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Presented by:
Mohamad Hanif Bin Abu Hassan (54270212300) Muhamad Ruzaimi Zakwan Bin Rahmat (54270212194)

What is bullying?

Bullying is a distinctive pattern of deliberately harming and humiliating others. It's a very durable behavioral style, largely because bullies get what they want, at least at first. Bullies are made, not born, and it happens at an early age, if the normal aggression of two-yearolds isn't handled well. Bullying can consist of many different types of behaviors. Physical bullying consists of any type of physical violence, no matter how small.

Bullying can take many forms

Verbal taunts, name-calling, put-downs Threats and intimidation Stealing of money and possessions Exclusion from peer group Ethnic or racial slurs Gender slurs and sexual harassment


15% of students are involved 9% are victims 7% bully others repeatedly More students in younger grades are victimized Boys are more likely to be bullies than girls

The intent of a bully is to put the victim in distress .

Dynamics of Bullying

A power difference between bully and victim Bullies tend to be confident, aggressive, and lack empathy for the victim Bullies come from homes where there is poor supervision, and modeling of a tolerance for aggressive behavior Victims tend to be quiet, passive children with few friends Victims do not respond effectively to aggressive actions. Bullying often done so that adults are not aware of it. Victims are ashamed, and often dont tell an adult.

Bully Myth

It is a myth that bullies are insecure underneath their bravado. Research indicates that their self-esteem is average or above average.

Most victims do not report bullying

Feelings of shame Fear of retaliation Fear that adults can not or will not protect the child in the setting where the bullying is taking place

Patterns of bullying and victimization are different for boys and girls.

Female victims are bullied by both boys and girls. Male victims are usually bullied by males. Boy are more like to perpetrate direct bullying Girls are more likely to engage in indirect bullying (e.g. social exclusion, manipulation of friendship relationships, spreading rumors, etc.)

What causes bullying?

Family Factors

Poor supervision Lack of warmth Modeling of aggression at home (parent to parent, or parent to child) Older siblings who bully Witnessing of spousal battering Have been experienced being bullied Have been taught t use violence to handle problems Outright neglected by family

Individual Factors

Temperament Active and Impulsive Physical Strength Superiority Complex

School Factors

Lack of Supervision during unstructured times Denial of the problem Type of intervention Climate Community Building Efforts

Who are the victims?

Tend to be quiet and shy Tend to be passive Lack confidence in physical abilities and strength Poor or deviant social skills A subgroup who are provocative (i.e., they can be both bully and victim) Difference in appearance or ability

What are the long term consequences for the victim?

Tend to be unhappy child Often try to avoid school Suffer from fear and anxiety Low self esteem High incidence of suicidal or selfdestructive behavior

What are the long term consequences for the bully?

Tend to be aggressive adults Significantly higher rates of criminal convictions. Tend to be negative and anti-social Tend to model bullying to their children Tend to have difficulty as an employee Likely grow up to bully others in workplace

Ways to Stop Bullying?

Dont frame reporting as tattling Provide good supervision Provide effective consequences for bullies Provide social and interpersonal skill training Provide ongoing community building Creating a supportive and inclusive environment


Problem of bullying must be curbed as it has proven to have lasting psychological effects on the victims and lasting effects on the bully as well. Knowing what bullying is and what the signs of bullying are is a step in the right direction in stopping it in its tracks. It may not be happening to you personally, but it is everyones responsibility to help stop it.


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