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TAKS Mathematics Exit Level

Formulas, Rules & Things to Remember

Degree measure

Set a proportion

of arc angle

Arc Length
Degree measure of_____ =_____ arc angle x

Arc Length represented by x


Formula for CIRCUMFERENCE of the whole circle

Number of degrees in a circle

Questions that ask about degrees, arc length, arc area or involve circles, remember to use proportions!

Set a proportion
Area of Arc, represented by x Degree measure of arc angle

Arc Area
Degree measure of_____ =_____ arc angle x Formula for AREA of the whole circle


Number of degrees in a circle

Set a proportion

Sample Data & Degrees

Sandwiches Sold in One day Sandwich Turkey Meat Balls Ham & Cheese Roast Beef Sold in a Day 40 25 60 25

Based on how many sandwiches were sold per day, if the data was so be shown in a circle graph what would be the degree measure of the angle for Turkey sandwiches?
X represents unknown degrees

40 x _____ =_____ 150 360

Answer: 150x=40(360) x=40(360)/150 x=96 The degree measure of the angle would be 96 degrees
Total Number of Sandwiches sold

Cross-Multiply, solve for x

Set a proportion

Sample Data
Sample Data
Activity Running Biking Rollerblading Ice Skating Number of People 30 70 45 55 Set a proportion Sample Data proportioned to Needed Data

Based on the sample data about how many students out of a group of 2,300 are more likely to choose ice skating?

Answer: 200x=55(2,300) x=55(2300)/200 x=632.5 There would be approximately 633 students out of 2,300 that would prefer ice skating.
Total Number in Sample

55 x _____ =_____



Cross-Multiply, solve for x

Set a proportion

Similar Shapes



Small h

H h _____ =_____ B b



Find the height of smaller triangle


8 h _____ =_____ 15 10
Cross-Multiply, solve for h

15h=80 h=80/15 h=5.3

Area of Square= x

Area of rectangle=bxh




P=21 12 P=48

Perimeter is the total of all the sides of a polygon

Special Right Triangles

x2 x 45, 45, 90 x, x, x 2

2x x

30, 60, 90
x, x 3,2 x


Solving with a 30,60,90 triangle



30, 60, 90 Rule: x, x 3,2 x 2x

2400 x


What is the distance from AC= (2400 3)=4156.9 What is the distance from BC= (2(2400))=4,800

Use calculator

Finding the x-intercept

Given y=x+x-12
In your calculator go to y= insert the equation 2nd GRAPH and check when y=0, those are the x-intercepts

For this particular equation the x-intercept is x= -4, x= 3

Use calculator

Finding an Equation
Number of Square feet (x) 1800 2300 Total Cost (y) 630 805



For questions that have a table with the x and y values and it is asking you to find an equation that represents the data, you need to use your graphing calculator.

STAT, 1) Edit Put all the xs under L1, and all the ys under L2, STATCALC, 4)LingReg(ax+b), ENTER The answer for this particular questions would be y=0.35x

It will give you y=ax+b, the a=is your slope and the b= is your y-intercept.

Setting up Equations
As a waiter in a restaurant, Steven works 6-hour shifts. He earns $5 per hour and keeps 80% of his tip money. How much tip money does he need to receive per shift to earn a total of exactly $50 before taxes are deducted? The equation will be set up as y=mx+b
Where: y=the total amount earned mx=80% of tips b=hourly earnings (wage)

6(5) + .8(t)=50 30 + .8t=50 .8t=50-30 .8t=20 t=25


For volume on the formula sheet the volume of a prism or a cylinder is V=Bh

For the cylinder the B, is r

For the prism the B, is lw

Faces, Edges & Vertices

This prism has 5 faces, 8 edges, 5 vertices The face are the flat sides. The edges are the intersection of the flat sides. The vertices are the corners or points.

FOIL- Simplified

Rules for Simplifying

Example (5n-2)3n-(5n-2)(n-1)

1st step: 15n-6n-(5n-5n-2n+2) 2nd step: 15n-6n-5n-7n+2

combine like terms

3rd step: 10n-13n+2

Finding the percent (%)

The original price of a car is 20,000. Joe bought the car for 15,000. What percent of the original cost did Joe save? (20,000-15,000) _____________X 100= % (20,000)

5,000/20,000 x100= 25% Joe saved 25% from the original price of the car.

Mean, Median, Mode

MEAN is the average MODE is the one that repeats the most MEDIAN is the number in the middle when you put the numbers from least to greatest RANGE is the difference between the biggest number and the smallest number. (big# - small#)

Rules Negative & Positive Numbers

The bigger sign indicates that the positive number is bigger than the negative number.

The bigger sign indicates that the negative number is bigger than the positive number.

Things to Remember
ANGLES & DEGREES A Circle has 360 degrees A line is 180 degrees A triangle has180 degrees A right angle has 90 degrees Complementary angles total 90 degrees

Supplementary angles total 180 degrees

LINES When the slope of two lines is the same regardless of the y-intercept the lines are parallel (they dont intersect). Solution is where two lines intersect

More things to Remember

FUNCTIONS A function is when all the x values DONT repeat EX: (0,1) (1,5) (-1,3) (10,0) Function (-10,1) (1,0) (1,1) (5,3) NOT a Function, 1s repeat

DEPENDENT & INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Y= is the output, dependent variable X= is the input, independent variable DOMAIN & RANGE Domain is all the x-values Range is all the y-values



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