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The mean distance of the Earth from Sun is computed as 149,642,000 k.m. this distance commonly referred as one Astronomical unit. It is easy to describe the distance of other planet from sun.i.e

name Mercury Venus Earth

Distance (A.U) 0.39 0.72 1.0

Mars Jupiter
Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

1.52 5.20
9.54 19.20 30.10 38.0

Earth revolve around the sun along regular, stable and nearly circular path called orbit. The revolving speed of earth is of 29.76 km/s and complete one revolution in 365.25 days or one year. Planet also rotate about their axis and earth take 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds for one rotation about axis.

Earth is commonly described as a spheroid. Earth has an equatorial diameter of 12757.776 km and a polar diameter of 12713.824 km thus showing a difference of 43.952 km. Earth shows an equatorial bulge and flattening at the poles. Earth mean density is of 5.517 gm/cm cube Earth volume= 1.08* ten power 27 cc Mass of earth = 5.975* ten power 27 g.

The outer gaseous part of the earth starting from the surface and extending as far as 700 km and even beyond is termed atmosphere. It has 1-million part of the total mass of the earth. This gaseous envelop , is held around the earth due to its gravitational pull. Atmosphere has layer structure and different layers are distinguished on a number of basis:

1. 2. 3.

Change in composition Change in temperature Degree of ionization Chemically , the atmosphere is made up of a mechanical mixture of gasses commonly called air. Chemical composition of air
Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Carbon dioxide

Value percentage
78.084 20.946 00.934 00.033

Others (Ne , He, Kr, Xe etc.) 00.033

This composition is uniform up to 80 km from earth surface and is called homosphere to differentiate the overlying part that forms the heterosphere. Thermally or on the basis of temperature atmosphere is classified as Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.


it start from earth surface to an average height of 11 km. Its upper boundary called tropopause lies at about 9 km above the poles and 18 km above the equator. It contains almost 9/10 of total mass of atmosphere. It is this layer of gases that is responsible for most of the weather forming process on the earth.

In this layer there is a regular fall in temperature at a lapse rate of 6.3 c/km up to tropopause and having temperature at that height is of -40c to -60c. The most important character of troposphere is occurrence of a strong turbulence and thorough mixing of the gases in this layer.

This is 2nd layer of atmosphere starting from tropopause and up to an average height of 50 km. it differs from the lower layers in following respect 1. Temp. constant- 20 km then start decreasing. 2. It contains almost entire ozone gas and known as ozone layer. 3. It, itself has layer structures.

Ozone layer- 9km to 35 km from earth surface. Maximum concentration of ozone- 20-25 km. Best quality of ozone layer- capacity to absorb a good proportion of solar radiation including u-v rays coming from sun. Mesosphere It is 3rd zone of atmos. Which begins from 50km to a height of 80km from earth surface.

The 4th and last zone of atmos. It start from 80 km and extends up to 500km. In temp. rising and reaches 1000c & above This zone is very rarefied in nature, the individual gas particles being separated by considerable distances. It is the solar radiation at these heights that is most dangerous.

It start from 80 km to variable heights. Gases in this layer absorb solar radiation from sun and bcz of this gases break up into ions. Ionosphere has proved a boon for long distance radio communication by virtue of its property of reflecting long radio waves. Beyond 700 km is exosphere with minimum atomic collusions.

It is the stony part of the earth and in broader sense includes all the solid materials composing the earth from surface downwards. The body of earth is subdivided in three specific layers or zone that is Crust Mantle Core

The uppermost solid shell of the earth is called crust. Mantle is that zone within the earth that starts from M-discontinuity and continue up to a depth of 2900 km. The 3rd and innermost structural shell of the earth that starts at a depth of 2900 km and extends up to centre of the earth.

Collective name for all natural water bodies on or below of earth surface. It makes 0.03% of mass of the earth. 98% of hydrosphere is saline water present in seas and oceans water. Seas and bays together cover 70% of earth surface. Rivers & lakes spread over hundred or thousand square km

Ice and snow are 3rd major part of hydrosphere. Water in the pores of rock called groundwater. On the basis of present state of knowledge, it can be said that this zone is a feature unique to our planet only. Water has 3 forms gaseous , liquid and solid.

This term is somewhat used to express the collective life form, as it exists on the surface and under water. This zone has also been responsible for many geological processes that have been going on the planet since the evolution of life.

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