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With reference to the meeting held on 2nd March 2012 at the H. O. Ds office on the above subject matter, it was agreed that all the final year students (HND II, NDII FT AND ND II YEAR III PT) of the department will follow the format in carrying out their research work in fulfillment for the award of their diploma CHOOING RESEARCH TOPIC The topic must be researchable of area of choice and interest having dependent and independent variables. E.g. Impart of Management Information System on decision making. From the above, Management Information System is the independent variable while decision making is the dependent variable. Tips for choosing Research Topic Select area or something you find interesting as it will take you sometime before completing (stay with you for a long time) Avoid work that seems open-ended because of the time limit Look for area of good comparison Kept abreast of recent issues and breakthroughs Discuss your area of interest with classmates, friends to get their opinions and views Be at alert for a potential leads (seminars, media, and workshops) ABSTRACT This should come up before chapter one of the project. It is the executive summary of the whole exercises. It should capture vital issues of the research topic, such as topic, research methodology, findings and recommendations

This is the introductory part of the research work. It is broken down into the following sub topics; 1.0 Introduction: What the reader is expected to find out in chapter one 1.1 Background of the study: This serves as starting point for your discussion and write-up. It should anchor the subject of the writing to a reference point. The essence of this is to draw the reader gently into the discussion/writing 1.2 Statement of the problem: This is the question or problem or the statement which the research intends to address or provides an answer to. It gives a sense of direction and focus. It is usually derived from a research topic. It can be stated in any of the following forms Mere statement that the research tends to address Question from which the research tends to answer

1.3 Research question: This is the question to test in the research. It should be based on 1.2 above. It should not be based on YES or NO answer. They are used in problem or policy intended to study where the researcher are not interest in testing the statistical significance of the findings. They should be stated in simple form to bring a relationship between two or more variables or about the components of a phenomenon 1.4 Objective of the study: This should state the expected end of the project/research. It summaries what is expected to be achieved by the study. Hence, it must be related to the statement of problem. It can be; General objective. That is, what is to be archived by the study Specific objective. That is, what is to archived stage by stage (breaking down of the general objectives) 1.5 Hypothesis. These are statements concerning two or more variables to find out their relationships. It should be related to the specific objectives. Hence the number of specific objective will also be the number of hypothesis. Hypothesis offers the following benefits; Provides direction Eliminate trial and error Focus the researchers attention on the testable statements while excluding other variables 1.6 Significances of the study: This will state the benefit to the general public. The reasons for spending the energy should be stated. It can be expressed in terms of possible benefits for practice and for policies making 1.7 Scope of the study: This is the expected area of coverage of the study. It can be geographical or partial. It should indicates the various elements in the population that are being studied 1.8 limitation of the study: There is usually one kind of flow or the other in project writing. Therefore, as much as possible, this should be acknowledged. The reader should be placed with enough confidence that a significance job have been done by identifying those weakness. This might be problem of gathering of data, time constraints, fund, and scope. It should be noted that such identified limitations should not form a fundamental flaw in the conception or design of the study 1.9 Definition of terms: In the course of the research work some terms may be used that needs to be further explain than the lateral meaning. In academic research, definition may be longer, and of in depth and more complex. The following should be followed in selecting the teams to be defined. All key terms/word All terms that has a particular meaning in field of study All specialized language that is unique All unclear words from different writers Note that defining terms which can seriously undermined your writ-up

2.0 Introduction. Introduction of the chapter

2.1 Conceptual framework. Layman understanding of the concept of the research 2.2 Theoretical framework. Linking the topic to a theory 2.3 Literature review. Review what other people have done in respect of your topic

3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Introduction of the chapter Organization of the project Population of the study Sampling design and procedure. The technique used to select population random sampling, cluster e.t.c Research instrument sampling. Instrument used to carry the research work. This depends on the type of research (primary, secondary) Method to be use for analysis

4.0 4.1 raw) 4.3 4.4 Introduction. Introduction of the chapter Presentation of data. The form the data is presented (present as collected, Analysis of data. Analysis the data presented in 4.1 above Analysis of other data. This is the analysis of other data gathered in the course of carrying out the research

5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Introduction. Introduction of the chapter Summary. Summary of the whole research Conclusion. Bringing the research to a close Recommendation. Recommendations based on the research work Recommendations for the study. Areas you will want further studies in the work carried out Sources from where the data are obtained (to be presented in APA

References. form)

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