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Kramers - Kronig relations, sum rules

Math basics
Fourier transform

sign function and Dirac delta

Fourier transform of the sign function:




Response function
Response function: Translational invariance:


Long wavelength limit: Use convolution II

What do we know about ()? 1. Real function. 2. t: current time. t must be before t ( > 0) for physical effects. for ( < 0)

For simplicity let us use t for . 1. (t) is a real function. Im (t) = 0 From definition of Fourier transform: where ()=1()+i2() 2. Causality. (t) = 0 for t < 0. Break up to even and odd functions: Fourier transform of even is pure Re, odd is Im

Fourier transform pairs

Kramers Kronig relations

From: D.W. Johnson, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 8, 490, (1975)

To satisfy causality the even and odd parts must be related: will ensure that Remember the Fourier transform of the sgn function: Use convolution I is indeed zero for t<0

This is a Kramers Kronig relation. The real part is the Hilbert transform of the imaginary part. Mathematically correct way to handle divergence at =: exclude an infinitesimally small regime (Principal part of the integral). Trivial to do it the other way around as well.

Kramers Kronig relations nearly done

To eliminate unphysical negative frequencies, multiply with and use even/odd properties to convert the integrals


Kramers Kronig relations done.

In practical calculations the divergence at = causes trouble. Eliminate! Add:


Works well in practical calculations; no principal part is needed

Notes: Arbitrary constant can be added. KK transform of a constant is 0.

Kramers Kronig relations - examples

Dirac delta leads to 1/ divergence

KK transform of Lorentzian peak


Step function: Two divergencies

Kramers Kronig relations ,

Applicable to any response function

No absorption -> = const. = 1

Kramers Kronig relations - reflectivity

Loss function (will be discussed)

Reflectivity transmission Amplitude ration: r, t Power ratio: R, T Power is measured, phase information is lost, BUT KK to the rescue!

Phase angle restored Very important in evaluation of data

Kramers Kronig relations surface imp.

Surface impedance

Kramers Kronig relations - consequences

Finite dc means Re is not 1. Due to dc, Im is divergent at low

Each peak in () contributes to the static dielectric constant:

Practical: There is no way to get large dc without having large losses at some finite .

Classical models: metal and insulator

Drude model
Charged particles, density n Equation of motion: using

Polarization, relaxation time:

Solve for =P/E

Dielectric function

Drude conductivity
Simpler form, introducing the plasma frequency

High frequency limit:

Turn it into conductivity, using general relationship between , alternative way, same result


Real part: Lorentzian.

Loss function
Peak at p

Plasma frequency
Real part of crosses zero. Longitudinal waves are possible. At the same time, major change in reflectivity (transverse waves)

Add dielectric background: Fast electrons p = E (one atom) --Slow electrons (we are looking at these)


Drude model - reflectivity

Effective dielectric function Zero crossing happens at fast slow

In real metals: phonons, too

Phonons discussed later. Notice difference below and above plasma frequency. Transparent above p


Drude model - experiments

Indium antimonide
W.G. Spitzer, Phys. Rev, 106, 882 (1957)

(H. Raether, Springer Tracts in Mod. Phys. Vol 38 (1965)

Tuning of conduction electron density

Drude model - Three regimes


Skin depth

Square root dep.


Drude model - tranparency

Relaxation regime: between 1/ and p

Absorptivity independent of frequency Transparent regime

How to measure p?
p is more important than pl. pl is contaminated by infty. p contains effective mass. What if the effective mass is frequency dependent (interactions!) Use Tinkhams formula:

Drude model conductivity:

We get




Drude model - transmission of thin film

L. Forro et al. Phys. Rev. Letters 65, 1941 (1990)

Insulators: classical
Oscillator model

Same calculation as Drude

Kramers-Heisenberg dielectric function

Bound charge contributes to dielectric constant

S: oscillator strength

Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation


Diel. function and reflectance

Three regimes: Below resonance: usual dielectric constant Right above resonance: similar to Drude Above p: transparent again Two resonances: Transverse (T=0) and Longitudinal (L)

To be supplied


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