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Random NPC Generator All the Dice

Adopted/modified for Holy Lands RPG from the All the Dice table on the Dragonsfoot Website.


Sex 1-2 Male 3-4 Female


1 2 3-5 6

Race Weefolk Dwarfolk Common Giantfolk


1-2 3-5 6 7 8

Age Teenager Adult Middle Aged Senior Elderly

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Weefolk Criminal Merchant Peddler Commoner Artisan Faithful Merchant Commoner Warrior Peddler

At First Glance Dwarfolk Criminal Merchant Peddler Commoner Artisan Faithful Commoner Commoner Warrior Merchant

Common Criminal Commoner Merchant Peddler Artisan Faithful Commoner Commoner Warrior Commoner

Giantfolk Criminal Merchant Peddler Warrior Artisan Faithful Commoner Commoner Warrior Warrior

Random NPC Generator All the Dice

Adopted/modified for Holy Lands RPG from the All the Dice table on the Dragonsfoot Website.
Upon Closer Examination Criminal Faithful Merchant Fence Zealot Bookseller Pickpocket Chaplain Tailor Mugger Lay Vendor Brother Spy Pilgrim Informant Loan Shark Prophet Gem cutter Bookie Pilgrim Jeweler Gambler Cultist Spice Trader Rake/Wench Cleric Pawn Shop Counterfeiter Saint Trinkets Bandit Thief Noble Assassin Monk Lay Brother Pilgrim Chapman Exotics Trader Trader

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Artisan Sculptor Carpenter Wheelwright Mason Blacksmith Butcher Cook Weaver Miller Painter Brewer Bard

Commoner Beggar Rat Catcher Laborer Farmer Peasant

Traveler Fugitive Exile Refugee Pirate Wanderer Foreigner Trapper Hunter Bounty Hunter Sightseer Mage Witch

Warrior Veteran City Guard Mercenary Spearman Axe man Swordsman Axe man Pike man Warrior Knight Devil Hunter Scout


Demeanor D4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-2 Rowdy Drunken Depressed Tired Irritable Friendly Intimidating Rude Oblivious Perturbed Eloquent Mysterious Evasive Nosy Suspicious Greedy Selfish Righteous Pompous Distracted 3-4 Calm Modest Happy Jittery Blissful Obnoxious Irritating Coy Intense Silent Dense Plain Predictable Unimpressed Gullible Thrifty Gracious Irreverent Sober Focused

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