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Michelle F.

Moises 200911601

BS Criminology 3-1 Mr. R.C Parati

Humanities come from the Latin word "humanus" meaning human, cultured and refined. To be "human" is to posses the qualities and attributes of man and have the feelings and dispositions proper to man. Humanities as the study of the different cultural aspects analyzes man's frailties in life and how this can be improved. Culture basically includes speech, knowledge, beliefs, arts, technologies, ideals, and rules. To be cultured means to be refined and well versed in the arts, philosophy, and the languages. It is also to be learned about great men and leaders in the past. Since culture is the crucial difference between man and animal, it should regulate the type of behavior considered appropriate to an individual. Its teaching, therefore, is essential for one to obtain the proper knowledge in his efforts to achieve the status of being a cultured man. Humanities as the study of humanity itself will specifically use the seven arts to investigate and analyze the fundamental human activities. The seven arts which include painting, sculpture, architecture, and music and dance, literature, theatre, and cinema are the branches of learning responsible for human sentiments, aspirations and opinions. Humanities is also a means of understanding man and his affairs rather than just a prescribed unchangeable body of accepted facts and theories. It has different meanings in different historical periods but just the same, it sums up to "remind" people about humanity.

The importance of studying Humanities Humanities study brings us in contact with the best life has to offer - History, music, art, philosophy, and literature. It is the study and contact with these topics that enrich our existence. Moreover a solid grounding in the humanities tends to extend our consciousness making us better people. Whether politically conservative, liberal, or independent the study humanities leads you through the development of thought and catapults ones understanding of why things are the way they are. If the sciences represent the development of the mind, the humanities, as the name implies, exemplify the development of the human soul. Proper teaching of the humanities goes beyond learning the best way to write a sentence or how to draw a comparison between historical figures. It seeks to make students not only do, but question why they do, and to find personal meaning in their interaction with their objects

of analysis. The scientific analogues are, more than anything, humanistic traits shoehorned into a vastly different discipline.

10 Reasons in studying Humanities 1. To develop your mental flexibility through the practice of the critical thinking skills of analysis and synthesis. 2. To improve your communication abilities through the development of reading, thinking, writing, and speaking skills. 3. To learn to integrate information, ideas, and opinions from a variety of sources and perspectives. 4. To gain a global perspective thorugh a knowledge of world cultures. 5. To increase your respect for cultural and individual differences through a knowledge of the achievements of world civilizations. 6. To experience the connection between culture and your own community through museum visits, concerts, theatre performances and the support of local artists. 7. To clarify your personal values through the analysis of multiple viewpoints in ambiguous moral situations, examining the process of valuing, and understanding the nature of moral decision making. 8. To increase your personal resources for wisdom and perseverance through a study of the many different ways people have handled difficult situations in history, literature, philosophy, mythology, and religion. 9. To come to know what is enduring by studying what humans have found valuable throughout time. 10. To have your spirit awakened and your love of learning inspired by encountering and joining the great minds and hearts of human history in the search for meaning.

Arts is a term that describes a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities, but is most often understood to refer to painting, film, photography, sculpture, and other visual media. Music, theatre, dance, literature, and interactive media are included in a broader definition of art or the arts. Until the 17th century, art referred to any skill or mastery and was not differentiated from crafts or sciences, but in modern usage the fine arts are distinguished from acquired skills in general. Many definitions of art have been proposed by philosophers and others who have characterized art in terms of mimesis, expression, communication of emotion, or other values. During the Romantic period, art came to be seen as "a special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science". Visual Arts are art forms that create works which are primarily visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, and often modern visual arts (photography, video, and filmmaking) and architecture. These definitions

should not be taken too strictly as many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. Also included within the visual arts are the applied arts such as industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design and decorative art. Performing Arts are art forms in which artists use their body or voice to convey artistic expressionas opposed to plastic arts, in which artists use clay, metal, paint, and other materials to create physical art objects. It includes dance, music, opera, theatre, magic, Spoken word, circus arts and musical theatre.

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