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1 PERSONAL DATA AND CONTACT DETAILS Surname: Cebada Romero Name: Alicia Date of birth: 19-05-1970 Place of birth: San Fernando (Cdiz) Spain Email: alicia.cebada@uc3m.es Phone: + 34 660851850 2 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS

2011, Diplomada en Altos Estudios Superiores de la Defensa Nacional, Centro de Estudios Superior de la Defensa Nacional, Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid. (Graduate, National Defence Course, The Higuer Center for National Defence Studies, Spanish Ministry of Defence, Madrid). 2000, Doctorado en Derecho (Doctors degree in Law, PHD). Universidad Carlos III Madrid. Dissertation: La situacin de los acuerdos internacionales celebrados por la CE en el ordenamiento jurdico comunitario, el caso particular del Acuerdo OMC. (The situation of European Communities international agreements within the EC legal order: in particular the WTO Agreement). With honours. "Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. 2000 Award of the Royal Academy of Doctors Annual Prize to the best dissertation within the area of legal and social sciences. 1995 LLM in European Union Law. Universidad Carlos III 1993 Licenciada en Derecho. (Degree in Law). Graduated with honours - Universidad de Cdiz. 3 CURRENT AND PREVIOUS ACADEMIC POSITIONS

Currently: - Profesora Titular (Reader Associate Professor) in Public International Law and International Relations, , Law Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2008/) - UNESCO CHAIRHOLDER, Chair in Public Freedoms and Civic Rights Previous positions: - Profesora Contratada Doctor in Public International Law and European Union Law (Associate Professor). Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Area of Public International Law and International Relations, Law Department (2004/2008) - Assistant Lecturer in Public International Law. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. (2000/2004) 1

- PHD Fellow with a Doctoral Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Universidad Carlos III (1997/2000) 4 OTHER PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS

-2012-() Project Manager. Women for Africa Foundation , Madrid (Spain), running a number of projects in some African countries. Within Women for Africa Foundation, I am coordinating a project that is being implemented in Ghana (Ghana Wins) with Bank of Santander, New York University and University of Ghana as partners. The goal of the project is to offer training in leadership to around 100 women for over 3 years. The participants to the programme will be supported in the implementation of action/change projects that will make an impact in Ghanaian society. Apart from Ghana Wins I am also managing other Women for Africa Foundations projects: Painting Africa against Malaria (Ghana), Course on Mediation for women from Mali (in Mali, with ECOWAS and Kofi Annan International Peace Keeping Training Center as partners), etc. - 2008-2010, Director of the Conflict Resolution and Peace Building Programme. Toledo International Center for Peace, Madrid, Spain. (www.toledopax.org). During this period as Programme Director at Toledo International Center for Peace I signalled new developments in the area I was responsible for, and organized scientific and political seminars on topics such as: security sector reform, the transformation of peace keeping operations, decentralized peace building, the need to design a wider concept of defence, climate change as a security threat, etc. In every case I edited reports with the results of every workshop (they can be accessed on the web site of Toledo International Center for Peace). I was also the link between Toledo International Center for Peace and EPLO (European Peace Liaison Office), in Brussels. I personally participated in private mediation processes involving actors from Serbia and Kosovo as well as from Georgia, Abkhazia and Ossetia. 5 RESEARCH AFFILIATIONS

- Senior Visiting Research Fellow. Law Department. London School of Economics and Political Science (Sep. 2011/July 2012) - Visiting Fellow. Max Planck Institute for International and Public Law , Heidelberg, Germany (2007/2008). - Global Emile Noel Fellow. New York University (January-June, 2006). New York, United States. - Jean Monnet Fellow. European University Institute . Firenze (September 2004, February 2005) Previously, as a doctoral fellow, I had the opportunity to complete research stays at: University of Arizona (1997), Free University in Brussels (1999), European University Institute (2000). 6 RESEARCH INTERESTS

Gender and Peace; Leadership; External Action of the European Union; Human Rights; Ius Cogens; Democracy and International Law; Global constitutionalism; Private Mediation; Peace and International Security; Defence; Peaceful Conflict Resolution.


