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 Gods family tree 1

 Venus and Adonis 2

- Characters 4
 The Trojan Horse 5
- Characters 7

 Bacchus and Ariadne 8

- National Gallery version 9
- Characters 10
 Diana myth 11
- Diana 12
Tías, king of Syria, had a daughter, Myrrh. He said
that not even the proper goddess of the beauty
was so beautiful as she. The goddess Venus, in
revenge, stimulated to Myrrh to love her father,
unconsciously of her acts, they love to each other.
Finally, when her father realized who was his
lover, he chased her to kill her. Myrrh, ask for
protection to the gods, who, to protect her, turned
her into the tree that, for her is called "myrrh".
Nine months after, from the tree the most
beautiful child arose. Adonis. Venus took him and
delivered him to Persefone, the goddess of the
When Adonis grew, Venus wanted to recover him,
but Persefone was not consenting it, for that Zeus
had to control. His decision was that Adonis had
to live a few months with Venus and others with
Persefone, but Adonis lived close to Venus always
that he could. Adonis was keen on hunt, he died
because of the wound of a wild boar. When Venus
arrived near to Adonis, he was agonizing. Of each
of his drops from blood, close to Venus's tears
Venus: She is born of the foam that the testicles cut of
Uranus form in the sea. She symbolizes the sexual attraction,
possesses a girdle that makes her irresistible to men and to gods.
To punish her pride, she is delivered in marriage, to Hefesto, the
most deformed god of the Olympus. Her, infidelities are frequent
with gods and mortal, especially, with Plough. She appears often
in foreign legends, in spite of having own legends.
Adonis: He was a young man of dazzling beauty. Fruit of the
incestuous loves of Myrrh with her, father. The father, on having
found out about the deception tried to kill her. To avoid it, the
gods transformed the girl into a tree of myrrh. Of this tree Adonis
was born. Aphrodite and Persephone were disputed to the
beautiful youth. Finally Zeus passed that Adonis had to pass four
months with Aphrodite, four months with Persephone and last
four months of the year, free. Adonis decided to pass his free
months with Aphrodite.
 The Greek forces that
besieged Troy for ten years
could not overcome the high
walls that were defending her.
Ulysses proposed the Greek
chiefs to construct an
enormous horse of wood in
which belly the most
courageous Greek heroes had
to fit. The Greek fleet would
retire to the nearby island of
“Tenedos”, after burning the
camp in order that the Trojans
it were noticing and working
out entrusted to the field. A
Greek, pretending to be
fugitive, he would stay out and
would tell to the Trojans that
this horse is dedicated to the
goddess Atenea, enemy of the
Under Ulysses’s instructions, the horse was
constructed by Epeo, the best carpenter of the camp.
It had a scuttle hidden in the right flank and in the
left-handed had the phrase engraved: “With the
grateful hope of a sure return to their houses after an
absence of nine years, the Greeks dedicate this
offering to Atenea ".
The Trojan, were big believers of the gods, fell
down in the deception. They accepted it for offer to
the gods, ignoring that it was a ploy of the Greeks to
penetrate their walls. Inside the horse a select group
of soldiers was hiding. The horse was of such a size
that the Trojans had to knock down part of the walls of
their city. Once introduced the horse in Troy, the
secret soldiers in it opened the doors of the city, after
which the invading force entered and destroyed it.
Famous Greek hero. He, takes part in the war of
Troy, like we see in the Iliad and he is the
indisputable protagonist of the Odyssey. Where
Homero us reports the eventful return to Ithaca
of Odysseus, once finished the Trojan War. In
Rome he received Ulysses name.
Bacchus and Ariadne
 Ariadne has been left on the island of Naxos,
deserted by her lover Theseus, whose ship
sails away to the far left. She is discovered
on the shore by the god Bacchus, leading a
procession of revellers in a chariot drawn by
two cheetahs. Bacchus is depicted in mid-air
as he leaps out of the chariot to protect
Ariadne from these beasts. In the sky above
the figure of Ariadne is her crown, which
Bacchus has thrown into the sky and it then
becomes the constellation Corona.
The National Gallery version
 Bacchus, god of wine,
emerges with his followers
from the landscape to the
right. Falling in love with
Ariadne on sight, he leaps
from his chariot, drawn by
two cheetahs, towards
her. Ariadne had been
abandoned on the Greek
island of Naxos by
Theseus, whose ship is
shown in the distance.
The picture shows her
initial fear of Bacchus, but
he raised her to heaven
and turned her into a
constellation, represented
by the stars above her
 Ariadne: was a goddess of the fertility of Crete, " the
first divine personage of the Greek mythology in being
immediately recognized in Crete ", once it had begun
the archaeology. It was specially adored in Naxos, Delos,
Cyprus and Athens.

 Theseus: was a mythical king of Athens, son of Etra

and The Aegean Sea, though according to another
tradition his father was Poseidon, the god of the sea,
who would have violated Etra in Atenea's temple. The
Aegean Sea, which had not had descent with his other

 Dioniso or Bacchus: is the god of the wine, inspirator

of the ritual madness and the ecstasy.
Semele and Zeus
 Semele was a mortal woman beloved by the
god Jupiter. Hoping to gain immortality, she
begged him to come to her in his godly form,
but the divine thunder and lightning
destroyed her.
Characters file:///C:/Users/familia/Pictures/untitled.bmp

Daughter of Cadmus, king of Tebas
and Harmony. Mother of Dionysus. She
died fulminated by a beam when
appeared her lover, Zeus; in front her
with all his brilliance. Later Dionysus
extracted her of the Hades and took
her with him to the Olympus under
the name of Tione.
Son of Cronos and Rea. He is the god
more important, shows the father's
title of the gods and governs the
universe. He is armed with the
thunder and the beam. His mansion is
in the high of the mount Olympus. He
is the husband of his sister Hera, who
governs together with him. But before,
he has had other wives and his loving
frenzies are innumerable. He has a
numerous offspring of his unions with
goddesses and mortal. Someone of his
children are: Atenea, Plough,
Perséfone, Apollo, Artemisa, the
Muses, the Graces and Heracles,
between others. As supreme god
appears in numerous myths already

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