Crée par Pawan

Search Engine Optimization with ATG

Search Engine Optimization SEO is a science of bringing your content at the top in search results. We all look for information in web every day server times. What contents are shown at the top in search result depends on how well your website is designed and optimized. Search Engine rank and categorize every website based on some algorithm. We have documented all best practices to code your user interface layer. This is important for your Business, you have developed very good website but its purpose will be fulfilled only if you get desired traffic. No traffic mean no sale, no money. Hence every thing drills down to Search Engine Optimization concepts. The SEO is a science to make your website readable to Search Engine like Google, Yahoo etc. These search engine will not index data if you have violated W3C guidelines. Hence we have listed all good practices for UI coding in document. Following this document helps you improve the ranking of your website and gets you more traffic. ATG also supports SEO and have defined special components to handle this critical concept. SEO is important for every domain and website. ATG has very good support for SEO and we have added a separate section of SEO in my ATG Guide. We all know Prevention is always better then cure. Rather correcting you website later, it is better to design well in the beginning understanding the SEO requirements better. Hence this collection is created for SEO Engineer who wants to improve the ranking of their website.