English: fluent (spoken and written) Italian: fluent (spoken) Basic Command of French 8 PUBLICATIONS BOOKS: La Organizacin Mundial de Comercio y la Unin Europa (The World Trade Organization and the European Union) Madrid: Editorial La Ley, 2002, 537 p. El Alto Representante de la PESC y la nueva poltica Europea de Seguridad y Defensa (The High Representative for the European Foreign and Security Policy and the new European Security and Defence Policy (with C. Prez Gonzlez), 2003, Dykinson, Madrid La Unin Europea: una accin exterior inteligente? (The European Union: does it have a Smart external action?), 2008, Iustel, Madrid La creacin del Mecanismo espaol de prevencin de la tortura (The creation of the Spanish Mechanism for the prevention of torture) ,2009, Iustel, Madrid (Editor, with Fernando Mario Menndez) ARTICLES IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS: Antidumping, Countervailing Duties and Safeguard Measures: comparison between the Agreements of the European Community and European Eastern Countries and NAFTA, 16 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, 1999, 437-479. El efecto directo de los Acuerdos OMC: la sentencia de 23 de noviembre de 1999 o la obstinacion del TJCE (The direct effect of the WTO Agreements: the Judgment of 23 November 1999 as an example of the stubbornness of the ECJ), 4 Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 2000, 171-193 La redefinicion de la politica commercial comun en el Tratado de Niza (The redefinition of the Common Commercial Policy in the Niza Treaty) , Gaceta Juridica de la UE y de la Competencia, 2001, 12-21. Los conceptos de obligacin erga omnes, ius cogens y violacin grave a la luz del nuevo proyecto de la CDI sobre responsabilidad internacional de los Estados por hechos ilcitos (The notions of erga omnes obligations, ius cogens and serious breach, in the light of the International Law Commission 2001 draft on international responsibility of States for wrongful acts), 4 Revista Electronica de Estudios Internacionales, 2002 La naturaleza jurdica de la Union Europea: Una contribucin al debate sobre su personalidad jurdica a la luz de los trabajos de la Convencion sobre el futuro de la Union Europea (The legal character of the European Union: A contribution to the

debate on the EU international legal personality in the light of the Convention on the future of the European Union) , Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 2003, pp. 281304. Los Comunitarios B: la Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia, de 8 de mayo de 2003, Deutscher Handballbund/Marus Kolpak (Second Class European Citizens in the light of the ECJ Judgment on the case Deutscher Handballbund/Marus Kolpak), 2 Revista General de Derecho Europeo, 2003, Anlisis reciente de la prctica convencional de la UE: cambios introducidos en el procedimiento convencional por el proyecto de Tratado Constitucin de la UE (Analysis of the recent conventions signed by the European Union) , Gaceta Jurdica de la UE y de la competencia, 2004, pp. 3-17. El sistema de preferencias generalizadas comunitario y la obligacin de no discriminacin en el marco de la OMC (The EC system of generalized prefereces and the non-discrimination obligation within the framework of the WTO), 9 Boletn Europeo de la Universidad de La Rioja, 2005, pp. 19-35. La competencia penal de la CE en materia de proteccin del medio ambiente (The EU competence on criminal law within the field of environmental protection) , Revista General de Derecho Europeo, 2006. Regional integration processes and the social dimension of globalization. The European experience: some reflections about its implementation in Latin-America Revista Internacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Monterrey UDEM, 2006, pp. 54-73. Las limitaciones a la participacin de extranjeros en las competiciones deportivas y las clusulas de no discriminacin incluidas en los acuerdos internacionales celebrados por la CE con terceros estados (The limits to the participation of foreigners in sports and the non discrimination clauses introduced in ECs international agreeements), Revista Juridica del Deporte, 2008, 17-27 Hacia la construccin descentralizada de la paz: una oportunidad para la sociedad civil, para el Derecho internacional y para la Unin Europea , (Towards decentralized peace-building, an opportunity for International Law and for the European Union), Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 2010, n. 35, pp. 1-44. Hacia un Ministerio Integral de Accin Exterior: un remedio para aliviar la irrelevancia de la Unin Europea en el escenario internacional? , (The new comprenhensive European Foreign Affairs Ministry: a remedy for alleviating the increasing irrelevance of the European Union on the world stage?) 35 Revista Espaola de Derecho Europeo, 2011, pp. 1-44. Los lmites a la competencia penal de los Estados en relacin con la inmigracin irregular. Sentencia del TJUE de 6 de diciembre de 2011, en el asunto Alexandre Achughbabian, RGDE, 28, 2012.

