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Bashar: The Four Laws of Creation < Prev Next > Four Laws of Creation -- When Change Changes

Question: I have several questions, but I'll stick with one. Um,.. Bashar: Oh, all right, stick away... Q: I've learned about the power of the words you speak, and the thoughts you think, and one thing that is curious to me is, um... I came across the idea in Conversations with God about people saying, "I want to be happy." B: Yes. Q: I want to be "whatever..." B: Yes, want, want , want, want, want... Q: And that makes the universe like a Xerox machine.... B: Yes. Q: ...basically, when you say, "I want to be happy," the universe says, "okay, I'm going to give you the experience of 'wanting' to be happy." B: "Wanting to be happy," exactly. Q: Okay, thank you. B: You get back what you put out; that is the Third Law of Creation. There are only Four Laws of Creation. Would you like to know what they are? AUD: Yes, yes. B: Are you sure?

AUD: YES!!! B: Oh, all right. Number One: You exist. Can't do much about that. You exist -- that's a law. You exist. That means that you can never not exist. Because, I'll tell you another secret, the other side of that law is, there is no such thing as non-existence. Listen to the sentence, there is NO such thing as non-existence. Non-existence doesn't exist. Do you get it? AUD: Yes. No?

Non-existence doesn't exist. Therefore if you exist, then the only quality you have, the fundamental quality you have is -- to exist.
B: Number Two: The One is The All, The All are The One. That's Law Number Two.

The One -- every, seemingly separate thing is made up out of The One, and The One knows itself as The One
The One is The All, The All are and as all the things it makes up. Does that make sense? AUD: Yes. Yes. Yes. B: Law Number Three: What you put out is what you get back. Law Number Four:

Everything changes except the first three laws. Everything changes except the first three laws. The reason it is framed that way is to that you can understand that means that even the fourth law changes.

And when change changes what does change become? That which does not change, which is the first three laws.
So the forth law gives birth to the first three, which gives birth to the forth, and it is, in that sense a circle of perfection, and that is all there is. Every single experience you have in any dimension of experience anywhere, anywhen is based on those Four Laws, and that's it. Anything else that you call a "law" is simply a local condition that happens to be a combination, in some way, shape, or form, an expression in some way, shape or form, of the Four Laws. Because when we say "law" -- we mean capital "L" -- it cannot change. As opposed to laws of physics which are not always exactly the same, depending upon dimension, universe -- what have you. Even your own scientists are beginning to understand that there is malleability, even in your physiological universe, to the ideas and concepts of such things as speed of light and so forth; in a sense it is a constant, but there are other ways to look at that that makes it not so. Whereas these Four Laws are this way, no matter where, when, or who, or what you happen to be within in creation. These are the defining frameworks of existence itself.
500,000,000 - I've heard some information that there was civilization on our planet 500 million years ago, is that correct? B: On your Earth? Q: Yes. B: But, it was not your human civilization. There have been many civilizations that have existed on your planet, extraterrestrial in nature or ultra-dimensional in nature that have come and gone. There have been many. What you know of as "history" is a very small slice of the history of your world. Q: Is there a name for that civilization -- 500 hundred million years ago? B: Anamatha.

Bashar Explains How Everything Is The One Same Thing

In previous posts, I have mentioned how every thing in the universe is the entire universe in and of itself. A chair, a fraction of a chair, a road cone each thing is the infinite universe, completely the whole entire thing. Pretty wild, huh? Now this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to the mind, doesnt it? The mind I have has been looking for some sort of intellectual explanation to go alongside this spontaneous realization, but it wasnt really able to explain it. (Thats just an ego game, sure, but still..) Wonderfully, I recalled a Bashar lecture in which he speaks about how everything is made up of one single thing. This should help add a few more pieces to the puzzle on a mental level.

Theres been a lot from the scientific area about the subatomic particles called neutrinos and these beautiful little elements that are pouring into our planet and through us. Is there is a way that you could help us understand how we might receive and better understand what these particles are?

Alright. Thank you. They are one level that is closer to understanding how every particle in your physical universe is the same particle. Let us explain. From our perspective, we have a view that we have, in your language, labeled the prime radiant, that goes something like this. Now we understand that when we use the term particle, we know that is a euphemism. We know that even your own scientists understand that when they describe particles, subatomic particles, theyre not necessarily really talking about little grains of solid substance, but they are talking about

light energy and theyre talking about relationships and so forth, but we will use the term particle for convenience in this illustration. Alright? And so the neutrino is much closer than a lot of other subatomic particles to the following principle, as well as is the idea of quarks, also very close to the following principle, to which your scientists are also getting very close, and that is this: Imagine, if you will, and all of you can do this, vast vast emptiness. Black empty void. Nothing in it, again, just for the purposes of illustration. Now imagine, if you will, one single little particle in the midst of all that vastness, infinite vastness, there is only this one little particle floating in it. So picture that. Now imagine, as many of your scientists use this terminology, that this particle is, for all intents and purposes, massless. In other words, it is not affected by any force. It can go anywhere, do anything it wants. It is not affected by inertia, not by gravity. There is no gravity. There is no inertia. There is nothing but this particle so it is affected by nothing. Therefore, it can really travel at infinite speed. It is massless so it is not violating any laws of physics by going as fast as it wants to go. It can travel at infinite speed. Infinite speed. Now then picture that if this particle is truly traveling at infinite speed, that means it can be anywhere and everywhere within the infinite void at the same time. So what might appear to be billions and billions and billions of particles is actually only one particle zipping around so fast that it appears next to itself over and over and over and over and over and over again making it appear as if there is more than one particle. Thats the way it is. So if you understand that there is really only one prime radiant particle and it is simply following what might be considered to be a geometric path through this infinite void, for lack of a better term for this illustrative purpose, then you can understand that all of the particles, all of the atoms that make up your body, all of the atoms that make up the earth, all of the atoms that make up the stars, all of the atoms that make up every galaxy within the entirety of your physical universe are all made from the same one particle. Not the same type of particle. The same literal one particle in the ultimate time-sharing program doing infinite double-duty as everything there is to be. So understand the implications here. If it is all the same one particle, if the one particle that makes up what appears to be all the atoms of your body is the same particle that makes up the most distant galaxy you can perceive or imagine, then any time you make any kind of a change at all, you affect everything in Creation. You alter the path of the particle by going from here to here with your little finger, you are actually impacting the farthest galaxy because you are changing the path of the same particle that makes up everything. Thats how powerful you are! Does that give you a clue how to use the idea of neutrinos?


Thank you. [audience claps and laughs] Of course I understand that what you are doing is applauding for the Universe for its beautiful simplistic design. It is infinitely complex, but it is not complicated. It is absolutely perfectly simple because there is only here and there is only now and therefore there can only be one thing that occupies that here and now so that one thing has to be every thing that there is to be. Simple as that.

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