Crée par KimBeem

Former Fire Chief David Fulmer

There has been grossly unfair criticism of the West Licking Joint Fire District Board. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't take the time to secure the records. The actual investigation is included. I have no idea how the man could have possibly been doing his job when he was operating two businesses plus cruising porn on the district-owned computer. Note forensics track the items to confirm they were viewed while he was on duty so any nonsense about it not being password protected or being used while he was suspended has no merit. Remember, Fulmer's claim is that it wasn't porn, just modeling. When you get to the last two pages, please let me know what is being modeled. Fulmer knows what is in this investigation so why is wasting the District's assets by appealing? Let's not forget who his supporters are when they are up for re-election. MANY THANKS TO THE BOARD FOR STAYING THE COURSE AND DOING THE RIGHT THING!