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Vision Statement Creating positive outcomes for future generations.

Mission Statement As responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us, the Foundation forms and invests in partnerships to achieve significant, lasting, and measurable results in environmental conservation, science, and patient care--globally and in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Strategy Grantmaking philosophy The Foundation employs an engaged and targeted approach to philanthropy. Therefore the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals. It independently defines the philanthropic results or outcomes that it intends to achieve, and develops theories of change and strategies for achieving these outcomes. Foundation staff then seek to identify potential grantees and other strategic partners, which have the competence and shared interest to implement the strategies. The philanthropic process, from strategy development, through initiation of grants, to monitoring of progress and evaluation of results, involves active collaboration and a high degree of transparency among the Foundations staff, grantees and other stakeholders. The Foundation expects to contribute more than just funding. For example, it will organize and convene multiple stakeholders to develop consensus or broaden support for solutions.It frequently seeks to expand the capacity of its partners to manage complex systems and problems. It actively and continuously assesses risk and adaptively manages its portfolio of grants to address change over the life of a project. In addition, the Foundation applies four filters, or criteria, to develop initiatives and to evaluate potential grants, which ask if a project: is important, makes a difference and has enduring impact, has measurable outcomes, and contributes to portfolio effect. The majority of funding is directed to organizations whose work supports the Foundations three major program areas--environmental conservation, science, and patient care--and the San Francisco Bay Area Portfolio.

Key grantmaking principles Grantmaking is driven by outcomes informed and defined in collaboration with grantees and other stakeholders. The grantmaking process seeks active and effective collaboration and transparency with staff, our Board, grantees, and other stakeholders. The Foundation assesses risks and develops conditions appropriate for each grant and works with each grantee to develop a project plan, an activities-based budget supporting the project, and key milestones of grant progress toward outcomes for the funded project. The activities, milestones, and financials are monitored for each grant toward defined outcomes. The Foundation looks to grantees to meet the conditions of their grants in a timely and rigorous manner. Grantees can anticipate an active working relationship with the Foundation staff in every phase of our grantmaking.

Organizing and operating approach The Foundation holds itself accountable for the success of its initiatives and program grants. As an organization, all of our efforts are ultimately aimed at achieving successful outcomes in the areas we work. To this end, the Foundation's work is guided by our core values: impact, integrity, disciplined approach, and collaboration. The Foundation employs a relatively small core staff with domain expertise and works collaboratively with experts in the field.

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