Crée par Sharon Anderson

SCAP Committment Chair Lesbian Judge Joanne Smith 2012-2013

Sharon has tried for years to expose the Bizzare Committments in Minnesota, Cost,Due Process, Independant Contractors Lawyers, techinally Senator Richard Cohen, heinous violations of Oath MN Const. Art. III Separation Powers, Willy Lufsky has been Institutionalized for 35 years for Judicial,Lawyer Greed. We the Public must expose Minnesota Committments denied Jury Trials, Grand Jury etc. Sharons 2nd husband was committed to Brainard State Hospital for 1 year, triggered his Murder 21Sept 2000. Costing the VA, Social Security , Taxpayers a Fortune. Further Sharon has Standing to expose the Facts that Lufsky's Significant Other has taken over the Homestead, illegitament child now 12, while a RN in the Pscy Ward at Mercy Hospital. Covert Coverup is Bizzare, Repugnant, must be addressed. Judicial Corruption must be exposed by Secret Courts. Affiant Sharon4Anderson Candidate MNAG Thank You Put the Pressure on Public Official re: Obama Health Care