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Prosperity Preachers and TBN

Even some conservative Christians are sick and tired of the propaganda plus the deception of
prosperity preachers. Some of them blatantly beg for people's money on television shows. The
prosperity preacher Mike Murdock is begging for money. Murdock promises 3-months of miracles
and uncommon blessing to those who give the $1,000 seed, which is extreme to say the least.
These preachers' names consist of both sexes. They cross many boundaries globally in an
attempt to export their philosophies to a wide audience of people. Today, some of these
preachers are uniting with the Ecumencials and the establishment. This is achieved in order
to expand their influence. Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley, Joyce Meyer, etc. are some of the
names of these individuals. TBN and the Word Network are some of the networks where such
"teachers" find a home to advance their dogma. I first heard of TBN back in the late 1990's when I
was a late teenager. Many of the preachers there are either false prophets, ignorant of the heresy in
TBN, or preach heresy like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, Billy Graham, Paula White, Juanita Bynum,
and of course Paul & Jan Crouch (who control the TBN network). Paul Crouch blasphemeously
called himself a little god. Crouch also commented that he will shoot anyone showing legitmate
dissent with his dogma. He calls people like us bridge breakers and heresy hunters. Here's Crouch's
direct quotes on this issue, so this isn't some lie:

"Do you know what else that's settled then tonight? This hue and cry and controversy that
has been spawned by the devil to try to bring dissension within the body of Christ that we
are gods. I am a little god. I have His name. I am one with Him. I'm in covenant relation. I
am a little god. Critics be gone!" (Paul Crouch, "Praise the Lord" program, July 7, 1986).

"I think God's given up on a lot of that old rotten Sanhedrin religious crowd, twice dead, plucked up
by the roots. I think they're damned and on their way to hell and I don't think there's any redemption
for them...the heresy hunters that want to find a little mote of illegal doctrine in some Christian's eye
and pluck that little mote out of their eye when they've got the whole forest in their own lives and in
their own eyes. I say to hell with you! Oh hallelujah. Get out of God's way, quit blocking God's
bridges or God's gonna shoot you if I don't! I refuse to argue any longer with any of you out there.
Don't even call me. If you want to argue doctrine, if you want to straighten out somebody over here,
if you want to criticize Ken Copeland for his preaching on faith, or Dad Hagin. Get out of my life! I
don't even want to talk to you or hear you. I don't want to see your ugly face! Get out of my face in
Jesus' name." (Paul Crouch, "Praise-a-thon" broadcast on TBN, recorded 4/2/91)

I'm glad to be a heresy hunter. The Bible calls us to exhort for the truth and judge righteous
judgement. A lot of these types of preachers are in the Word Faith Movement. The Word Faith
Movement believes that wealth is equated to spiritual blessing. In other words, to them poverty is a
curse from God. That's a lie, because the apostles and Paul were poor and suffering. They weren't
spiritually in need of being rich at all. Even Jesus Christ wasn't a rich person at all. Therefore, a rich
person and a poor person who are saved are equal in the eyes of God. God is God and he is not a
force we can tape into in order to earn financial reward. In other words, God is not a bank teller. God
is a just, firm, and compassionate Supreme Being who doesn't need monetary manipulation. There
is nothing wrong with trying to escape poverty, but that isn't a sign of salvation or extreme spiritually
enlightenment at all. Rod Parsley is a prominent preacher in Ohio. His face contort readily in
expressing his opinions. He leave his audience captivated in his messages. He is right that abortion
is evil, he have a right to dissent with the doctrines of Islam, and we should have a concern about
the oppression going on in Sudan. Yet, is there more to the man? There is. He makes no bones
about his acceptance of neo-Pentecostalism in his theology. Rod Parsley is right that we should
have a sense of morality in our lives, but that's overshadowed in some of his false doctrines. On
some of his time of TV, he inspires his audience to shout. There is nothing wrong with that as long
as it's controlled. He makes fantastic claims of the anointing by saying that:

