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Bab 5 - Akuakultur

Definasi ternakan hidupan dalam air

1. Peningkatan permintaan makanan (ikan)
2. Bekalan ikan liar (tangkapan) terhad


3. Menjana pendapatan dan pekerjaan 4. Potensi Ekspot (pendapatan negara).




Sejarah Ternakan ikan telah lama dijalankan. bukti :
1) Mesir 2500 SM = tilapia 2) China 2000 SM = Kap Cina ( kap rumput, kap kepala besar) 3) Greece kap ( Cyprinus carpio) 4) Eropah = Lee Koh ( C. carpio) 5) Asia Tenggara ikan banding (milkfish), sepat, haruan, keli

Status Pengeluaran dunia kian meningkat selepas perang dunia kedua, Asia pengeluar terbesar.

World Aquaculture Production

Fish Production - aquaculture

Global Aquaculture Production (includes plants)

Production quantities (million tonnes)

Volume Value

80 70 60 50 40
Production value (million US$)

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1950

30 20 10 0 1960 1970 1980 Year 1990 2000

Aquaculture Production
Aquaculture Production
50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0
19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 20 04

Crustacea Herbivores Plankton Feeders Carnivores Molluscs Omnivores



Aquaculture still is the fastest growing food producing sector in the world. Aquaculture now accounts for almost 50% of the global food fish.

In 2006 51.7 million tonnes of aquatic animals worth USD 78.8 billion were produced globally.
Given the projected population growth, an additional 27 million tonnes of aquatic food will be required by 2030, at least to maintain the current per caput consumption.

Aquaculture trends and forecast

Aquaculture will intensify, diversify, and expand Production of all species groups (including seaweeds) will be increased New species will appear All environments will be increasingly utilized More and more resources will be used in increasing quantities. More people will be involved in aquaculture production. More and more constraints to be faced!

Malaysia ~ 1% pengeluaran akuakultur dunia (~200 ribu tan metrik) Ada Potensi untuk berkembang kerana:
Paya bakau ~ 570 000 ha, 10% boleh dimajukan. Kawasan daratan ~ 100 000 ha, sesuai untuk buat kolam Sangkar ~ 206 000 ha kawasan tasik, bekas lombong, sungai yg sesuai Boleh menyamai pengeluaran perikanan laut ~ 1 juta tan metrik

Sasaran kerajaan 600,000 tan metrik menjelang 2010 (belum capai)

Tujuan Akuakultur:
1) Sumber makanan - protin

2) Penuhi penambahan permintaan makanan

3) Pekerjaan dan pendapatan 4) Guna tanah dan air secara produktif 5) Satu peluang pelaburan dan perusahaan komersil.

AKUAKULTUR status semasa

Spesis ternakan Air tawar 25 spesis ikan/udang ( 10 tempatan, 15 eksotik) Air payau/masin 28 spesis ( 18 spesis ikan, 5 spesis krustasia, 4 spesis moluska, 1 spesis rumpai laut). Pengeluaran Kerang kerangan ~ 80,000 t.m. ( 40 %) Ikan air tawar ~ 50,000 t.m. ( 26%) Udang laut ~ 30,000 t.m. (15%) Rumpai laut ~ 28,000 t.m. (14%) Ikan Laut ~ 11,000 t.m. ( 5%)


Udang putih



Sistem ternakan

Sistem sangkar

Lain lain

Pemilihan sistem: Soalan yang perlu di jawab

Adakah lokasi terletak dalam ZIA? Apakah risiko kemungkinan banjir? Apakah punca air? Kalau nak bina kolam tanah, adakah tanah sesuai? Bagaimanakah air buangan di rawat? Adakah lokasi terlalu sukar untuk dihubungi (access)dsn

Akuakultur - Kriteria/Skop
1. Pemilihan Tapak
Topografi/Bathymetry, kualiti tanah, kualiti air, kemudahan.

2. Pemilihan spesies
Nilai ekonomi tinggi, cepat membesar, senang diternak, tahan penyakit, mudah membiak

3. Makanan dan Pemakanan

Tabiat pemakanan, keperluan makanan: karbohidrat & tenaga, protein & asid amino, lipid & asid lemak, vitamin & zat galian, sumber & formulasi diet.

4. Biakbaik dan Genetik, Hatchery & Growout

Pemilihan baka, pembiakan aruhan, bioteknologi

5. Penyakit dan Rawatan

Parasit, bakteria & virus

Topografi : kecerunan tanah, bukit dan gaung, Bathymetry terlindung, kedalaman air, arus
Penting untuk sistem ternakan kolam, sangkar, RAS Bekalan air mudah, murah Saliran

Tidak banjir
Air tidak kering

Kualiti Tanah ( untuk kolam)

Baik, tidak berasid (pH 6.5 8.5)

Boleh menakung air

Mempunyai kandungan selut > 20% Kandungan H2S, Fe & nitrit yang rendah.

