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Information & Strategies for Online Security


What is the internet?

The internet is a system

of computers connected globally. It provides online access to millions of users, mainly through the World Wide Web (WWW), emails, chats and social platforms among others.

How and why does the internet originate?

In 1957 the Soviet Union (USSR), sends the first manmade object, a satellite for atmospheric studies called sputnik 1, into space. As a response, in 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States creates Advance Research Project Agency (ARPA), later called DARPA. One of the reasons for this was to protect the communications system in case of a nuclear attack. In the decade of the 60ties, several universities and the US Department of Defense created ARPANET (Advance Research Projects Agency Network) which will later become the global internet. By 1971, fifteen computers were connected in the United States.

Internet Development

Even though the technology already existed, its not until August 6, 1991, that CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research) creates the World Wide Web. By 1996 the WWW, was available to the world. June 30, 2010 according to mini watts marketing group * an estimated 1/4 of the population was using the internet; today that estimated is closer to 1/3 of the world population.


Internet Development

Connection capacity within a minute.

Online threats to your Emotional and Physical Health

The internet is a microcosm of the real world. Just like there are decent people in our society, there are also unstable, bitter people. Those with traumas, frustrations and lacking self control in the cyber world, not caring who they harm along the way. Now imagine your daily contact multiplied by the ease of access, via social platforms, chats and other online tools. According to Facebook, they have over 800 million users. (www.facebook.com)

What are some of these Threats?

Cyber Bullying Online Sexual Predators Fraud and its variations: Phishing & Tabjacking, Vishing & Smishing, Pharming & Drive-by Pharming, RamsomWare, Fake Cam & Sexting, Job Offers & Nigerian Scam, Information Hoax and Password & Identity.

What is Cyber Bullying?

It is the use of electronic means to intimidate and provoke harm. Examples are:

Making negative, harmful comments about another person. To threaten or to abuse verbally or in writing. To put photographs or alter photographs as to ridicule or provoke shame. To lie or accuse someone of abuse, foul language or inappropriate behavior.

What are the effects of Cyberbullying

Absenteeism and difficulty concentrating on school work. It can cause mental anguish, depression and even suicide or homicide. It can provoke physical ailments from headaches to stomach cramps, among others. It is understood that those that do the bullying and lack sensitivity, are expressing personal issues and have problematic relationships, most likely ending in juvenile delinquency.

Protective Measures

Do not open emails of people you do not know. Never send emails, text or any message while youre angry. Always ask yourself, how I would feel if someone sent me this message. Do not participate in mistreatment or abuse of another person; always notify an adult or person in charge. Save all the communications received from the person doing the bullying. If possible block the email, name from chats, etc. Report it to parents, those in charge, police, even your internet provider and school officials.

What is a Predator?

An individual that has tendencies to harm or convert others into victims. A person that looks to have sexual contact with minors instead of adults. According to Dateline on NBC, Officers of the Law estimated 50,000 predators online at any given moment.

Damages Cause by Predators

The abuse causes a lot of suffering and lost, including;

Low self-esteem, the lost of normal growth while creating intimacy issues. Develops nightmares, phobias, anger and regression such as bed wetting. Learning difficulties and insecurities. Promiscuity and early sexual developments. Changes in eating and sleeping pattern. Antisocial behaviors. Drug and alcohol abuse. Kids that have been abused are ten (10) times more at risk of committing suicide. (Conference on Child Victimization & Child Offending).

How to Protect Yourself

Keep your information private; do not send sensitive information, via email or chats. Just chat with people you know. Cut off immediately from anyone who starts asking personal information. If something feels wrong, trust your instincts and tell an adult.

What is Fraud?

Fraud is a crime that requires a lot of creativity. This crime is committed by intelligent people that are constantly looking how to decipher or hack security systems. Locks are invented for example via antivirus and firewalls and scammers find master keys to reenter the system. The following are examples of Fraud:


is the capacity to duplicate a webpage in order to make the visitor believe that he is visiting the original page and not the duplicate.


Phishing through the tabs Your original page is suddenly changed and even though it feels and looks like your page it is not.

Vishing & SMishing

Vishing is a combination of voice and phishing and SMishing is when the fraud is via Text Message (Short Message Service). In this type of fraud the user is asked to call a false phone number to customer service or to respond to a text.

Pharming & Driveby Pharming

Pharming is when the IP Address is modified, so when the user thinks he is accessing his intended page he is really in another website. Driveby Pharming is when your router is reconfigured to enter a non intended website.

Hijacking your files and requesting a ransom to

release your computer information.

Fake Cam & Sexting

A prerecorded messages is usually sent as a modeling agency to request that you send video and/or pictures of yourself in underwear or naked. Sexting is a when you text, email or post erotic or pornographic images.

Job Offers & the Nigerian Scam

The Job Offer usually comes from a company that is not legitimate in your country, offering work from home to achieve the laundering of money. The Nigerian Scam is a mass email, offering money for performing a personal favor or task; usually the person is an employee in the Nigerian Government and has millions of dollars he wishes to get out of the country, so he requests your bank information to deposit the money into your account. Another variation is to ask for money to pay people off.

Information Hoax
This is an email with wrong or deceiving information.

Usually its a chain letter s from known people. The message will be a virus update, religious themes, money by large corporations, etc. This is done with the intention of creating an email database for spam, virus, and phishing among others.

Password and Identity Theft

Password theft objective is to obtain access to your email. Usually you get a notice that you have receive a greeting card. This will have a link for you to follow, and when you start the initial access, the hackers will download spyware or keyloggin software in the background enabling to see every word you type. Identity theft is to obtain enough personal information to access bank account and make purchases passing as the original owner. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, states that Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crime in the United States. *www.fbi.gov

Online Vigilance = Offline Security

Its Important to be vigilant at all times. Just like you would not give a stranger your name and address, do not do it online either. The suffering caused online is just as intense as those done by delinquents through other means. Remember that technology used wisely is a tool than can provide knowledge and many other benefits. Not everyone uses technology with intentions of growth; there are those who wish to take advantage of the less able.

Sheep, Wolf and Sheepdogs

The majority of the people in our society are sheep. They are gentle, caring and productive creatures, which will only harm by accident. Then there are the wolves, the wolves attack the sheep without mercy. Bad people who are capable of bad and violent actions. If you think that the wolves do not exist in our society then you are a sheep, there is no security in denial. And this leads us to the sheepdog. The guardian, always vigilant, he looks like the wolf in teeth and bark, but the difference is, he protects the sheep. In our society these are our Officers of the law, Firemen, Parents, Teachers, Community Leaders among others. The online world gives way for wolves to approach as friends, anonymous creatures with supposedly good intention. Be a Sheepdog, detect and expose so you and your love ones dont fall prey to these tyrants. * Lt. Coronel Dave Grossman, U.S. Army

Thank You!

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