Crée par Susan Guy

Neighbours Together

Project Aims: The project aims to reduce household carbon emissions through facilitating and supporting people to improve their household energy efficiency, grow more of their own food, reduce food waste through composting, and make their streets safer for walking and cycling and to make it easier to use public transport. Project Objectives: To facilitate and support people to; assess their household carbon emissions; identify their household aims, objectives and develop action plans for reducing their carbon emissions and be more resilient (e.g. making their homes more energy efficient, reduce food miles and food waste, make it easier to walk, cycle and use public transport); work together with people in their locality to develop and implement neighbourhood action plans for improving household energy efficiency, grow more of their own food, reduce food waste through composting, make their streets safer for walking and cycling and to make it easier to use public transport for more of their journeys. Involve up to 140 households and approximately 20 neighbourhoods of 5-6 households to do the above. To document the process and outcomes of the project; and To achieve the above aims and objectives on time and within budget. Through this process we will learn together and document the various ways to make it easier for more people and neighbourhoods to achieve the above (beyond this project). This projected is funded by The Scottish Climate Challenge Fund