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UNIT - 4


- Propositional logic is a representational language that can achieve the illustration of logic and Knowledge base. -But Propositional language is too weak a language to represent the knowledge of complex environment in a concise way.

-So we move for first-order logic, which is sufficiently expressive to represent a good deal of knowledge.

-Here we examine the nature of representational languages. - Programming languages (such as C++ or Java or Lisp) are considered as the largest class of formal languages in common use. -Data structures within programs can represent facts Ex: a program could use a 4 x 4 array to represent the contents of the wumpus world. Drawback in Programming languages: - They lack the general mechanism of deriving facts from other facts. ie.., each update to a data structure is done based on the programmers knowledge of domain. - A second drawback of data structures in programs is the lack of any easy way to express the knowledge base.

- Propositional logic is a declarative language because its semantics is based on a truth relation between sentences and possible worlds. - It also has sufficient expressive power to deal with partial information, using disjunction and negation. -Propositional logic has a property that is desirable in representation languages, Called as compositionality. -Compositionality: The meaning of a sentence is a function of the meaning of its parts.


is related to the meanings of


- But the Propositional logic lacks the expressive power of describing the environment with many objects concisely. Ex: Breezes and pits in each square.

In English: Squares adjacent to the pits are Breezy. ie.., the syntax and semantics of natural language is easy.

- So by combining the Natural language and Propositional logic the First order logic is developed . -In Syntax in natural language consists of: Objects, Relations and functions. Ex:

- First order logic syntax and semantics depends on the objects and relations .

- The Primary Difference between the propositional logic and first order logic is Dependent on Ontological commitment and Epistemological commitment


MODEL FOR FIRST ORDER LOGIC: -The domain of a model is the set of objects it contains; these objects are sometimes called domain elements. -

- The figure shows a model with Five objects: Richard the Lionheart, King of England from 1189 1:o 1199; his younger brother, the evil King John, who ruled from 1199 to 1215; the left legs of Richard and John; and a crown. -The objects in the model may be related in various ways. A relation is just the set of tuples of objects that are related. (A tuple is a collection of objects arranged in ,a fixed order and is written with angle brackets surrounding the objects.) - Binary Relation: Thus, the brotherhood relation in this model is the set { < Richard the Lionheart, King John>,<King John , The Lionheart>} -The crown is on King John's head, so the "on head relation contains just one tuple, <the crown, King John>.

The model also contains unary relations, or properties:

-the "person" property is true for both Richard and John; - the "king" property is true only of John; - the "crown" property is true only of the crown; - Certain kinds of relationships are best considered as functions, in that a given object must be related to exactly one object in this way. Ex: model has a unary "left leg" function. <Richard the Lionheart> Richard's left leg <King John) John's left leg .


- The basic syntactic elements of first-order logic are the symbols that stand for objects, relations, and functions. -3 kinds of symbols: 1) constant symbols: which stand for objects. Ex: Richard and John 2) predicate symbols: which stand for relations. Ex: Brother, OnHead, Person, King, and Crown 3) function symbols: which stand for functions. Ex: LeftLeg. - All the objects starts with Uppercase letters.

-The semantics must relate sentences to models in order to determine truth. -For such purpose , we need an interpretation that specifies exactly which objects, relations and functions are referred to by the constant, predicate, and function symbols. -One possible interpretation is the intended interpretation. Ex: -Richard refers to Richard the Lionheart and John refers to the evil king John. -Brother refers to the brotherhood relation, that is, the set of tuples of objects . - OnHead refers to the "on head relation that holds between the crown and King John. - Person, King, and Crown refer to the sets of objects that are persons, kings, and crowns. - LeftLeg refers to the "left leg" function.


- A logical expression used as a reference for an object is called as a Term. -A term can be represented either as a constant,or a variable or a function with paranthesized list of terms as arguments.


refers to King Johns LefLeg.

-A sentence formed by using the predicate symbol and Paranthesized terms as arguments is called ATOMIC SENTENCES.
- Ex: -Atomic sentences can also have complex terms as arguments. Ex:

COMPLEX SENTENCES: -They are the sentences that can be formed by using the atomic sentences using the Logical connectives. Ex:

-Used to express characterisitcs of collection of objects. 2 types: 1) UNIVERSAL QUANTIFIER 2) EXISTENTIAL QUANTUFIER

UNIVERSAL QUANTIIER: -"All kings are persons,'' is written in first-order logic as

Here the symbol x is called variable.

-Existential quantifier refers only to some of the elements in the universe.

Multiple Quantifiers will be used to represent the more complex sentences. Ex: 1.Brothers are Siblings 2.Everbody loves somebody

-Equality symbol represents the equality of 2 sentences. -Other than using the predicate and terms it provides another way of representing the atomic sentences. Ex:

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