in public alone anyways Friday Deutsch Hercules k. If you think Brock seems cool when you meet him, would it be too early to get him a 22 patch?

Friday Brien James naaa he can become a supporter if you guys are cool with him Friday Deutsch Hercules k. I'd like to get everyone in colors. we are so far, he seems real solid and legit, but that's based off of what Ryan and I think, which has little experience behind it, just instinct. if you don't mind, it'd be invaluable getting more direct tips on fighting and training when you get time. but I won't keep ya, I think I'm gonna get out of here too in a moment.

D Deutsch Hercules One last thing, you asked me once if I thought there would be any problems up here with probating/starting a chapter/whatever. I told ya there most likely wouldnt be any real anti-force up here and so far there hasn't been, but I'm hearing rumors. It's not of anything big, no organization and not SHARP/RASH/Antifa or whatever. I guess there was one guy we (Bryan and I) know that got into a shit talking contest w/ Kern on Bryan's facebook about pics of us throwing up gang-signs and about how the "original skinheads around here" would have kicked our asses or something. I don't know how it all panned out, I think that all got deleted before I saw everything. Bryan and I will talk to him about it for sure. This guy used to be Bryan's landlord and is actually a close friend. Never said a bad word to me about the club when I started probating and talked to him so I gotta figure out how much is Bryan's exaggeration (which I know him to be capable of sometimes). This dude is the proud redneck type to hang out in redneck bars and will shit talk anyone when he's drunk then not back down when confronted. I don't think any of it means anything to him but I don't think that makes it dismissive. Since the facebook thing happened, Bryan has been trying to get in touch with him but hasn't been successful so far. Recently he told me that a mutual friend of ours talked w/ him one of them (I'm not sure who at this point, this is all shit Bryan told me at the bar the other night) said "there's quite a few people pissed off at you guys now thinkin you're gonna start this new skinhead thing in town" or something to that effect. The people I've been discussing so far are part of a regular crowd that hangs at another bar on Broadway, the Rock, which you may have been to/hear of before. I used to hang there a couple years back when I lived w/ Bryan and it's mostly filled with a bunch of lowlifes there to get a cheap buzz. It's got it's occasional-to-regular spats of violence (sometimes shootings I'm told, but for the year that I practically lived at

that place, I never saw anything more than two quick fist-fights that were quickly separated). Anyhow, I know the crowd, among it are some dangerous people as well. I asked if that statement involved any of them and Bryan doesn't think so. He's thinking it's more coming from the older punk-rock scumbags in town who like to boast that they "ran PENI out back in the day". There are maybe 1 or two brawlers in this unclear bunch but mostly bullies and scumbag kids. Now I don't know how much of this is fact, speculation, or just rumor, but I wanted to let you know ahead of time before anything starts to get confirmed. Again, this could all turn out to be nothing. I'll be keeping an ear to the ground and try to figure out more as I go along and keep you informed. Would it be bad or naive conduct to start asking around about rumors and suspected people involved? Does that make us look weak or worried if it gets around that we're asking questions? or should we just keep alert and p prepared and wait to see what develops? Talk soon and be safe. Cheers. -Grimm

chapter 13: Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 3:44 pm whats up nigger Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 3:49 pm man i was totally going to, like ive been planning to for quite some time, but my dumb ass keeps forgetting our car is fucked. so im getting my whole foot tattooed instead. we just need to reschedule. Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 3:50 pm when i have my wedding reception i expect you and zack there. well go burn down west end in werewolf suits. Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 3:51 pm im sure you can sacrifice one night soon. what if the brotherhood called you up? what then? haha Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 3:53 pm

haha wtf probation? who did you kill for your shoe laces Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 4:59 pm haha i gotcha. im not dumb enough to say the shit i say to you to your other club members though lol cmon now. Deutsch Hercules August 20, 2011 at 6:50 pm yeah. my own problems with club life are situations just like that, I don't like telling anyone that type of shit, esp my friends. and it's not like "oh you're in MS-13, aren't they a buncha gays, lol?" and you wake up w/ your head cut off. Just more like "what's with that dude making a joke out of your probation, you should say something to him.." whereas you and I know that we're friends and that's just the way we talk to one another. Being in a club is not like having a crew, it has more strict procedures to adhere to and one has to decide if they're ready for that kind of rigidity. I still haven't decided, but I'm still in probation. Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 6:58 pm i gotcha man. its def a huge commitment. Sam Garland August 20, 2011 at 7:05 pm so what are the perks? what do you get out of it? serious question. Deutsch Hercules August 21, 2011 at 3:52 am different types get different things, but we can all agree fairly well that our mass American culture (mainstream), shaped by government and media, is indirectly being shaped to be anti-white, meaning there's obviously no one left in our corner and the number of people who uponsight will hate you and I just for being white are on the increase. essentially, it's a group of people that strictly get to know eachother through a probationary period to make sure one is a dependable standup person and banning together for the coming hard times. gangs get together to protect a neighborhood in the beginning, and quickly get into crime and learn to make money, essentially becoming a corporation. We have no business, have nothing to do with crime. We're anti-drug and are generally against dishonorable conduct like prostitution, etc. I'm....way fucked up right now and no longer able to

