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Microscopic Structures of Reproductive System

The Male Reproductive System,

dr. Yan Effendi Hasjim, DAHK.

Departement of Histology Sriwijaya University Faculty of Medicine 2013

Microscopic Structure of The Male Reproductive System

2 testes Genital duct system Glands Penis

1. 2. 3.

Understand how the cells of the male reproductive system interact to produce sperm. Recall which cells in the male reproductive system are responsible for the production of androgens and explain what those androgens do. Compare and contrast how the cells, tissues and organs in the male reproductive system are organized to be able to transmit sperm to the female reproductive tract.

Function of Male Reproductive System

1. 2. 3.

Formation of the spermatozoa (testes) Synthesis, storage, and release of the, testosterone (testes) Form the noncellular portion of semen (seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands)

Formation of the spermatozoa
in the scrotum, are paired organs, produce spermatozoa and testosterone

Embryogenesis, develop retroperitoneally descend into the scrotum, they carry with them a portion of the peritoneum. tunica vaginalis

General Structure of TESTES

Capsule Tunica Albugenia dense irregular
collagenous tissue (non-elastic)

Tunica Vasculosa, highly vascularized loose connective tissue, the vascular capsule of the testis

Septa 250 Lobuli Testis (1-4 Seminiferous Tubules) Mediastinum Testis (posterior aspect thickened)

Seminiferous Tubules Tubuli Recti Rete Testis, Ductuli Efferentes Epididymis.

Highly convoluted tubules, 30 - 70cm long, 150 - 250 m diameter, surrounded by extensive capillary beds. About 1000 in two testes, total length of nearly 0.5 km (0.3 mile), Production of spermatozoa. The wall :
TUNICA PROPRIA (a slender connective tissue layer), thick SEMINIFEROUS EPITHELIUM separated by a well-developed BASAL LAMINA tunica vasculosa (TV) blood vessels (BV) septa (S), seminiferous tubules (ST) seminiferous epithelium (SE)

Seminiferous tubule .
Germinal epithelium thick :
1. Spermatogenic cells various stages of maturation) 2. Sertoli Cells

Sz : spermatozoa (Sz). Ad : dark spermatogonia A Ap : pale spermatogonia A B : spermatogonia B SC : Sertoli cell

(process of cell maturation)
1). Spermatocytogenesis Differentiation of spermatogonia (diploid cells), more primary spermatocytes (diploid), migrate to adluminal 2). Meiosis: Reduction division, :

- diploid primary spermatocytes, reduce chromosome to haploid secondary spermatocytes

- haploid cells spermatids

3). Spermiogenesis: Transformation spermatids spermatozoa (haploid)

1. Spermatogonia
small, diploid germ cells basally, lie on the basal lamina puberty, become influenced by testosterone to enter the cell cycle.

Dark type A Spermatogonia

Small, dome-shaped cells. flattened, oval nuclei, abundant heterochromatin, dark reserve cells (not entered the cell cycle) Once mitosis, form Pale Type A spermatogonia.

Pale type A Spermatogonia

= dark type, except ; nuclei abundant euchromatin, pale. induced by testosterone to proliferate (mitosis) to additional pale type A spermatogonia, and to type B

Type B Spermatogonia
resemble pale type , but nuclei are round divide mitotically to primary spermatocytes

2. Primary spermatocytes
As soon as formed, into the adluminal migrate between Sertoli cells, form zonulae occludentes maintain the integrity of blood-testis barrier. largest cells

3. Secondary spermatocytes
relatively small cells, short-lived, not readily seen in the seminiferous epithelium. contain 2n DNA, do not replicate their chromosomes; quickly enter the second meiotic division, forming two haploid (1n DNA) spermatids.

4. Spermatids
small, round haploid cells All the spermatids that are the progeny of a single pale type A spermatogonium are connected to one another by cytoplasmic bridges. form small clusters,

5. Spermatozoa
head, housing the nucleus, and a tail (four regions: neck, middle piece, principal piece, and end piece). produced by spermatogenesis, are long cells (65 m).
The six stages of spermatogenesis in the human seminiferous tubule. The cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in man.

