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Cryptographic Techniques

Plain text and Cipher text

Cipher text is the codification of plain text message using some scheme

2 methods of transforming a plain text into cipher text :

Substitution Transposition

Substitution : the characters of a plain text message are replaced by other characters, number or symbols
Caesar Cipher : Shift by 3 (is an algorithm with key 3)

Transposition : along with the replacement some permutation over the plain text alphabets

Cryptography Techniques:
Encryption : Transformation of plain text into cipher text Decryption : Transformation of cipher text into plain text Two types of algorithms:
Stream Cipher Block Cipher

Cryptography Techniques:
Symmetric Key Cryptography

Same key for encryption and decryption Key known to both parties Also known as private or secret key cryptography E.g. DES algorithm (Block Cipher)
Different key for encryption and decryption One public key known to both parties Each has its own private key not known to others E.g. RSA algorithm

Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Asymmetric Key Cryptography

RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) Algorithm

Choose two large prime numbers P and Q Calculate N = P X Q Select the public key (i.e. the encryption key) E such that it is not a factor of (P-1) X (Q-1) Select the private key (i.e. the decryption key) D such that the following equation is true
(D X E) mod (P 1) X (Q 1) = 1

For encryption the cipher text CT from plain text PT as : CT = PTE mod N Send CT as the cipher text to receiver For decryption, calculate the plain text PT from cipher text CT as : PT = CTD mod N

Data encryption standard(DES)

Data encryption standard(DES)

Security Services

Message Integrity:

Message Authentication

Digital Signature:
Use of a pair of asymmetric key Message and signature sent in different documents To verify signature verification technique (combination of message and signature) to verify authenticity One-to-one relationship between message and signature Needs a public-key system

Signing the message in digital signature

Instead of signing message, digest can also be signed It provides 3 out of 5 services Message integrity (Because of Hash function) Authentication (Public key system) Non-repudiation

Entity Authentication
Entity: person, process, client, server Claimant vs. verifier Entity authentication happens in real time whereas not message authentication Verification done by 3 kinds of witnesses
Something known: e.g. PIN, password, secret key Something possessed: e.g. Passport etc Something inherent: e.g. signature, retina pattern, voice

Use of passwords Challenge Response:

Challenge time varying value sent by the verifier Response result of the function applied on the challenge

Using Symmetric Key Cipher

Using an Asymmetric Key Cipher

Using Digital Signature

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