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Table of Contents

Shiites, a People Loved by God · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1

Who are Shiites? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2
What is Ashura? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4
Dates of Ashura · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6
A Prayer for Shiite Communities Across the Earth · · · · · · · · 8
Day 1 Shiites and Fear · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10
Day 2 Dreams and Visions · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 12
Day 3 Seekers of God · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 14
Day 4 Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone · · · · · · · · · · · · 16
Day 5 Obedient Followers of Jesus · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 17
Day 6 Influential Shiite Men · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 18
Day 7 Shiite Households · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 20
Day 8 Supremacy of Jesus · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 22
Day 9 Prepared to Hear · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 24
Day 10 The Importance of Blood · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 26
What Next? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 28
Join God’s Powerful Tsunami Among Shiites · · · · · · · · · · · · 29
Shiites, a People Loved by God
Dear Intercessor,
Followers of Jesus who live and work among Shiites have prepared this
Ten Day Prayer Guide to enable you to pray for Shiite Muslims during
Ashura. We invite you and your friends to join us 24/10. That is 24
hours a day for the ten days of Ashura. Thank you for joining us in
declaring that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for Shiite Mus-
lims all around the world. Each day features a specific Bible passage
from Acts 10:1-48, NLT version, along with a true story, and specific
prayer requests. Together, on our knees, let’s prepare Jesus’ beauti-
ful Shiite Bride. See you at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb!
Glorifying His Name with you,
Friends of the Shiite Bride 1
Who are Shiites?
Shiites, also known as Shia, number between 130 to 195 million, or
10-15% of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims.1 They live all over the world,
from the Middle East to the Persian Gulf, and in Central and South
Asia. You probably have a Shiite family living somewhere near you!
In the early days of Islam, after the Prophet Mohammed’s death, a
fierce power struggle began over who had the right to lead the Muslim
community. A group of Muslims who believed that future leadership
of the Islamic community belonged only to certain blood relatives of
the Prophet Mohammed began calling themselves Shia, meaning the
“partisans of Ali.” They said that Ali, the Prophet Mohammed’s son-in-
law and cousin, should lead all Muslims. Imam Ali, as he is known to
Shiites, was assassinated in 661 AD.
Nearly two decades later, in 680 AD, Ali’s son, Imam Hussein, was
massacred along with seventy-two of his companions and family mem-
bers during a bloody siege and battle in Karbala, Iraq. Shiites collec-
tively remember this tragic event through passionate rituals marked
by tears and chants every single year.

Shiites live in strong, close-knit family communities, guided by reli-
gious leaders who give them practical, everyday instruction and spiri-
tual guidance.
Shiites believe the world is plagued with tyrannous injustice. At the
end of time, many Shiites believe that the Mehdi or Hidden Imam,
one of their leaders who disappeared in 878 in Iraq, will reappear to
bring justice to the earth and make it ready for Jesus to return.
1. Vali Nasr, The Shia Revival (WW Norton and Co, 2006), p. 34.

What is Ashura?
Ashura is a holy time of grief and remembrance for Shiite Muslims dur-
ing the first ten days of the Islamic New Year. Through collective lam-
entation, symbolic rituals, and self-flagellation, Shiites commemorate
the sufferings of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammed,
who died along with seventy-two of his companions and family mem-
bers on October 10, 680 A.D. in a bloody battle in Karbala, Iraq.
The epic story of this battle in Karbala is orally
chanted in homes and mosques during
the ten days and nights of Ashura. Men,
women, and children ardently partici-
pate through chanting and weeping.
Most Shiites wear black to signify
their overwhelming grief during
Ashura, and many fast from food
and drink during the ten days.

On the tenth and final day of Ashura, Shiite families march through
their neighborhood streets chanting “Oh, Hussein!” Some men and
boys in the community cut a small incision on their heads with a razor
or knife, and some use chains to beat their chests and backs. As they
march through the streets and chant in unison, men and boys hit their
open wounds, causing blood to flow over their faces and bodies.
Ashura is deeply spiritual for Shiites and defines them as a commu-
nity. Although self-flagellation is not practiced by all Shiites, and is
even condemned by some Shiite leaders, the ten days of Ashura are a
unique time of communal remembrance and grief for both devout and
nominal Shiites.