Spermiogenesis and a mature spermatozoon C. Spermiogenesis: Transformation of

spermatids spermatozoa

discard much of their cytoplasm, rearrange their organelles, and form a flagellum to become transformed into spermatozoa

Sertoli Cells

Tall, columnar, lateral cell membranes possess complex infoldings Apical membranes are highly folded and project into the lumina. Basally located, clear, oval nucleus with a large, centrally positioned nucleolus The cytoplasm: crystalloids of Charcot-Bttcher (composition and function are not known).

Sertoli cells functions:

1. Physical and nutritional support of the developing germ cells
2. Secretion of a fructose-rich medium that nourishes and facilitates the

transport of spermatozoa to the genital ducts

3. Phagocytosis of cytoplasm eliminated during spermiogenesis

4. Synthesis and release of androgen-binding protein (ABP), SUPPORT

5. Synthesis and secretion of inhibin, inhibits the release of follicle-

stimulating hormone (FSH)

6. Synthesis and secretion of testicular transferrin, an apoprotein that

accepts iron from serum transferrin and conveys it to maturing gametes

blood testosterone levels are not sufficient to initiate and maintain spermatogenesis,

Luteinizing hormone

LEYDIG cells (LH Recptors)

activating adenylate cyclase to form cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

induces inactive cholesterol esterases active and cleave INTRACELLULAR LIPID free cholesterol activates cholesterol desmolase, converts free cholesterol into pregnenolone. testosterone,


SERTOLI cells (induces) synthesize and release androgen-binding protein (ABP) ABP binds testosterone , preventing the hormone from leaving the seminiferous tubule elevating the testosterone levels in the local environment sufficiently to sustain spermatogenesis.

because testosterone is probably released as soon as its synthesis is complete no secretory vesicles
The cytoplasm also contains crystallized proteins, the crystals of Reinke, a characteristic of human interstitial cells.

Interstitial Cells of Leydig

Interstitial Cells of Leydig dispersed throughout t.vasculosa no secretory vesicles (testosterone is probably released as soon as its synthesis is complete).


Between the tubules, within the interstitial tissue lie LEYDIG CELLS (black arrow).


Genital duct system







Simple cuboidal epithelium Single flagellum within dense connective tissue of the mediastinum

Function Transmit sperm, carry non-motile sperm to the epididymis. Remove fluid



variable hight epithelium ht (simple columnar to pseudostratified ciliated) The luminal border of the epithelium is irregular, characteristic Structure different: Epididymis (E), & Efferent Ductules (ED),



Ciliated collumnar cells sweep sperm toward epididymis, Non-ciliated cuboidal cells are absorptive. Thin layer of smooth muscle (SM). patches of nonciliated cuboidal cells, alternating with ciliated columnar cells.

Cuboidal cells (nonciliated) richly lysosomes apical invaginations endocytosis. resorb most of the luminal fluid elaborated by the Sertoli cells

Ciliated collumnar cells Cilia move the spermatozoa toward the epididymis.

Remove fluid Facilitate maturation of spermatozoa can fertilize ovum (capacitation) Develop motility in the body of the Epididymis Traverse the epididymis in one week gain that capacity. Peristaltic contractions conduct spermatozoa to the ductus deferens.

highly convoluted tubule : 1) head (union of 10-20 DE) 2) body, highly coiled. 3) tail, loses its convolutions (store spermatozoa)


Sperm CC S BC

STRUCTURE pseudostratified :(Basal & Principal) Thin layer of circularly smooth muscle cells Peristaltic contractions

Basal cells Short, pyramidal to polyhedral. function as stem cells

Principal cells Tall, irregular Stereocilia , long, branched, resorb the luminal fluid phagocytose remnants of cytoplasm (not removed by Sertoli cells). glycerophosphocholine, inhibits spermatozoon capacitation,

DUCTUS DEFERENS (Vas Deferens/Spermatic cord)

a muscular tube that conveys spermatozoa from the tail of the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct (transmits sperm). ampulla The dilated terminus

approaches the prostate gland, joined by the seminal vesicle.

The continuation of the junction of the ampulla with the seminal vesicle is called the ejaculatory duct.

thick-walled muscular tube, small irregular lumen three layers: (inner-outer longitudinal layers, middle circular layer).