El Derecho internacional global: una retorica til para una transformacin necesaria, Revista Espaola de Derecho Internacional, 2013. El Derecho internacional global: una retrica til para una transformacin necesaria, Revista Espaola de Derecho Internacional, 2013, Vol. 65, n 1.

The European Court of Human Rights and Religion: Between Christian Neutrality and the Fear of Islam, The New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law, Bill of Rights Anniversary Special Issue, 2013 (Impact factor: 0.33 W&L U. ranking)

Religious-Based Legal Pluralism in Europe, in: Jean L. Cohen; C. Laborde (ed.) Beyond Post-Secularism: Political Religion, Legal Pluralism and Democratic Constitutionalism, Columbia University Press, 2013 (en proceso de edicin).Resultado de una ponencia en un Workshop Internacional organizado por la Profesora Jean L. Cohen, de la Universidad de Columbia, en Pars (30-31 mayo 2012): http://europe.globalcenters.columbia.edu/files/2012/05/legal-pluralism-program.pdf

CHAPTERS IN COLLECTED VOLUMES La articulacion juridica de las relaciones entre la UE y el Mercosur (A legal analysis of the relationship between the European Union and Mercosur), XVIII Jornadas de la AEPDIRI, Caceres, BOE, 2000, pp. 99-110 La funcin consultiva del TJCE (The advisory role of the ECJ), in: MARINO; MORENO CATENA; MOREIRO, Derecho Procesal Comunitario (European Procedural Law), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2001, pp. 307-321 La clausula democracia/derechos humanos como instrumento de condicionalidad en las relaciones exteriores de la CE (The democracy/human rights clauses as conditionality tolos within the external action of the European Community), in: La Union Europea ante el siglo XXI: los retos de Niza, BOE, Madrid, 2003, pp. 86-105 La UE como promotora de la integracin regional, en especial su relacin con el MERCOSUR (The EU and its role in promoting regional integration: The relation between the European Union and Mercosur), in: Caramuti, O. (Coord) Integracion y Cooperacion Atlantico-Pacificio, Volume II, Catedra Internacional Andres Bello, Rosario (Argentina, 2004, pp. 147-163 Las dificultades de la Union Europea para ser coherente en su accin exterior (The problems of the European Union to be consistent in its external action), in: Teoria Juridica e Desenvolvimento, Fundacao Boiteaux, Florianopolis, Brasil, 2006, pp. 253-283

La peculiaridad de la accin exterior de la UE (The peculiarities of the EU external action), in: Remiro Brotons; Blazquez (Ed.), El futuro de la accin exterior de la UE, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2006, p. 73-100 Some reflections on the fragmentation of international law, in: Lopez Calera (ed.), Globalization, Law and Economy, Proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Nomos,2007, 202-214 La Directiva de la Comunidad Europea sobre reagrupacion familiar (The EU Directive on family reunification), in: Aldecoa Luzarraga; Sobrino Heredia (Coord.), Migraciones y Desarrollo, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2007, pp. 537-553 El Protocolo Facultativo a la Convencion de Naciones Unidas contra la Tortura y los Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros en Espana (The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on Torture: The problem of the Detention Centers for illegal immigrants in Spain) in: Marino Menendez; Cebada Romero, La creacin del mecanismo espaol de prevencin de la tortura, Iustel, Madrid, 2009, pp. 195-224 El futuro del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos: Hacia el Protocolo 15? (The future of the European Court of Human Rights, do we need a Protocol 15?), in: Marino Menendez (Ed.) La aplicacion del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos en el Derecho Espanol, BOE, 2009, pp. 237-275 The European Union and the otherness. Can the European Union compensate the shortcomings of constitutional Nation-States or are they just rerouted to the supranational level?, in: Nickel (Ed.), Conflict of Laws and Laws of Conflict in Europe and Beyond. Patterns of Supranational and transnational juridification, RECON ARENA, ARENA Report 1/09, Oslo, pp 117-145. Una contextualizacin de las relaciones entre la UE y la Comunidad andina (A contextualization of the relations between the European Union and the Andean Community) In: VON BOGDANDY; LANDA ARROYO; MORALES ANTONIAZZI. Integracin suramericana a travs del Derecho? Un anlisis interdisciplinario y multifocal , Max Planck Institute, Centro de Estudios Polticos y Constitucinales, Madrid, 2009, pp. 413-441 Las Misiones integradas de Naciones Unidas. Un intento de organizar una comunicacin eficaz entre los distintos actores de construccin de la paz (United Nations Integrated Missions: an attempt to organize an effective communication among the different actors involved in peace-building) In: CITPAX;Instituto Espaol de EStudios Estratgicos (Eds). Los nuevos paradigmas de la seguridad, 2009, pp. 21-39 El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos humanos en una Europa asimtrica: Hacia el pluralismo constitucional? (The European Court of Human Rights in an asymmetric Europe: Towards constitutional pluralism?) (with Rainer Nickel) In: FERNNDEZ, P.A. (Ed.) La obra jurdica del Consejo de Europa (en conmemoracin del 60 aniversario del Consejo de Europa. Sevilla, Ediciones Gandulfo, 2010, pp. 791-821 El Derecho internacional al servicio de una transformacin democrtica global (International Law at the service of a global democratic transformation) In: VILLORIA;

