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ORDER PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX, Plaintiff, states that by invoking savings to suitors, this instant case was brought into common law. Any rulings or orders made by FOREIGN STATE MAGISTRATE SCHAFFER, RICE and BOLAND are VOID, as per the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX through Pxxxx Lxxxx; Sxxxxxxx, authorized representative, is the only party able to bring the ORDER in this common law jurisdiction. FOREIGN STATES SCHAFFER, RICE and BOLAND exceeded their jurisdiction and their actions are VOID. Plaintiff hereby ORDERS that any and all motions and judgment in favor of Defendants granted by aforementioned FOREIGN STATES SCHAFFER, RICE and BOLAND are revoked and rescinded. Plaintiff ORDERS that all proceedings in Case 08V134 are common law proceedings in a court of record, nunc pro tunc. PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX, Plaintiff, through Pxxxx Lxxxx; Sxxxxxxx, authorized representative, is the Original issuer of the credit on the debt instrument commonly known and identified as Case No. 03CRxx and 06Mxxx, and any and all related cases, warrants, bonds which may include hypothecation and derivatives, collection bonds, Miller Act bonds, surety bonds, as well as payments to outside parties who have purchased your statutes and bonds.


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1. BONNIE ROESINK, d/b/a GRAND COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, STATE OF COLORADO is a corporation doing business under tax identification number UNKNOWN also known as THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY, GRAND COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO, located at 416 Byers Avenue, Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451, has dishonored the request for forensic accounting, Attachment A (All Attachments in this ORDER are attached hereto as if stated herein), and is in receipt of the proper Internal Revenue Forms 1099A, Attachment B, for the abandonment of the Tax in this claim or case No.03CRxx and 06Mxxx and any and all related cases, 2. ARISTEDES ZAVARAS, is a corporation doing business under tax identification number UNKNOWN also known and traded as ARISTE ZAVARAS, CORRECTIONS, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF, 2862 S. Circle Dr, Colorado Springs, has dishonored the request for forensic accounting, Attachment C, and is in receipt of the proper Internal Revenue Forms 1099A, Attachment D, for the abandonment of the Tax in this claim or DOC #134253, 3. GRAND COUNTY COMBINED COURTS, are known as JUDICIARY COURTS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, and also traded as GRAND COUNTY COMBINED COURTS, 308 BYERS AVE, HOT SULPHURS SPRIINGS, CO, are in receipt of two sets of the proper Internal Revenue Forms 1099A, Attachments E and F, for the payment of all sums due and owing in Cases 03CRxx, 06Mxxx and any and all related cases as stated by Evan Herman District Administrator, Attachment G, in response to request for forensic accounting of all cases, 4. COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, listed as ATTORNEY GENERAL, 1525 Sherman St. FL 5, DENVER, CO, has dishonored the request for forensic accounting, Attachment H, and is in receipt of the proper Internal Revenue Forms 1099A, Attachment I, for the total of all sums due and owing in Case 08CVXXX, 5. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO, is known as the JUDICARY COURTS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, and also traded as US DISTRICT COURT 901 19TH STRET 105a, DENVER, CO, has dishonored a request for forensic accounting, Attachment J, and is in receipt of the


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proper Internal Revenue Forms 1099A, Attachment K, for the abandonment of the Tax in this claim or case No. 08CVXXX, 6. The Power of Attorney of PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX/Pxxxx Lxxxx; Sxxxxxxx, Attachment L, is nunc pro tunc to August 13, 1943, and is listed on UCC1 20092001232, attachment M, and supersedes any and all silent powers of attorney assumed by any and all FOREIGN STATE ATTORNEYS and ADMINISTRATORS, including those termed JUDGES in regards to the Cases 03CRxx, 06Mxxx, 08CVXXX, and Department Of Corrections account #134253 and any and all related cases, warrants, and documents limiting the freedom and peace and tranquility of Pxxxx Lxxxx; Sxxxxxxx, 7. The 1099A is for acquisition or abandonment of property and is the appropriate remedy under Title 26 Section 165 (g) and is to be used for the payments of any and all amounts owing by PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX, 8. UCC article 9 enforces the rights of the HOLDER OF THE INTEREST as named in UCC1 20092001232 and demonstrates the ACQUIREMENT OF THE INTEREST, as Congress under Chapter 48, 48 Stat. 112, Public Law, placed insufficient amount of lawful money in general circulation and therefore providing the remedy of the Federal Government paying the debts of PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX dollar for dollar. The sovereigns remedy is public law.

