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Behind the Silence

A psychologist says boys are victims of the way society treats them Perhaps we still live in a man's world, but apparently we don't live in a boy's. According to William Pollack, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Havard Medical School, adolescent boys are failing in school and committing suicide at four times the rate of girls. "Six young people killed themselves in this city last week", says Pollack. "They were all boys, victims of the way society raised them. American boys are in crisis. They are struggling with fellings of loneliness and isolation caused by the burden of having to hide their emotional problems. In extreme cases, the young man's pain and anger may lead to the kind of thing that has shocked America and the world: boys with AK-47s killing their schoolmates. Boys are victims of the stoicism they think we expect of them, is often invisible to us. Sometimes, until it explodes, it is invisible to them too." "The most harmful myth about boys, continues Pollack, "is the idea that where there's testosterone there is aggression and violence. Boys think they're supposed to be macho. Girls can talk about their pain, but society trains boys to hide theirs. We teach them to wear the mask of masculinity. They learn to keep their sadness and vulnerability to themselves. The only emoticon left open to boys is irritability and anger. That's why, in extreme cases, some boys become dangerous and homicidal."

Por trs do Silncio

A psicologia diz que os meninos so vtimas da forma como a sociedade trata-os

Talvez ainda vivemos em um mundo de homens, mas, aparentemente, no vivemos em um menino. De acordo com William Pollack, professor assistente clnico de psiquiatria da Havard Medical School, os adolescentes no esto na escola e cometer suicdio em quatro vezes a taxa de meninas. "Seis jovens se mataram nesta cidade na semana passada", diz Pollack. "Eles estavam todos os meninos, vtimas da forma como a sociedade os criou. Rapazes americanos esto em crise. Eles esto lutando com os abates de solido e isolamento provocado pelo fardo de ter que esconder seus problemas emocionais. Em casos extremos, a dor do jovem e raiva pode levar ao tipo de coisa que chocou a Amrica eo mundo:. meninos com fuzis AK-47 matando seus colegas de escola dos meninos so vtimas do estoicismo eles pensam que ns esperamos deles, muitas vezes invisvel para ns s vezes, at que explode. invisvel para eles tambm. " "O mito mais prejudicial sobre os garotos", continua Pollack, " a ideia de que onde h testosterona h agresso e violncia. Os meninos pensam que suposto ser macho. As meninas podem falar sobre sua dor, mas a sociedade treina meninos para esconder deles . Ns ensin-los a usar a mscara da masculinidade. Eles aprendem a manter a sua tristeza e vulnerabilidade para si. o emocional s deixou aberta a meninos irritabilidade e raiva. por isso que, em casos extremos, alguns meninos se tornarem perigosos e homicidas.

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