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According to Hilgard:

is a relatively change behavior as a result of practice.

According to Munn: is defines as a more or less permanent modification of behavior which results from activity, special training and observation.

According to Edwards: is a

concept describing changes in behavior, which result from reinforced practice.

an organism is constantly being bombarded by a lot of stimulus from his environment. The response to any particular stimulus will be directly proportional to the relative strength of his motive to reduce his tension associated with the unsatisfied need.


Behavior being purposive is oriented towards a goal. Goal achievement does not always result from a reduction of tension but a strengthening of an expectancy.

It depends on training and experience as well as heredity.

TYPES Accdg. To: Physiological Factors maturation of sense organ, etc. Psychological Factors motives, emotional factors, self - concept Experiential Factors previously learned skills, concepts, etc.

Its presence is occasion for learning new modes of adjustment. It maybe: Social as being deterred from watching TV. Non social as electric failure which hamper your review. Personal as the feeling that one is unattractive. Interpersonal the ability to make up one s mind.

are varied according to one s interpretation of the situation. It may take the form of a direct attack or a manner of circumventing or going around the bush so to speak.

responses are reinforced if they satisfy one needs. These responses are liable to be repeated.

it is the application of what one ha learned into an integrated response in consonance with what one has previously learned.

It is learned through Habit Formation.

In this kind of learning, it can be illustrated in the experiments on: Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Multiple response Learning Escape and Avoidance Learning

(Stimulus Substitution)
It is the method of substituting another stimulus for an original one to elicit a response. This kind of learning was discovered by Ivan Pavlov where the subject of his experiment was a Dog.
Ivan Pavlov`

In this experiment, the bell sounding is a neutral stimulus; a stimulus which does not automatically elicits a response. The food is unconditioned stimulus(UCs), a stimulus that readily elicits a response. Salivation is the unconditioned response to food(UCR), a response that is not learned. During the course of classical conditioning, the dog, learns a new association between the two event. In the experiment, the association between the bell sounding and the food is learned. Meaning, once the dog has learned to associate the food and the bell sounding and to respond equally both, we could say that conditioning occurred.

it is learning where the organism must operate on or do something to the environment in order to produce a result. This kind of Learning was experimented extensively by B.F Skinner where he involved a rat which was placed in a sound proof box.
B.F. Skinner`

Skinner S box

In this experiment, the rat was able to press on the lever Several times after learning the association between the lever pressing and the coming out of the food pellet which served a the reward, (reinforcement). If the reinforcement ceases, the operant responses undergoes extinction.

are forms of operant conditioning that uses negative rather than positive reinforcement.

to eliminate an unpleasant situation.

it is to get away from or

is learning to avoid or prevent an unpleasant situation before its occurrence,.`


It is the acquiring of patterns or sequence of responses in mastering a task which also involves more senses.

It involves perception and knowledge. Cognitive process is necessary in order to learn with understanding.
In this kind of learning, it has 3 types namely:
Perceptual Learning Sign Learning Programmed Learning

Ability to reproduce verbal/ motor experience . It is learning involving change in perception in which learner come to know something about the stimulus situation that he did not know before.

Involves the perception of a stimulus that gives rise to the expectation that if particular kind of behavior follows the perceived stimulus, another stimulus would appear. It is the learning of what leads to what.

is a method of self instruction consisting of frames and responses. It uses instructional materials in which you work at your own rate and you can get immediate knowledge of results. EXAMPLE: TEACHING MACHINE

Thorndike specified three conditions that maximizes learning:


Responses which are followed by satisfying after effects tend to be learned and repeated. Satisfying here has reference to the ability of the learner to reach his goal and reduce the tension resulting from the frustration oh his needs.

acts or impressions learned first will be better remembered than acts or impressions learned later. This law I related to the intensity of impression as in first impressions which tend to be lasting but not only to the extent that the impressions are intense. Associations are easily formed if they belong meaning, relatedness, meaningfulness and integration, into a unified frame of reference.

Responses preceded by readiness are more satisfying than otherwise. This law stresses the need for adequate motivation and preparation of the learner through building up the proper background and fostering the proper mind set.

This law has reference to the mental set of the recognition at the time that the response I to be made.

Apperception pertains to the recognition of relationships between what is presented and existing body of knowledge.

practice make perfect. This law has been more or less discredited. The present concern is that this law permits the law of effect to reinforce the correct responses and to the extent that it allows the law of effect to operate.

Prepared by: Daryann Mae B. Imperial

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