Epithelium = epididymis Stereociliated pseudostratified Tall columnar epithelium Lamina Propria, loose fibroelastic connective tissue, has numerous folds, lumen appear irregular.



Ejaculatory Duct
The ampulla ductus deferens joins the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct, short, straight tubule

Structure Wall is folded, Simple Collumnar Epithelium The subepithelial connective tissue is folded, irregular appearance of its lumen. no smooth muscle in its wall.


1. Seminal vesicles (paired) 2. Prostate gland (single) 3. Bulbourethral glands (paired)

1. Seminal vesicle
secrete a viscous fluid that constitutes about 70% of the ejaculate. highly coiled tubular (15cm long). a long sac that is folded Produce fructose-rich seminal fluid, energy source for sperm

The secretory epithelium (arrow) of the complex folds, pseudostratified columnar epithelium: short basal cells and low columnar cells abundant smooth muscle (SM)

2. Prostate Gland
the largest of the accessory glands, is pierced by the urethra and the ejaculatory ducts surrounding a portion of the urethra,

Prostate produces
A serous secretion, white, acidic, rich in Lipids Proteolytic enzymes, amylase Acid phosphatase Fibrinolysin, role liquefaction of semen Citric acid, zinc Specific antigen Formation, synthesis, release, are regulated by dihydrotestosterone (active form of testosterone). androgen dependent

Capsule: a richly vascularized, dense, irregular collagenous connective tissue interspersed with smooth muscle cells. Stroma : derived from the capsule, also enriched by smooth muscle fibers three discrete, concentric layers:
The mucosal glands are closest to the urethra The submucosal glands are peripheral to the mucosal glands The main glands, largest, which compose the bulk of the prostate.

Structure 30 to 50 individual compound tubuloalveolar glands, its own duct into the prostatic urethra). simple to pseudostratified columnar epithelium, numerous secretory granules, and many lysosomes. connective tissue with abundant smooth muscle. (arrow) prostatic concretion (arrows).

Characteristic: particularly in older (numbers increase with a age). round/oval prostatic concretions (corpora amylaceae), Calcified glycoproteins in the lumen.,

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)

enlarged prostate partially strangulates the lumen of the urethra, difficulties with urination. Hypertrophy of the mucosal and submucosal glands and the stroma surrounding them. Occurs in 40% of men over 50 Occurs in 95% of men over 80

Prostatic Carcinoma (Adenocarcinoma)

Occurs in the main glands The second most common form of cancer in men (30% of men over 75 years of age). Can metastasize to other other organs particularly bone.(frequently cancer cells enter the circulatory system A simple blood test: prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) early detection of prostatic adenocarcinoma.

The vascular supply

abdominal aorta testicular artery several branches capsule of the testis intratesticular vascular elements. The capillary beds are collected into several veins, the pampiniform plexus of veins, (are wrapped around the testicular artery).

Heat Exchange System

temperature of the testes a few degrees lower than the body. (95 F /35 C), spermatozoa develop normally/optimally pampiniform plexus of veins, are wrapped around the testicular artery, is cooler than the testicular artery, reduce the temperature of the arterial blood, forming a countercurrent heat exchange system. A cooler temperature in the scrotum, aiding the cooling effect of the pampiniform plexus of veins.

CLINICAL CORRELATIONS Hyperthermia a factor in male infertility, work with laptop for 1 hour of continuous increase in scrotal temperature by as much as 2.8 C.

3. Bulbourethral Glands (Cowper's glands) The paired glands, located at the root of the penis, secrete a slippery lubricating solution directly into the urethra.
Structure fibroelastic capsule : smooth muscle cells and also skeletal muscle fibers (derived from the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm). Septa from the capsule divide each gland into several lobules.

tubuloalveolar glands, simple cuboidal to simple columnar.

Secretion: thick, slippery fluid containing galactose and sialic acid lubricating the lumen of the urethra. During the process of ejaculation, precedes the remainder of the semen.

