Crée par windowsforpeace

Windows magazines

Windows’ flagship project is the production and distribution of a Hebrew-Arabic Youth Magazine. Our magazine, which is written for youth and by youth, is the primary physical product of our Young Journalist Program. The magazine is written and designed by our Youth Editorial Board, a group of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians from the OPT who go through a long-term intensive process of acquaintance, dialogue, and empowerment. The magazine reflects the courageous and complex journey that the youth go through as they deal with diverse topics such as human rights, life in mixed cities, tough historical events such as 1948 and 1967, and more. Since publishing our first issue in January 1995, we have printed 30 issues of the magazine. Current distribution ranges from approximately 13,000 to 20,000 copies per issue, depending on funding, the topic of the magazine and the socio-political situation. We estimate that these print-runs reach a far greater number of readers as recipients take them home and share them with parents, siblings and friends. Windows magazine is distributed free of charge throughout Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), primarily through schools, as well as to individuals, libraries, community centers, and other organizations.