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The Post-War Settlement and the Seeds of the Cold War 1.

Accessing the Aftermath - - Refugees and Retribution 2. From Allies to Enemies - - The Competing Visions of Stalin and Roosevelt - - Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam - - The Iron Curtain and the Division of Europe 3. War Crimes Trials and Allied Cooperation - - Confronting the Big Questions - - The London Charter (August 1945) - - The Nuremberg Trial: Citadel of Boredom? - - Judgments and Sentences

Refugees on the Move, 1945

War Orphans Receive Hand-Made Toys

Displaced persons seeking shelter in Berlin, December 1945

A French woman publically shamed by head-shaving for alleged involvement with the Germans

Expulsion of Ethnic Germans, 1945

German POWs in Moscow

The Ginza, Tokyo 1945

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at Tehran (Iran), November 1943

The Big Three at Yalta, February 1945


Europe 1945

The Signing of the Charter of the United Nations, 1945

Clement Atlee, Harry Truman and Joseph Stalin at Potsdam, July 1945

Churchill speaks in Missouri, 1946: The Iron Curtain

The Soviet communist Germany (in Red)

Stalin and Roosevelt chat

The London Charter of 1945:

1. Crimes Against Peace 2. War Crimes 3. Crimes Against Humanity 4. Conspiracy

Organizations to be indicted as criminal include: The Nazi Party, the SS, the SA, the Gestapo, and the Military High Command

Goering, Speer and Kaltenbrunner

The defendants in the dock

Robert H. Jackson Addresses the Court

Goering and Hess Snooze

Otto Ohlendorf, leader of Einsatzgruppe D, as a witness

Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, in Court

The Nuremberg Trial Judges

The defendants

Goerings Suicide

Case Study: The Mauthausen Trial

1. The Liberation of Mauthausen Concentration Camp - - Eugene S. Cohen and War Crimes Investigators - - Camp Survivors in the Search for Justice - - The Death Books of Mauthausen 2. The Mauthausen SS in American Hands - - Arrest and Interrogation 3. The Trial at Dachau (March-May, 1946) - - Chief Prosecutor William D. Denson - - A Common Design to Commit War Crimes - - Rules of Evidence and Signed Confessions - - Judgment at Dachau

Mauthausen slave labourers haul stones on their backs up the 186 Steps of Death from the camp quarry

American Soldiers Enter Mauthausen Following its Liberation, May 1945

Camp survivors following liberation

Chief War Crimes Investigator Eugene S. Cohen at Mauthausen

Mauthausen after Liberation, May 1945

Former prisoners assist investigators by counting the dead

Liberated prisoners show the crematoria ovens to war crimes investigators

The Death Books of Mauthausen

Entries from the Death Book revealing mass-murder

War Crimes Investigator and Nuremberg Prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz, then and now

The US Army courthouse at former concentration camp Dachau

Chief Prosecutor Lt. Col. William Denson in the Dachau Courtroom

Judges at the Mauthausen Trial: 4th from right sits the tribunals only lawyer

The 61 Mauthausen defendants, numbered for identification, stand in the dock at Dachau

The 61 Mauthausen Trial Defendants Read Densons Indictment: Acting in pursuance of a common design to commit war crimes

Lt. Commander Jack Taylor testifies

A former Mauthausen prisoner indentifies a defendant in the dock

Crematoria stoker Vinzenz Nohel is presented his signed confession to read to the court

Defendants Altfuldisch and Niedermeier

Defendant Altfuldisch receives his death sentence

Defendants Krebsbach and Spatzenegger await execution on the gallows at Landsberg Prison

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