Approximate Dates of Ashura:
The following dates are approximate because the Islamic Calendar is
a lunar calendar with events occurring at various times each year. The
ten days of Ashura may begin or end a day or two earlier or later than
listed below.
December 29, 2009 – January 7, 2009
December 17, 2009 – December 26, 2009
December 7, 2010 – December 16, 2010

Did you know?

• The term Ashura comes from the Arabic word for the number ten.
• On the tenth day of Ashura, Shiites believe God answers prayer and
forgives them more readily than on any other day.2
• The tenth day of the month of Muharram, when Shiites culmi-
nate Ashura, was actually a Holy Day of atonement and fasting
in pre-Islamic and Jewish custom, long before the martyrdom of
Hussein in 680 AD. The Prophet Mohammed also ordained it as a
day of fasting.3
2. Nasr, The Shia Revival, p. 33.

3. Moojan Momen, An Introduction To Shi’i Islam (Yale University Press, 1985), p. 327.

A Prayer for Shiite
Communities Across the Earth
Most Gracious Lord of Heaven and Earth,
You are the One who sent down Your Special One to this blood stained
earth to form a New Kingdom that is not of this world. We humbly ask
You to reveal your Special One, Jesus, to Shiite communities all over
the earth.
We ask You to change Shiites’ mourning into dancing. Lead them from
this season of great grief to passionately celebrate You.
Lord of the nations, You know the extent to which many Shiites already
understand how blood shed in a battle for earthly power has formed
their communities today, but we ask that You reveal to them how the
blood of Jesus cleanses from sin and brings people into the Commu-
nity of the Redeemed.
May we see many Shiites fall down with that Great Community in
Heaven before Your Throne and worship You, our Precious Lamb and
our Great Redeemer!

All for Your Glory!

Day 1
Shiites and Fear
“He (Cornelius) was a devout man who feared God,
as did his entire household.”
Acts 10:2a

A follower of Jesus sat quietly praying for her Shiite neighbor as

she listened to her friend recount the difficulties of her past month.
“My daughter was released from the
hospital after fracturing her skull a
few weeks ago, then two days ago I
received a phone call from my son’s
school telling me he had his book
bag wrapped around his neck and
almost passed out. I just spent two
nights in the hospital myself with
dehydration from a stomach

virus, and now my husband is sick! What has caused all this? Have I
done something that has brought evil on my family, or has someone’s
envy brought evil on us?”
Shiites are a people who genuinely fear God, and many of them fear
evil spirits and curses. Today, on this first day of Ashura, pray that
many Shiites will know Jesus and will experience His supreme power
over the spirit world.
Pray that millions of Shiites will ex-
perience Jesus’ authority over
sickness and death. Pray that
many Shiites will be miracu-
lously healed from illness
and that many Shiites
will take notice and give
Jesus honor.

Day 2
Dreams and Visions
One afternoon about three o’clock, he (Cornelius) had a vision
in which he saw an angel of God coming toward him.
“Cornelius!” the angel said.
Acts 10:3

Two Shiite sisters had the same vision of Jesus at exactly the same time
one night. Jesus came to them, stood at the foot of their bed and called
them by name. Then they heard Jesus say, “Come, follow Me.”
Shiites place high importance on their dreams and visions. Just as God
sent an angel to prepare Cornelius for the message about Jesus, ask
God to send His angels to Shiites. Ask Him to give Shiites dreams and
visions that will help them follow Jesus.
On this second day of Ashura, pray that thousands of Shiite families
will receive the same dream or vision from God and be compelled to
give their collective allegiance to Jesus.