Sumber Air
Cukup kuantiti Air bawah tanah ( perlu buang zat besi) Air hujan ( perlu ada kolam takungan ) Sungai, anak sungai, tali air Tasik, empangan, bekas lombong, laut terlindung

Kualiti Air
pH 6.5 8.5 O2 terlarut tinggi (3 mg/l hingga 8 mg/l ) Jernih ( tak banyak bahan terampai)

Suhu 24 - 28C
BOD < 5 mg/l/hari

Faktor-faktor lain
Keadaan cuaca setempat
Akses pemasaran Kemudahan perhubungan Tenaga keupayaan mahir / tak mahir Modal dan System Ternakan Prasarana Keselamatan manusia dan haiwan

Pembinaan Kolam

Pemilihan Spesis
Perlu ada pasaran. Perlu hubungi pihak industri dan tahu tentang harga dan kuantiti pasaran. Perlu tahu selok belok biology dan kaedah ternakan spesis berkenaan (mudah diternak, tahan lasak, cepat besar, tahan penyakit, makanan murah,FCR yg efisien, dsn). Boleh kah anda membiak sendiri atau mudah dapat bekalan benih yang bermutu? Boleh kah kamu menyedia makanan sendiri atau dapat bekalan makanan dengan harga berpatutan?

Feed Requirement/keperluan makanan

Carbohydrate/karbohidrat: <40% Protein/protin
Herbivore : 15-30% Omnivore: 20-50% Carnivore: 45-60%

Fat/lemak: herbivore <8%; omnivore < 5%; carnivore <3% Fibre/serat: herbivore/omnivore 5-10%; carnivore <4 %. Minerals/zat galian: Ca, P as well as Fe, Mg, Na, K etc Vitamins: A, D, E, K, B1,B2,B3,B5, B6,B12, C,H, M, and Inositol.

Feeding Regime
How much?
Depends on age and body weight. Young 3-5% body weight; older/bigger 1-2& BW. if feeding at libitum, 3-5 min feeding.

How often?
Herbivores/omnivores: 2x/day Carnivores: 1x/day Young ones more frequent.

Fish feeds

Feeding fishes

Feeding prawns

Selection of Breeders healthy fast growing broodstocks, medium age. Preparing Breeding Tank good environment and water quality. Spawning and Egg handling either natural breeding or induced spawning using hormones. Incubate eggs and sterilise with anti fungal solution. Maintain high temperature and DO level. Larval rearing feed with microalgae, spirulina, rotifer, artemia larvae, copepods, boiled egg yolk, etc. Growout normally formulated pellets with feed supplements.

Larval rearing


Type of fish diseases

Bacterial - red spots and swelling; eg dropsy, tail rot, fin rot Fungal fluffy look; eg ichtyosporidium Viral deadly; eg Lymphocystis Protozoan white spots; eg Henneguya, Ich, Hexamita Parasites anchor worm, lernea, argulus, flukes, nematodes, etc

Common Diseases
Parasites: gill protozoans, anchor worm, lernea Bacteria: Edwardsiella spp, etc Fungi: Saprolegniasis, etc Virus: dangerous Nutritional & Water Pollution: eg brown blood disease because of high nitrite content. Stress: mostly due to low O2 and pH.


Disease Symptoms

Sores White spots Swollen belly Abnormal fins and body shape
Listless, gasping for air Reduced activity Convulsion or erratic behaviour Stress.


Ternakan ikan Tilapia (see hatchery manual by Mike Sipe)

Tilapia An Ideal Fish for Aquaculture , farmed more than 2000 years. FILTER FEEDING: The tilapia have tiny combs located on their gills, called gill rakers, that allow them to remove organisms from water passing through their gills. Tilapia can filter organisms as tiny as 3 microns, which is about the size of human blood cells EFFICIENT DIGESTION: The acid content in the tilapia stomach is one of the strongest known and allows them to efficiently digest a wide range of microbes, including diatoms, bacteria, fungi and other organisms, by simply dissolving their cell walls. Tilapia have been shown to be able to digest up to 70% of the mud as it passes through their gut.

STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM: When well fed and kept in warm water, tilapia are resistant to diseases. This means that for the beginner and the experienced fish farmer, we a least do not have to worry about losses of fish due to strange diseases, such as those found in catfish, and most other fish. FREQUENT BREEDING AND MOUTH BROODING: At temperatures of 29 degrees C, they can produce baby tilapia (fry) almost every one to two weeks year round. The mouth brooding and maternal protection of the fry helps to create a high survival rate. This combination of continuous production and high survival rate, allows the tilapia farmer to have a constant supply of fingerlings to replace those that get big enough to sell or to eat.

