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Assignment Guideline by:Mr. Sandesh Kumar Assistant Professor


Submitted by:-Anand Kumar sagar (M.B.A 2



S.NO. Particulates Content 1. 2. 3. Introduction of topic Biomedical waste management
4 5-6

Page no.



Introduction of Tuberculosis



CONTENT:Questions:1) What is hospital waste management? Describe in brief its phases? 2) Write a short note on malnutrition?


INTRODUCTION:BIO-MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT The bio-medical waste (management and handling) rules, 1998. Every hospital is obliged to set up requisite biomedical waste treatment facilities like incinerator, autoclave, and microwave system for treatment of biomedical waste. In hospital there must be a segregation, packaging, transportation and storage system. Every operator has to submit an annual report.

Bio-medical waste management is the process of disposal of bio waste which is generated from hospital

SCHEDULE 1(categories of biomedical waste)

Cat.1:- Human anatomical waste(tissue, organ, body parts) Cat.2:-Animal waste(animal tissue,bleding parts, fluid) Cat.3:-Microbiology and biotechnology waste(laboratory waste,culture,toxins) Cat.4:-Waste sharps(needles,syringe, glass, blades) Cat.5:-Discarded medicine and cryptogenic drugs Cat.6:-Solid waste(swab, dressing, soiled plaster) Cat.7:-Solid waste( tubbings,catheter,intravenous set) Cat.8:-Liquid waste Cat.9:-Incineration ash


Cat.10:-Chemical waste SCHEDULE2(colour coding and container Colour coding Type of container Plastic bag Plastic bag Puncher proof/Plastic bag Plastic bag

Waste categories T s Cat.1,cat.2 and cat.3.cat.6 Cat.3.cat.6 and cat.7 Cat.4 and cat.7 Cat.5,cat.9 and cat.10


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Label for biomedical waste container/ Bags



Label for Transport of biomedical waste container/Bags Waste Category No.. Day..Month..Year. Waste Class. Date of generation. Waste Description. Sender name and Address Receiver name and Address .. .. Phone No.. Phone No Telex No. Telex No.. Fax No Fax No. Contact Person. Contact Person.. In case of emergency please contact Name and Address Phone Note: Label shall not Washable and prominently visible.


INTRODUCTION OF MALNUTRITION:Malnutrition is the condition that results from taking an unbalanced diet in which certain nutrients are lacking, in excess (too high an intake), or in the wrong proportions. A number of different nutrition disease may arise, depending on which nutrients are under or overabundant in the diet. In most of the world, malnutrition is present in the form of under nutrition, which is caused by a diet lacking adequate calories and protein. While malnutrition is more common in developing countries, it is also present in industrialized countries.

Definition:Malnutrition is a medical condition caused by an improper or insufficient diet.

Clinical signs of malnutrition

Site Face Eye Mouth Teeth Hair Sign Moon face (kwashiorkor, simian facies (marasmus) Dry eyes, pale conjunctiva, Bitot's spots (vitamin A), periorbital edema Angular stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis, spongy bleeding gums (vitamin C), parotid enlargement Enamel mottling, delayed eruption Dull, sparse, brittle hair, hypo


pigmentation, flag sign (alternating bnds of light and normal color), broomstick eyelashes, alopecia Loose and wrinkled (marasmus), shiny and edematous (kwashiorkor), dry, Skin follicular hyperkeratosis, patchy hyperand hypo pigmentation, erosions, poor wound healing Koilonychias, thin and soft nail plates, Nail fissures or ridges Muscles wasting, particularly in the Musculature buttocks and thighs Deformities usually a result of calcium, Skeletal vitamin D, or vitamin C deficiencies Distended - hepatomegaly with fatty liver, Abdomen ascites may be present Bradycardia, hypotension, reduced cardiac Cardiovascular output, small vessel vasculopathy Global development delay, loss of knee and Neurologic ankle reflexes, impaired memory Hematological Pallor, petechiae, bleeding diathesis Behavior Lethargic, apathetic

Major causes of malnutrition include poverty and food prices, dietary practices and agricultural productivity, with many individual cases being a mixture of several

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factors. Clinical malnutrition such as in chacexia is a major burden also in developed counties.

Diseases and infections

Malnutrition can be a consequence of health issues such as gastoentrolist or c especially chronic illness HIV/AIDS pandemic Diarrhea and other infections can cause malnutrition through decreased nutrient absorption, decreased intake of food, increased metabolic requirements, and direct nutrient loss. Parasite infections can also lead to malnutrition.

Take proper diet which has proper quantity of protein.

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