WENCES (Ed.) Instituciones, procesos y estructuras de la cultura de la legalidad, Madrid: Los libros de la catarata, pp. 195-224 The European Union and the "otherness": can the European Union reinforce global justice? A view from international law In: Nickel, R. (Ed.) Conflict of laws and laws of conflicts in Europe and beyond, Intersentia: Antwerp;Oxford; Portland, 2010, pp. 91-112. El estado de la cuestin en Espaa: la futura estrategia espaola de seguridad (The Spanish first Security Strategy) . In: ORTEGA, Jorge (Coord.) De las operaciones conjuntas a las operaciones combinadas, Documentos de seguridad y Defensa, n 37, CESEDEN, Madrid, 2010, pp. 67-87 ISBN: 978-84-9781-607-6 La sociedad civil y la resolucin de conflictos. (Civil Society and Conflict Resolution) In: RAMN CHORNET, Consuelo (Coord.) Estabilidad internacional, conflictos armados y proteccin de los derechos humanos, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2010, p. 107-13 La construccin descentralizada de la paz. Una muestra de la fortaleza creciente de la sociedad civil. (Decentralized peace-building: an illustration of the increasing involvement of civil society in peace-building) In: MARTN Y PREZ DE NANCLARES, J. (Coord.) Los Estados y las Organizaciones Internacionales ante las nuevas crisis globales, Iustel, 2010, pp. 523-534. La Reforma del Sector de la Justicia en Afganistn,(Justice Sector Reform in Afghanistan) in: E.M. Garcia Rico; M.I. Torres Cazorla, La Sociedad Internacional del Siglo XXI: Nuevas Perspectivas de Seguridad, Madrid: Plaza y Valds, 2011, p. 239-257 Los pases iberoamericanos como socios estratgicos de la UE y de Espaa en la busqueda de un multilateralismo eficaz, (The Iberoamerican countries as strategic partners of both the European Union and Spain, in the search for an effective multilateralism) in: Gonzalez Alonso (Dir.), La Union Europea y el multilateralismo eficaz. Un compromiso consistente con Naciones Unidas?, Iustel, Madrid, 2011, pp. 195-214, ISBN 978-84-9890-179-5 Global law: the human face of International Law , in: NICKEL; GREPPI (Eds) The changing role of law in the era of supra- and transnational governance. NOMOS: Berlin, 2012 Los pases iberoamericanos como socios estratgicos de la UE y de Espaa en la busqueda de un multilateralismo eficaz, in: Gonzalez Alonso (Dir.), La Union Europea y el multilateralismo eficaz. Un compromiso consistente con Naciones Unidas?, Iustel, Madrid, 2011, ISBN 978-84-9890-179-5 The ECJ and EU External Action: the Kadi litigation and its constitutional consequences, in: ltimas tendencias en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unin Europea
(2008-2011): Recent trends in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (20082011) / coord. por Javier Dez-Hochleitner Rodrguez, Carmen Martnez Capdevila, Irene Blzquez Navarro, Javier Frutos Miranda, 2012, ISBN 978-84-9020-051-3, pgs. 675-702

