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Active Participle

Active Participle commonly also called (Present Participle) is a verb that is shaped like a Gerund . Typically use the suffix-ing of the verb, for example burning, working, loving, sitting, standing, sleeping, etc. As the verbal, the main function of the participle is as an adjective (adjective) that describe nouns or pronouns.

Active Participle yang biasa juga disebut (Present Participle) adalah kata kerja yang berbetuk seperti Gerund. (Active Participle) menggunakan akhiran ing dari kata kerja, misalnya burning, working, loving, sitting, standing,

sleeping, etc. Sebagai verbal, fungsi utama dari active participle adalah sebagai kata sifat (adjective) yang menerangkan nouns atau pronouns.

Active Participle used as :

- A. Noun Modifier (Descriptive noun) - B. Clause Modifier (Explanatory clause)

A. Noun Modifier (Descriptive noun)

A. Active Participle as a descriptive noun (noun modifier) Pattern I : a. A crying child came to me b. That bird is singing a ptarmigan c. The burning house are old d. The dying man spoke his last words e. The moving stone frightens us As explained in the example . Verbs ending in -ing above describes the noun behind it; A crying child = a child who was crying

A. Noun Modifier (Penjelas Kata Benda)

A. Active Participle sebagai penjelas kata benda (noun modifier) Pola I : V + Ing Noun Contoh : a. A crying child came to me b. That singing bird is a ptarmigan c. The burning house are old d. The dying man spoke his last words e. The moving stone frightens us Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam contoh. Kata-kata kerja yang berakhiran ing diatas menjelaskan kata benda dibelakangnya; A crying child = anak kecil yang sedang menangis

Pattern II : Noun - Participle Phrase example: a. The singing bird in that tree is a magpie b. The officer standing on that ship is Captain Haddock c. The fat woman walking fast must beMrs. Tam d. The Airliner flying high explodes e. Something crawling across my foot was a cobra The words in italics are Participle Phrase. Thus the words in italics is what describes the noun in front of it. The bird singing = The bird that is / was singing = birds are chirping.

Pola II : Noun Participle Phrase Contoh : a. The bird singing in that tree is a magpie b. The officer standing on that ship is Captain Haddock c. The fat woman walking fast must be Mrs. Tam d. The airliner flying high explodes e. Something crawling across my foot was a cobra Kata-kata yang dicetak miring adalah Participle Phrase. Dengan demikian kata-kata yang dicetak miring itulah yang menjelaskan kata benda di depannya. The bird singing = The bird that is /was singing = burung yang sedang berkicau.

B. Clause Modifier (Explanatory clause)

Active participle as a modifier clause has 3 meaning / significance:

1.Explain 2 events / activities going on simultaneously. Example : - shouting, he kicked the door : (While he was shouting, he kicked the door) 2.Acknowledge "rhyme or reason" Example : - Being old, Mr. Umar has to wear glasses : (Because Mr. Umar is old, he has to wear glasses) 3.Acknowledge two events occurring in sequence Example : - Having studied hard, i take a rest : (After I have studied hard, I take a rest)

B. Clause Modifier (Explanatory clause)

Active participle sebagai clause modifier mempunyai 3 arti / makna :

1.Menjelaskan 2 kejadian / kegiatan yang terjadi bersamaan. Contoh : - shouting, he kicked the door : (while he was shouting, he kicked the door) 2.Menyatakan sebab atau alasan Contoh : - Being old, Mr. Umar has to wear glasses : (Because Mr. Umar is old, he has to wear glasses) 3.Menyatakan 2 kegiatan yang terjadi secara berurutan Contoh : - Having studied hard, i take a rest : (After I have studied hard, I take a rest)

Examples of participle formation include :

Past Simple Hired did done Past Participle Present Participle hiring doing Regular/ Irregular regular

Verb to hire to do

to say
to eat to write to beat to sing to see ate wrote beat sang saw

eaten written beaten sung seen

eating writing beating Singing Seeing irregular


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