Day 3
Seekers of God
As soon as the angel was gone, Cornelius called two of his
household servants and a devout soldier, one of his per-
sonal attendants. He told them what had happened and
sent them off to Joppa.
Acts 10:7-8

A young Shiite man sat in the home of some believers. He told

them how he had seen Satan from his childhood and was terrified.
The believers asked the young Shiite man if they could pray with him
to see Jesus. They prayed together, asking Jesus to grace the young man
with His presence. Then the young man said, “You know when (not if!)
Jesus reveals Himself to me, I’ll have to go and tell everybody!”
On this third day of Ashura, when Shiites see Jesus in a dream or
vision, pray that they will be eager and bold to tell others about
Him. Just as Cornelius immediately did what the angel instructed
him to do, pray that Shiites will respond with quick obedience to
God when He tells them to do something.

Day 4
Stepping Out of
Your Comfort Zone
“If God says something is acceptable, don’t say it isn’t.”
…Peter was very perplexed. What could the vision mean?
Acts 10:15-17a

Over a period of time studying God’s Word, and through various expe-
riences, a believing family who live and work among Shiites knew God
was telling them to change their dress, adjust their daily lifestyle, and
move to an area where foreigners like them are disliked.
They said it surprised them and did not make sense, but they could not
deny God’s clear and specific instructions! They are now joyfully re-
sponding to God’s unique assignment for them and are experiencing
quality time with Kingdom-focused Shiite families.
On this fourth day of Ashura, pray that followers of Jesus among Shiites
will have spiritual wisdom and understanding. Ask that they will hear
God’s voice and be prepared to do whatever He tells them. Even if it
means being, doing, or saying something that seems uncomfortable or
impossible, ask God to move believers — all of us — out of our comfort
zones to reach more Shiites.

Day 5
Obedient Followers of Jesus
The Holy Spirit said to him (Peter), “Three men have
come looking for you. Go down and go with them without
hesitation. All is well, for I have sent them.”
Acts 10:19-20

A follower of Jesus was in a mosque worshiping the King of kings and in-
terceding for Shiites who were praying at a shrine. The Holy Spirit said
to her, “Go to that woman over there.” She immediately obeyed
and walked over to the Shiite woman and prayed, “May
the God of all creation, in Jesus’ name, heal you, my
sister.” The Shiite woman’s body began to shake. That
day the Shiite lady was healed and God was glorified
because a follower of Jesus obeyed His instructions.
On this, the fifth day of Ashura, ask God to give fol-
lowers of Jesus boldness to obey Him without hesita-
tion among Shiites. Ask God to grow them into men,
women and children of faith who will live and de-
clare His truth among Shiites in ways the Shiites can
receive, no matter the cost to them as His followers.

Day 6
Influential Shiite Men
He (Cornelius) is a devout man who fears the God of Jacob and
is well respected by all.
Acts 10:22b

One day as a follower of Jesus talked with his well-respected Shiite

neighbor, he was surprised to learn more about his neighbor’s under-
standing of God. The older Shiite man told the follower of Jesus that he
knew the only way to know God was through faith and not works. This
Shiite man understood the importance of faith and not works!
Imagine how much more prepared his entire household is to hear
about Jesus because of his leadership. Shiite men set the religious tone
for their households. Husbands and fathers influence their wives and
children, and even their entire communities, through what they say
and do.
Like Cornelius, pray that Shiite men will be devout and respected men
of God who will lead their entire households and communities to fear
God. Ask that Shiite men will lead their families and communities to
follow Jesus.

Day 7
Shiite Households
Cornelius was waiting for him and had called together his
relatives and close friends to meet Peter.
Acts 10:24

One evening a family who follow Jesus visited a local Shiite family. The
believing family was joyfully received and questioned with great inter-
est about their relationship with God. Three generations were gath-
ered together, ready to listen to what the followers of Jesus had to say!
Shiites are gathering together each day and evening during the ten
days of Ashura, listening and weeping to the epic story of the bloody
battle when Imam Hussein was killed long ago.
On this seventh day of Ashura, just as Cornelius gathered his relatives
and close friends to hear Peter’s message, pray that Shiite households
will gather together to hear God’s Word. Pray that Shiites will hear, un-
derstand and tell the story of Jesus in their homes and throughout their

Day 8
Supremacy of Jesus
As Peter entered his home, Cornelius fell to the floor
before him in worship. But Peter pulled him up and said,
“Stand up! I’m a human being like you!”
Acts 10:25-26
“What color do you like to use on your fingernails?” a follower of Jesus
asked a young Shiite woman in a beauty shop one day. “Oh, I don’t
paint my nails,” she responded. “My religious leader says that is for-
bidden for us.”