La Poltica Comn de seguridad y defensa: securitizacin de la accin exterior o humanizacin de la poltica europea de seguridad?, en: F.J. Roldn Barbero (Coord.) La nueva Poltica de Seguridad y Defensa de la EU, Universidad de Granada; MADOC, 2012, pp. 21-53. 7


La prohibicin de la amenaza y el uso de la fuerza en el Derecho internacional actual, en: Fernando Mario (Dir.) Instrumentos y Regmenes de Cooperacin Internacional, Editorial Trotta, 2012, pp. 185-206

POLICY PAPERS AND WORKING PAPERS: The coherence of the European Union as an International Actor: Facing the Challenge of Immigration and Asylum, Jean Monnet Working Paper Series, New York University School of Law, 07/06, 2006. La Alta Representante de la UE: la primera ministra integral de accin exterior (The High Representative of the European Union, the first comprehensive Foreign Minister), Documento de Opinin del Instituto Espaol de Estudios Estratgicos 19/2010, noviembre de 2010, available at: http://www.ieee.es/Galerias/fichero/docs_opinion/DIEEEO192010_AltaRepresentanteUE.pdf Reflexiones sobre la poltica de seguridad y defensa de la UE. (Reflections on the European Union Security and Defence Policy) In: Hacia un concepto ampliado de defensa: la dimensin civil de la seguridad en Espaa y el marco de OOII. Doc. CITpax, n 9, 2009, pp. 54-57. Available at: http://www.toledopax.org/es/actividad/42/haciaun-concepto-ampliado-de-la-defensa-la-dimension-civil-de-la-seguridad-en-espana-y-en-elmarcoLa Reforma del Sector de la Seguridad: un nuevo mbito de la accin exterior espaola?. (Security Sector Reform: a new field for the Spanish external action?) En: La reforma del sector de la seguridad: una nueva dimensin de la accin exterior espaola. Doc. CITpax, n 1, 2008, pp. 75-95. Disponible en: http://www.toledopax.org/es/actividad/17/lareforma-del-sector-de-seguridad-una-nueva-dimension-de-la-accion-exterior-espanola ESTELLA, Antonio ; TORRES, Aida ; CEBADA, Alicia. El debate sobre la Estrategia Espaola de Seguridad,(The debate on the Spanish Security Strategy) Documento de Debate 18/2010, Fundacin ideas para el progreso. ESTELLA, Antonio; CEBADA, Alicia; MARTNEZ, Claudia. Ideas para la creacin de Atila (rea trasatlntica de integracin para la libertad ampliada, Documento de Trabajo 08/2010, Fundacin Ideas para el progreso.


La aplicacin del Protocolo Facultativo a la Convencin de Naciones Unidas contra la tortura, 11th June 2008, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid La Reforma del Sector de Seguridad: un nuevo mbito de la accin exterior de Espaa 8

International Workshop 3rd July 2008, Permanent REpresentation of the European Commission, Madrid. Hacia un concepto de defensa ampliada 23rd October 2008, Casa de Galicia, Madrid. Nuevos Paradigmas de la Seguridad 17th November 2009, Instituto Universitario General Gutirrez Mellado, Madrid. Militares y poblacin civil: la sensibilidad cultural un nuevo enfoque en la accin exterior de las Fuerzas Armadas. 17th June 2009, Representacin de la Comisin Europea en Espaa, Madrid. . La Alta Representante de la UE para asuntos exteriores y de seguridad , Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2nd November 2010. Cambio climtico y seguridad global, Madrid, Representacin de la Comisin Europea en Espaa, 21st October 2010. La nueva estrategia en Afganistn: la importancia del factor cultural y de las relaciones con la poblacin local, Madrid, Instituto Universitario General Gutirrez Mellado, 2nd July 2010 10 RESEARCH PROJECTS Red Eurolatinoamericana de Derechos Humanos (LAEHR) LatinAmerican-European Human Rights Network, European Union ALFA Project. (2004-2009). Leading Institution: Utrecht University, under the direction of Leo Zwaak. Relevancia para Espaa del Rgimen Jurdico internacional de proteccin de la cultura y del comercio de bienes culturales, (International Legal Framework for the protection of culture as well as of the cultural goods trade: Relevance for Spain), (2006-2009). Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Under the direction of Jess Prieto de Pedro, Professor at Universidad Carlos III Madrid. La aplicacin del Derecho Europeo de los Derechos Humanos en Espaa (Implementation of the European Law on Human Rights in Spain), financed by Comunidad de Madrid (Madrid regional government) and Carlos III University, (2006-2007); Under the direction: Fernando Mario, Professor at Universidad Carlos III. Calidad democrtica, gobernanza y legalidad. (Democratic Quality, Governance and Legality), financed by Madrid regional government, (2009-2010), under the direction of Andrea Greppi, Carlos III University The changing role of law in the age of supra and transnational governance Financed by the Madrid regional Government, 2009, under the direction of Andrea Greppi, Carlos III University