Histophysiology of the Accessory Genital Glands

The bulbourethral glands, first of the glandular secretions released lubricates the lining of the urethra. The prostate gland, Just before ejaculation, secretions are discharged into the urethra, as are the spermatozoa from the ampulla of the ductus deferens. help the spermatozoa achieve motility. The final secretions arise from the seminal vesicles, which are responsible for a significant increase in the volume of the semen. Their fructose-rich fluid is used by the spermatozoa for energy. The ejaculate, (semen), is about 3 ml, consists of secretions from the accessory glands and 200 to 300 million spermatozoa.

CLINICAL CORRELATIONS Sterile: sperm count is less than 20 million spermatozoa per milliliter of ejaculate (normally contains 50 to 100 million/ milliliter).

Impotence : inability to achieve erection. Temporary erectile dysfunction: psychological factors or drugs (e.g., alcohol); Permanent impotence lesions in certain regions of the brain, hypothalamus, spinal cord injuries, autonomic innervation malfunction, stroke, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, psychological disorders.

Microscopic Structures of Reproductive System

The Fertilisation and Inplantation,

dr. Yan Effendi Hasjim, DAHK.

Departement of Histology Sriwijaya University Faculty of Medicine 2011

Fertilisation & Inplantation

Scanning electron micrograph of fertilization (5700).

A large number of spermatozoa are trying to make their way through the cells of the corona radiata, only a single spermatozoon will be able to fertilize


The process of releasing the secondary oocyte from the graafian follicle is known as ovulation. Always on the 14th day before the beginning of menstruation.

Structure Graafian Follicle

secondary oocyte: second meiotic division and is arrested in metaphase. Zona Pellucida: glycoproteins, ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3, (secreted by the oocyte) Granulosa Cells: continued formation of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid Follicular Cells: Filopodia invade the zonula pellucida, contact with the oocyte plasmalemma, form gap junctions communicate with the oocyte throughout follicular development. (necessary for the oocyte to be able to progress through meiosis).

Fimbriated end of the oviduct, whisks the secondary oocyte and follicular cells into the infundibulum into the ampulla,

oocyte may be fertilized, If not fertilized within approximately 24 hours, secondary oocyte degenerates and is phagocytosed.
Oocyte + follicular cells are transported by the beating of the cilia (Ciliated Cells) and by rhythmic contractions (smooth muscle of the oviduct) (Fig. 20-14). The nutrient-rich fluid (Peg Cells) nourishes the oocyte on its way to the uterus.



Fertilization, the fusion of the sperm and the scundary oocyte, Spermatozoa, introduced into the vagina during sexual intercourse, pass through the cervix, the uterine lumen, and up the oviduct to the ampulla to encounter the secondary oocyte. Fertilization usually occurs in the ampulla. At this time, the cells of the corona radiata still surround the zona pellucida and the secondary oocyte.

ZP3 of the zona pellucida have two regions: (1) the sperm receptor (recognizes integral proteins of the sperm plasmalemma) (2) region that binds to receptor proteins in the head of the sperm, triggering the acrosome reaction. Acrosome reaction release acrosomal enzymes into the zona pellucida. acrosomal membrane-bound enzyme acrosin digest zona pellucida, flagellar movement of the spermatozoa to propel the sperm toward the oocyte. Once the spermatozoon penetrates the zona pellucida, enters the perivitelline space, (located between the zona pellucida and the oocyte cell membrane) can reach the oocyte.

the process that as the blastocyst becomes embedded in the uterine endometrium.
zygote continues mitotic divisions, morula transformed into the blastocyst enters the uterine cavity (4 - 6 days after fertilization), lumen contains a viscous fluid and a few cells at one pole. The peripheral cells are trophoblasts, and inside are the embryoblasts.

Implantation: (6th or 7th day)

The trophoblasts stimulate the

transformation of the star-shaped stromal cells endometrium pale-staining decidual cells, (stored glycogen provides nourishment for the developing embryo).

Process of fertilization, zygote formation, morula and blastocyst development, and implantation.

The embryoblasts develop into the


Fertilization, the fusion of the sperm and the scundary oocyte, usually occurs in the ampulla the cells of the corona radiata still surround the zona pellucida and the secondary oocyte. Implantation is the process that occurs as the blastocyst becomes embedded in the uterine endometrium.



