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Image Compression using Singular Value Decomposition

Why Do We Need Compression?

To save Memory Bandwidth Cost

How Can We Compress?

Coding redundancy
Neighboring pixels are not independent but correlated

Interpixel redundancy
Psychovisual redundancy

Information vs Data



Image Compression
Lossless Compression
Lossy Compression

Overview of SVD
The purpose of (SVD) is to factor matrix A into
USV . U and V are orthonormal matrices. S is a diagonal matrix . The singular values 1 > > n > 0 appear in descending order along the main diagonal of S. The numbers 12 > n2 are the eigenvalues of T T AA and A A. T A= USV

Procedure to find SVD

Step 1:Calculate AAT and ATA. Step 2: Eigenvalues and S. Step 3: Finding U.

Step 4: Finding V.
Step 5: The complete SVD.

Step 1:Calculate AAT and ATA.

Let then

Step 2: Eigenvalues and S.

Singular Values are


Step 3: Finding U.

Step 4: Finding V.

Step 5:Complete SVD

SVD Compression
How SVD can compress any form of data. SVD takes a matrix, square or nonsquare, and divides it into two orthogonal matrices and a diagonal matrix. This allows us to rewrite our original matrix as a sum of much simpler rank one matrices.

Since 1 > > n > 0 , the first term of this series will have the largest impact on the total sum, followed by the second term, then the third term, etc. This means we can approximate the matrix A by adding only the first few terms of the series! As k increases, the image quality increases, but so too does the amount of memory needed to store the image. This means smaller ranked SVD approximations are preferable.

If we are going to increase the rank then we can improve the quality of the image and also the memory used is also high

SVD vs Memory
Non-compressed image, I, requires

With rank k approximation of I, Originally U is an mm matrix, but we only want the first k columns. Then UM = mk. similarly VM = nk. AM = UM+ VM+ M AM = mk + nk + k AM = k(m + n + 1)

There are important limits on k for which SVD actually saves memory. AM IM
k(m + n + 1) < mn k <mn/(m+n+1)

The same rule for k applies to color images. In the case of color IM =3mn. While AM =3k(m+n+1)
AM IM 3k(m+n+1) < 3mn

Thus, k <mn/(m+n+1)

1. www.wikipedia.com

2. www.google.com
3. www.imagesco.com 4. www.idocjax.com 5. www.howstuffworks.com 6. www.mysvd.com

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