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Gas Exchange II

Gas Exchange at Tissue Level

Gas diffusion occurs along pressure gradient between blood and tissue cells Arterial blood with PO2 = 100 mmHg and PCO2 = 40 mmHg Cells are continuously consuming O2 & producing CO2 Cellular PO2 < 40 mmHg & PCO2 > 46 mmHg

Transport of Oxygen

Alveolar PO2 = 104 mmHg 2 % of venous blood added to the oxygenated blood decreasing PO2 to 95 mmHg Alveolar PO2 by water vapors pressure when air humidified Transit time of blood in pulmonary circulation 0.75 second

Oxygenation in 0.25 second (1/3rd time) 2/3rd time a safety factor. (0.50 second) During exercise oxygenation time 0.35 sec Oxygen transport in two forms.

Physically dissolved in water of plasma - 3% Contribute to PO2 Oxygen bound to Hb 97% 3mL O2 dissolved in IL of blood and cardiac output (5L) Total = 15mL of O2 O2 consumption by body at rest 250 ml /mint To make up 250mL /mint 83.3L/mint blood needed so some other form of transport

Oxy - Hemoglobin

4 heme groups bind 4 oxygen molecules, rapid binding of O2 in 0.01 sec Binding reversible Hb + O2 Hb O2 Law of mass action One gram of Hb transport 1.3 ml O2 If Hb conc. = 15 gram/dl, O2 transported 15x 1.34 = approx 20mL/dl O2 bound Hb called oxy-Hb or tense form When O2 not bound, Hb called reduced or relaxed form

Oxygen Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve

Oxygen Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve

Shows physical relationship between PO2 & Hb% saturation with O2 Not linear - means no corresponding increase Sigmoid shaped or S Shaped reason being O2 affinity to Hb increases progressively O2 bound to Hb in arterial blood = 97% =19.4mL In venous blood O2 = 14.4mL, giving up 5mL of O2 During exercise drop in PO2 at tissue level to 15 mmHg where O2 bound with Hb remains 4.4mL So give up, up to 15mL of O2 (3times of normal) Cardiac output by 6-7 time in sternous exercise, so O2 supply by 20 times

Plateau & steep parts of curve Plateau between 60-100 mmHg At 100 mmHg %Hb saturation with O2=97%. At 60 mmHg - % Hb saturation with O2 =89%, though 40% in PO2, no marked difference in O2 Hb saturation Plateau A margin of safety in O2 carrying capacity Steep between 0-60mmHg of Po2 Present at systemic capillaries level If PO2 to 20 mmHg, saturation by 45% to 30% Hb saturation In sternous exercise almost 85% O2 unloaded

Net Transfer of O2 Role of Hb

At Alveolar level

O2 getting into blood, Po2 This O2 gets bound to Hb More O2 into blood means full Hb saturation (97%) Then O2 dissolved into blood (3%) and contributes to PO2 At Tissue level Reverse as at alveolar level Dissolved O2 First diffused out to tissue, making some space for O2 from Hb Same procedure repeated till required amount given

20 volume%: conc. of oxygen transported by Hb when it is fully saturated in each 100 ml of blood.


Po2 at which Hb half saturated (50% saturation i.e. 26mmHg Lower the p-50, more affinity for O2

Shifting of Curve

Rt shift less affinity of Hb for O2 & easy dissociation of O2 from Hb. At tissue level Rt shift 1 - temp 2 - PCO2 3 - PH 4 - 2,3 DPG 5- Exercise Lt shift Greater O2 affinity of Hb for O2 & difficult dissociation of O2 at lung level Lt shift 1 - temp 2 - PCO2 3 - PH 4 - 2,3 DPG 5 fetal Hb


CO2 or H+ ion conc. Favors unloading of O2 Oxy-Hb curve shifts to Rt. This effect is shown at tissue level Reverse happens at lung level Decrease in oxygen affinity of Hb, when Ph of blood falls is called Bohr effect

Utilization Coefficient

The O2 being utilized by the body At rest 25% for skeletal muscle, while for cardiac muscle = 70% In exercise increased to 75 85% %age of blood that gives up its oxygen while passing through peripheral tissue capillaries

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