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Let me share 3 Powerful Steps you can take to free yourself from frustration and to start enjoying the good life that so many are enjoying right now! Know "where you are": Have you ever been lost in a residential area and no one was around to ask for directions? Now if you are somewhat familiar with the area, it's easy to just turn around here and there and find your way back. But the worst part about being lost is when we are lost and we dont have a clue where we are. So, where exactly are you on your journey now? Do you know exactly how much money you owe? And how many assets you have? What are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses? Here's a good exercise to help you know "where you are": Draw a map of your life and make every square a city. Name each square with an aspect of your life. One city can be your family, friends, knowledge of your field, spirituality, work, charity, finance, etc. Then rate each city from one to ten. Ten means you are doing extremely well, and one means it needs immediate help. It is like having a balance sheet for your life. Put all your weaknesses on one side and your strengths on the other side. Put your strengths to work and strengthen your weaknesses. Do an inventory of friends: That's right. Make a list of who your friends are, and how they relate to the direction your life is going in. When companies want to increase their revenue, they get rid of unnecessary employees or ones that are holding them back. So when you are ready to increase your worth, you need to get rid of unnecessary friends. I am talking about those that only cause you grief and are a pain in the "you know what." If you want to accomplish great things, you need to surround yourself with great people or people who have accomplished great things. Small people are always talking about things, but great people talk about ideas and concepts. Do you find yourself mentally stimulated when you are with your friends? If you are not, then you should be. Quit killing time: Have you ever heard people say, I'm just killing time. I have a wealthy friend who once told me that he can make millions of dollars any time he wants. He can purchase more homes, cars, and other luxuries. But the only thing he can never buy himself is more time. His point is that he values his time more than his money. Wow! People who have little regard for time always find themselves engaging in activities that have nothing to do with improving their lives or that of those around them. They love to shoot the breeze and just chill. You have just entered a new financial year, and you are not getting any younger. You may have lost so many opportunities. Let's find out "Where You Are" and start taking action to change your life. Inventory Your Friends and Stop Killing Time.

Mr. Tarun Batra

FRANCHISE & SUPPORT 1. Signed new Centres in Nagpur, Bilaspur and Kolkata 2. Udaipur Centre launched 3. English- Need Of The Hour Seminar conducted in Narnaul - 120 attendees 4. English Quiz Competition organized at Uttam Nagar Centre - 50 attendees 5. 20 students registrations in Godhra Centre 6. Introduced centralized e mail id for BP escalations operations@i360training.in MARKETING 1. i360 Media Coverages in 6 Esteemed Newspapers TOI, The Pioneer, The Hindu, Dainik Bhaskar, etc. 2. Bulk placement requirement received from Walmart 3. 13 new Industrial Alliances for Placements at Raipur 4. Started i360 Live Chat & i360 Blog on the website 5. CRM Training done for Bangalore DMF GOVERNMENT 1. Initiatives taken for new ESDP - Mall Management, Basic Computer, Front Office Management etc

ACADEMICS 1. Enhanced existing Foundation Level Spoken English Course by adding new activities & exercises OZONE 1. Team expanded with experienced people 2. Delivered more than 90% of the assignments 3. Signed contract with Wizcraft India (Media & Entertainment), Avery Dennisson (Engineering), Nijhawan Group(Car Rental/Hospitality) 4. 4 Successful joinings for senior level positions

Garima Gulia

Executive-HR & Marketing

Parul Wahi
HR-Executive, Ozone

Ritika Vaid
HR-Executive, Ozone

One word to describe your personality Motivated Your hobbies Travelling, listening music Favorite holiday spot Shimla Spirituality for you No comments... What makes you angry Fake people If you were written about in the newspaper on the front page, what would the headline say? Star of the Month If you won 1 Crore in the lottery what would you do with that amount? Save for future,I am happy with what I am earning What do you do for fun when you are not working? Playing Play Station with my son What would be the one thing you would like to change about yourself? Anger About i360? Great Opportunity to prove Yourself

One word to describe your personality Adjusting Your hobbies Playing badminton, watching TV etc with friends and family Favorite holiday spot Kullu Manali Spirituality for you Going to religious places once in a while What makes you angry Crookedness, self centeredness, selfishness If you were written about in the newspaper on the front page, what would the headline say? Rohit Venaik the richest, Ambani brothers follow If you won 1 Crore in the lottery what would you do with that amount? Invest in property What do you do for fun when you are not working? Watch songs on YouTube, play cricket, football, etc. What would be the one thing you would like to change about yourself? Quit occasional smoking About i360? Healthy work environment, growing company


Since you only have a finite number of hours to get your work done, the secret to getting the most out of each and every workday is to manage your time. Here are some time management tips to help you in business: Get organized! There's nothing that slows you down more than having to wade through a messy desk or office searching for a missing address, phone number, or report. Take time to get and stay organized. After you do, the amount of time you set aside to perform ongoing maintenance will be substantially reduced. Review your priorities at the beginning of the day Before you do anything else, review your priorities for the day to see what you need to work on right away. Do your first priority first, and drop your last priority Instead of jumping to an easy, lowpriority item on your list, always take on your highest priority first. And don't let your lowest priority items languish at the very bottom of your list never to be acted on drop the lowest one from your list. Chances are that you'll never miss it. Lose your junk mail Junk mail (and junk e-mail, also known as spam) is an incredible time-waster. Whenever you find it in your mailbox, simply pitch it into the trash can or

recycling bin. And as for junk e-mail, use your e-mail program to filter out messages from junk senders before you even see them. One more thing: Be careful about giving your e-mail address to people and website operators who may just turn around and sell it to the highest bidder. Get a faster computer If you still have a slow computer or internet connection, all the time you spend waiting could easily add up to several hours every month. This is time down the drain. Do yourself (and your customers) a favor, and get a faster computer or internet connection. Buy the fastest computer you can afford, and be sure to get plenty of RAM while you're at it this will ensure that your computer can work at its fastest.

Q1. A number of children are standing in a circle. They are evenly spaced and the 5th child is directly opposite the 18th child. How many children are there altogether?

Hint: How many children are there in half the circle?

Send in your answers latest by 15th May 2011 and you will be crowned as the Intellect of the Month

Rainbow is for you therefore try to add colors of your innovation and creativity by writing an article, poem or any experience. Your contributions will be rewarded.

Your contribution is valuable. Please write your feedback about Rainbow and mail your entries by the end of every month at pr@i360training.in

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