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By Vivian So & Joyce Moran

Origins Of Taoism
The word Tao means way" or path. Daoism is another way of saying Taoism. It is modernly romanized as Daoism. Taoism is one of two religions that originated in China, the other being Confucianism. Taoism originated around 6 th-3rd century B.C.E.* Traditionally Laozi, is considered to be the founder of Taoism or the one who set a path for Taoism. When Taoism first originated, it was meant to not have a supreme being or someone who is more important then others. Rather there are many deities who are admired by many. Taoism emphasizes on balance in everything. The way we should find the balance is by looking to nature and natural ways.

Origins Of Taoism: Laozi

He is known by many different names such as Laotsu, Laotzu, Laotu, Laocius, Shengzu, etcetera but all of them means Old Master. Traditionally is he is said to have been a teacher of Confucianism. *It is said that Laozi was born in Hu near present day Luyi(Anhui province). His mother became pregnant with him through the rays from the Pole Star. She had carried him for 81 years and gave birth to him through her left armpit while leaning against a plum tree. She then died. He was already a . old sage when he was born.* It is also believed that while Laozi was a scholar, he met Confucius. They did not agree on what they believed in for how one should live. * After living as a scholar for a long time, he decided to retire in far-off mountain of the western regions.

Beliefs and Practices

Cosmology: "systematic correspondence of a worldview based on yin-yang interaction and the Five Phases Theology: emanation, immanence, and cosmological processes. In terms of the origins of the manifest universe, the Dao represents primordial pure potentiality Observation: "inner observation is based on maintaining stillness and readiness to respond to whatever arises Meditation: focuses on clarity, stillness, and emptiness Ethics: the conservation and refinement of vital essence that can be found in the Tao Te Ching Deity: Taoists recognize the existence of several gods and goddesses but do not acknowledge any that are omnipotent or eternal; this includes Lao Tzu.

The Influence of Taoism in Chinese Art and Huge mountains create a sense Architecture
of the remote and eternal, rising in the center suggesting a modest position of humanity in the grand scale of the natural world All structures are in line forming a strict constructional system which reflects Taoist thought of the inter-relationship of Essence, Energy and Spirit Mountains were thought to be great storage cells of energy with huge caverns deep inside of them

Sacred Texts of Tao

Tao Te Ching: presents a way of life intended to restore harmony and tranquility to a kingdom racked by disorder promotes a course of non-action,understood as restraint from any unnatural action, rather than complete passivity, allowing the Tao to resolve things naturally It was designed as a handbook for rulers, who should rule by inaction, imposing no restrictions or prohibitions on their subjects Structure: Each chapter is rather short, using few characters to express its often difficult ideas poetically. Historical authenticity:The existence of Laozi is mentioned in scrolls dating back to 400 BCE, but the details of his life were not officially recorded Chuang Tzu- enlarges on the teachings of Lao Tzu in a lively Taoist discourse that opposes the ideas of Confucius with a mystic sense to it

Relations With Other Religions

Taoism VS Confucianism
They both originated from China and roughly around the same period. They both emphasize on balance/harmony in their life, interactions with people, and the universe. Confucianism is based largely on order, guidance, society, and ritual. They also tend to despise nature. Taoism prefers nature and natural ways, personal freedom, and happiness. In a sense whatever one must do, they must do.* Taoism does not have a supreme being but has numerous deities, while Confucianism has one supreme being.

Relations With Other Religions

Taoism VS Buddhism
Buddhism and Taoism along with Confucianism all have had a huge impact on China and its culture. Both originated around the same time(6 th century). Buddha is followed by many Taoists. Both put forth protection and personal escape. Taoism focuses on balance in everything for the most part. Buddhism emphasizes on how life is a suffering and there is a cause and reason for this suffering. They teach to end suffering. Buddhism originated from India, while Taoism originated from China. Buddhism believe in withdrawing from nature, Taoism is devoted to nature.

Modern Taoism

There are about 20-50 million Taoist in the world.* Taoism has no main authority and different sections have different headquarters. However, the White Cloud Temple in Beijing is a key center for training for priests and administration. *In the 20th century, Taiwan was a refugee for Taoism due to political change in power in China. Although the religion might have few changes because of Zhang Enbu who had taken refuge in Taiwan.* During the Cultural Revolution many Taoist sites were damaged.* It has only been recently that Taoism has been introduced to the West. The west still has must to learn about Taoism.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/taoism/ http://www.diffen.com/difference/Confucianism_vs_Taoism http://www.taichiacademy.com.au/magazine/feature38.htm http://personal.psu.edu/mkb199/challenge1.html http://www.eng.taoism.org.hk/daoist-beliefs/immortals&immortalism/ http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/taoism/ http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photos-dharma-golden-buddhism-symbol-image9257313 http://www.buddhist-tourism.com/buddhism/principles/ http://www.taoist.org/ http://www.absolutechinatours.com/Xian-attractions/Zhongnan-Mountain-5154.html http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/582972/Daoism

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