Under savings to suitors and the superior common law of this one superior court, it is hereby ordered: That the income from all federal funds and stock shares on D&B (and any other stock reporting entity), plus income from warrants, bonds which may include hypothecation and derivatives, collection bonds, Miller Act bonds, surety bonds, as well as payments to outside parties who have purchased your statutes and bonds, paid from 123-45-6789 and 123456789, through GRAND COUNTY COMBINED COURTS, BONNIE ROESINK, D/B/A GRAND COUNTY


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DISTRICT ATTORNEY, STATE OF COLORADO, ARISTEDES ZAVARAS, D/B/A ARISTEDES ZAVARAS, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO, are properly reported to IRS and the appropriate proceeds are remitted to 123-45-6789 and/or 123456789, the Original issuer of said funds, PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX, That all required IRS FORMS including and not limited to 1099OID and 1099INT for PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX regarding the aforementioned federal funds and stock shares on D&B (and any other stock reporting entity), plus income from warrants, bonds which may include hypothecation and derivatives, collection bonds, Miller Act bonds, surety bonds, as well as payments to outside parties who have purchased your statutes and bonds from the aforementioned cases and accounts are to be completed within 5 days of the time stamp on this order with proper copies and remitted to IRS and PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX, That the accounts for cases 03CRxx, 06Mxxx and any and all related cases, be closed, and all property returned to the Holder in due course of said account/case numbers as provided for in UCC1 2009001232-Colorado, UCC1 20071918632Minnesota, That Plaintiffs name be removed from all reporting agencies such as FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, FEMA, NCIC, CCIC and any and all similar agencies unnamed herein, That Plaintiff be removed from all forms of restrainment immediately, That any amounts outstanding and owing by PLAINTIFF that have not been disclosed to PLAINTIFF are disclosed within three (3) days of receipt of this ORDER in the record so remedy can be provided, That DEFENDANTS, and their FOREIGN STATE ATTORNEYS, including and not limited to GRAND COUNTY ATTORNEY, GRAND COUNTY


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DISTRICT ATTORNEY, COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGES acting as ATTORNEYS, all HALL & EVANS ATTORNEYS agree that the foregoing requirements are to be fulfilled within 5 days of recording of this order and if not fulfilled, all the foregoing agree they have no claim whereby they will be given a Three (3) day (72 hour) Opportunity to Cure the fault, before a Default is entered into the record, That should DEFENDANTS, and their FOREIGN STATE ATTORNEYS, including and not limited to GRAND COUNTY ATTORNEY, GRAND COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGES acting as ATTORNEYS, all HALL & EVANS ATTORNEYS not fulfill their duties as outlined in this order, the foregoing agree that PLAINTIFF shall immediately pursue remedies provided with the Criminal Investigative Division of IRS and under securities fraud, That the certification of judgment be signed by the Clerk of the Court of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO within 5 days of receipt of this order and provided to PLAINTIFF by return mail immediately.

It is so ordered, submitted this second day of February, 2009.

_______________________________ Pxxxx Lxxxx; Sxxxxxxx, judicial power of this one superior court, authorized representative of PXXXX LXXXX SXXXXXXX, without recourse


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CERTIFICATE OF JUDGMENT On this _______ day of February, 2009, I hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF JUDGMENT in the favor of Plaintiff in the matter of Case 08CVXXX and all foregoing items in this Order dated the third day of February, 2009, and signed by Pxxxx Lxxxx; Sxxxxxxx are to be fulfilled within the time period prescribed in the Order.

_____________________________ Clerk of the Court


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