El nuevo alto representante de la Unin y la accin exterior de Espaa (The New European Union High Representative and the external action of Spain), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Defence, 2010. Director of the Project: Alicia Cebada TRUST-CM:GIDYJ. La cultura de la legalidad. Transparencia, confianza, responsabilidad (Culture of Legality: Transparency, Trust and Accountability), Financed by Madrid Regional Government, (2008-2011), under the direction of Jose Mara Sauca Cano, University Carlos III. 11 ACADEMIC AWARDS AND RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Award of Excellence for Professors under 45 (30.000) (Premio de Excelencia), granted in 2011 by the Universidad Carlos III Foundation. BANKIA Research Fellowship. 2011/2012 (30.000). Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. 2000. Universidad Carlos III, Madrid. Award from the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors to the best doctoral dissertation in the field of social and legal sciences 2000. Global Emile Noel Fellowship. New York University (2006) Jean Monnet Fellowship. Florence (Italy), 2004/2005. 12 TEACHING EXPERIENCE I have been teaching undergraduate courses within the field of Public International Law at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid since 1997. My teaching assignments over these years have covered different areas within the field of public international law and European Union Law: Public International Law (for Lawyers, Economists, Political Scientists and Journalists), International Organizations, European Union Law, External Action of the European Union and WTO Law. On the postgraduate level I have been regularly teaching not only at Universidad Carlos III (within the framework of a number of LLM programmes: in European Union Law, Humanitarian Action, Mediation, Conflict Resolution and Indigenous Peoples) but also at other Universities in Spain and abroad. I am currently supervising the work of two PHD Students. One of them (Andreea Marica) is working on the constitutional dimension of the ECJ and she is about to hand in her dissertation. The other one (Aitor Martinez) is working on the self-determination principle, and I expect him to deliver in one year. I have given lectures, presented and taught in a considerable number of Universities in Spain and abroad. Here follows a selection of the Conferences, Workshops and Seminars I have participated in (only from 2005): Primacy of European Union Law and supremacy of Spanish Constitution , in Conference: The European Constitution and the National Constitutions. International Conference


organized by Sofia University St. Liment Schridski, with the cooperation of Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg. Held in Sofia (Bulgaria), 2005. Las Organizaciones internacionales y sus regmenes internacionales: fragmentacin del orden jurdico internacional, XXII World Congress on Philosophy of Law, 2005, Granada. El papel de la UE como promotora del regionalismo, XII Encontro Internacional de Direito da America do Sul. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina: http://www.cpgd.ufsc.br/docs/Eidas2006programa.pdf, Florianopolis (Brasil), May 2006. Inmigracin y derechos humanos en la UE: el caso de la Directiva de reunificacin familiar II Jornadas Iberoamericanas. AEPDIRI; IHLADI, Montevideo (Uruguay), 2006. Reinforcement of Accountability within the International Legal Order, in Particular the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations,Individuals, and Monitoring Bodies Law and Society in the 21St Century, Law and Society Association Humboldt Universitt, Berlin, 2007 The European Union and the Otherness:Can the European Union Compensate the Shortcomings of Constitutional Nation-States, or Are They Just Re-Routed to the Supranational Level? A View From International Law Conflicts of Law and Law of Conflicts in Europe and beyond, European University Institute, 2007. Las relaciones entre la UE y la Comunidad andina en su contexto, in: El derecho de Integracin Suramericano en su contexto Max Planck Institute for Public International Law and Public Law, Heidelberg (Germany) 6,7 December 2007 Programme available: http://www.mpil.de/ww/de/pub/forschung/con tent16740.cfm

