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Lesson 18 ESTIMATING SUM AND DIFFERENCE OF WHOLE NUMBERS AND DECIMALS Lesson Objectives: After understanding the lesson,

you must be able to: 1. Define estimation. 2. Know the two methods in making estimates. 3. Learn how to estimate sum and difference and how it is done.

Estimation is a way of answering a problem which does not require an exact answer. An estimate is all that is needed when an exact value is not possible. Estimation is easy to use and or to compute. Rounding is one way of making estimation. Each decimal number is rounding to some place value, usually to the greatest value and the necessary operation is performance on the rounded decimal numbers.

Two methods are used in making estimation, the rounding off the desired digit one and finding the sum of the first digit only. We have learned how to round decimal numbers in this section, first only the front digits are used. If an improved or refined estimate is desired, the next digits are used.

When large decimal numbers are involved, it is wise to estimate before computing the exact and user is expected to be about or close to the estimate. Method 1: Sum of the First Digit only

Estimate in Addition 3.455 + 2.672 + 5.135

Rounded off to the nearest ones 3.455 3.000 2.672 3.000 + 5.134 + 5.000 11.000

Rounded off to the nearest tenths 3.455 0.500 2.672 0.700 + 5.134 + 0.100 1.300 to be added the first estimate if desired or required.

Thus the sum 3.455 + 2.672 + 5.134 can be roughly estimated by 11.000. If a better estimate is required or desired, then add 1.300 to get 11.300.

Estimate 5.472147 2.976543 Rounded to the nearest ones Actual Subtraction

5.472147 5.000000 - 2.976543 - 3.000000 2.000000

5.472147 - 2.976543 2.495604

Method 2: Rounding Method

a. Estimate the sum by rounding method in place of whole numbers. Example: 6.567 7.000 5.482 5.000 + 4.619 +5.000 17.000

b. Estimate the difference by rounding method. Example: 14.525 - 11.018 15.000 - 11.000 4.000

By the rounding method, the first example is estimated by 17.000 and the second one by 4.000. The actual value of the sum of example no.1 is 16.668 and the difference of example no. 2 is 3.507 respectively. Both methods give a reasonable estimate.

Remember: In estimating the sums, first round each addend to its greatest place value position. Then add. If the estimate is close to the exact sum, it is a good estimate. Estimating helps you expect the exact answer to be about a little less or a little more than the estimate. However, in estimating difference, first round the decimal number to the nearest place value asked for. Then subtract the rounded decimal numbers. Check the result by actual subtraction.

I. Estimates the sum and difference to the greatest place value. Check how close the estimated sum (E.S.) / estimated difference (E.D.) by getting the actual sum (A.S.) and actual difference (A.D.).
A. Actual Sum/ Estimated Sum 1. 3.417 3.000 2. 36.243 36.000 2.719 3.000 29.641 30.000 + 1.829 + 2.00 + 110.278 + 110.000 A.S. E.S. A.S. E.S.


648.937 649.000 214.562 215.000 + 450.211 + 450.000 A.S. E.S.


871.055 871.000 276.386 276.000 + 107.891 + 108.000 A.S. E.S.


374.738 375.000 469.345 469.000 + 213.543 + 213.500 A.S. E.S.


342.165 342.000 178.627 179.000 + 748.715 + 749.000 A.S. E.S.

B. Actual Difference/ Estimated Difference 7. 14.255 14.000 8. 28.267 28.000 - 11.812 - 12.000 - 16.380 - 16.000 A.D. E.D A.D. E.D.
9. 345.678 346.000 10. 92.365 92.000 - 212.792 - 213.000 - 75.647 - 76.000 A.D. E.D. A.D. E.D. 11. 62.495 62.000 - 17.928 - 18.000 A.D. E.D. 12. 9.2875 9.0000 - 6.8340 - 7.0000 A.D. E.D.

Match a given decimals with the correct estimated sum / difference to the greatest place value. The shortest verse in the Bible consists of two words.

To find out, connect each decimals with he correct estimated sum / difference to the greatest place value. Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer below it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 36.5+18.91+55.41 639.27-422.30 48.21+168.2 285.15+27.35+627.30 8.941-8.149 18.95+9.25 129.235+16.41 9.2875-6.834 989.15-451.85 U. S. P. E. W. J. T. S. E. 939.00 216.00 2.0000 146.000 28.10 111.00 537.00 1.000 217.00

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______ 2 _____ 6

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______ 8

______ 9

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