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SHORT DESCRIPTION: When users attempt to create a Human Ethics amendment, it takes over 90 seconds for the

RESPONSIBILITY: UOM Research Self Service, UOM RMS Human Ethics Department, UOM RMS Human Ethics Rese

NAVIGATION: In a non-PROD environment -> UOM RMS Human Ethics Research Office -> Human Ethics Admin Wo

DATE AND TIME OF OCCURENCE: First noticed Monday 14 November 2011 BUSINESS PROCESS: Create a Human Ethics application -----TRANSACTION SPECIFIC (WHERE RELEVANT)---------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPECTED RESULT: Request for Amendment screen will appear in less than a few seconds. ACTUAL RESULT: It takes over 90 seconds if the user has records that are eligible to have an amendment created. ERROR MESSAGE: FREQUENCY OF OCCURENCE: OS: BROWSER: LOCATION/DEPT: ----------------------------------BEGIN OF 2ND LEVEL ONLY--------------------------------REPRODUCIBLE AT WILL (ENV): WORKAROUND: SR#: ---------------------------------- END of 2ND LEVEL ONLY -----------------------------------USER DESCRIPTION:

t, it takes over 90 seconds for the Request for Amendment screen to open up. This should take only a few seconds. In some cases, users a

ent, UOM RMS Human Ethics Research Office

Office -> Human Ethics Admin Workbench -> Ethics Id = 11% -> Operational Status = Approved HEAG -> Click on Update for any record ->


e to have an amendment created.

ew seconds. In some cases, users are finding that it takes so long that Themis times out. Anybody named on a Human Ethics application is

Click on Update for any record -> Update/View -> Update Application -> Keep clicking Next until you get to the Participating Researchers

d on a Human Ethics application is able to create an Amendment, irrespective of their role on the application. In one case, a user is finding

t to the Participating Researchers screen -> Add Researcher -> Search for yourself and add yourself to the record in the role of Co research

ation. In one case, a user is finding Themis is timing out when trying to do this process (see INC000000860914).

e record in the role of Co researcher -> Save and Continue -> Save As Draft -> Human Ethics Workbench -> Ethics Application Amendment

-> Ethics Application Amendment: Create

Query behind: RmsHeWbRequestAmendmentSearchVO1 SELECT distinct appVer.version_name AS ethics_id, (SELECT appType.meaning FROM fnd_lookup_values appType, rms_he_ap_applic_type_det atd WHERE atd.application_type = appType.lookup_code AND appType.lookup_type = 'UOM_RMS_HE_AP_APP_TYPE' AND atd.application_version_id = appVer.application_version_id) AS application_type, invest2.full_name AS responsible_researcher, appVer.application_title AS title, appVer.application_version_id AS document_id, sysStat.system_status_short_desc AS system_status, opstat.operational_status_short_desc AS op_status, invest.person_id AS investigator, invest.int_ext_stud_code AS investigator_code, 'AmendmentEnabled' || uom_rms_he_utils.enable_amendment(appVer.application_version_id) as enable_amendment_creation FROM rms_he_ap_applic_ver appVer, rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status appVerStat, rms_he_ap_applic_sys_status appSysStat, rms_he_ap_system_status sysStat, (select distinct b.application_version_id, b.person_id, b.role_code, b.int_ext_stud_code, papf.full_name staff_full_name, papf.full_name full_name from rms_he_ap_investigator b, per_all_people_f papf, rms_he_ap_applic_ver appVers where appVers.Application_Version_Id = b.application_version_id AND b.person_id = papf.person_id and b.role_code in (1,2,3,4) AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date union select distinct b.application_version_id, b.person_id, b.role_code, b.int_ext_stud_code, a.given_names || ' ' || a.family_name student_full_name, null from rms_he_ap_investigator b, arc_student a, rms_he_ap_applic_ver appVers WHERE appVers.Application_Version_Id = b.application_version_id AND b.person_id = a.student_id /*and a.student_id = '232901'*/ and b.role_code in (1,2,3,4)) invest, (select distinct b.application_version_id,

b.person_id, b.role_code, b.int_ext_stud_code, papf.full_name staff_full_name, papf.full_name full_name from rms_he_ap_investigator b, per_all_people_f papf, rms_he_ap_applic_ver appVers where appVers.Application_Version_Id = b.application_version_id AND b.person_id = papf.person_id and b.role_code = 1 AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date) invest2, rms_he_ap_applic_op_status appOpStat, rms_he_ap_operational_status opStat WHERE ((invest.person_id = UOM_RMS_SECURITY_PKG.getEmployeeId /* and invest.role_code = 1*/) or (invest.person_id = UOM_RMS_SECURITY_PKG.getStudentNumber /* and invest.role_code = 2*/)) AND appVer.application_version_id = appVerStat.application_version_id AND sysStat.system_status_id = appSysStat.system_status_id AND appVerStat.system_status_id IN ('4', '5') AND appSysStat.system_status_id = '1' AND appSysStat.status_reason_id IN ('1', '2', '3', '4') AND opStat.operational_status_id = appOpStat.operational_status_id AND invest.application_version_id = appVer.application_version_id AND invest2.application_version_id = appVer.application_version_id AND appVer.application_version_id = (SELECT MAX(application_version_id) FROM rms_he_ap_applic_ver appVer1 WHERE appVer1.application_id = appVer.application_id AND appSysStat.app_version_sys_status_id = (SELECT MAX(appSysStat1.app_version_sys_status_id) FROM rms_he_ap_applic_sys_status appSysStat1 WHERE appSysStat1.application_id = appVer.application_id) AND uom_rms_he_utils.is_amendment_init_sub(application_version_id) = 'NO') AND appVerStat.rowid = (SELECT MAX(rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status.rowid) FROM rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status WHERE appVer.application_version_id = rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status.application_version_id AND rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status.last_update_date = (SELECT MAX(rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status.last_update_date) FROM rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status WHERE appVer.application_version_id = rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status.application_version_id)) AND appOpStat.rowid = (SELECT MAX(rms_he_ap_applic_op_status.rowid) FROM rms_he_ap_applic_op_status WHERE appVerStat.app_version_status_id =

rms_he_ap_applic_op_status.app_version_status_id AND rms_he_ap_applic_op_status.last_update_date = (SELECT MAX(rms_he_ap_applic_op_status.last_update_date) FROM rms_he_ap_applic_op_status, rms_he_ap_applic_ver_status WHERE appVerStat.app_version_status_id = rms_he_ap_applic_op_status.app_version_status_id))

AS application_type,

id) as enable_amendment_creation

nd b.role_code in (1,2,3,4)) invest,

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