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synthesize a group of proteins that have a specific function enzymes as biocatalyst By enzyme biocatalyst is a very important aspect in biochemical reactions in the cell bodies of living

Almost all biochemical reactions in the cell are catalyzed by enzymes. The enzyme has the ability to accelerate the transformation of the chemical reaction at least to a million-fold when compared with the chemical transformation without a catalyst. the enzyme did not change the balance of the reaction, but rather lowers the activation energy of a reaction. The enzyme has the main characteristics of the catalytic ability and specificity.

Scheme feedback inhibition of an enzyme is depicted in Figure: Enzim B C D (the final result)

Figure: feedback inhibition scheme enzyme activity. D is the final result changes the reaction pathway substrate A to D. In particular cedar, D will inhibit the activity of the enzyme that catalyzes the first reaction in the change of substrate A to B.

In multicellular organisms In unicellular organisms In organisms Soenositik / Aseluler

1. Adaptation phase (Initial stationary phase) the initial growth phase (lag phase / phase of positive growth accelaration) rapid growth phase (log phase / logarithmic growth phase) 2. Stationary phases / phase constant (Maximum stationary phase) 3. Phase mortality (death phase of acceleration) 4. Accelerated death phase (logarithmic death phase)

FACTORS - FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH MICROORGANISMS nutrients, water, temperature, pH, oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential, the presence of inhibitors and other microorganisms.

Nutrients and energy needed to manufacture the components to construct the cell. Nutrient Requirements vary for each micro-organism. Microorganisms that grow on foods in general are heterotrophic, ie to use carbohydrate as an energy and carbon source, although other organic components containing carbon can also be used. Most heterotrophic organisms use nitrogencontaining organic components as a source of N, but some can also use inorganic nitrogen source.

Nutrients can enter the cells of microorganisms melalul several ways, namely: a. Passive diffusion b. Accelerated diffusion (Diffusion Facilities) c. Active transport

Tues microorganisms need water to live and breed water is also needed as a reactant various biochemical reactions


Microorganisms generally grow in the range of pH 3-6. Most bacteria have a growth optimum pH from 6.5 to 7.5 and can not grow well at a pH below 5.0 and a pH above 8.5 except for acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacter suboxydans), and sulfur oxidizing bacteria.

TEMPERATURE Effect of temperature on the rate of cell growth of microorganisms: microorganism growth occurs at temperatures in the range (between minimum and maximum temperature) for about 30 0C. Speed slow the growth of microorganisms increases as the temperature increases until it reaches a maximum growth rate. Above the maximum temperature, the growth rate decreases rapidly with increasing temperature.

AVAILABILITY OF OXYGEN Based on the need of oxygen, microorganisms can be divided into: aerobic (requiring oxygen) anaerobic (not requiring oxygen) Facultative anaerobes (requiring / not requiring oxygen) Micro Aerofilik (requiring oxygen bit)

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