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PRODI S2 PSI Dr. Rostiana, M.Si, Psi

What is an Assessment Center?

An Assessment Center is one of THE MOST EFFECTIVE TOOLS to measure the competencies of potential employees An Assessment Center is one of THE MOST EFFECTIVE TOOLS to measure the competencies of the current workforce, to identify the competencies gap, and to provide a foundation for individualized plans to bridge this gap

What is an Assessment Center?

A variety of testing techniques designed to enable participants to DEMONSTRATE, under standardized conditions, the competencies that are most essential in a given job.

Suatu proses sistematis untuk menemukenali dan mengevaluasi kompetensi (kemampuan, keterampilan, kepribadian) yang dianggap kritikal thd Tercapainya kinerja unggul KRITERIA: 1. Berbasis kompetensi 2. Menggunakan multi teknik 3. Menggunakan multi assessor SYARAT: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ada kriteria sukses --- KPI Assessor terlatih Metode valid & reliable Obyektif

BUKAN ASSESSMENT CENTER JIKA: 1. Tidak ada demontrasi perilaku nyata 2. Hanya menggunakan panel interviu atau tes aja (hanya satu metode saja) 3. Assesor hanya satu untuk sejumlah assesssi

What is an Assessment Center?

Not a place! Participants are put through a series of individual and group exercises, interviews, and tests designed to simulate the most essential conditions of the job, and to provide an opportunity for observation of key competencies.

What is an Assessment Center?

Participants behavior is OBSERVED by trained raters, evaluated, categorized and scored (if an exam) Raters pool individual observations to arrive at an overall estimate of potential, or score Participants are provided with oral and/or written feedback regarding their performance and potential Training and developmental plans can be formulated

Assessment centres are about

Meeting people: selectors, current graduates, senior staff, other candidates

Gathering information: about the organisation, the job, and the working culture

Demonstrating your potential:

tests and exercises about your competencies

Pertama kali digunakan di bidang militer, 1930 oleh Jerman & Inggris waktu PD II. Diadopsi oleh AT&T- Amerika thn 1950 an, setelah itu digunakan secara Luas di bidang industri

VALIDITAS TEKNIK PENGUKURAN THD KINERJA: Assessment center Work sampe test Ability test Research bio data/cv Structure interview References = 0,63 = 0,55 = 0,53 = 0,38 = 0,31 = 0,13

TUJUAN: 1. Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan akan pengembangan kompetensi karyawan 2. Menemukan calon2 pimpinan yang tepat untuk masa yg akan datang 3. Menempatkan karyawan secara lebih tepat 4. Memperoleh kriteria yang jelas untuk suatu jabatan

BILAMANA A.C. DIPERLUKAN? 1. 2. 3. 4. Pengembangan kompetensi menjadi hal yg urgent/penting Ada isu hangat ttg keadilan dalam penilaian kinerja Perilaku nyata memberikan dampak terhadap kinerja Kalau ada posisi-posisi baru yg beda dengan job sebelumnya

Advantages of an Assessment Center

Comprehensive evaluation Valid; better predictor Less adverse impact Training effect for raters Training effect for candidates Multiple uses More information for decision-making Participants like it!

When to Use an Assessment Center

Selection, career development, or succession planning Most common for managerial or supervisory jobs Jobs where competencies include focus on soft skills Promotional process where developmental opportunities are maximized Where other methods have failed

AC for Selection
Objective: provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate competencies relevant to successful performance on the job.

AC for Career Development/Succession Planning

Objective: provide an opportunity for participants to identify competencies requiring further development that are then addressed through a carefully prepared career development plan

HAL-HAL YG PERLU DIPERTIMBANGKAN: 1. Waktu, tenaga dan anggaran 2. Manfaat hasil A.C; sejauh mana laporan A.C. dapat berdayakan: apakah unt seleksi, promosi, mutasi dll 3. Dukungan Top management

PROSDUR PELAKSANAAN: Pra assessment:- Menetapkan model kompetensi dan KPI - menentukan jenis metode yang digunakan - Menyiapkan materi simulasi - Mencari assesor dan melatihnya Pelaksanaan: - Melaksanakan proses : a initial interviu b. proses lainnya c. keputusan d. penilaian bersama mitra kerja - Laporan

A typical 1-day assessment centre

Introduction of participants and candidates Company presentation Individual presentations Coffee break, socialising informally Psychometric testing In-tray exercise Buffet lunch, socialising informally Group exercise, solving a work-related problem Interviews, hour, skills-based

In tray exercise/in basket exerc Presentation Group discussion METODE YG DIGUNAKAN: Panel interview Role play

Case study
Personality test


Assessment Exercises
Group Discussion/Chaired Discussion Group Case Studies/Business Games/Outdoor exercises Informal Discussion with Employees

Personality and Aptitude Tests In-tray Exercises/Written Exercises Presentation skills In-depth Interviews

In-tray Exercises
Measures competencies such as Organisational Skills, Planning, Communication Skills, Problem Solving, Client Focus Based on typical day to day issues that may arise The contents of your in-tray might include faxes, meeting minutes, emails, letters etc. Your task is to prioritise the tasks, take action and give reasons

Psychometric Tests
Aptitude Tests - measure skills relevant to position
Verbal comprehension - evaluate logic of text Numerical reasoning - interpret statistical data Diagrammatic reasoning - recognise patterns Watch timing complete as many as possible Look at personality style No right or wrong answers Be spontaneous, dont try to second-guess Tests include built-in checks Employers may be looking for different personality profiles

Personality Questionnaires

Group Discussions
Given a topic to discuss may be the company, the industry, current affairs, recent news headlines, university life etc. Usually a time period is given e.g. 30 minutes Observed by 2 or more staff members

Leaderless Group Discussions (LGD)

An LGD consists of a group of four to six participants who are given a problem to solve and are instructed to arrive at a group decision within a specified period of time.

Group Exercises
How do you perform in a group setting? Are you a regular team player, a natural leader or a maverick? Do you tend to be the ice-breaker, the protagonist or the ideas generator in the group? Employers are interested in the right balance of characteristics

Group Discussion
Who talks the most Who strays from the subject Whose arguments are ignored Who insists on being dominant, interrupts or squashes other contributors Who doesnt talk at all
+ Whose points are accepted + Who encourages others to join in + Who introduces new ideas + Who listens before contributing + Who builds on the ideas of others

Generally structured interviews are used.
Types of Interviews Background Interviews Critical Incident/situational Interview Behaviour Event Interview

Background Interviews If the participants performance on his current and previous jobs would be an indicator of his success. Situational Interviews Three types of questions are asked: Situational (Hypothetical) Job Knowledge Willingness to comply with job requirements.

Behaviour Event Interviews (BEI) It is an unstructured interview, which focuses on asking specific incidents that reflect behaviour, thoughts, actions that the interviewee has shown in actual situations.

LAPORAN : Bersifat obyektif didasari data yang akurat dari berbagai metode yg digunakan. Detail menggambarkan perilaku yang mewakili kompetensi yg diukur Komprehensif dan mudah dipahami Kesimpulan memuat kompetensi yg kuat dan area pengembangan yag diperlukan.

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