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Relaxation Techniques


Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally (Kabat-Zinn, 2006)
Mindfulness is being aware of your present moment. You are not judging, reflecting or thinking. You are simply observing the moment in which you find yourself. It is the mental ability to see things as they are, with clear consciousness.

Awareness of emotions: feelings must be acknowledged, not repressed. Just notice. Accept how things are in the present moment & with that acceptance starts the process of healing.

Awareness of thoughts: automatic thoughts go through our heads constantly. Thats what minds do. Monkey mind. Just notice, let go. No good, bad, just what is.

What is the solution?

Accept what is, including impermanence Let go of attachments

Stay present (live in our bodies not in our heads) Maintain a kind & friendly attitude towards ourselves and others

Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)

Encourages you to become familiar with their thoughts, emotional reactions & behavioral patterns. Emphasizes the danger of a lapse or relapse while encouraging the need to recognize that you have the choice to cope effectively following a lapse. Incorporates mindful skills, based on selfcompassion & acceptance of all experiences, including cravings and urges.

Encourages a person to acknowledge, feel & accept discomfort when it arises & to understand the experience intimately rather than to endlessly run away from it

Is a compassionate approach of openness & acceptance rather than guilt, blame & shame about behavior
Core is access to an alternative coping response

Mindfulness and Alcohol and/or Substance Use

Paying attention:
Greater awareness of triggers and responses, interrupting previously automatic behavior

In the present moment

Accepting present experience, rather than using substances to avoid it

What do you get out of mindfulness?

Lasting decrease in physical and psychological symptoms An increase in ability to relax Reduction in pain/or enhanced coping with pain Greater energy and enthusiasm for life Improved self-esteem

Awareness of Triggers
Situation/Trigger? What sensations did you experience? What moods, feelings, or emotions did you notice? What thoughts arose? What did you do?

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