Many Shiite communities adhere to the teachings of specific men
who serve as religious guides called marjaa, an Arabic word refer-
ring to “the one you emulate.” High ranking Shiite religious leaders
give judgment on all points of life, while lower ranking leaders pro-
vide guidance on how to live within the judgments decreed by the top
leaders. An example of a famous high-ranking “marjaa” from recent
history is Ayatollah Khomeini from Iran, and more recently, Ayatollah
Sistani in Iraq.
On this eighth day of Ashura,
pray that Shiite religious lead-
ers will hear the truth of the
Gospel and will adhere to the
teachings of Jesus as their
Supreme Leader and Lord.
Ask that Shiite communities
will give their allegiance com-
pletely to Jesus. Pray that they
will emulate Jesus and follow
His teachings.

Day 9
Prepared to Hear
Now here we (Cornelius and his family) are, waiting before God to
hear the message the Lord has given you.”
Acts 10:33b

During a season of seeking God, Ali went to the mosque every day to
pray. As Ali was praying, he felt a Presence behind him as he sought
earnestly to hear from God. Ali says that this was the start of his en-
counters with Jesus, whom he now calls Lord.
Today, on this ninth day of Ashura, pray that Shiite men, women, and
children will be prepared by the Holy Spirit to hear, understand, and
embrace Jesus as Lord.
Ask that Shiites will see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and under-
stand with their hearts God’s message for them. Whether it is through
His spoken or written Word, through followers of Jesus, or through a
dream or miraculous healing, pray that Shiite Muslims will encounter
Jesus and follow Him.

Day 10
The Importance of Blood
Good News…there is peace with God through Jesus
Christ…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Spirit and with power…they put him to death by crucify-
ing him, but God raised him to life…
Acts 10:36-40

A young Shiite girl had a dream that she was walking in a desert when
suddenly she saw a rope of blood. She could not pass over the rope of
blood so she grabbed it with both hands and began to cry. After her
dream, she asked a follower of Jesus to explain the meaning of the
dream to her, and today she acknowledges Jesus is her Lord!

On this tenth and final day of Ashura, some Shiite Muslims are shed-
ding their blood and marching in unison, passionately chanting the
name of their slain Imam Hussein, while millions of other Shiite Mus-
lims are watching and weeping.
As Shiites all over the world commemorate the bloody events of Karbala
today, pray that God will reveal to them that Jesus is the Lamb without
blemish, whose blood was shed to redeem people from every tribe,
tongue, language, and nation — including them!

What Next?
Thank you for fasting and praying 24/10 for Shiites these past ten days.
Save this 24/10 Prayer Guide and plan to fast and pray with us each
year during Ashura.
Do you want to continue to pray for Shiites and discover more of what
God is doing among them?
’ Pray daily that Shiite families will follow Jesus and obey Him.
’ Fast and pray for Shiites every Friday between 11am and 1pm.
’ Reach out and be a friend to a Shiite family living near you.
’ Email shbride@rightbox.com and say “Add me!” to receive
updates on God’s activity among Shiites.

Join God’s Powerful
Tsunami Among Shiites
’ See more pictures of Shiites and discover what God is
revealing to intercessors like you. Visit our Blog:
’ Tell others what God is saying to you as you pray
and fast for Shiites, and register
the times and locations where
you are praying. Email:

This 24/10 Day Prayer Guide was prepared for you by
Friends of the Shiite Bride.

To discover ways you can join God’s Powerful Tsunami

among Shiites, email us at: shbride@rightbox.com

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