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Hell is other people. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, No Exit There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, The Devil and the Good Lord It's the well-behaved children ... that make the most formidable revolutionaries. They don't say a word, they don't hide under the table, they eat only one piece of chocolate at a time. But later on they make society pay dearly. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Dirty Hands Man is condemned to be free. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Existentialism Is a Humanism When the rich wage war, it is the poor who die. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, The Devil and the Good Lord Men equally honest, equally devoted to their fatherland, are momentarily separated by different conceptions of their duty. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Dirty Hands People who live in society have learned how to see themselves in mirrors as they appear to their friends. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Nausea I tell you the truth: all men are Prophets or else God does not exist. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, The Devil and the Good Lord A good hanging now and then -- that entertains folk in the provinces and robs death of its glamour. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, The Flies Perception is naturally surpassed toward action; better yet, it can be revealed only in and through projects of action. The world is revealed as an "always future hollow", for we are always future to ourselves. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Being and Nothingness If a victory is told in detail, one can no longer distinguish it from a defeat. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, The Devil and the Good Lord

I say a murder is abstract. You pull the trigger and after that you do not understand anything that happens. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Dirty Hands Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Nausea The revolution you dream of is not ours. You don't want to change the world, you want to blow it up. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Dirty Hands Night is falling: at dusk, you must have good eyesight to be able to tell the Good Lord from the Devil. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, The Devil and the Good Lord Happiness has to be installed in each person as a state of affairs completely cut off from the process that brought it about and, in particular, from the real situation. Man has to beaffected with happiness. It is a tonality given to him. Contradiction: if one does take care to give him happiness, it is because he is a free creature--but in order to give it to him, one turns him into an object. JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, Notebooks for an Ethics

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