"... They laid the sick the whole the lame the blind in the streets, Peter's shadow
caused strength to come back into their legs, some of you are going to be pushing
the grocery cart between the frozen peas and carrots and somebody is going to
jump out of a wheelchair over in the cereal aisle because of the glory of God that is
coming upon you" (Breakthrough January 7, 2000).
Paisley claims falsely that humans can have the same fullness as the Godhead: "...For in him
(Jesus) dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily that's what it said the fullness of the Godhead
bodily...Now it didn't say anywhere that you wouldn't have the same thing. Didn't say anywhere that
you couldn't obtain unto the same thing. In fact the matter is you're an heir a joint heir with Jesus
Christ. Jesus said don't look at what I'm doin; brother what your gonna do is greater than what I'm
gonna do. Why because the times demand it the hour demands it are you listening to me."
(Breakthrough 9/19/2000). Paisley said comments about taking things by force which is similar to
dominion theology. Dominionism is the false doctrine that you must create a man-made theocracy in
order to herald the coming of Jesus Christ. The truth is that Jesus Christ will come to Earth after the
Tribulation, not doing a man-made theocratic empire. Rod Paisley is a strong advocate of the
prosperity gospel. Parsley talks about wanting people's money and being deserving of it as recorded
by "["An Empire of Souls," op. cit., pg. 35 quoted from PFO Journal]. The Bible forbids a clergyman
to be greedy for money as in these words: "... A elder then must be blameless, …temperate, sober-
minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for
money." (1 Timothy 3:2-3). Titus 1:7 conveyed the same message. Parsley describes being poor as
a spiritual condition. If that were the case, why were the apostles risked their lives in preaching the
gospel and they were poorer than a middle class person today. His preaching according to Let Us
Reason Ministries reminiscence of Latter Rain teachings.

Now, it's the 21st century. In this day and age, even more deception is avaliable in the church. You
have a preacher named Todd Bentley. I didnt realize a lot of information about this man until
recently. This man claims to be a faith healer and a miracle working. His actions are similar on the
pulpit as someone like a Benny Hinn. The similarities are that each use the laying on the hands in an
attempt to heal those human beings with affilications. Once he was jailed for 18 months for being
involved in sexual assault. He admits to this. Is their forgiveness for this wicked crime? Yes,
but false doctrines that he's displaying now must be exposed. One of the strangest views of
Todd is that he believes to have encountered an angel named Emma. Emma is similar to
Emma-O. Emma-O is the name of a Japanese Buddhist false god of the King of Hell. Emma-
Hoo is the judge of Hell. The souls of the dead stays in Hell if Emma Hoo says so according of the
mythology surrounding Emma Hoo. Notice how Bentley has Japanese Kanji Symbols tatooed on his
arm. Candy Henderso claims that Todd act in a trance-like state when having these so-called
"visions." The real prophets of God in the Old Testament and the New Testament weren't in an
occult trance like state, but followed the Spirit of the Lord. Why would he need an angel anyway to
have revival to help people. The Scriptures are clear that God's Holy Spirit, the Father, and Son is
sufficient to minister plus help the Lost. Bentley told of this teaching in Toronto. Todd Bentley talks of
experiencing spiritual realms of heaven. He claims to have an outer body experience similar to near
death experience in seeing heaven. Now, the interesting thing about this vision is that Todd is now
ommitting all references to the angel named "Emma" on his ministry website. Also, his vision that he
claimed to have met and spoke with Paul and Abraham (he said that Abraham wrote the book of
Hebrews. That's false since Abraham died before the book of Hebrews was complied) was removed
from his site as well. The Bible is clear on angels. Angels are messengers of God. People in the
Bible never sought them out or commanding them to do things. Why does Todd use deception in
describing visions if his visions are true? The only reason is either he's lying about what he recieved
or he is following a strong illusion. This man is a Neo-Evangelical apostate with a bunch of tatoos.
These tatoos are just simple, but they include an All Seeing Eye, a Hexagram, a Rose, a Lion, etc.
What's clear is that Todd Bentley's actions are akn to the New Age Movement with his claims of
experiences with angels, vision, and the like. We look to God for guidance not angels at all. In a
church, he kicks a women in "deliverance." One interesting thing is that a little girl refuses him laying
hands on her because she says that "'Don't let him touch me!" The little girl said didn't want him to
touch her like he did unto other people. It seems like the little girl possesses more discernment than
the folks in the audience. Soli Deo Gloria by way of Endtimes Prophetic Words showed a video of
Todd Bentey talking about of Jesus Christ making a personal appeareance in Lakeland tomorrow
night. This will make him an automatic false prophet since the Messiah comes personally in Israel
first on this Earth in his Second coming. Todd Bentley is just a continuation of the end time