La Reforma del Sector de Seguridad en Espaa, in: La reforma del sector de seguridad: un nuevo mbito de la accin exterior espaola, European Commission Office in Madrid, July 2008. Nuevos sujetos y modos de produccin normativa en el ordenamiento juridico internacional para el reforzamiento de la democracia , in: I Workshop en Cultura de la legalidad, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, December 2008 http://www.trust-cm.net/es/rssview/6.html El presente y el futuro del TEDH en una Europa cambiante, in: El espacio jurdico comn del Consejo de Europa, Universidad de Sevilla, 7th and 8th May 2009 http://www.consejoeuropa.us.es/htm/programa.htm


La construccion descentralizada de la paz: fortalecimiento creciente de la sociedad civil, in: XXIII Jornadas ordinarias de la Asociacin Espaola de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de La Rioja, 10th-12th September 2009. Global Law: the human face of international law in: Workshop: The changing role of law in an age of supra and transnational governance, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 15th-16th November 2009. Las misiones integradas de Naciones Unidas, in: Los nuevos paradigmas de la seguridad, Instituto Universitario General Gutirrez Mellado, Madrid, 17th November 2009. La mediacin y la sensibilidad cultural, in: La aplicacin de un enfoque cultural en misiones de paz, Representacin de la Comisin Europea en Espaa, Madrid. 17th June 2009. La reforma del sector de la seguridad, in: II Jornadas de Seguridad y Defensa, Universidad de La Rioja, 23rd November 2009. Coordinacin cvico-militar en entornos violentos, in: Construccin de la Paz: ms all de las misiones internacionales de paz, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, 9th December 2009 http://www.upcomillas.es/centros/documentos/cent_cid_acti_2009_oper_i nte_prog.pdf Marcos institucionales en la cultura de la legalidad, II Workshop en cultura de la legalidad, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 14th -15th December 2009. http://www.trust-cm.net/es/rssview/28.html Democratic State building in complex scenarios: Afghanistan case , in Identity, pluralismo and democracy, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 10th-12th May 2010 http://www.trust-cm.net/es/rssview/34.html Conflicting constitutional laws and constitutional pluralism, in: After globalization, new patterns of conflict. Organized by Christian Joerges, Loccum, Germany, 5th-7th September 2010. http://www.sfb597.unibremen.de/download/en/service/archiv/100905_RECONWorkshop_Programm.pdf La Reforma del sector de la justicia en Afganistn, in: III Jornadas sobre seguridad y defensa en el siglo XXI . University of Malaga 19-20 October 2010, http://www.ieee.es/Galerias/fichero/jornadas_sem/2010/DipticoIIIJornadas DefensaSigloXXI_oct.2010.pdf


La poltica comn de seguridad y defensa en el Tratado de Lisboa, In: De la PESD a la Poltica comn de seguridad y defensa . University of Granada and Ministry of Defence, Granada, 2010, 13-16 September, . http://www.ugr.es/~cm/cursos/gr17.htm La poltica europea de seguridad y defensa, in: III Seminario sobre seguridad y Defensa, Universidad de Alicante, 7 October de 2010 La Alta Representante de la Unin Europea, III Jornadas de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Defensa Universidad de La Rioja, 29- 30 November 2010, http://www.ieee.es/Galerias/fichero/jornadas_sem/2010/IIIJornadasEstudi oSeguridadDefensa_nov2010.pdf Diplomacia privada como capacidad civil al servicio de la paz, in: XVI Jornadas de Derecho Humanitario, organized by por Consuelo Ramn Chornet, Universidad de Valencia, 8-12 November 2010, http://www.uv.es/idh/cas/archivo2010/XVI_JORNADAS.pdf La UE y el cambio climtico, in: Cambio climtico y seguridad global, European Commission Office in Madrid, 21st October 2010. La construccin democrtica de Estados: qu justicia es posible en Afganistn?, in: La nueva estrategia en Afganistn: la importancia del factor cultural y de las relaciones con la poblacin local, European Commission Office in Madrid, 2nd July 2010. External Action of the Europea Union , I UAM International Conference on EU Law, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, July 2011, http://www.uam.es/centros/derecho/CONGRESO/i_congreso_internacion al_uam_de_intervinientes.htm


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