explain further. just got out of the show and have no idea how many drinks I consumed at this point, tobecontinued... Chapter 7: Vinlander STD advice August 29 Deutsch Hercules that's been about the only thing that made me laugh in a minute, not your whole statement just the part on "cashing in on the well deserved sympathy", lol. Yeah, I'm def cutting it off and it's already torturing talking to her. I just need to get her stuff out of here and be rid of her. It ain't that I never wanna hear from her again, I get over this shit, I have before and am fine w/ some exes. Elise can get in a car accident and I wouldn't feel a thing about it, but then again, I never loved her. It's also because of her that even when I'm feeling up to it again, cashing in on the sympathy with the ladies will be extremely difficult because of something Elise left me to remember her by forever. Telling you that with confidence, but as of discussions we've had not to long ago and with other brothers I don't think you'll take that as weird. Worst part is I didn't know I had it till Jackie and I were already together a few months and I started showing. It's something that can be taken care of for me but potentially life-ruining for a woman and when she found out, she wasn't mad at me and pledged to stick by me no matter what, one of the biggest reasons I thought Jackie was the truest women I'd ever find. She was completely supportive of my involvement with the club as well. All that making her seem like a rare solid woman. Boy was I shocked, lol. I dunno how it's all gonna work though. I have no idea how people with this condition go about having a normal relationship with anyone again, another thing that makes this so crushing. Any words of advice on that would be invaluable, but I'm too conscientious to bang some lady w/out tellin em. Love ya, bro. August 29 Brien James You got the herpes man? Hell half this club has it. Half of them tell the chicks up front and half of them don't from what I understand. I dont think its an easy thing to deal with no matter which way you go, but like 1/5 of the population has it so im sure you will still get laid. Just use rubbers and act like you just got diagnose sometime after the chick is already in love with you hahaha August 29

Deutsch Hercules no, HPV I believe. I believe if theyre removed they pretty much dont come back but you're a carrier of the virus for life. In fact its saaid to be 1/3 of the population has this but most dont know it. August 29 Brien James Yea HPV aint shit man.. This may be a piece of shit thing to say but i wouldnt even tell chicks.. Everyone has that shit August 30 Deutsch Hercules well with women, if they grow the warts, they grow in the dark and moist...which is what female genitalia is built for and it can travel upwards and cause cervical cancer, they'd have to get their cervix removed which disables them from having children and 9/10 times gives them early menopause which can make them grow facial hair, go through early osteoporosis, etc. I have to walk around for the rest of my life with that on my conscience now. Imagine being half responsible for doing that to the person you love most. I still can't make sense of it. August 30 Brien James Yea I dont know much about it other than the fact that tons of people have it and most of them dont have any real symptoms.. You will figure it out bro... i think skits had those warts burned off because of it and babs had his balls swell up when he got it hahah.... i think that shits actually pretty common August 30 Deutsch Hercules it is, like I said, supposedly 1 out of 3 people have it and most don't know it. I was tested once before I actually showed anything and they can't tell you if you have it or not if you don't have anything for them to culture. I just told them what Elise was showing and they said it didn't necessarily sound like it. I thought nothing of it and thought I was in the clear till I started showing and by that time Jackie and I were already having sex. I've known other friends who have had it and they've said there are so many different types, some can just be taken off easily and they don't come back, some have to be removed, but from what I've read it's pretty consistent that once you get them removed, they're gone for good, barring you aren't bumpin uglies with a wart infested woman again. I'm officially insured as of September and I'm gonna go to get legitimately educated on the matter and what needs done. It's just fucked cause I feel like I'll never be normal again and it could have been avoided. I've potentially ruined a good part of another human being's life

and it could have been avoided. And then again, I didn't get it from fucking around unprotected, I got it from a cheating ex and there is no protection for it. Catch 22.

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