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Reptilian denziens from under the earth, wrapped in a cloak of darkness and mystery. RACIAL TRAITS Average Height: 5° 6” - 6° 2" Average Weight: 135-220 Ib. Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma Vision: Normal Languages: Common, choice of one other Bonuses: +2 Stealth, +2 Acrobatics Surface Notoriety: Drallok gain a +2 racial bonus to the Intimidate skill when dealing with crea- tures whose origin is above ground. Drallok’s Best Friend: When wielding a weapon from the light blade category, the drallok enjoys a +1 racial bonus to damage rolls. Dangerous Feint: You can use dangerous feint as an encounter power. A few steps here and there and they drop their guard. They always fall for it too. Encounter Move Action Melee 1 Effect: An adjacent enemy of your choice grants you and your allies combat advantage until the start of your next tum, From hidden caves and unknown byways to the depths of the earth they emerged, mysterious figures clad in layers of robes, cloaks, and other garments. Their features com- pletely concealed by their clothing, the dralloks- as they called themselves-- were met with fear and trepidation, Yet over time, they slowly eamed acceptance in the shadowy realm of the criminal underworld, capable of penetrating even the most tightly guarded areas, and their talents as thieves and assassins attained legendary status. ‘As mysterious as they are, none have seen their true visage, or have not live long enough to tell about it. Play a drallok if you want. 4 To be a hero from an unknown world 4 To be good at unnerving and tripping up your foes. 4 To be a member of a race that favors the rogue, ranger, and illusionist class. The dralloks wear tight, form fitting robes that reveal slender, lithe figures. Their faces are covered with tightly bound bandages, as are their hands and feet. Normally, dralloks wear robes over this costume, but adventuri ones often do without robes as they hinder their mobility. The dralloks' eyes are the only part of the body that shows through their costumes, and those jet black orbs have a disturbing tendency to reflect a viewer's face back at them. Adventuring dralloks have straps and belts across their clothes, each weighted with daggers, sheathes, and pouches. Beneath their many layers of clothing, dralloks are slender, wl ined humanoids who closely resemble elves. Their hair is always pure white, and their skin quickly turns to an ugly blackish-purple when exposed to the sun. Dralloks wear their robes to protect themselves, from the elements, and in turn use their rather practical clothing to maintain an image as a mysterious, deadly race. Dralloks are quite aware of their reputation, and seek to embellish and use it whenever necessary. Paying oLeccol In truth, dralloks are subterranean humanoid species that detests sunlight. Under the sun’s cruel glare, their eyes are dazzled and they become weak and queasy. If sunlight directly touches a drallok's skin, he sustains severe, some- times fatal, burs. Dralloks journey to the surface world in order to eam a fortune in gold and other riches. Their society dictates that only those who earn great treasure may gain the right to rule Dralloks are ruthless pragmatists. A drallok coldly assesses a person's abilities, evaluates them in light of his needs, and then decides if an alliance or friendship is pos- sible. Even good aligned dralloks tend towards this behav- ior, and while it makes them rather chilly company, it does ensure they gather the best, most capable companions on their adventures. Dralloks rarely drink alcohol, and have a Puritanical view towards life, preferring duty and toil to hours wasted in useless revels. Drallok colonies exist deep within the earth. Their secre- tive tendencies extend to larger scales in dralloks society, and they work hard to conceal their small settlements from drow, deep gnomes, dwarves, and other denizens of the underearth. While dralloks often work as mercenaries for other races, tradition dictates that drallok colonies only ally with others if their existence is threatened with immi- nent destruction, As mercenaries and wanderers, drallok adventurers prefer to keep their homes and families out of the conflicts their work involves and the enemies they earn. Dralloks who remain in their colonies live highly regimented lives of strict obedience. The rulers of a drallok colony, known as overlords, rule with iron fists. Anyone who wishes to ascend to a position of leadership must present a sizable tribute of gold, magic items, and other valuables in order to literally buy political power. Originally, dralloks existed as thieves and mercenaries. Whoever amongst them claimed the most riches used that as evidence of their skill, cunning, and experience and thus rose to power. Afier all, the richest thief must be the most successful one. Over time, the richest drallok families held all the political power in drallok society, and used this to institute a political system in which only the richest dralloks could lead. Originally, the ruling drallok families were forced to share power, as many dralloks worked as mercenaries and spies for other races, keeping power at least somewhat balanced across society. The tradition of dralloks serving as mercenaries continues, but now few lead that life. While the average drallok is little more than a serf, any com- moner can demand the right to leave the colony and seek his fortune as an adventurer or mercenary. Few dralloks take up this challenge, but those who do head to the surface world in search of their destiny. Drallok Characteristies: Cold, secretive, mysteri- ous, sneaky, individualistic, greedy, materialistic, chaotic.

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