Crée par The Regular Joe


Find your Norhtland editions of The Regular Joe here. And, just in case you missed our about page, here it is again: The Regular Joe is a community contribution paper originally started in St. Joseph, Mo. in 2007. Since the first publication we have expanded to Missoula, Mont., Austin, Texas and now to the K.C. Northland. We tend to be for things as opposed to against things (personally, we’re against all kinds of things, but you won’t see much of it here). Our slogan “Celebrating the coolest local stuff” is also our mission. We love to turn people on to things. Bands, books, movies, food and ideas! We tend to stay away from the flavor of the day type of stuff, which you can find all over. We prefer cool stuff you might have missed or great community stuff coming up. Most importantly, we lean heavily toward locally owned and operated. We do business locally whenever possible and hope we inspire you to as well. Thanks for checking into The Joe, we hope you like it and look for it every month!