Embryoblasts (inside) blastocyst trophoblasts (peripheral),

embryonic portion of the placenta.

cytotrophoblasts Inner are mitotically active

syncytiotrophoblasts a thicker outer do not undergo mitosis, .


1. CLOSE SIRCULATION exchange nutritious substances, waste, and gases are between maternal and fetal blood, throught SYNCYTIOTROPHOBLAS 2. ENDOCRINE ORGAN


SYNCYTIOTROPHOBLAS : hCG, chorionic thyrotropin, progesterone , estrogen, chorionic somatomammotropin (a growth-promoting and lactogenic hormone).

DECIDUAL CELLS (Stromal connective tissue cells of decidua) synthesize prolactin and prostaglandins.

Umbilical vessels in chorionic plate

Umbilical vessels in cord

Uterine vessels emptying into intervillous space

Fetal vessels in villi

Composed of fetal tissue: trophoblast cells villi Composed of maternal tissue: decidua tissue (functional layer of endometrium) blood-filled regions (intervillous spaces) maternal blood does NOT mix with fetal blood. Exchange occurs across a barrier of fetal tissue

intervillous space

fetal vessels synctiotrophoblast cytotrophoblast



Placenta (villi)
cross sections of the chorionic villi of the placenta (270). IS, intervillous space; SK, syncytial knot. Ca, capillary; syncytiotrophoblasts cytotrophoblasts



exchange nutritious substances, waste, and gases are between maternal and fetal blood, THROUGHT SYNCYTIOTROPHOBLAS
Pasive diffusion : O2, CO2, Fatty acid, Steroid, Electrolite Active diffusion : Glucose, Amino acide, ECT (rapid carrier molekule) Eksikel Transportation membrane of Syncytio have receptor for Insulin, Transferins, Imunoglobulin, throught epithel



hCG, chorionic thyrotropin, progesterone , estrogen, chorionic somatomammotropin (a growth-promoting and lactogenic hormone).

DECIDUAL CELLS (Stromal connective tissue cells of decidua)

synthesize prolactin and prostaglandins.

HCG : derivate of Luteinizing H (same structure and funtion) Maintenance CORPUS LUTEUM GRAVIDARUM Stimulating secretion of PROGESTERONE ESTROGENE & PROGESTERONE Limphocyt stimulate proliferation & deferensation of Decidua Cells environment of Fetus development PROGESTERONE release in mather blood (5 X Luteal phase of normal cycle Binding receptor of myometrium smooth muscle no contraction during pregmamce inhibite eject reaction by Limphocyte T

Clinical corelation PLACENTA PREVIA

The blastocyst usually implants into the upper one third 1 out of 200 pregnancies, implantation occurs lower down in the uterus, near the cervix, where the endometrium is much thinner and the connective tissue stroma is much denser.



increase in connective tissue and adipose tissue within the stroma, causing the gland to enlarge. Full development at about 20 years of age, minor cyclic changes during each menstrual period major changes occur during pregnancy and in lactation. After age 40 or so, the secretory portions, some of the ducts and connective tissue elements begin to atrophy,

lactiferous ducts (near opening at nipple) stratified squamous (keratinized) lactiferous sinus stratified cuboidal

connective tissue, adipose tissue, stroma, compound tubuloalveolar glands, (15 to 20 lobes)

Alveoli simple columnar.

separated by adipose and collagenous connective tissue.

Each lobe is drained by its own lactiferous duct leading directly to the nipple, where it opens onto its surface. Before reaching the nipple, each of the ducts is dilated to form a lactiferous sinus for milk storage and then narrows before passing through the nipple.

Comparison differences between an inactive and a lactating breast.

Microscopic structure
resting/nonpregnant (nonsecreting) : Alveoli are not developed. Lactating (active): same basic architecture Except bigger and with developed alveoli, alveoli : a simple columnar. lactiferous ducts (near opening at nipple): a stratified squamous (keratinized) epithelium. crowded alveoli (Al), various regions in different stages of the secretory process. CT, connective tissue. lactiferous sinus: a stratified cuboidal epithelium Stellate myoepithelial cells located between the epithelium and the basal lamina, become functional during pregnancy


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