Fish Farming Stages The process for farming tilapia includes the following stages: Breeding Fry Sizing Fingerling production Grow-out to market size Purging Harvesting Processing Packaging Marketing Cooking Eating

aquariums tanks cages pens in tanks pens with cages ponds ponds with cages ponds with pens with cage

Breeding Tilapia in small tank

1. An aquarium pump and air stone to supply oxygen. 2. A filter to remove excess waste and solids from the water. This filter can be an inexpensive corner filter such as sold in aquarium shops. 3. A plastic pot or clay pot (a common flower pot can be used) that can be placed in a good position in the tank to help define the males territory. 4. Good strong light over the tank, which can be either florescent with two bulbs, or incandescent, which provides beneficial light, enhancing vitamin D synthesis and controlling the day length. 5. A mesh cover to prevent the fish from jumping out. 6. A small fine mesh net about 8 inches by 8 inches for handling the breeders.


Breeding Tilapia in small tank

A 50 liter aquarium can successfully breed up to five small females with one male. The aquarium is first filled with clean water that is chlorine free and air is bubbled through it with the sponge filter, which is placed in the back corner of the aquarium. Maintain about 30o C. Separate males and females in separate tanks. Place 5 females (60-100 g size) into each 50 liter aquarium. Give at least 16 hrs light. Lighting from 6 am to 10 pm.

A flowerpot is then placed into the aquarium facing the open end of the flowerpot toward one end of the aquarium, and within about 8 inches of that end. This will encourage the male to make his territory between the open end of the pot and the end of the aquarium. Once we have the five females and a pot in each tank we are ready to put the male in the tank ( if the male is too aggressive, cut the upper lip).

Breeding Tanks

Broodstock Feeding
The type of feed needed for good breeding is different from that used to grow or maintain tilapia. The feed requires a higher concentration of protein and vitamins to meet the needs of the breeders for producing healthy eggs and sperm. Feeding should be done two or three times a day and no more than a teaspoon of feed should be fed to all of the fish in an aquarium at one time.

Check everyday for DO, temperature and breeder condition. If the male begins dancing around a female and she joins in the dance there is a good chance they will breed soon. Once they have bred, the female will have a mouth full of eggs and will not show much interest in eating.

In three or four days time she should be gently removed from the aquarium and placed in another tank until her eggs have developed into free-swimming fry. The best way to do this is to take two 6-inch by 6-inch nets and very slowly herd her into one. Then, gently hold the net against the side of the aquarium and bring it up over the side and transfer her immediately into a bucket with water from the aquarium. Quickly transport the female and pour her and the water into the nursery tank. It should have water at the same temperature and from the same source as the breeding aquarium.

Many Small Breeding Tanks

Larval rearing
Once the mother tilapia begins to allow the larvae out to browse on microscopic plankton, the mother can be caught and put back into the breeder tank to breed again. It is best to catch her with a net with at least 1 cm holes in it so as to allow any fry or larvae to escape. Place your fingertip on her lower lip and pull downward to open her mouth to look if she is holding any fry in her mouth.

The food for fry needs to be either live food like zooplankton, brine shrimp or high protein powder or flake food. The best food I have used so far is a mixture of dried spirulina and artificial zooplankton. Once the fry begin to eat the food, you can feed them as much as they will eat within a fifteen-minute period. When the fry reach about one inch in length or more you should move them into a larger growing area, either a pond, a tank or a cage.

Newly hatched

1 week old fry

Grow out
The amount of tank space you can provide for growing fish can then be designed to produce the amount of fish that you wish to produce each week. One female will produce 100 to 2000 eggs depending on its body size ( about 2 eggs/gm body weight). Production depends on tank space, 1 cubic meter stagnant water can hold 1 kg of fish ( or 1 oz/ft3). Slight aeration or slow flowing water can increase 2-3 times.

Feeding rate: 1-3% body weight. First month 3%, second month 2 %, after 2 mth, 1%. Check water quality 2x every day. Parameters: DO >3 ppm, temp <32oC, pH >6.5<9, TAN <2 ppm, nitrite < 0.5 ppm, chloride <100 ppm, total hardness 20-300 ppm. Check for growth rate and diseases weekly. Low stocking rate <6000 fish/acre will increase growth and prevent diseases.

Common tilapia diseases

Columnaris caused by bacteria, Flavobacterium columnare, cause body lesions and ragged fins. Streptococcis caused by streptococcus bacteria, major problem in tilapia culture. Cause lesions and haemorrhages, starve and die. Parasitic Trichodina, Dactyogyrus, Argulus, Lernea Vaccines help immune system

Before Venturing: Things to ask

What is the estimated investment cost? What is the return? Do you have the interest and resources (including financial)? Is tilapia farming a good venture? Or catfish farming? Or others? Do you have the technical knowledge? Do you know the market? Do you have the enthusiasm? Can you devote your time? Can you get assistance if needed?

Tilapia market

Tilapia Fresh, Fillet, Frozen fillet

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