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Lesson Plan

Subject Year Enrolment Date / Day Time Theme Topic Focused Skills Integrated Skills Intended Learning Objectives/ skills

: English Language : 2 Terbilang : 30 pupils : 07.02.10 / Sunday : 1.30 - 2.30 p.m. : World of Self : Counting is Fun : Speaking and Writing : Listening and Reading

: 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers. 3.2.3 Recognize and read aloud cardinal numbers 11-15 in numeral and word forms. 4.2.1 Write clearly and legibly numerals 11-15 in both number and word forms.

Behaviourial Objectives

: By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: i. Underline answers correctly 4 from 5 questions related to cardinal numbers. ii. Name the cardinal numbers individually.

Vocabulary Previous Knowledge Moral values

: Cardinal, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. : Pupils are familiar with numbers in mathematics. : Appreciation, Confidence, Love, Helpful, Enjoyable, Paying Attention

Thinking skills

: Identify, Relating, Interpret, Visualize, Making decision

Teaching Aids Multiple Intelligence

: Word cards, worksheet, paper : Visual Spatial, Logic mathematics


Content 1. Eliciting pupils responses -Do you have fingers? - Do you know how many fingers that you have?


Resources/ Remarks

Set Induction (+ 5 min)

1. Teacher asks pupils to show all of their fingers. 2. Teacher asks pupils some question.

Thinking Skills : Identify, Relate

Moral Values: Confidence , Paying Attention

Presentation (+ 15 min)

1. Presenting vocabulary to students. - Eleven - Twelve - Thirteen - Fourteen - Fifteen

1. Teacher pronounces the cardinal numbers from 11-15 by showing in numerals and word forms. 2. Pupils listen and repeat after teacher. 3. Pupils recognize and read aloud cardinal numbers by themselves.

Thinking Skills: Interpret, Identify

Teaching aids: Flash Cards

Moral Values: Paying Attention

Practice (+ 20 min)

1. Say loudly the cardinal numbers.

1. Teacher asks pupils to say loudly the cardinal numbers by showing them the flashcards. 2. Call a few pupils to pronounce it loudly and clearly.

Thinking Skill: Relating

Teaching aids: Word cards Moral Values: Enjoyable

2. Write the cardinal numbers in numeral

1. Teacher distributes a paper to the pupils.

Thinking Skills: Visualize, Relating

and word forms.

2. Asks pupils to write the numbers in numeral and word forms on the piece of paper creatively. 3. Teacher asked pupils to show their works to other friends. 4. Teacher asked pupils some question. Moral Values: Helpful, Identify Teaching aids: Colour Paper

Production (+ 15 min)

1.Worksheet: Underline the correct word. 2. State ones likes and dislikes based on the expressions

1. Teacher distributes the worksheet to pupils. 2. Teacher explains the task to the pupils. 3. Students need to underline the suitable answers based on the picture given. 4. Pupils need to colour the expression whether they like the numbers that being underlined. 5. Teacher collects the worksheet.

Thinking Skills: Making Decision, Interpret, Relating

Teaching aids: Worksheet, Colour Pencil

Moral Values: Confidence

Closure (+ 5 min)

1. Highlights moral values -Helpful -Paying Attention

1. Teacher asks pupils whether they love to learn numbers. 2. Teacher highlights moral values

Thinking Skills: Relating, Interpret

NAME : WORKSHEET Underline the correct answers. PICTURE WORDS FORM



Eleven , twelve

Twelve, fourteen

Thirteen. Fifteen

Fourteen, Thirteen

Fifteen, Eleven

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