Reconstructionists and Dominionists ought to be exposed. Both groups are similar and carry
common features. Bascially, Reconstructionist/Dominionist theology has nothing to do with
conservative Christianity. Many liberal activists try to equate the two, but that isn't the case at all.
Reconstruction theology is about the false teaching about the only way to herald the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ is to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. Some even take political realm above
and beyond the primarly role of Christians being to give the gospel of Jesus Christ unto the four
corners of the Earth. Rousas John Rushdoony was the father of modern Chrstian
Reconstructionism. In his book entitled, "Institute of Biblical Law," he advocated segregration and
adamantly opposed interracial marriage. People have a right to marry who they want irrespective of
the their skin color or ethnic group. Dominionists want to build the Kingdom of God in the here and
now. The Bible is clear that we can't herald the coming of Jesus by anything we do. Jesus Christ will
come on his own time after the Tribulation according to the Scriptures. Paul and Philip Collins wrote
a great and amazing article on the Dominionists. They even outlined concrete connections between
Dominionists, the Enlightenment, and the Gnostic. One big link among all 3 factors is that each focus
too much on man's capability to solve his own problem without the direct intervention of God. Each
view man as the primary means to create salvation in the world, but salvation is of God alone.
Dominionism reduces God's Kingdom into a mere secular government instead of something bigger.
The Kingdom of God is much bigger than a secular government, but it's the total representation of
the love of God among the world. The Enlightenment and Dominionism reject all miracles. The truth
is that miracles occur all of the time. Human birth is a product of God's miracles. There is a
supernaturnal world and there is a Almighty God in the Universe. The Enlightenment, Gnosticism,
and Dominionism all subscribe to the creation of a forced utopian society in order to solve the ills in
the world. Dominionists just want a theocratic plan in order to accomplish that utopian goal. There is
nothing wrong with exposing abortion, exposing religious liberty threats, etc. Yet, using coercion and
trying to force a Kingdom of God on Earth is not a legitimate means to solve these problems. Pat
Robertson is a famous Dominionist who agrees with China's forced abortion policy and China's evil
one child policy. Let's called the Dominionist/Reconstructionist theology what it really is. It's a form of
globalism. It has nothing to do with real conservative Christians because conservatives reject
globalism at any form, even if it comes in a religious package. Paul and Philip Collins made the
excellent point of the Dominionists and the radical secular progressives are battling each other
seeking a sociopolitical Utopia (when both groups are facilitating a Hegelian Dialectic into a neo-
Gnostic globalized system), while each group are wrong on many issues.

Carlton Pearson is an interesting person from the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. NBC placed a nice cover
story about him since he's against the teachings of even mainstream Christianity. He was scorned
by a lot of people, and I don't believe in demonizing a man unfairly. Yet, underneath his innocent
demeanor, he teaches apostate views. One is that he believes not only do all people are going to
Heaven irrespective of their faith. He goes as far as saying that even folks like Hitler will be in
Heaven since he denies a literal Hell as far as the Scriptures define Hell. That's interesting, because
even Jesus Christ described Hell and told people going into Hell in harsh terms. Pearson calls
himself an illusionist, but his teaching is basically part of Universalism (or believing that everyone
can go to Heaven even if you're a non-repentant murderer, terrorist, or rapist). He calls himself part
of COGIC (or the Church of God in Christ). The COGIC ironically believes that if you're not baptized,
you're going into Hell. I of course don't subscribed to those beliefs since the Thief on Christ went into
Heaven. The thief wasn't baptized at all. Pearson is right to oppose the Iraq War as being anti-
peace and a violation of basic morality. You don't fight wars at all against nations that have
done nothing to us at all. Also, Iraq or even Afghanistan are no direct threat to America. He is
right that we should be meek and nice to all human beings irrespective of their race or
background. I don't stereotype people or hate anyone personally. I disagree with him that you
can believe what you want and still go to Heaven. I believe we have to be moral and believe in
God. I don't believe in complusion, so people have a right to accept or reject the gospel freely
if they want to. I disagree with Pearson strongly on Terri Schiavo. Charlton Pearson believes
that she should be murdered by the authorities, it was legal, and it was great. That's wrong
and sick. Here's why. The reason is that Florida Statues forbids starving people to death
(including the Geneva Convention), it's immoral to kill people, and she never expressed her
wishes even in a will. Terri Schiavo was murdered plain and simple. You don't kill innocent
people and Pearson forgotten about the words saying: "Thou Shalt not Kill." Pearson claims
to have an aura of tolerance, but he stereotypes all conservative Christians as aligning with a
jingoistic-form of pseudo-patriotism and a blind alleigance to Republicans (whose leaders
include Masons, the Knights of Malta, CFR members, and the like). The truth is that many
conservative Christians and those from across the political spectrum don't agree with the
Iraq War, abhor NAFTA's policies, and love individual freedom. Many conservative Christians
are independently minded. Charlton Pearson needs to realize that.

*With all of this wildness, the good news is that much of the public are waking up. There
are still outstanding preachers preaching the gospel against sin and corruption. These
human beings exist all over the nation and the world. Some pastors refuse to sellout to
mainstream media or suck up to high priced celebrities. That's why it's important for us to
get our house in order first before making the next step and helping our communities
spiritually. If you don't do that, then you will only go so far in your walk with God
Almighty. In other words, we should seek God first to get our lives in order, then help
other human beings spiritually. Also, we need to express love and exposure of sin. It's takes
real love to expose sin. That's why a false type of love will always cover up or obfuscate sin
(like drunkenness, abortion, occult Secret Societies, pride, lust, etc.) in the world. That is
why we should have sincere desires in following God and his commandments.

By Timothy

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